Parish of St. Mary’s with St. Paul’s, Nottingham N.R.C.D.T. a Registered Charity 29th Sunday of ordinary time Year A: 19th October 2014 Priest: Fr. David Palmer St. Paul’s Presbytery, Lenton Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 2BY. Tel: 0115 978 6236 email: Website: Mass times Date Rotas Event th Sat 18 St Luke R 10.00am Mass Church St Mary’s Sr Francis Forde & Sr Marie Duddy RIP 6.00pm Mrs Ida Prewett th th Sun 19 29 Sunday of Ordinary Time 9.30am Mass St Paul’s St Paul’s Prince Paulose Intentions 11am Mass Mary O’Hagan & Mary Thompson St Mary’s th 9:30am Mass St Paul’s st 10.00am Mass St Mary’s Mon 20 Feria G Tue 21 Feria G Kevin Bradley RIP Wed 22 nd Feria G rd Thur 23 Feria G 7.00pm St Paul’s 10.00am Mass St Mary’s George & Dorothy Maltby RIP Fri 24 th Feria G 9.30am Mass St Paul’s th Feria G 10.00am Mass St Mary’s Sat 25 Michael Hennessy RIP 6.00pm John Simcock RIP th th Sun 26 30 Sunday of Ordinary Time 9.30am Mass For the people 11am Mass St Paul’s St Paul’s St Mary’s Lorraine Gallagher Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Sat 10:30am-11am St Mary's 5:15-5:45 St Paul’s Sun 9:00am St Paul's Counters This Week Counters Next Week St. Paul’s Church Readers This Week Eucharistic Ministers Readers Next Week Eucharistic Ministers St Mary’s Church Readers this week Eucharistic Ministers Readers next week Eucharistic Ministers St. Paul’s Church Mo & Cath Ted & Bernard 6pm E Foley E Cordell T Micallef K Rowan A Nowicki K Nowicki M Micallef 11.00am To be arranged St. Mary’s Church Pat & Margaret Duffy Pat & Margaret Duffy 9.30am J Adkin B Howes V McKenzie M Micallef E Hickey S Tye E Cordell M Maginnis Pat & Anne B To be arranged Sr Mary & Jaison Parish Lottery Winner 110 Mr G Owens St Paul’s Collection Loose plate and envelopes: 12/010/2014: £427.77 St Mary’s Collection Loose plate and envelopes: 12/10/2014: £395.34 Exposition Sat: 10:30am St Mary's Please Pray for the Sick of our Parish Josephine Dunkwu, Madeleine Roper, Rosa Calcroft, Susan Cresswell, Dennis Hind, Patrick Henry, Joseph Palmer, Emma, Mary Popwycz, Russell Ball, Thomas Murphy, Sonny Daly, Michelle Hennesy. PPC The PPC meeting will be postponed for 2 weeks, resuming on Tuesday 4th November as the Sanctuary is out of action. Thanks. BBQ Many thanks to all those who came to St Paul’s BBQ and helped make it such a success. Thanks also (of course) to all those who run stalls and helped set up and clear up. And a thank you to all those who bought raffle tickets, a list of raffle winners will be up in the porch. R.I.P John Simcock The funeral for John Simcock will be held at the Cathedral Reception Tuesday 21 October at 7.00pm Requiem Wednesday 22 October at 1.00pm The funeral of Maureen Burke (a parishioner at St Paul’s for many years) took place at the Nottingham Cathedral last week. May she rest in peace and rise in glory. Head to retire at Trinity Mr Michael McKeever will retire as Headteacher of Trinity School at the end of this term. We are planning a mass as thanksgiving for his work at the school. The Mass will be in the Sportshall at Trinity School, Beechdale Road, on Thursday 11 December at 7pm. All are welcome. Life in the Spirit Catholic evangelist Derek Williams leads a seven week long spiritual seminar "LIFE IN THE SPIRIT,” Praise & Adoration in the Poor Clares Monastery Chapel, Brooklyn Road Bulwell NG6 9ES. It's on seven consecutive Tuesdays from 14th October to Nov 25th, 6.30pm to 8.30pm. People can join either on all seven days or any. All are welcome. More info: 07506810177 (Joe) Governors at St Mary's School If any parishioners would be interested in being foundation Governors at St Mary's school (the parish school) when future vacancies occur, could you please speak to Fr David Families and Faith Diocesan Day A Families and Faith Diocesan Day takes place on 22nd November at Christ The King Voluntary Academy, Arnold, Nottingham from 10.00am to 4.00pm with Guest Speaker Bishop John Sherrington (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster) who will talk about issues raised at the Family Life Synod in