About Oak Hills Church We invite you to experience the love of Christ’s community here as you explore the purpose of your life with Jesus. Our staff is available to serve you – please connect with them in person, by phone or e-mail. Office Hours M-F 9-5 (503) 645-2245 www.oakhills-church.org 2800 NW 153rd Ave Beaverton OR 97006 Carl Leep, Pastor carll@oakhills-church.org Howard Spaan, Pastor Emeritus Curtis Holm, Youth Pastor curtish@oakhills-church.org Sharry Kragt, Ministry Coord. sharryk@oakhills-church.org Please send bulletin announcements to Sheila Deeth at: sheiladeeth@gmail.com by Thursday at 5:00 pm Pastoral Elders Seth Atsma Gene Dykema Rosemary Dykema Dave Slotemaker Bonnie Yonker Care Ministry Rosemary Dykema 503-598-9692 Leslie Kragt 503-841-1518 Administrative Elders Joey Kragt Morgan Law Jerry Yonker Deacons Bev Baarspul Susan Buchholz Jeff Diephuis Todd Veenhuis Prayer Chain Small Groups Don Johnson Dave Slotemaker 503-466-0150 503-531-2730 Evelyn VanderVeen mdslote@yahoo.com 503-649-7726 Email Prayer requests: requests Nan Van Dyke - nmv11775@msn.com Preschool/Pre--K Sharry Kragt 503-645--9663 sharryk@oakhills-church.org church.org Building Use Sharry Kragt 503-645-2245 sharryk@oakhills sharryk@oakhills-church.org OUR MISSIONARIES Steve and Jan Michmerhuizen, Lupeni, Romania Chris & Heather Enns, Tanzania Minnie Hill, Manila, Philippines Amy Lineburg, International Princess Club Ministry Evy Smith Welcome to Oak Hills Church! Welcome to a time of worship. We trust you will find strength in God and encouragement from his people here today. If you’re looking for a caring, Bible Biblefocused church home, we invite you to become a part of our growing fam family. Please enjoy refreshments and conversation with us after the service service. Worship guests, please sign a guest card found in the racks in the pew in front of you, and place it in the offering plate. TODAY: DECEMBER 21 CALENDAR Today: 11:00 am: Sunday School, Adult Education (see announcement) Tuesday: Coffee Break, ESL and women’s Bible study will resume in January FIND SERMONS ONLINE Just go to oakhills-church.org and click on the MEDIA page to access the messages. If you would like a copy burned on a CD, please contact Curtis Holm and he will take care of your request. Living out our commitment to Love Jesus, Obey Jesus & Serve Jesus for God’s glory! Wednesday: Christmas Eve Candle-Light Candle Service 7:00pm Thursday: Christmas Day January 7-27 (weekdays): 9:30-10:30 am January Series July 6-10, 2015:: Camp Calvin (mark your calendars) GOD IS GLORIFIED Luke 2:1-20 The birth of Jesus explodes with worship celebrating the glory of God as he brings peace to people in Jesus. We expect glory in the highest, but not through the lowest. The unusual kingdom Jesus builds breaks barriers to reach lost sheep and shepherds, too. Li Like Jesus, are you reaching to the “lowest?” WEDNESDAY: DECEMBER 24 CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLE LIGHT WORSHIP 7 pm Join us and invite your friends and neighbors too. December 21st – 4th Sunday in Advent Call to Worship - “You You Are Holy” # 598 Welcome & God’s Greeting & Greeting One Another Praising God Together Angels from the Realms of Glory” # 81:1 “Angels “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” # 80:1,3 “Once in David's Royal City” # 87:1,2,4 Confessing Our Sins and Assured of Forgiveness Prayer of Confession Isaiah 52:7; John 14:27; Romans 5:1 Lighting the Fourth Candle of Advent - PEACE “I Wonder as I Wander” Bringing God’s Tithes and Our Offerings Bare Necessities ministry story Offering: 1st - OHC ministries; 2nd - Bare Necessities Offertory - “Infant Infant Holy, Infant Lowly” Beth Andre(cello); Amy Lammers(flute) (Children’s Worship: age 2 – Gd.4) Prayers of God’s People Hearing God’s Word Scripture: Luke 2:1-20 Message: GOD IS GLORIFIED Bringing Our Worship to God “The Summons” # 742 Going Out to Serve God’s Parting Blessing Parting Praise: “Angels Angels from the Realms of Glory” # 81:5 NEXT SUNDAY: DECEMBER 28 YOUR GOD WILL COME! Isaiah 35; John 14:5-7 Guest Pastor John Van Schepen, Sunnyslope, Salem PREPARING FOR CHRISTMAS How do you get ready for Christmas? This season we learn how God prepared the way for Jesus to enter into this world. We discover that God loves his world and comes to be near us and among us. As we anticipate celebrating Jesus’ birth, we prepare for others to experience God’s presence and love through Jesus. How will you worship Jesus this