The Parish of Oxted&!Warlingham The Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th March 2015 4th Sunday in Lent Year B St Ambrose Church 2 Warren Park Warlingham CR6 9LD All Saints Church 12 Chichele Road Oxted RH8 0AG For baptism, marriage or funerals, please contact Liz Braines Hospital Chaplains If you or one of your relatives are being admitted to East Surrey Hospital, or are admitted in an emergency, please contact St Joseph’s Church, Redhill and inform the Hospital Chaplains: Tel: 01737 761017 For those being admitted to Croydon University (Mayday) Hospital, you should contact the Chaplain through the Ward Sister And for St George’s, please contact Fr Jonothan on 0208 725 3086 Newsletter articles by Wednesday 6 pm please to isabelle at or by text on 07760 887562 Reg. Charity No 252878 Parish Office 01883 627762 Reconciliation in Lent Fr. Anthony will be offering the opportunity for individual reconciliation on Thursday 26th March at St Ambrose between 9.30 am and 9.50 am and at All Saints on Friday 27th March at 12.00 noon during the Stations of the Cross and Saturday 28th March between 4.30 pm and 5.15 pm before Mass. If you would like to travel by coach to the Chrism Mass at Arundel Cathedral on Wednesday 1st April, please let Anna Burrage know by this weekend. 01883 723204. (Anna is also collecting names of those who would like to travel by coach to Brighton on 5th July for the Diocesan Jubilee Mass.) Don’t forget to come and celebrate Mothers’ Day after the 9.00 am and 11.00 Masses today - 15th March. There will be a cake sale (with a book sale at St Ambrose too.) “Gardening Club” if you think one of the borders in the church grounds looks like it needs a bit of TLC or a bush could do with a haircut, or a few bulbs could cheer up generations of people to come... or that the plants look desperate for a drink, don’t think you need permission to do something about it. Do feel free to bring your secateurs along or pull up an offending weed. Why not bring a friend and a thermos and make it a bit of an outing? Make a lasting difference to the beauty of our church. Only rules: no harmful substances to be applied and don’t do anything unsafe to you or others. Mass Times and intentions Saturday 14th 5.30 pm Sunday 15th 9.00 am 11.00 am Tuesday 17th 6.30 pm Wednesday 18th 10.00 am Thursday 19th 10.00 am Saturday 20th 5.30 pm Sunday 21st 9.00 am All Saints St Ambrose All Saints St Ambrose All Saints St Ambrose All Saints St Ambrose People of the Parish Kathleen Colgin RIP Evelyn and Bert Lyons RIP St Patrick (followed by social) Pat Kay RIP Peggy de Verteuil RIP Maureen and David Ballam RIP 2015: 50th anniversary of our diocese of Arundel+ Brighton. FESTIVAL 50, Amex Stadium Brighton 5th July. There will be no parking at stadium, therefore arranging coach-‐coaches. If you could put your name on the list at back of the churches or contact, 01883 723204. If we fill a 54 seater coach, cost will be approx.£12 per adult. Planning on leaving at 11am and arriving back 6pm. There will be family and children’s acTviTes as well. More informaTon will be coming later but we have to book coaches well in advance. Thanks for more information about the festival go to Date Mass Prayer requests Our prayers and support are asked for all those living with illness and infirmity, including: Fathers Fred Franklin, Robin Mountford, Dominic Rolls, Rob Taylerson, Deacon Stuart Geary and Sister Vera Harrison, Alan and Sharon, Dee Barrett, Ken Belton, Malcolm Bowen, Alice Brownson, Robert Bridge, Bobbie Brookes, Mary Coll, Caroline Butler, Frank and Maisie Butler, Olwen Carpenter, Philip Chandler, Sally Chitty, Campbell Clark,Cindy, John Cosier, Brian Darwin, Edward Davies, John Davis, Jeremiah Dennehy, Joaquina De Souza, Noel Diamond, Gillian Drew, Peter Drew, Frank Dunnell, Una Eaton, Cynthia Elliot, John Findlay, Lorna Georgia, John Gilford,Theresa Fitzpatrick, Joe and Brenda Gaffney, Vic Farmer, Paul Frederiksen, Paula Gibbons, John Gordon, Pat Hatcher, Anne & Michael Harewood, Catherine Hayward-Martin, Sylvia Hewett, Emily Howe, Alice Hughill, Mary Jack, Mairead Kerr, James Duncan Kenny, Rowena Leslie, Kathryn Lewis, John Lloyd, Yvonne Mikel, Ann O’Brien, Kathleen Parker, Gemma Parsons, John Payne, Ann Reid, Deirdre Rourke, Rita Saunders, Win Simmons, Valerie Stringer, Alison Sweeting, Mike Thelwell, Audrey Wagner, Angela Wilson, Althea Woorich. Prayer chain requests should be directed to Stuart Dennison ST PATRICK’S DAY - 17 March come an celebrate Mass at St Ambrose at 6.30 pm with a social afterwards. If you can bring some food to share (Irish flavour!) that would be great. Last year was a lovely evening and all are very welcome. For more information, just speak to Mary Dawson after the 9.00 mass or email (Bring your own drinks.) Come and enjoy a QUIZ NIGHT with a difference on Saturday April 18th from 7 pm 10 pm at All Saints, Oxted. Tickets at £10 pp including fish and chip supper and pudding. Tickets on sale from this weekend. Pay bar. Lifts organised from Warlingham. The Oxted & Warlingham SVP has been able to make a donation to the national SVP Sudan Appeal and the SVP Student Sponsorship Scheme totalling £230. We would like to thank all SVP supporters in the parish for their support during the year which has made these donations possible. We are always looking for new volunteers to help in visiting the sick and housebound. Please contact Ron de la Grange for more information on 714167. >>>> TODAY 15th March at 4pm The Surrey Hills Newman Circle is holding a discussion led by Pat Gaffney of Pax Christi on Learning from the peacemakers of the First World War. in the parish room at 4pm at All Saints, Oxted. This really does promise to be a most inspiring discussion. Rotas for Holy Week and Easter will be sent out next week. Lost and found.... Lost: 4 Stations of the Cross. Found: 2 more. Two Stations of the Cross remain on the next two Fridays (20th, 27th) at All Saints, Oxted at 12.00. There’s still a 3for1 offer - prayer, fasting and alms-giving with soup after the Stations with donations to CAFOD to help those whose lives are not as fortunate as ours. Spring Concert 23 March 7.15 pm Woldingham School - including Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater. Free but to secure the seats you would like, please book through woldinghamschool Catholic Italian students aged 11-16 need accommodation this summer between 6-29 July. They have a full programme during the day Monday to Saturday. You will be paid £17 - £20 per student. If you could help, please contact Mrs Hill on 01883 381082. Further details on flier in the narthex. Collections 7/8 March £378 loose, £1,123 gift-aided. Building Fund £102 As ever, thank you for your generosity. The 2014 Parish Accounts have been approved by the diocese and are available in the narthex for you to look at. Our income was down,but we managed to break even. However, as always have to plan for hefty bills for repairs and maintenance. If you are new to the parish or would like to set up a Standing Order, please use the forms in the narthex. URGENT NEED - Due to illness, we have an urgent need for more Counters after the 9.00 Mass. No experience needed. Just willing to stay an hour after mass as part of a rota. Tea. coffee and biscuits on hand. So if you want to try it, or would be content to help cover until the regular counters are back, please contact Sarah Corish on
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