TAUNTON CATHOLIC CHURCH ONE GOD, ONE FAMILY, ONE COMMUNITY MASS TIMES Fifth Sunday of Lent & Lent Weekdays ST GEORGE’S Sat Vigil 17:30 Majella Walsh RIP Sun 22nd 8:00 Bob Mann RIP Sun Music Choir 9:30 Roy Strickland RIP Mon 23rd 9:30 Deceased Members of the Walker & Baron Families Tues 24th 9:30 Rosemary Spencer RIP Wed 25th Annunciation of the Lord 9:30 Intention of Carmel Allan Thurs 26th FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT ST TERESA’S 11:00 Intention of the Perry Family 22nd March 2015 - Newsletter 777 - Psalter Week 1 - Year B - Lent Weekday Sunday Readings: First Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Second Reading: Letter to the Hebrews 5:7-9 & Holy Gospel: John 12:20-33 Group 17:00 People of the Parish ENTRY Give me justice, O God, and plead my cause against a nation that is faithless. From the deceitful and cunning rescue me, for you, O God, are my strength. RESPONSE A pure heart create for me, O God. ACCLAMATION Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God! If a man serves me says the Lord, he must follow me, wherever I am, my servant will be there too. Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God! COMMUNION 11:45 Rosary 12:30 Molly & Jack Sowerby RIP PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Fri 27th 19:00 Mass followed by Stations of the Fri Cross Kathleen Cooke RIP Sat 28th 9:15 Morning Prayer 9:30 George Woodcock RIP 10:00 Rosary 9:00 In Thanksgiving SICK: Christopher Browne, Martin Connolly, Jane Willcox, Candy Halloran, James Willetts, Iain Polley, Carmel Allan, Sheila Sullivan, Christine Holloway, Joyce Carter, Sean Strickland, Yvonne Rawlingson, Peter Walker & all who are sick at this time. DEATHS: Euhen Iwasenko, Mary Nash, Maria Harbord NEXT SUNDAY (29/03/2015) - PALM SUNDAY -YEAR B - PSALTER WEEK 2—PALMS WILL BE BLESSED AT ALL MASSES— PLEASE NOTE: CLOCKS GO FORWARD 1 HOUR AS BRITISH SUMMER TIMES ST GEORGE’S Amen, Amen I say to you: unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains a single grain. But if it dies, it bears much fruit. ST TERESA’S ANNIV: Isabella Simmons, Mary Westworth, Jeremy Jelf, Frederick Bryant, Joseph Curry, Peter Murawicki, Marjorie O’Meagher, Richard Samuel, John Burke, John Kelly, Richard Hill, Doris Bottomley, Daniel Gilmour, Barbara Channer, Michael Martusewicz, Shirley Screech & all whose anniversary occurs at this time. DIOCESAN PRAYER LINK: Weston-super-Mare Corpus Christi/Our Lady of Lourdes/St Joseph Sat Vigil 17:30 David Moore RIP Sun 8:00 Charlie & Jean Duff RIP Sun Music Choir 9:30 Jose Curioso RIP 11:00 Monica Carpenter RIP Group 17:00 People of the Parish CONFESSIONS & ROSARY—SUBJECT TO CHANGE SHOULD A REQUIEM TAKE PLACE ST GEORGE'S - THURSDAY: 12.00-12:20 CONFESSIONS EXPOSITION & SIMPLE BENEDICTION WITH PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS DURING CONFESSIONS SATURDAY: 10:00-10:30 & 17:00-17:20 CONFESSIONS ROSARY 11:45AM THURSDAYS & AFTER MASS ON SATURDAY MORNINGS ST TERESA’S - CONFESSIONS BY REQUEST CONTACT US- Parish Team: Parish Priest: Fr David Mills Permanent Deacons: Rev Trevor Jones & Rev Ed Channing Parish Sister: Sr Michelle Priests also Assisting: Fr Peter Hawkins, Fr Michael Lewis, Fr Bernard Shackleton & Fr Peter Marden Parish Safeguarding Representative: Rev Trevor Jones St George, Billet St, Taunton, TA1 3NN -Tel 01823 272700 Office Hours: 9.30am—1pm, Monday to Thursday & 10am—5pm, on Friday St Teresa, Eastwick Rd, Taunton, TA2 7HF - Tel 01823 333608 www.tauntoncatholicchurch.co.uk E-mail: tauntoncatholicchurch@gmail.com EVENTS IN THE PARISH IN THE FOLLOWING WEEK COLLECTIONS: During Lent Mass each Friday at St George’s will take place at 7pm followed by Stations of the Cross. Lenten Soups: 12.45—1.15pm every Thursday in Lent until 26th March. All proceeds to charity. Today Sunday 22nd March after the 8am & 9:30 masses, there will be a cake sale in the Catholic Centre for raising money towards the Youth For Christ's trip to Belgium for a YFC European Conference. There will be a lot of delightful cakes to try & more amazing treats just for you.. So please come along. St George's: Collection: £1019; Taunton Catholic Charities: £488 St Teresa's: Collection: £216; Taunton Catholic Charities: £107 Thank you for your generosity Easter Flowers—a box is now available at both churches for your donations. There will be a collection on Good Friday in aid of the Holy Places. The Easter collection will