The Catholic Community Newsletter ~ St Mary’S, Marple Bridge and The Annunciation, New Mills Fr John Cairns St Mary Marple Bridge Marple Bridge Office Lectionary Sundays Year A Weekdays Year 2 TH 28 Marple B. Saturday Sunday 11th 12th Contacts Parish Priest The Presbytery, Hollins Lane, Marple Bridge, Stockport SK6 5BB In Emergency 07525 052584 Deacon Rev Kevin Gradwell Tel: 0161 427 2408 Email saintmarysmarplebridge Web www.stmarysmarplebridge. 12th October 2014 WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME The Annunciation New Mills k Safeguarding: Mrs Ursula Lundy xxxi Mrs Jo Barber (NM) Mr Peter Clarke (MB) (Contact via Presbytery or 07979 376933) New Mills 28th WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 6.30pm 9.30am 11.15am Peter Clarke Ints (MB) Private Intention (MS) Terry Coop RIP (JC) Parent Meeting for First Holy Communion Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th St Edward the Confessor 7pm 9.30am 10am Feria St Teresa of Jesus 10am Feria St Ignatius of Antioch 9.30am 6.30pm 29th WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 9.30am 11.15am 11th/12th Oct Welcomers Readers Gifts Welcomers Readers Children’s Lit. Welcomers 6.30pm MB Eileen Newton Maureen Matthews Bill & Val Yates 9.30am NM Jacqueline Patel/ Doreen Kane Nick Reynolds/ Jani Abbs-Brown 11.15am MB Readers Gifts Helen Neeson RIP John Kane RIP (DK) Agnes Hannan RIP (TD) Ned Butler RIP Susan Hennigan RIP (JH) Michael Furlong RIP People of the Parish Margaret Roche RIP 18th/19th Oct Eileen Burgess Gordon Lyon Dorothy Mansfield Brian and Rene Tierney Simon Sharp/Ann Webb Patrick Roche Tom Delaney Joe Harvey Myra O'Connor Martin Savage George Wood Pauline & Jim Howell Patrick/ Geraldine Chamberlain No flowers Deborah Laugesen Sheila Harvey & Teresa Clarke Jacqueline Patel &Lauren Ross Terry +Alice Poole Chris & Linda Flowers No flowers Helen Wilson & Family No Cleaning No Cleaning Children’s Lit. Counters Flowers Tea & Coffee Cleaners Cleaners MB NM MB NM MB NM A SPECIAL COLLECTION for Mission Sunday will be taken at all Masses next weekend TEA BINGO AND LIGHT ENTERTAINMENT will take place this Wednesday Oct 15th, 2-4pm in NM Parish Hall. All welcome. TRAIDCRAFT SALES will take place in the Old School this weekend after both Masses at MB. Tea and coffee will also be available and CAFOD Christmas cards will be on sale. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION MARPLE BRIDGE. A meeting will take place after the 9.30am Mass today for the parents of those children who put their names forward this year to join our preparation course. The first teaching session will begin next Sunday October 19th at 11am. CONFIRMATION. Confirmation for the Deanery will take place on Thursday 14th May 2015 at 7pm in St. Mary Crowned Church, Glossop. The programme begins in February starting with a meeting for parents on Sunday 1st February at 6-30pm and then 6 sessions for the candidates including a weekend away, 13th/15th March at ‘The Briars Catholic Youth Centre’, Crich, Matlock. (cost £88) The Sunday evening sessions will take place at St. Mary’s from 6-30 to 8pm. The dates are Feb 15th, 22nd, Mar 1st,8th,22nd, Apr 19th, May 10th. PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK... If you are interested in joining this pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady at Knock in May 2015, please put your name down on the list at the back of church so that I can get an idea of numbers for the hotel. Thank you. MASS FOR OUR LADY Thank you to all who attended the special Mass last Tuesday in honour of Our Lady, the Mother of our God. Thanks to Mary Robinson for the hard work she put in preparing the Mass, to the readers, musicians and those who prepared and served refreshments. Thank you. BABY LOSS AWARENESS WEEK OCTOBER 9TH-15TH. A short memorial service to show support for the Baby Loss Day will be held this Wednesday October 15th at 6.30pm at All Saints RC Church, Old Glossop. All are welcome but especially