The Parish of Oxted&Warlingham The Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th November 2014 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time Year A St Ambrose Church 2 Warren Park Warlingham CR6 9LD All Saints Church 12 Chichele Road Oxted RH8 0AG Personal Assistant Liz Braines Hospital Chaplains If you or one of your relatives are being admitted to East Surrey Hospital, or are admitted in an emergency, please contact St Joseph’s Church, Redhill and inform the Hospital Chaplains: Tel: 01737 761017 For those being admitted to Croydon University (Mayday) Hospital, you should contact the Chaplain through the Ward Sister And for St George’s, please contact Fr Jonothan on 0208 725 3086 Newsletter articles by Wednesday 6 pm please to isabelle at or by text on 07760 887562 Reg. Charity No 252878 Parish Office 01883 627762 It is with deep regret to announce that Father John Olliver died on Thursday afternoon. Mercifully, it was a peaceful and prayerful end, surrounded by the love and warmth of his family. Our prayers and sincere condolences are with his family and many friends. Our special thanks are given to all those who ministered to him especially the medical and nursing staff, Fathers Chris. Spain and Aaron Spinelli and clergy from other denominations in particular David Skitt and Tim Goode. Details of Fr. John’s funeral will be announced when we hear what his family’s wishes are. Our prayers and sincere condolences are with the family of Josephine Scott who also died on Thursday. Details of her funeral at St Ambrose will be announced next week. May they rest in peace. If you need to arrange a baptism, marriage, funeral or would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick or Reconciliation, please contact Liz Braines in the Parish Office. Also contact Liz to arrange an appointment for School Applications for St Francis and St Bede’s Fr Chris Spain will ️ be available to sign forms for those who have put Fr John Olliver down as their referee and who have attended mass at least two to three times a month over the past three years. Tuesday 18th November 6-7 pm at St Ambrose or Thursday 27th November 6.30 -7.30 pm at All Saints. Mass Times and intentions Next Week Saturday 15th 5.30 pm All Saints Daisy Pilkington (sick) Sunday 16th 9.00 am St Ambrose Father John Olliver RIP 11.00 am All Saints Monika NO WEEKDAY MASSES UNTIL 26/27 NOVEMBER Saturday 22nd 5.30 pm All Saints Deceased relatives of Jack & Margaret Collins Sunday 23rd 9.00 am St Ambrose Chrissie Brookes RIP 11.00 am All Saints People of the Parish Confirmation classes to prepare young people in Year 10 (age 14-15) who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2015 will start at the beginning of January. Additionally, if you or any members of your family have missed receiving this very special sacrament preparation is available to adults. Please contact Louise Redferne 01883 65341801883 653418 or email] Date Prayer Massrequests Our prayers and support are asked for all those living with illness and infirmity, including: Fathers Fred Franklin, Robin Mountford, Tony Rogers, Dominic Rolls, Rob Taylerson, Deacon Stuart Geary and Sister Vera Harrison, Dee Barrett, Ken Belton, Malcolm Bowen, Robert Bridge, Bobbie Brookes, Mary Coll, Caroline Butler, Frank and Maisie Butler, Olwen Carpenter, Philip Chandler, Sally Chitty, Campbell Clark,Cindy, John Cosier, Brian Darwin, Edward Davies, John Davis, Jeremiah Dennehy, Joaquina De Souza, Gillian Dew, Peter Dew, Frank Dunnell, Una Eaton, Cynthia Elliot, John Findlay, Lorna Georgia, John Gilford,Theresa Fitzpatrick, Desmond Flynn, Joe and Brenda Gaffney, Vic Farmer, Paul Frederiksen, Paula Gibbons, John Gordon, Pat Hatcher, Anne & Michael Harewood, Catherine Hayward-Martin, Sylvia Hewett, Emily Howe, Mary Jack, Mary Kennedy, Mairead Kerr, James Duncan Kenny, Rowena Leslie, Kathryn Lewis, John Lloyd, Sean Madden, Ann O’Brien, Kathleen Parker, Gemma Parsons, John Payne, Daisy Pilkington, Ann Reid, Deirdre Rourke, Rita Saunders, Win Simmons, Valerie Stringer, Alison Sweeting, Audrey Wagner, Rowena Watts, Angela Wilson, Althea Woorich. Prayer chain requests should be directed to Malcolm Bowen by phone on 01883 346230 or email at CANCELLED QUIZNIGHT 15th November due to the news of Fr John’s death. What is the meaning of “church”? Be part of a the discussions going on around the parish based on one of the Va4can II documents: Christ -‐ Light of the na0ons. Groups are taking place: on Mondays at 10.30 am in Old Oxted, please contact Molly for informa4on 01883 715475. and at 2pm at Hunter’s Hollow, Woldingham (details from Louise Redferne Materials for the discussions or reflec4on at home are available now priced £1.50. Mothers Prayers The next mee4ng will be on Wednesday 19th November 2014 at 10.00 am at 25 Granville Road, Oxted. For more informa4on please contact Molly Holman on 01883 715475. Autumn Fair 22nd November 10.00 -‐ 12 noon at David Gresham House, 2 Oak Close, Oxted RH8 0AP entrance 50p to include a coffee and biscuits. All welcome. Day-by-Day Advent booklets will be on sale priced £1 from this weekend.hey consist of prayers and meditations for each day of Advent: a really useful aid to getting you in the mood so the stress of commercialism is put on the back burner. Some advent calendars for children are also available. ALSO Advent 2014 A booklet of scripture, reflections and prayers written by young people and designed for small group discussion is now available for use in parish groups or for individuals Six young people were brought together to write reflections on the second reading of each week of Advent, and to design prayer activities and challenges to introduce new methods of prayer to people around the Diocese.To order copies contact the Diocesan Bookshop on 01293 651165 or email Pilgrimage to Rome Monday 14 - Friday 18 September 2015 This will be led by Fr Aaron Spinelli of the Parish of the Nativity of Our Lord in Redhill. If you are interested, an open evening is being held at 8 pm on 18 November at St Joseph’s, 122 Ladbroke Grove, Redhill RH1 1LF or contact Sean McGettrick on 01737 767352 or sean.mcge)rick@b/ Saturday 22nd November 9.30 am -‐ 12.30 pm Oxted Community Hall Signing of Christmas Cards to Prisoners of Conscience. Cards provided by Justice & Peace. Donations to postage welcome but not necessary. Please do make a special effort to drop in that morning. Coffee and cake provided. Collections 8th & 9th November 2014 £ 285 Loose, £ 1,205 Gift Aided. Building Fund £136 Thank you all for your generosity At St Ambrose - the front pews have been adapted for use by wheelchair users. If not needed by a wheelchair user, this is a useful spot for those with push-chairs - but do remember to keep the aisle clear during communion. A wheelchair is available at each church for use by any parishioner to make it easier to get around for Mass or other Parish Events. Also, if you need to receive communion or a blessing where you are sitting at Mass please let one of the welcomers know in before Mass starts. There are also newsletters in large type format and large print versions of the Mass Sheet on Sundays. If you are visually-impaired, or have someone at home who could benefit from this, please do take one.
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