Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish Priest: Fr. Joe O’Connor 147 Bingham Road, Addiscombe, Croydon CR0 7E. Phone 020-8654 1709 email: office@addiscombecatholicchurch.com website: www.addiscombecatholicchurch.com Diocesan website: www.rcsouthwark.co.uk Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm Deanery website: www.croydoncatholics.org.uk SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Every Saturday 9.30am and 5.00pm. 26 October 2014 Thirtieth Sunday (see page 146 of Parish Mass Book) YEAR A Mass Intentions This Week LOVE YOUR EIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are ‘You must love the Lord, your God…. And you must love your neighbour as yourself’. The second is probably the one that causes us the most problem! Loving your neighbour is very difficult for some people, but loving yourself can even be harder! However, unless we love ourselves we cannot love others properly. One might think that love of self is wrong, even sinful. Selfishness, of course, is wrong but there is a form of self love which is healthy and good. Those who don’t like themselves, or even hate themselves will not be able to love others. They will project their feelings on to others and will blame others for what they do not like in themselves. I’ve heard it said that we see other people, not as they are, but as we are. Those who are filled with goodness will generally look at the world and see what is good in people, and those who are cynical or see people in a bad light are often ill at ease with themselves. If we’re not at peace with ourselves, we’ll bring a lot of conflict to those around us. We might all be able to identify such times in our own lives! Hence the importance of being reminded today of the commandment of Jesus. It’s an opportunity to look at ourselves and do what we can to develop a healthy love and respect for oneself. This is where love starts, but, of course, it is not meant to end there! All true love overflows to others and to God. Saturday: 25 October 10.00 Jim McCay RIP 18:00 Nora & Paddy Walsh RIP 26 October: THIRTIETH SUDAY 08:30 All Parishioners 10:00 Matt Dolan RIP 12:00 Alan Dwyer RIP + Monday: 27 October 11.30 Funeral: Phyllis Chopin Tuesday: 28 October 10:00 Funeral: Maurice Baxter Wednesday: 29 October 10:00 Anthony Simons RIP Thursday: 30 October 10:00 Elizabeth McCorry RIP Friday: 31 October 10:00 James Murphy RIP Eucharistic Adoration for vocations 10.30am - 8pm in Sacred Heart chapel Saturday: 1 ovember 10:00 Dennis & Nora O’Donoghue RIP 18:00 Lance Baptiste RIP Fr. Joe WEEKLY DRAW £5 – M O'Donovan CHURCH CLEAIG Team B: Mrs Hazel LAST WEEK’S OFFERTORY Loose cash Gift Aid Envelopes S/Os £590.00 £564.97 £880.00 Total £2034.97 2 ovember: ALL SAITS 8:30 Anastasia McHugh RIP 10:00 UCM: All Confirmation Candidates 12:00 All Parishioners + With Baptism COLLECTIOS Last week’s collection Missio amounted to £722.03. Many thanks. This week there will be a collection for the monthly ACA with proceeds going to our SVP, please see notice board for details on the work under taken by our conference. We pray for the sick in our Parish: Geoffrey Bird, John Boswood, Audrey Moynihan, Baby Amelia Pond, Ted Curry, Michael Huggett, Baby Harry Stammers, Theresa Kintu. We pray for parishioners whose anniversaries occur this Week: John Davis, Walter Elfer, Anastazy Kachellek, Richard Allen Wilding, Catherine Grogan, Innes Gosine, Matthew McCabe, Mark McDonald, Joseph D'Souza, Maria Mendonca, Albert Rocca, 1ora Walsh, Edward Mobsby, Alan Dwyer, Peter Tuck, Douglas Morrison, Sean Gaffney, Sylvia Pyne, Caroline Mozumder, Mary Good, Oscar Marshall, Anne Farrell, David Bassett, Maria Cowley, Vincenzina Lacovara, Frank Hadfield, Peter Lacovera. MEETIGS Ascent Group: Tuesday 28th at 10.30am (Large Hall) JPEG: Wednesday 29th at 8pm (Committee Room) Confirmation Prep: Sunday 2nd November at 5pm (Large Hall). RECET DEATHS AD FUERAL ARRAGEMETS: Phyllis Chopin’s funeral will be held here on Monday 27th October at 11.30am. Maurice Baxter’s funeral will also be held here on Tuesday 28th at 10am. We are sorry to announce the deaths of Briege Sweeney’s brother who died this week in Ireland and Lenny Turner’s father who also died this week. Please keep all of the families in your prayers at this sad time. O 10AM SERVICE: Monday 27th, due to the funeral at 11.30am. FIRE MARSHALL TRAIIG Precision health and safety company will be offering Fire Marshal training on 6th November at 1.30pm in the church. Fire Marshalls are required by the diocese, anyone interested please let us know. UCM MEETIG: Wednesday 5th November, Small Hall, 8.15 pm. We will be having a Christmas cake decorating ideas session organised by Sarah Turner. If you are definitely coming could you ring/text Clare Connor (07982 715 858), by 