Rome. The Cost of day is £12.00 to include lunch. Please obtain booking form from;, your parish priest or visit Teacher Vacancy The Good Shepherd Primary Catholic Voluntary Academy, Notts - The Governors are seeking to appoint a KS 2 Class Teacher. This is a temporary appointment of two terms until July 2015. For further details please contact the school office, Email: / Tel: 0115 9262983. The closing date for applications is NOON on Friday 31st October. YOUTH WORKER VACANCY The Catholic parishes of the city of Derby are looking for a dynamic and inspiring Youth Worker who: • has a passion for and experience in gathering and inspiring young people in their faith • is a gifted communicator • will liaise with and support clergy and catechists in the preparation, celebration and follow up for the sacrament of Confirmation. will develop a programme for Young Leaders within the city parishes. Based in Derby city. 24 hours a week. £20,000 per annum pro rata. For an application pack please contact Fr Paul Newman, St Alban’s, The Presbytery, Roe Farm Lane, Derby DE21 6ET or email CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS IS MONDAY 3RD NOVEMBER • The Catholic Medical Association (UK) invites all health professionals, medical students and any others interested to a talk to be given by Dr Dale Gardiner on "ORGAN DONATION". Dr Gardiner is an Intensive Care Consultant at Nottingham University Hospitals and Deputy National Clinical Lead for Organ Donation and will give an informative, fascinating and stimulating talk on this important topic. The meeting will take place in the Main Hall, St Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham, at 7.30pm on Tuesday 21st October 2014. For further information please contact Dr Tim Connery at Theology at the Pub For your diary: After the success of the first “Theology at the Pub” event, we are pleased to give advance notice of a second. Tuesday 18th November at the Hand in Heart pub (just up Derby Rd from Nottingham Cathedral) at 8pm, Fr John Martin, the Bishop’s Delegate for Youth, will be speaking on the “Catholic understanding of the family”, in the light of the Synod on the Family. This event is open to all and is free. Annual Parish Christmas Bazaar at St Mary’s School Annual Bazaar will be on the 15th November from 11am to 1pm at St Mary's School. If you have any items for the Bazaar can you start bringing them in to the church please. we also need items for the tombola this year as boots only gave a few things. If anyone would like to help on the day or help set out on the Friday afternoon please see Margaret or Pat Faith in families Christmas Hamper Appeal Each year Faith in Families supports a number of families in the Nottingham Diocese at Christmas by providing a hamper of food and toys. All families have children under 11 and have been assessed by social services or their local Church of being in immediate need. We will be collecting food and toys for these hampers in the run up to Christmas. Marriage and family life. 1604 God who created man out of love also calls him to love the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being. For man is created in the image and likeness of God who is himself love.90 Since God created him man and woman, their mutual love becomes an image of the absolute and unfailing love with which God loves man. It is good, very good, in the Creator's eyes. and this love which God blesses is intended to be fruitful and to be realized in the common work of watching over creation: "and God blessed them, and God said to them: 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it.'" Catechism of the Catholic Church Words of Wisdom – St Stephen of Hungary ‘Be humble in this life, that God may raise you up in the next. Be truly moderate and do not punish or condemn anyone immoderately. Be gentle so that you may never oppose justice. Be honourable so that you may never voluntarily bring disgrace upon anyone. Be chaste so that you may avoid all the foulness of lust like the pangs of death.’
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