Tel: 020 8778 9460 email: 208 Sydenham Road London. SE26 5SE Parish Priest: Fr. Peter Mansfield Assistant Priest (Sydenham & Catford): Fr. Regis Rubaya Deanery website: First Sunday of Lent Year B; EP 2 22 February 2015 Parish Mass Book … Readings: P152 Mass Prayers P8. THIS WEEK 2nd Collection - Parish Development Fund NEXT WEEK 2nd Collection - Parish Development Fund Mass Intentions for the coming week Vigil Mass Sunday 22nd 6.30pm 9.30am 11.00am Monday 23rd 9.30am Katie Rudden RIP Anne & James Kiernan RIP Patrick Hanlon RIP Coffee in the Hall after 11am Mass 1) Michael & John Joe Calligy RIP 2) People of the Parish Tuesday 24th 9.30am 1) Shirley Young RIP - Requiem Mass 2) Peter Kavanagh RIP Wednesday 25th 9.30am Intentions of Anne Sheehan Light of Christ Prayer Group—8pm Mass in the Hall Thursday 26th Mass at Church of The Resurrection 165 Kirkdale 9.30am Friday 27th 9.30am Carl Burrows RIP Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction until 10.30am Second Sunday of Lent Vigil Mass 6.30pm Teresa & Charles Dean RIP Please join us for Stations of the Cross at our Church during Lent The Legion of Mary meets Sundays in the Hall after 11am Mass New members are always welcome. Collections last weekend: Offertory: £814 Standing Orders £272; 2nd Collection: Poor Parishes in our Diocese £347. Thank you. Ann Fahey RIP. Sadly we heard of the unexpected death of Ann Fahey who died in Lewisham Hospital on Sunday 15th February. Our prayers and sympathy are with her husband Michael, their Daughter Frances and their son Tony. Ann and Michael have been in this Parish since 1964. Ann Fahey’s funeral will take place here on Tuesday 3rd March at 10.15am. SYDENHAM CATHOLIC CLUB (Watlington Grove) … Sky sports, darts, pool table and BIG screen showing Premiership and GAA games. Families and new members always welcome. Club available for all private functions and funeral receptions. Thursday night Quiz in aid of St. Christopher’s Parent/ Carer and Toddler Group. All are welcome to come along to the Church Hall on Tuesday and Friday mornings, 9.30 ‘til 11.30 am (term time only). Call Paula: 07761 530739 to find out more. Sacrament of Reconciliation - Confession Every Saturday - 7.20pm (after evening Mass); First Saturday of the month at 12.30pm. The sacrament can also be arranged at other times by making an appointment with the Priest. We remember those who are sick: Sr. Agnes, James McKenna, Canon John Naughton, Jimmy Hartigan, Jeanne & Joe Williams, Howard Byers, Maeve Laverty, Myra Donnellan, David Camp, Mercy Aerifa, Baby Edward Kowal, Anne Mackie, Trudi Foster, Steven Murray, Victor Walker, Hugh Garvey, Declan Daly, Sonny Caldinez, Bernard Loughran, Antoni Kowal, Dusty Miller, Patricia Edwards, Yvonne Knight, Patrick Freeney, Elaine Felix, Edward Garas, Christine Flannagan, Ellen & Alexander Sweeney. Also those housebound or in our Residential Homes: Muriel Felix, Kathleen Keeffe, Antoinette Remice, Jan Wilson, Adrienne Hyde, Violet Miller, Elizabeth Turner, Ann Sheehan, Ellen Sweeney, Vera Curren, Margie George, Noleen Armstrong, Giovanna Ghezzi, Margo Stafford, Margaret Rivers, Joseph & Charlotte Hadji, Genevieve Stanislaus, Madeline Edwards & Winifred Powell. Please pray for those recently deceased: Zeta Ghelfi RIP, Joe Hughes RIP, and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Julia Gaiger, ME Meegan, Jan & Jozefa Matczak, Douglas Neville Stevens, Noreen Leeks, Rev Michael Reynolds, Andrew Curtin, Debbie Flood, Carl Burrows & Peter Watson. Anniversaries Please pray for………………………………… my………………………… who died on ………………….. My Name: …………………. ….. Telephone:…………………. Sacrament of Confirmation 2015. Enrolment forms available from Fr. Peter. It is the young person themselves who must request the enrolment form. The must also complete it and bring it back to Fr. Peter as soon as possible. Bishop Pat Lynch will be visiting our Parish on Friday 19th June 2015 to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation at 