season? -------------------------------------- PRAYER -Please pray for Stan Vander Veen’s continued healing as he recovers in Avamere’s Beaverton Rehabilitation. -Remember Janet Vreugdenhil and family in the loss of her mom this past week. Pray for God’s comfort and peace to surround them. - Continue to pray for God's comfort for the families who have lost loved ones recently and others who especially miss loved ones during the Christmas season. Pray that God will sustain them with grace & hope. - Please pray God’s blessing on these OHC families this week: Dave & Nelleke Kline and Ed & Ruth Korver. - Please pray for those from our church family struggling with on-going health issues. - Pray for troops and their families; pray for all those who live in countries where war and terror are a constant threat. - PLEASE JOIN THE 641 CLUB by praying at 6pm every day for one minute for the men and women fighting for the cause of freedom and our country. Also, please pray for the efforts of World Renew. See Don or Earle for information. DEACON’S REPORT Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 LAST WEEK’S OFFERING General Fund $12,013, Bare Necessities $1,000, Benevolence $1,100, Minnie Hill $215 TOTALS YTD offering: $136,757.43 YTD budget: $166,124.09 WORSHIPING IN SERVICE NURSERY: Bev Baarspul, Joey Kragt COFFEE HOSTS: Jerry & Bev Baarspul GREETERS: Dan & Allison Bates USHERS: Dave Kline, Gretta Bouwman SCRIPTURE READER: Howard Spaan CHILDREN’S WORSHIP LEADERS Room 1: Leslie Kragt Comm. Room: Sharry Kragt, Armour Fireside: Allison Bates, Armour LEADER: Amy Lammers PIANIST: Al Lammers Serving Next Sunday NURSERY: Sharon Henrichs, Theresa Conklin, Angelina Conklin COFFEE HOSTS: Dan & Allison Bates GREETERS: Art & Rebecca Armour USHERS: Dalene Stukey SCRIPTURE READER: Todd Veenhuis CHILDREN’S WORSHIP LEADERS Room 1: Maureen Holm Comm. Room: Sharry Kragt, Kwong Fireside: Allison Bates, Lammers ANNOUNCEMENTS BARE NECESSITIES SPECIAL OFFERING - There will be a special offering TODAY for our for the Bare Necessities ministry. We serve close to ten families a week through appointments with Love INC. Beaverton families are able to come every six months to receive hygiene, cleaning and paper products at OHC. It is a blessing to many and also another way that the family of God can speak the love of Jesus into their lives. The deacons are thankful for your support in this ministry and for all the volunteers that help with their time to speak into the lives of others. Please consider how you can help to keep the cupboards full for those in need. ADULT EDUCATION: The Jews throughout history have celebrated feast days. What are they? They are divine appointments and dress rehearsals that all herald the death, resurrection and future coming of Jesus Christ. Come and join us as we learn how these feast days point to and celebrate Jesus, today following the service. TRUST CD: is still available by emailing your request at candaceweber@frontier.com or by calling 503-645-6647. WORLD RENEW GIFT CATALOGS are available on the table next to the entrance of the sanctuary or you can go to www.worldrenewgifts.net. It’s Christmas! It’s time to buy more chickens, calves and goats, because people don’t just eat on Christmas Day – they need food 365 days a year and you can help! LIBRARY: He Walks Among Us: Encounters With Christ in a Broken World by Richard and Renee Stearns is a beautifully photographed book of many places over the world where various human needs addressed by those doing works of mercy and rebuilding are the most poignant. It shows the efforts of the organization of World Vision Inc. in many countries on the world’s continents. JANUARY SERIES: Beginning January 7 through January 27 each weekday from 9:30-10:30 am we will host a live internet video feed here at Oak Hills. Check out the speakers and topics at www.calvin.edu/january and plan to come and invite friends. Questions? See Sam or Corinne Bosch or anyone from the Outreach Team. Calvin-Hope Rivalry - Friends of Calvin (or Hope) College, it's not too early to start planning to attend the Portland viewing of the 2015 men's basketball game. The game will be played in Holland, MI at noon PST on January 10, 2015, and we will again be watching the live broadcast at Macadam's Bar and Grill, 5833 SW Macadam Ave. (503) 246-6227. Questions? Talk to Phil Dekker at (503) 929-2452 or go to the website at CalvinHope.com/gather
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