Supported by 20th February 2015 DARGO BUSH BULLETIN Published by the Dargo & District Community Group And Dargo Neighbourhood House ACN: A0027624A ABN: 91925537278 Ph: 03 51401333 FEBRUARY 20th 21st 25th 27th PUB WHEEL (N/ HOUSE) FREE BREADMAKING W/SHP Followed by general meeting (see Landcare ad on Pg 12) POOL n DARTS PUB WHEEL-TV Grp MARCH 6th 6th-9th 8th 8th 12th 15th 20th22nd PUB WHEEL L/Care KYLIE’S MASSAGE CRICKET MATCH KIM from the DARGO BUSH NURSING CENTRE & BBQ at the Oval will be participating in this years HALL COM Meeting ART LESSONS “WORLDS GREATEST SHAVE” COMMENCE at Hall To raise money for the KIM’s BIG SHAVE LEUKAEMIA FOUNDATION. SONG/STORY WRITING W/SHOP Please be generous by sponsoring her shave for this great cause. CONTACT Please forward your submissions or queries to Kaz Kane at the Neighbourhood House, via the box at the Dargo General Store or post direct to Dargo Bush Bulletin, c/o PO Dargo Vic 3862, or email Thank you, Kaz Kane Ph 5140 1333 See her “BE BRAVE and SHAVE” at Avon Ridge Winery on Sunday 15th March at 4.00pm. Donations can be left at the Dargo Bush Nursing Centre For more info contact KIM: 51 455 278 Or at the DBNC on Tuesdays Receipts will be given for all donations. NEXT BULLETIN - 6th March 2015 To Wayne & Sharon Peters 22nd February Also to Carl & Sharon Treasure 3rd March THE DARGO CRICKET CLUB 20th 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 28th is hosting a cricket game on the green at the Recreation Reserve (next to the Hall) on Sunday 8th March 2015 BBQ at 12 noon 1st 2nd 3rd Game starts 1.00pm 5th All players and wanna-be players most welcome 10th 11th FEBRUARY Sarah Stobo Shane Paul Thomas Winter Danny Phelan Todd O’Neill Jason Legg Holly Capon Ella-Rose Doolan Olivia Stobo MARCH David Guy Josh Kane Damien Ellis Tegan Hall David Carpenter Charlotte Ellis Ryan Austin Phoebe Mansour Riley Capon Howard Stobo REMINDER NOTICE TO ALL ADVERTISERS The Dargo Bush Bulletin is distributed fortnightly. Submissions MUST be handed in to the editor by NO LATER THAN 5.00pm ON TUESDAY PRIOR TO DISTRIBUTION. Office hours for 2015 at the Neighbourhood House will be Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 10.00am til 2.00pm except public Holidays. Times may vary depending on other commitments or appointments as they arise but the days will generally always be the same. With these limited hours I am sure you can appreciate that I may not always have the time to ring around and remind everyone that it’s newsletter week. Kaz Kane Dargo & District Community Group Inc Operating as DARGO NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSE Lind Ave Dargo Vic 3862 Ph 51401333 Fax 51401361 (A0027624A) ABN 91 925 537 278 To all those people who put their names down as an indication they were interested in ART LESSONS - WHERE ARE YOU? The funding was applied for, based on YOUR interest… PLEASE call ASAP and let us know if you’re still interested. We use it or we lose it! LESSONS COMMENCE -Thursday 12th March at 9.45am until 4.00pm at the Hall. Lunch break (BYO) will be from 12noon til 1.00pm Once we have confirmed participants (for catering purposes) lunch will be provided. WHAT TO BRING A3 Folder with A3 & A4 pockets (folder needs to be able to add pockets). Note Book Pencils—2H, HB, 2B, 4B A full list of materials you need will be handed out on the first day, along with a schedule of the 10 week course. Due to the Wellington Shire providing us with a grant, we are able to offer this course at a very heavily reduced fee of only $50 per person for the whole 10 weeks, so please bring this with you on the first lesson so that your spot is secured. We have now secured a ‘Song/Story Writing’ tutor (part of this grant) who will be coming to