Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish Priest: Fr. Joe O’Connor Deacon: Keith Sylvia 147 Bingham Road, Addiscombe, Croydon CR0 7E. Phone 020-8654 1709 email: office@addiscombecatholicchurch.com website: www.addiscombecatholicchurch.com Diocesan website: www.rcsouthwark.co.uk Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm Deanery website: www.croydoncatholics.org.uk SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Every Saturday 9.30am and 5.00pm. 22 FEBRUARY 2015 FIRST SUDAY I LET (see page of 148 Parish Mass Book) Mass Intentions This Week ‘Repent and believe in the Gospel’ These are the words we heard on Ash Wednesday when we received the ashes. We have begun the great season of Lent, the six weeks of preparation to celebrate the high point of our faith - the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. Formerly it was a time of severe penance as a way of purifying ourselves from our sinful habits and being ready to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus with a renewed commitment to follow him. The church no longer asks us to observe the severe penances of former times but we should certainly make some preparation. Lent should be a time for personal reflection on where we stand as Christians. It’s likely we’ll acknowledge that we have failed in many ways through word and action, through our thoughts, and our failure to be the kind of people that the Gospel challenges us to be. We should remember to see the positive things which are part of our daily life too. What kind of a person am I in relation to my family, friends, working colleagues and other people with whom I come in contact? How active am I as a member of my parish? What difference do I make to other people’s lives? What do I do, within my limitations, to help eradicate the abuses which are part of our society? It’s never too late to get started. ‘now is the favourable time’. Today is the best day! One could attend Mass on a week day, make time for prayer, reflect on Scripture, abstain from smoking or alcohol, set aside money that I might spend on myself for a meal, clothes or entertainment and give through an organisation for the less fortunate. May we thank God for this fresh opportunity to be renewed. £5 - Peggy Fairservice CHURCH CLEAIG Team C: Mrs Jones Saturday 21 February 10.00 Josie McCulloch RIP 18.00 Margaret Woodnut RIP 22 February: FIRST SUDAY OF LET 08.30 Tony Borfiga RIP 10.00 Charles Cooper RIP 12.00 All Parishioners 15.00 Lent Service 23 February 10.00 Eucharistic Service 24 February 10.00 Welfare: Jimmy Colohan 25 February 10.00 Zena Marshall RIP 15:45 Stations of the Cross 26 February 10.00 Wellbeing: Eileen McSweeney 27 February 10:00 Lancelot Baptiste RIP 19:00 Stations of the Cross Saturday 28 January 10.00 No Mass 11:00 Funeral: Bernadette Moynihan 18:00 Pauline & Charles Psaila RIP Fr. Joe WEEKLY DRAW YEAR B LAST WEEK’S OFFERTORY Loose cash Gift Aid Envelopes S/Os £603.00 £638.67 £880.00 Total £2121.67 1 March: SECOD SUDAY OF LET 08:30 All Parishioners 10:00 UCM: Bernadette Moynihan RIP 12:00 Angela Crovato RIP 15:00 Lent Service COLLECTIOS Last Sunday’s collection for Poor Parishes amounted to £804.04. Many Thanks. Next week will be the collection for your CAFOD Fast Day Envelopes– Please pick up an envelope from the porch. We pray for the sick in our Parish: Elizabeth Damsel, Fr David Peck, Lily Harley, Sheila Minus, Catherine Whelan, Clayton McMahon, Eddie Gallacher, Rose-Marie Cummins, Baby Benjamin Rowe, Stephen Walker. We pray for parishioners whose anniversaries occur this Week: Edmund Claudius, Caroline Assey, Michael White, Tony Durkan, Jessie Mills, Marshall Henry Weetman, Gerard Chandler, Irene Rodrigues, Rose Childs, Mary Mann, Peter O’Flynn, Elizabeth Comber, Sian O’Hara, Kevin Sweeney, Brian Linnane, Kathleen Milmoe, Hanora Daly, Immacolata Di Meo, Vincent McLaughlin, Rose Barker, James Reid, Richard Molyneux, Marshall Weetman, Lancelot Baptiste, Bridget Baptiste, Patrick O’Hare, Doris Wilson, Mary Hoey, Daniel Chambers, Sarah Burnett, May Pick, Thomas Byrne. SOCIAL CLUB 22nd February: Daniel McHugh 1st March: Eugene Doonan Ceili Dancing for beginners continues on Friday, 27th February, in the Hall