7.30pm Mass. Candidates must be at least in year 8 of Secondary school. There is no upper age limit. Those who apply must attend Church regularly. It is important that the young people concerned take responsibility for putting their name forward themselves and not their parents. The Newsletter and Church notices will give information about the programme in the coming weeks. The start date is Sunday 1st March at 5.30pm. Prospective candidates take on a commitment to come to the preparation programme every week during term time. On the application form they are asked to write a short letter in their own words saying why they wish to be confirmed. The preparation is aimed at helping those who enrol to come to a better understanding of this Sacrament so that they can make an informed decision as to whether they want to go ahead this year or not. To ask to be confirmed is to say 'yes' to playing a part in the mission and work of the Church. Meeting for parents of those who enrolled for CONFIRMATION . Thursday 26 February in Hall Meeting Rooms at 8.00pm. This meeting is for Parents or Guardians only. Furniture needed. Elderly lady soon to move into sheltered accommodation (unfurnished) needs a bed, a chair, chest of drawers, TV and cooker or microwave. Moving from a hostel (aged 75) has no furniture to take with her to the flat which is totally unfurnished. If anyone can help or donate anything she would very much appreciate this kindness. Please contact WOMENS WORLD DAY of PRAYER Hosted by our Parish. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED • Readers • Singers • Keyboard Player/Musicians • Help with Teas and Coffee Meeting 12 noon Sunday 22nd February in Pariah Hall. 200 Club The winner of the February £75 prize is John Everiss (171). Congratulations. Women's World Day of Prayer Our Lady and St Philip Neri will be hosting The Women's World Day of Prayer Service an International and Interdenominational Service on Friday 6th March 2015 at 10.30am. The theme this year is - Jesus said to them: Do you know what I have done to you? prepared by the Christian women of The Bahamas. All are welcome. Refreshments will be available in the hall after STOP PRESS ! Good News just in from CAFOD. The government has announced that every donation made between 18 February and 17 May will be matched, up to the value of £5 million. As you, and other CAFOD supporters throughout England and Wales, begin your Lenten journey to transform your own life, your almsgiving will have an even greater impact because every pound given to our Lent appeal will be matched by the UK government. This fantastic news means each Lenten gift will have double the impact; ensuring even more of the world’s poorest women, men and children who are currently at risk from extreme weather, are able to better cope with and prepare for the impact of storms, droughts and floods. Give to this appeal and your donation will be doubled YOUNG ADULTS 18 - 35 yrs. th Next meeting is on Tuesday 24 Feb from 7:30-9:00pm in the HALL at Our Lady & St Philip Neri. Our plans for the night are part social and part spiritual. Calling all Youth 11-14! Join us Friday 27 Feb from 19:00-20:30 in the church hall as we continue our journey into Lent. We’ll take an interactive look at the Stations of the Cross, exploring this great tradition through art, music, prayer, drama, and more! We’ll also have games, snacks, and music! If you’ve never been to youth group, now is the time to test it out - new faces are always welcome! We look forward to seeing you there. th Sydenham Catholic Club are proud to host a Benefit Dance in aid of St Christopher’s Hospice at Sydenham Catholic Club on Saturday 28th February. Music by Finbar Black. From 8pm till Late Tickets £5, includes buffet. The Club's AGM will be held on Friday 6th March at 8pm. All members are welcome. Please not that only fully paid up members will be able to attend this meeting.
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