APRIL 5, 2015 PRAYER CORNER Lord Jesus Christ, You have triumphed over the grave and You have won for us new life and resurrection power. Give me the eyes of faith to see You in Your glory. Help me to draw near to You and to grow in the knowledge of Your great love for us and Your great victory over sin and death. LAST SUNDAY’S COLLECTION Regular Sunday Collection – $8,422.30 Building Fund Collection – $787.48 MASS INTENTIONS 4 INT(9pm) OLOF parishioners living & deceased 5 RIP(9am) Leo Leclerc / Henriette Bernardin 5 RIP(10:30) Rosario Sanidad / Glo & family 5 RIP (5pm) Frances Lodewyke / The Lodewyke family 6 RIP Marcel Lambert / The Lynch family 7 INT In thanksgiving / Deleon & Almazan families 8 INT In thanksgiving / Diane Lebrun 9 INT Petrus Gunawan / The Prasetya family 10 RIP Maria Legaspi / Ofelia & Sergio Legaspi 11 RIP Walter Labunski / Menchu Yu & family 11 RIP(5pm) Joseph & Michael / The Coughlan family 12 RIP(9am) Sr. Adrienne Grégoire / Emilienne & Donald 12 RIP(10:30) Departed family members / Ofelia & Sergio Legaspi 12 INT(5pm) OLOF parishioners living & deceased STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth”— Colossians 3:2. On this day we thank God for His Son, Jesus, who died and rose for us. We celebrate and sing “Alleluia.” Let’s try to keep the joy of this Easter season in our hearts throughout the year! Pray daily and listen for God’s response on how we should use our gifts to fulfill His plan. DIVINE MERCY CELEBRATION You are invited to All Saints Parish for this important feast of many graces. The celebration will be held at All Saints on Sun, April 12 at 3pm. A relic of St. Faustina will be in the church for veneration. FORTY-HOUR DEVOTION Our official archdiocesan 40-hour devotion is April 1416. There are sign-up sheets at the back of the church. If you plan to come at a specific time, please sign the sheets. Thank you. THE MAN OF THE SHROUD EXHIBITION An extensive exhibit on the history, science, and significance of the Shroud of Turin. There will also be a lecture series. Click on programs & events at www.rosemaryheights.com for complete schedule. Starts Wed, Apr 8 to Mon, 13 at Rosemary Heights, Surrey. Free, though donations appreciated. CONGRATULATIONS AND GOD BLESS the following RCIA Catechumen and PREP students who received the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil Baptism / First Communion / Confirmation CHUNG HEI LEE Baptism / First Holy Communion SHIRAN SAMUELS Baptism SHEERA MARYS PEETOSUTAN REYNARD MARIO PEETOSUTAN JEREMY ROSS GAGNON SPRING INSTITUTE The Archdiocesan Spring Institute offers oneday faith formation and ministry training for adults. Topics include: Basics of the Faith, Discovering the Gospels, Ecumenism - Why Bother?, and more. Ministry training offered for RCIA, PREP, and LWC & Youth Ministry. Sat, Apr 11, from 10am to 4pm, Holy Cross Secondary School, Surrey. Cost $35 (before April 6), includes lunch. Everyone welcome. For more information and registration visit rcav.org/oc-spring SAVE THIS DATE Saturday, May 30—Dinner & Dance—Parish fundraiser— Lots of fun and excitement—2 bands—dinner prepared by professional chefs—watch this space for more info. ST. JOHN PAUL II DOCUMENTARY A new documentary on St. John Paul II and his impact on the American continent will air in April on national television networks. Produced by the Knights of Columbus and narrated by actor Andy Garcia, “John Paul II in America: Uniting a Continent”, coincides with Pope John Paul II Day in Canada, celebrated April 2. For more broadcast details, visit www.kofc.org/jpiifilm. BENEFIT FOR DISPLACED IRAQI CHRISTIANS Enjoy an evening of presentations by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, and Development and Peace, plus an authentic 3-course Iraqi dinner and traditional Iraqi entertainment. On Sat, May 9 at 6pm, All Saints Parish. Tickets are $60 and available at All Saints office. Net proceeds will go to the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, which is supporting our persecuted brothers and sisters in Northern Iraq living in refugee camps. For more info, please email Stanley@paulusarch.com or peter.elliott@telus.net. ATTENTION: FATIMA YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS YouthDay: May 2 at ACRSS (Grades 8 – 12) YouthLeader: July 27 – 31 (Gr 10 & Up) Searching in the Spirit: August 24 – 28 (Newly confirmed) Info contact olfyouthmin@gmail.com/ or 604-936-7290 PRO-LIFE March for Life “Every Life’s Worth Living.” Join thousands of others for B.C.’s 7th annual pro-life march and rally on Thurs, May 14 in Victoria. Bus will leave All Saints Parish at 7am for the 9am sailing and return by 5pm sailing. Fare per person is $45 and includes bus and ferry rides. To reserve seats, call All Saints office 604-939-1741. More info at rcav.org/march-for-life ROARING 20’s EXTRAVAGANZA