from 8.30pm. Brendan Shine & His Band will be appearing in the Social Club on Friday, 13th March. During the interval we will be holding a raffle/ auction to support the Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton. Tickets for the event are £10.00 each and can be reserved by calling 07734 250375. RECET DEATH AD FUERAL ARRAGEMETS We are very saddened to announce the death of Bernadette Moynihan. Please keep Kevin and Frances in your prayers at this time. The funeral arrangements will be as follows: Reception into the church at 5pm on Friday 27th February. Funeral Mass at 11am on Saturday 28th February. The family have requested no flowers please, but a there will be a collection after the service for the Royal Brompton Hospital. LET MEETIGS Walk With Me pamphlets are available at the back in the porch and are only £1 1st Holy Communion Prep: Monday 23rd at 6.15pm (Large Hall) During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on Wednesdays at 3.45pm and Fridays at 7pm. SVP: Tuesday 24th at 8.30pm (PRC) 1st Communion Parent’s Meeting: Tuesday 24th at 8pm (Large Hall) Ascent Group: Tuesday 24th at 10.30am (Large Hall) RCIA: Wednesday 18th at 8 pm (PRC) Lenten Services will be held on Sundays during Lent from 3pm -3.30pm JPEG Meeting: Wednesday 25th at 8pm (Committee Room) UCM MEETIG THAK YOU Mary and family would like to thank all of those who attended the funeral of the late Dick Walsh. Thank you also for the Mass Cards, prayers and kind words of comfort at this difficult time.– Thanks also to Fr Joe and Deacon Keith for their support. PREVETIO OF YOUG SUICIDES This event on 19th March is for those helping/caring for young people at risk. As well as clergy it is aimed at Teachers, Chaplains, Youth Workers, Catechists and Safeguarding Coordinators Venue: Vaughn House , next to Westminster Cathedral, Cost is £10. To book, please email: family@rcdow.org.uk or 020 7931 6064 TWO LOTS OF MOEY FOUD Please contact the Presbytery if you have lost money in the last two weeks. JOBS ADVERTISED John Fisher School are advertising for a Cover Supervisor, Teacher of Mathematics, Science and English. Please visit www.johnfisherschool.org 4th March - 8.15 pm LARGE HALL this will be a keep fit session organised by Christine Brooks. Come along for an enjoyable evening, it won't be too strenuous. Please wear something comfortable with sensible shoes/trainers. There will be the usual catch up and cuppa afterwards. We look forward to seeing many ladies there. A LIFELIE FOR MARRIAGE – RETROUVAILLE (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. It is designed to provide the tools to help get your marriage back on track. It will give you the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine your lives together in a new and positive way. This programme has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels from disillusionment to deep misery. For confidential information, or to register for the programme commencing with a residential weekend on 20th -22nd March 2015, email info@retrouvaille.org.uk ; call or text 0788 7296983 or visit www.retrouvaille.org.uk 28TH CROYDO SCOUT GROUP Presents a ‘Race ight ‘ This has been postponed from 28th February and the new date will be confirmed next week. Tickets are £1 each Horses are £5 each to buy. Bar Available Please contact Andrea for further information. On 07952 664224 CROYDO DEAERY PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAD 1-9 SEPTEMBER 2015 WITH CAO JOSEPH COLLIS & FR. JOE O’COOR 8 Night Itinerary to all major religious sites including Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jericho, Masada, Sea of Galilee. Cost £1,235 per person based on 2 people sharing and includes flights, half board, coach travel, entrance fees & tips. (Please see poster on bulletin board) If you would like to join please send an email with your contact details to Rosita.thomas@icloud.com or if you do not have access to email, please call 07951 618 368. Items for collection: P Fairservice, P klein, A Rowe, P O’Sullivan, B Cronin (2), J Catley, P Saines, G Slater, J & P Group. Bapt Certs: H Hall, H Cunningham-Fenyes. Rotas: Altar Servers (March)
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