Dargo on March 20th, 21st, 22nd so for those of you who want to participate in this workshop, keep this weekend free. More details will be published in the next Bulletin. Any questions, please contact Rosalie Campbell on 51401314 or Kaz Kane on 51401333 Kaz Kane Co-ordinator Dargo Neighbourhood House DARGO NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSE IN CONJUNCTION WITH and sponsored by H & H CONTRACTING (Steve & Helen Hall) GUESS THIS DARGONIAN / OBJECT CONDITIONS OF ENTRY:- All answers must reach Kaz by Tuesday prior to the Bulletin being published, when incorrect answers will be discarded and correct answers will go into a draw. YOU HAVE TO BE A SUBSCRIBER OF THE BULLETIN to enter. Only 1 guess per person, per BULLETIN, per fortnight. (NO CORRECT ENTRIES RECEIVED AS YET) WHO AM I? I was 4 years old when this photo was taken. I live on a hill in Dargo. NEW CLUE I’ve lived and worked in Dargo for nearly 5 years. ? If you would like to be part of this competition, please send your photo with a brief list of clues to Kaz Kane. DARGO TIP TIMES WEDNESDAYS 1pm to 3pm SATURDAYS 1pm to 5pm SUNDAYS 10am to 4pm PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 10am to 3pm DARGO BUSH NURSING CENTRE INC. *WALKING GROUP Each Thurs.8.30am. * next ’LATE (free) LUNCH’ Wed.15th April @ 1.30pm * Massage Therapist here 6, 7, 8, 9th March. *PODIATRIST 2015 Thurs.9th April at 1.15pm. *Appointments with visiting EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGIST available. Patrick is more than happy to visit Dargo to help you get started on an exercise program. Please phone the Dargo Bush Nurse 51401246. EXERCISE BENEFITS: Enhanced mood; Improved muscular strength & aerobic endurance; Improved cardiovascular & pulmonary function; Increased energy; Improved cognition & learning; Decreases likelihood of: musculoskeletal injuries, falls, cardio-vasculardisease, alzheimer’s, osteosporosis, cancers, metabolic conditions, depression, obesity; Stronger immune management; Gastrointestinal tract benefits; Improved sex life. Out of Hours Nurse-on-call ph.1300606024 Tues. 9am-5.30pm Wed. 1.30pm5.30pm Thurs. 9am-5.30pm Frid. 9am-5.30pm Sat. 9am-3pm 18th Mary 19th Mary 20th Sarah 21st Mary 24th Kim 25th Mary 26th Mary Walking Group 27th Mary 28th Mary 3rd March Kim 4th Mary 5th Mary Walking Group 6th Mary 7th Mary 10th Kim 11th Mary 12th Mary Walking Group 13th Mary 14th Mary Who’s 17th Kim Working When? Feb.– March ‘15 February SUMMER has again been very kind to gardeners with good rains, limiting the need to water. But if you water, a good deep watering once a week is far better than regular sprinkling (which does not penetrate & dries out too quickly!) Adding a layer of mulch protects the soil & breaks down, adding valuable humas. If you have compost, that is ideal, while lucern hay is the best of all mulches. Compost heaps must not dry out so layers of old carpet, cardboard, newspaper or clean (no weed seed) lawn clippings can be used as cover. Water from time to time to keep it moist - but not wet! A sprinkle of lime will help activate the composting process. IT IS time to prune - plums, peaches, apricots and all stone fruit after harvest. Do not leave rotten or fallen fruit on the ground as it encourages diseases - collect it & feed it to chooks or stock, or compost. Cherry & pear slug (those shiny black leech like critters) are very active now skeletonising leaves & inhibiting growth & development. Control them with a dusting of wood ash, lime or Diatomaceous Earth (used in swimming pool filters), or spray with lime/water at 10:1 ratio. White cabbage moth are also busy - but a fortnightly spray of Dipel or Pyrethrum will discourage their egg laying activities. Their caterpillars affect