WHO: Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary School WHAT: Dinner / Dance featuring the Bruce James Orchestra WHEN: Saturday, May 19—doors at 5:30—dinner at 6:30 WHERE: ACRSS Gym COST: $40 each—table (10 tix) $350 before April 18 FOR: Toward purchase of a new school bus CALL: For tix call Lorraine Joseph at 604-466-5112 MARIAPOLIS 2015 The Eucharist – Bond of Unity The Focolare Movement invites you to Mariapolis 2015, which will include presentations on the spirituality of communion, sharing of individual experiences, small group sharing, daily Mass, prayers and recollection, games, outdoor activities and special programs for teens and children. Sat, May 16 to Mon, May 18, Trinity Western University, Langley. For info, please contact the Focolare Centre at 604-468-2871 or email ffvancouver@shaw.ca ST. POPE JOHN PAUL II’S THEOLOGY OF THE BODY Come and discover God’s original design for us, our call to holiness, and our destiny with Him in heaven. Instructor: Fr. Alan Boisclair, aboisclair@rcav.org April 13-June 29 Mondays (except May 18) 7-9:15pm, St. Joseph Parish, Port Moody April 14-June 30 Tuesday (except May 19) 7-9:15pm, St. Peter’s Parish, New Westminster April 8-June 24 Wednesday (except May 20) 7-9:15pm, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Coquitlam Early registration—$70 for download and $80 for printed handouts. After April 7: $80 for download and $90 for handouts. For info and cost details visit www.rcav.org/TOB; call 604-683-0281 or e-mail tob@rcav.org ARCHDIOCESAN PRISON MINISTRY “When I was in prison, you visited me” Matt 25:36 Come to an introduction on Prison Ministry Wed, Apr 15, from 10-11:30am at All Saints Parish Center. Learn what the Archdiocese does in both the prisons and within the community, as well as hear first-hand testimonials of those actively involved in this Ministry. Everyone is welcome. For info, please visit www.rcav.org/prison-ministry or contact Germaine Solaiman at 604-307-8481 or Maureen Donegan at 604791-1864 TAILGATE & SPRING PLANT SALE Come to the St Luke’s CWL Annual Spring Plant Sale complemented this year with a Tailgate Sale. A popular event with many varieties of plants and garage treasures. Concession with hot dogs and hamburgers. Sat, Apr 18, from 10am-2pm, St. Luke’s Maple Ridge. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Archdiocese of Vancouver Office Administrative Assistant, Catholic Independent Schools Vancouver Archdiocese—full time Office Assistant, Roman Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Vancouver—full time Human Resources Assistant, John Paul II Pastoral Centre—part time 21 hours Stewardship Coordinator, John Paul II Pastoral Centre— part time 21 hours Parish Secretary, St. Patrick’s Vancouver—full time Office Manager, Archbishop Carney Secondary School— full time For complete information, please visit www.rcav.org and click on employment opportunities MARRIAGE WEEKENDS Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend of April 17-19—Holiday Inn North Vancouver— for info contact Steve and Mary Bohnen at 604-876-7298 or email wwmevancouverbc@gmail.com or visit www.wwme.org Retrouvaille Weekend of April 10-12— Pacific Inn Resort and Conference Centre, White Rock for info call 604-530-6710 or visit www.HelpOurMarriageBC.com SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PRAYERS are requested for: Lucienne Albert, Rella Audette, Jaime & Eleanore Awa, Fernanda Badke, Al Barbers, Mona Bouchard, Elaine Bro, Claire Carrier, Rev. Guy Delionnet, Sid Fehr, Anne Gibson, Dulce Guzman, Walter Harris, Claudette Heino, Amalia Hightower, Jasmine, Nicole, Jeannine, Breanne Kelly, James Lagare, Lester, Jessie Lidstrom, Linda, Bob & Roberta Lord, Brigid Lynch, Maurice Martin, Ray Messier, Norma, Joey Pacis, Bernice Parker, Dianne Paxton, Karen Peterson, Raffaela Pontellini, Hilda Ramos, Romeo Roberge, Theresa Roque, Aurelie Roy, Rob Schmuck, Mila Sison, Jeanne Sloan, Lilian Svensson, Noemi Talabis, Carmen Tolusso, Marion Waugh, Amanda Wong, Cheryl Wunderlich, Larry Wunderlich, Argia Zecchel. MEDITATION ON TODAY’S GOSPEL (2015 Don Schwager-Daily-Scriptures.net) One thing is certain, if Jesus had not risen from the dead and appeared to His disciples, we would never have heard of Him. Nothing else could have changed sad and despairing men and women into people radiant with joy and courage. The reality of the resurrection is the central fact of the Christian faith. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Lord gives us "eyes of faith" to know Him and the power of His resurrection. The greatest joy we can have is to encounter the living Christ and to know Him personally as our Lord and Savior. Do you accept the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection with skeptical doubt and disbelief or with trusting faith and joyful wonderment?
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