Blessed John Henry Newman Parish 2 Our Lady of Grace Squirrel Lane Booker HP12 4RY Parish Priest Fr Joseph Udoh, MSP phone: 01494 438300 Deacon Paul Priestley Parish Secretary Office Assistant Mrs Elaine Kayne mob: 07704341164 Mrs Maureen Mooney St Wulstan’s Hollis Road Totteridge HP13 7UN email: Parish Service Team (PST) email: Parish Website Offerings for 25th & 26th April OLG: £331.84 St. Wulstan’s: £292.32 Standing Orders: £328.00 CAFOD: Coffee £7.65 Envelopes/Boxes £383.55 Diocesan Priests Training Fund OLG £208.42 St. Wulstan’s £145.42 MASS INTENTIONS 2nd & 3rd May 2015 - 5th Sunday of Easter DAY SAINT Sat. Eve 02/05 5th Sunday of Easter Sunday 03/05 5th Sunday of Easter Mon 04/05 Martyrs of England & Wales Tues 05/05 5th Week of Easter 9.30am Mass Marianelly Espinosa de Riobo & Marlene Riobo RIP 5th Week of Easter 9.30am Mass 5th Week of Easter 11.00am Mass Thurs 07/05 Fri 08/05 Sat 09/05 5th ST WULSTAN’S Week of Easter OUR LADY OF GRACE 5.00pm Mass 9.00am Mass Brian Youens RIP 11.00am Mass Bernard Haines RIP Anniversary 9.30am Mass 9.30am Mass 9.00am Adoration & Benediction 10.00am Mass 10.30am Confession 9th & 10th May - 6th Sunday of Easter Sat 09/05 Sun 10/05 6th Sunday of Easter 6th Sunday of Easter 5.00pm Margo Maher RIP 9.00am Mass 11.00am Mass Mac McCann RIP & family PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Dorothy Szponar, Josie Fulford, Gladys Jarocka, Tina Blaiklock, Pat Hickey, Ann Lacey, Neringa Pleskaciuke, Barry Wright, Sally Kelly, Olivia Hornby, Mary McKeown, Sarah DeSimone, Paul Sheridan, Francis Starling, Christopher Browne, Robin Jackson, Adriana Burton, Eileen Collins, Frank McNamara , Frank Bergman, Bridget Chattaway, Meg Price, Caroline Ryan, Michael Cooper, Tim Williams , Peter Higham, June Walker, Jack Stotter, Peter Smith, Philomena Wilson, Sarah & Hilary & Melanie Feruga, David West & Christian Millington. SICK & HOME VISITS If you know of anyone who is ill or housebound please let Father Joseph or Catri Plummer (639686) know, so we can arrange for a visit and to receive Holy Communion if they wish. Please pray for the repose of the souls of the following whose anniversary occurs during the coming week: Bruno Seldon, Christopher Brooks, Mikolaj Romaniak, Patrick Whyte, Frank Marks, Nora Putman, Gerard Jackson, Michael Cooper & Harry Audley. RESPONSE TO BIDDING PRAYERS: Reader: Lord Jesus, may we love you more dearly , All: and follow you more nearly. AFTER COMMUNION: O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine, all praise & all thanksgiving be every moment thine x 3 PARISH PRAYER FATHER, Pour out your spirit on the people of this parish and grant us a new vision of your glory, a new experience of your power, a new faithfulness to your word, and a new consecration to your service that your love may grow amongst us and your Kingdom come through Christ our Lord. AMEN. PARISH NOTICES May Fayre - Bank Holiday Monday 4th May The Rotas are on display in the churches and on the Parish Website if you need to check your time slots. Cakes & Sandwiches: ( 1. leave at the church today or 2. Take to church on Monday where there will be someone to collect them (OLG at 10:00 – 10:15 or SW: 10:30-10:45) or (3) Bring to the tea tent BEFORE midday on the day Jacket Potatoes: Please deliver to BBQ tent at your allotted time Raffle tickets – return to church on Sunday or bring to Jacque in the Tea Tent on the day (before 14:00) – remember that the proceeds for ticket sales only come to the BJHN parish if returned through us. If you able to give some time on the day and have not put your name down so far – please contact Jacque on: 0777 1976 811 or email: Please come down on the day and support this event if you can and lastly – please pray for good weather. Parish Building Development Discussion The ay second of these discussions will take place on Sat. 9 May after the 5.00pm Mass at OLG. Everybody is welcome. SUMMER CONCERT SUNDAY 10th MAY Next Sunday at 4.15pm at St. Wulstan’s, the Choir will be presenting a “Reflection in Music and Words on the Easter [ Story”. The words describe Jesus’s post-resurrection appearances to particular individuals who feature in the Gospel Narratives ; the music comes from Handel’s “Messiah”. We hope very much that you will want to come and share in this “musical meditation”. Light refreshments will be served afterwards. Prayers for the Election There will be a Holy Hour on Wednesday 6 May at 10.30 a.m. at Our Lady of Grace. The Diocesan Justice and Peace Group have prepared a Holy Hour/Prayer Vigil prior to the General Election. At this General Election we are asked to think about the world we want to live in. We are asked to pray especially that Human Life is given Value & Dignityas created in the image of God. Please come if you possibly can to pray for the best outcome for our country and for the politicians Prayers requested Christian Millington, a Year 6 pupil at St. Michael’s School, is undergoing tests at the Radcliffe Hospital. His family have asked if we can pray for a good outcome for these tests. SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY NOTICES Lighthouse 27 - 31 July Please enrol to help at one of the local Lighthouses: Lighthouse Cressex (at Cressex School), Lighthouse Hazlemere (at Sir William Ramsey School), Lighthouse H. Wycombe (at Highcrest Academy). If you will be aged 12 plus on 31st August, you are allowed to help. Please register on the website by clicking on the “Sign Up to Help” button and then select the LH you wish to work at. At Cressex we particularly need a coordinator for helpers’ refreshments. If you think you could help please contact Catri (01494-639686) 200 Club Winners Congratulations to Gill Duval No. 161 who won 1st prize of £50 and to Tia Webb No. 34 who won 2nd prize of £15. DIOCESAN NOTICES Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 21 - 28 August You are invited to join the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, you will help our pilgrims who require assistance by working in the hospital or helping them around Lourdes, partaking in the liturgies, etc. You will also work in the baths, help organise our pilgrimage party night & have fun with others your age. Come & play your part in something special. So if you aged between 16 and 30 years of age & would like more information about helping please go to People are still sending their requests to the wrong email address. It is unlikely that your request will be entered in the Newsletter if you don’t send it to the address below. EMAIL ADDRESS FOR THE NEWSLETTER Deadline - Wednesday 7pm
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