Our Lady of the Annunciation

Our Lady of the Annunciation
Parish Priest: Fr. Joe O’Connor
147 Bingham Road, Addiscombe, Croydon CR0 7E. Phone 020-8654 1709
email: office@addiscombecatholicchurch.com
website: www.addiscombecatholicchurch.com
Diocesan website: www.rcsouthwark.co.uk Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm
Deanery website: www.croydoncatholics.org.uk
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Every Saturday 9.30am and 5.00pm.
12 October 2014 Twenty Eighth Sunday (see page 140 of Parish Mass Book)
The Wedding Feast
Mass Intentions This Week
Most people love going to weddings, catching up with relatives they haven’t
seen for ages etc. Some get very upset if they are not invited and even end up not
talking to the family as a result of their hurt. Today we hear a story that, at first,
might seem a bit far-fetched. Who would be so crazy as to turn down an invitation
to a royal wedding? We, human beings, are strange and even foolish!
Every invitation requires a response. Some accept with joy and gratitude
and others perhaps out of a sense of obligation. Others refuse—in some cases because of a prior engagement, others because they’re not interested. Others respond
by not responding at all, and that too is a response and maybe the worst kind of
response, because you’re left wondering what’s going on.
God doesn’t compel us to do anything. God invites us. God invites us to a
deeper and more meaningful life on earth, to an intimate relationship with himself,
into a community with others and into eternal life at the end of our time here. I
doubt if there are many who deliberately choose to turn away from God and
choose evil, but we could easily just ignore the invitation. When we do this, we
are the ones who suffer, not God. We miss out on the joy of the Wedding Feast!
I’m so glad that so many of you accepted the invitation to the Autumn Fayre
last Sunday. Thank you for making it such a great occasion for everyone. A huge
‘Thank You’ to Pat Winston, Susan, Stephanie and Janet who spearheaded the
event, assisted by so many who helped out in various ways. We sure had a feast of
food and fun - thanks to everyone who contributed.
Fr. Joe
£5 – Neva Sequeira
Loose cash
Gift Aid Envelopes
Team D: Mrs Aichison
Saturday: 11 October
10.00 John Wren RIP
18:00 Binnie Winston RIP
08:30 All Parishioners *
10:00 Sarah O’Hara RIP }
12:00 Vincent Caetano Fernandes RIP +
Monday: 13 October
10:00 Eucharistic Service
Tuesday: 14 October
10:00 Eileen Gill RIP
Wednesday: 15 October
10:00 Bridget Collins RIP
Thursday: 16 October
10:00 Sean Fitzgerald RIP
Friday: 17 October
10:00 Corina Cahill RIP
Eucharistic Adoration for vocations
10.30am - 8pm in Sacred Heart chapel
Saturday: 18 October
10:00 Geoff, Pat & Paul Emson RIP
18:00 Paddy Walsh RIP
08:30 Kitty Carter RIP #
10:00 All Parishioners ~ #
12:00 Mariam Joseph: Thanksgiving + #
* Children’s Liturgy
+ With Baptism
} Mass of Dedication for 1st Communion
~ With Uniformed Groups
# Foodbank Sunday
Last week’s collection be for your CAFOD Family Fast Day envelopes amounted to £552.00. Many Thanks. This week’s
collection will be for the needs of the Diocese. Next week there will be a collection for Missio.
We pray for the sick in our Parish: Elizabeth Damsel, Fr David Peck, Lily Harley, Sheila Minus, Catherine Whelan,
Clayton and Rita McMahon, Eddie Gallacher, Ashley Jacobs, Mary Rayner, John Hall, Margarette Collins, Lauren
We pray for parishioners whose anniversaries occur this Week: John Kennedy, Alice Louise Piney, Bridget Bates, Ilana
Imregi, Margaret Cameron, Elaine Brooker, Elsie Dadswell, Daniel W. White, Alan Motts, Syd Wyatt, Jerry Orpwood,
Mary Griffiths, Rudolph ("Rudi") Agacy, Mary Morrissey, Mary Connolly, Mary Feeney, Laurence Ellis, 5ellie King,
Bernadette Petts, John Daly, Bianca Buchhaus.