those whose lives have been touched by the loss of a baby during pregnancy or just after birth. LOURDES IN A DAY.Fr Greg is holding another ‘Lourdes in a Day’ th service at St Mary’s Crowned, Glossop on Sun Oct 26 from 26pm. The day begins with the celebration of Mass at 2pm, Blessed Sacrament service and procession at 4pm and a torchlight procession at 6pm. All welcome. PARISH CHRISTMAS FAIR. Thank you to all those who took tickets with you last week. I hope you are managing to sell them – if you need any more there are some at the back of church. If you couldn’t take any last week please make sure you do this weekend. All funds go towards the maintenance and upkeep of the church. There is a box at the back of church for completed books of tickets. Pray for the Sick and Housebound DIOCESAN SICK AND RETIRED PRIESTS APPEAL. for those who took the contact details form last week, please fill them in and return them to me. I will forward them to the Appeals Office who, in turn set up the Video Evening and Personal Pack for each participant. If you don’t want the Video Evening and Personal Pack, just follow the instructions given in the white envelope. If you have any queries, please ask me. SVP MASS. Next Thursday Oct 16th, 1.30 at SS John Fisher and Thomas More, Chapel en le frith. Refreshments will be served after Mass. All are welcome. THE CATHOLIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (UK) invites all health professionals, medical students and any others interested, to a talk to be given by Dr Dale Gardiner on “ORGAN DONATION”. Dr Gardiner is an Intensive Care Consultant at Nottingham University Hospitals and Deputy National Clinical Lead for Organ Donation and will give an informative, fascinating and stimulating talk on this important topic. The meeting will take place in St Barnabas’ Cathedral Hall, Nottingham, at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 21st October 2014. For further information please contact Dr Tim Connery VACANCY AT CAFOD DIOCESAN OFFICE. Do you have a strong interest in global justice and international development? Are you able to support a growing team of volunteers working in partnership with CAFOD within parish and school communities within our Diocese? CAFOD is seeking to recruit a Diocesan Officer with strong communication & IT skills and a willingness to travel throughout the diocese, to be based in the CAFOD Nottingham Office at The Briars, Crich, Derbyshire. For further details and an application form for this part time post, go to the CAFOD web page Closing date 6th November 2014. DEACON KEVIN’S ORDINATION. All Ordinations from the Diocese, including Deacon Kevin’s, will take place in the Cathedral of St Barnabas, Nottingham on Sat Jul 11th 2015 at 11.30am. I will keep you informed about any preparations we as a parish need to make but, in the meantime, please keep Deacon Kevin and all Ordinands in your daily prayers. DEEPEST SYMPATHY from the whole parish go to Cath Poole on the death of her brother Michael Singleton, and to Joe Harvey and family on their recent bereavement. May they rest on peace. RCIA will meet on Tuesday Morning after Mass at New Mills COLLECTION Envelopes £587.06 Loose £206.78 Total £793.84 Thank you CAFOD £535.77 Rest in Peace Anniversaries Remember especially Mary Forbes, George Cairns, Eileen Middleton, Monica Norton, Eileen Grace, Margaret Mary Jackson, Katherine Cowan, Richard Greiner, Joan Hines, Ellen Miller, George Heeds, Joan Whitley, Beverley Burke, Fr. Hugh Doherty, Maureen Mitchell-Kirk, Bernadette Tonge, David Hill, Bill Martin, Marie Sidebottom, Aine Shaw, Mike Ellwood, Geraldine Knowles, Kate Beighton, Suzanne Mautschke, David Poole Dorothy Graham, Fr Marianus ,Anna Kalnis Margaret Haven, May Yarwood,Brian Gloyne, Henry Wall, Margaret Morley, Sheila Maggiore, Herbert Kennedy, Florence McKernon, Nuala Kenyon, Charles Toft May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
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