3/11/14. Tickets for the UCM Christmas party will also be available on the night. OCTOBER DEVOTIOS: Rosary will be said in the Church, every Monday to Thursday at 7pm during the month of October. THE EWMA ASSOCIATIO SUPPORTED BY THE CATEIAS. Joy of the Gospel! (Evangelii Gaudium). Meeting: Friday 31 October 7.45 -9.30 pm in the Small hall. Theme: Preparing the Ground (and the Sowers) for Sowing. Led by Canon Frank O'Sullivan and John Stradling. All welcome: Free entrance, Voluntary donation towards costs. Contact: Arthur Hughes 020 8654 3943. MOTHERS PRAYERS TALK: Saturday 15th November, 10am-4pm. St John the Baptist, Dale Road, CR8 2EF. contact Beryl on 0208406040604. SOCIAL CLUB ORDIATIO Sunday, 26th October: Sadie Howe We’re delighted to announce that Archbishop Peter has fixed the date for the Ordination to the Diaconate of Keith Sylvia here at Our Lady’s—Friday 21st ovember at 7.30pm. Please put the date in your diary and feel free to bring along a plate for the reception afterwards. Please keep Keith, Jacqueline and family in your prayers. Thank You. Sunday, 2nd November: Kevin Keys Help raise £1K + for St Christopher’s Hospice: Brendan Shine will be appearing at the Fairfield Hall on Wednesday, 19th November. Tickets can be booked either on-line or direct from the Fairfield Hall. During the interval the Committee from the Addiscombe Catholic Social Club will be holding a raffle in support of St Christopher’s Hospice. The Fundraising Jamboree for Anerley ACROSS - a charity which takes disabled young people to Lourdes on an annual basis, will take place on Friday, 5th December. Entertainment will be by Pay Hayes with special guests The Three Celebrities - The Brush Dancers. Tickets at £5.00 each will be available on the door. You can also support this event by donating prizes for the raffle or items for the auction. APPLICATIOS FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL REFERECES: Please complete the form which can be downloaded from the parish website and return it to the presbytery, only then can an appointment be arranged with Fr Joe. Appointments will finish at the end of November. REPOSITORY: A lovely selection of Diaries, Christmas cards and Calendars are now on sale in the Repository Shop. Other items for Christmas will be on sale later. THOMAS BECKET FAYRE: St Thomas Becket school will now start preparing for their Christmas Fayre on Sunday 30th November. Donations of decorations, Christmas Puddings, stocking fillers, marmalades, chutneys and jams, or crockery for our smash the plates stall, would be very gratefully received and can be left in the church porch. We would be happy to provide jars please contact Debbi 07866 630232. CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL ST JOH'S CHURCH: St John's Church, Shirley Church Road, are holding a Christmas Tree Festival from 28 to 30 November. We have been asked as a parish to support this by decorating a tree. We have been given the theme of '5 Gold Rings' which links in nicely with our Jubilee. Next Sunday after each Mass we will be outside the church and we ask you to help us to prepare for this festival by coming and drawing round your hand on gold paper. We plan to cut these hands out and form 5 rings of hands to go round the tree. This will represent our 5 decades, Golden Jubilee and our parish joined together. Please come and spend 2 minutes to help us! CAKE BAKERS FOR THE AUTUM FAYRE: There are lots of tins/Tupperware awaiting your collection in the Large Hall kitchen. THAK YOU: We received a letter of great praise and thanks for the fantastic and welcoming atmosphere, from an elderly lady who attended our Autumn Fayre-so well done everybody. See the letter on the notice board. AUAL DISCOVERIG PRIESTHOOD DAY: For men aged 16 – 50; an opportunity to explore a vocation to the priesthood as well as a chance to visit St John’s seminary and meet our seminarians. Saturday, 1st November 2014 at St John’s Seminary, Wonersh, GU5 0QX, 10am – 5pm (Lunch and refreshments provided). More details from Fr Terry Martin on 07545 576627 or vocations@dabnet.org SOUTHWARK DIOCESE YOUTH MIISTRY DAY: 15th November 10.304.30pm in Amigo Hall. Free admission, booking requiredemail info@scys.org.uk or call 01227272900. THE JOH FISHER SCHOOL: Present the Centenary of WW1 on Tuesday 11th Nov, 7.30pm in the school Chapel. Please see the notice board for more information. TOWARDS ADVET: Festival of Catholic Culture, Westminster Cathedral Hall, SW1. Saturday 22nd November, starting at 10.30am. Items for collection: M O’Donovan, Sr Celia, C Coleman, M Rowe, D Bradshaw, P Burgess, P O’Sullivan, M Gray, B Cronin Bapt Certs: Coelho, 1 Brewster-Turay, E Lippett. Rotas: Altar Servers (1ovember), Eucharistic Ministers (1ovember).
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