Confirmation Prep: Today at 5pm (Large Hall)
Sunday, 12th October: Pat Hayes
Sunday, 19th October: Eugene Doonan
SVP: Tuesday 14th at 8.30pm (PRC)
Parish Council: Thursday 16th at 7.30pm
(Committee Room)
Confirmation Prep: Sunday 19th at 5pm (Large
The Roscommon Association of London are holding their Annual Dinner &
Dance on Saturday, 18th October at the Irish Centre, Camden Town. There
will be coach to/ from the event from Addiscombe. Further details are available from Anne McLoone on 07973 217206.
Golden Community Celebrations - the Autumn Fayre raises close to
Our Autumn Fayre was the best ever from every dimension. We had a superb set of stalls, an excellent workforce and magnificent
support from our Parish Community - there were over 500 adults in attendance plus a similar number of children who were all very
generous on the day.
I must congratulate our coordinator Susan Roots who was fully supported by Stephanie Tambini & Janet Jimenez; they spent months
preparing for the Fayre. I am also very grateful to the following:
1. Our Main Sponsor - LMB Lofts (Lee Murphy)
2. The Committee who supported the preparation for the event
3. The group of helpers that sold raffle tickets over the four weekends in the run up to the Fayre
4. The Parish Community who donated so many items and prepared items such as curries, apple pies, cakes etc for the stalls
5. The team of helpers that gave of their time to set up stalls and tents both before and after the Fayre
6. The local businesses that donated prizes for stalls and for the auction
The day was concluded with a local business agreeing to match fund a stall to the value of £1,500.00 - hence we have raised nearly
Thank you all for your support.
Pat Winston - Chair
AUAL DEAERY MASS: For all those who work in Catholic Schools and all other Catholic teachers, Thursday 16th October,
starting at 5pm in Thomas More Catholic School, CR8 2XP.
OE FAITH, MAY ATIOS: OUR GOLDE JUBILEE ITERATIOAL DAY: Will take place on Sunday 26th October
in the church hall. It will be an exciting day featuring food and activity from all our continents: African storytelling, spices from across
the world, beautiful scenery and learning how to tie a sari and a head tie. Please come along and bring a dish to share. There is a list on
the table at the back of the church if you wish to add your name and indicate which dish you are bringing.
OCTOBER DEVOTIOS: Rosary will be said in the Church, every Monday to Thursday from 7pm during the month of October.
AUAL DISCOVERIG PRIESTHOOD DAY: For men aged 16 – 50; an opportunity to explore a vocation to the priesthood as
well as a chance to visit St John’s seminary and meet our seminarians. There will be times of prayer, discussion, relaxation and Mass.
On Saturday, 1 November 2014 at St John’s Seminary, Wonersh, GU5 0QX, 10am – 5pm (Lunch and refreshments provided). More
details from Fr Terry Martin on 07545 576627 or vocations@dabnet.org
COURSE FOR EW CATECHISTS: At the Centre for Catholic Formation, 21 Tooting Bec Road, SW17 8BS, Thursdays 30th
October, 6th, 13th and 20th November 2014, starting at 7-9pm. For more information or to book a place please contact
www.ccftootongbec.org.uk or call 0208 672 7684. The cost of these sessions will be met by the Parish.
Also please check out the booklets in the porch for further information of all the courses available as well as a Makaton Course.
THE JOH FISHER SCHOOL: Are planning another Speed Careers Evening for the 6th form students at the John Fisher School
and are looking for professionals from all works of life to talk to our students about the job you do and the route you took. If you
volunteered last year, we would love to have your input again if possible. The event will take place on the 20th of November and we
will keep you informed and update closer to the time. Interested volunteers please email me at aokonkwo1@suttonmail.org.
CELEBRATIG MARRIAGE: All married couples, no matter how long ago you were wed, are welcome to attend this one-day
event. The day will enable you to explore your relationship more deeply and improve your communication skills. Couples will also
gain valuable insight into the call of the Church to the married. It all takes place at St Teresa’s church hall, Maidstone Road, Ashford,
Kent, on Saturday 15 November, 9.45am –4.30pm. There is a suggested donation of £25 per couple. For details and to book
(essential), phone 020 8651 2477 or email philandmary@blueyonder.co.uk.
Items for collection: Sr Celia, H Dwyer, M Rowe, 5 Sequeira, B Houlihan, Justice & Peace Group.
Bapt Certs: S & S Shehata, A Upton.