be your gift to the Parish Priest, whereby you are able to support his ministry throughout the year. SPECIAL NOTICES Chrism Mass Clifton Cathedral Wednesday 1st April 2015—A coach has been 'booked' to take parishioners to the Chrism Mass. If you would like to go to the Chrism Mass, please print your name on the list in the church porch. Boarding: St George's (School Playground) 08:30 am & Boarding: St Teresa's 08:45 am (approx.) Fare: £8:50 Payable on the day. St George’s Day Joint Service with St George’s Wilton will be held here on Thursday 23rd April at 7pm followed by refreshments in the Parish Centre. All welcome to attend. EASTER SUNDAY Flower outlines are available at the back of the church for the children to take home & decorate. If they are coming to the 9.30am Mass on Easter Sunday please could they bring them back then. They will have the opportunity to carry the flowers up the aisle before the Homily. These will be used to decorate the brown paper cross which will be hanging from the lectern during the last week of Lent. MISCELLANEOUS The Easter Edition of the Parish Magazine is now available at the back of both churches. Lenten reading available and a wide range of cards and gifts for sale in the parish shop, please visit as every sale supports our church. Opening times: every Sunday, 8.30am -11.30am. ST GEORGE’S EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION & READERS ROTAS The rotas for Eucharistic Ministers & Readers for April, May & June (including requirements for HOLY WEEK) are available for collection at the back of the church. APF/MISSIO—RED BOX HOLDERS St Teresa’s: We are counting Red Box donations in March, please bring your Red Box to St Teresa’s ST GEORGE’S STAINED GLASS WINDOW APPEAL Great thanks to the Pilipino Community for their kind donations totalling £800 towards the Window Appeal; we have raised approximately 70% of the money needed for the repairs. All donations for the repairs to the windows will be greatly appreciated. Do not forget to Gift-Aid your donation if you are a Uk taxpayer; forms are available at the back of the church. LENT DISCUSSIONS 2015 At 7pm on the Tuesdays evenings of Lent there will a series of discussions on family life in the Church today. This is a response to the Church’s synod on marriage and family life and a report will be sent to Bishop Declan who is keen to know the views of Catholics in the Diocese. Everyone is welcome to attend the meetings which will be in the Catholic Centre. Everyone is a member of a family! The talks and discussions are timed to last no longer than one hour! Date Speaker Topic Tuesday 24th March Rev Bernard Shackleton How can we better understand marriage as a vocation? Tuesday 31st March Rev Trevor Jones In what way, through the abiding presence of God is your family life is the, ‘salt of the earth and a light to the world’ and a place to hand Reflection leaflets are available at the back of the church or visit the following websites: catholicfamily.org.uk - The dedicated Marriage and Family Life website of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales homeisaholyplace.org.uk - A resource to help reflect on God’s presence at home familias-ew.org.uk - Details of diocesan coordinators of marriage and family ministry cedar.uk.net - Catholics Experiencing Domestic Abuse Resources marriagecare.org.uk Marriage Care – Preparation and Counselling on the faith? MUSIC AT EASTERTIME The Music Group practise for instrumentalists will be held on Friday 27th March, 8 – 9.30pm in St George’s Church. Choir practises will be held every Thursday evening , 7.30 – 9pm in St George’s Church. If you are interested please come along, you do not have to be a regular member to take part! EASTER MASSES IN THE TAUNTON PARISH ST GEORGE’S CHURCH ST TERESA’S CHURCH Maundy Thursday 7:30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Maundy Thursday Good Friday 3:00pm Passion of the Lord Good Friday 10am Stations of the Cross Holy Saturday No 5:30pm Vigil Mass 8:30pm: Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday 8.00am: Mass 9.30am: Mass Holy Saturday Easter Sunday 11.00am: Mass No 5pm Mass Traditionally the Easter Collection, along with that at Christmas, is the only collection given to the Priest during the year and is an important way in which the Parishes support the unsalaried priests of the Diocese.
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