Cabbage, Cauliflour, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Kale etc. PLANTING TIME VEGETABLES - Cabbage, Cauliflour, Broccoli & Lettuce, and if you plant immediately Brussel Sprouts may succeed! Ideally, Sprout seedlings should be in before the end of January. Also fine to sow seeds Carrots, Parsnip, Beetroot, Radish, Leek & Spring Onions. FLOWERS - Seeds or seedlings - Stocks, English Daisy, Iceland Poppies, Polyanthus, Pansy & Primula; while, if taller background plants are in your plan, try Foxgloves, Delphinium, Canterbury Bells, Russel Lupins & Hollyhocks - sown in pots/punnets now! Worth trying for a great range of colour is Aquilegia (also know as Columbines or Granny Bonnets). PLANNING AHEAD * Lightly prune/deadhead roses now to promote another flush of Autumn colour * Prepare a bed for sowing Sweet Peas in mid March—dig in animal manure, compost & lime. * Make space & dig it over for a crop of Broad Beans to be sown late March/ April. Pigs by Susan Carcary Now my best mate Darryl Palmer was a very good pig farmer As his father farmed before him pigs, they'd farmed pigs through the years Darryl's tryin' to figure out what this new scheme is all about The 'Non-Raised-Pigs-Incentives-Scheme' is driving him to tears For they'd written to him saying that the Government was paying Hefty subsidies to not raise pigs; the logic seems quite mad Each non-raised little piggy seems is worth a sum so big, he's Doing better now not raising pigs than when he ever had What with pigs he is not raisin', Darryl's busy most week days in Not producing all the cereals the non pigs do not eat Darryl's bought a brand new Harley not producing oats and barley And plans next year to not produce a bigger crop of wheat This non-farming is efficient. Darryl found he had sufficient Motivation to expand, and they approved the thing in days. Add new cereals not growing to the crops he is not sowing For a crop that will not feed the extra pigs he does not raise Non-raised pigs! There's not much meat in all this new non-pork your eatin' (And you really have to wonder how they're gonna market that) A surprise is in the makin' when you're bringing home the bacon Plus it has the added bonus that it's very low in fat Darryl misses all his pig ways. He hankers for the old days Not raising pigs can be a swine, but mostly, it's a bore The stress of never hearing 'oink', he's even lost the urge to boink And he's broken out in rashers. Oh, I should have said before His favourite pig's still out the back. Real ham and bacon on his rack But he's miserable, he's lonely, and his place looks like a sty Darryl's rich but here's the fiddle – he's just piggy-in-the-middle If they think this scheme can feed us all – I tell you - pigs will fly © Susan Carcary 2010 If you’ve a poem that you once knew Send it in for all to view, It may be something about your horse Or cat, or dog, or pig of course, Fact or fiction, funny or sad Have a go, it’s not that bad! Kaz Kane DARGO HOTEL NEXT HAPPY WHEEL HAPPY HOUR Happy Hour this year will be on every THURSDAY night 5.30 to 6.30 Beers will be $3.50 each. U P C O M I N G Fri 20th Feb - N/HOUSE Fri 27th Feb - TV GROUP Fri 6th Mar - Landcare NEXT POOL n DARTS Wed Feb 25th E V E N T Labour Day Weekend (Sat March 7th) THREE BANDS WILL BE PLAYING Programme starts around 3.30pm til midnight BARNHURST - (covering music by Paul Kelly, Johnny Cash, Beatles, U2, Chris Isaak, The Pogues) BACK IN THE DAZE - (covering music by Creedence, Rolling Stones, Doors, Chisel, Daddy Cool, Dire Straights, Angels) INFIRMARY - (Mixed Blues and Rock with awesome saxophone player) FREE CAMPING IN THE PADDOCK BEHIND THE PUB Bookings and enquiries please contact Tom & Teen Howson on 51 401 231 Saturday 21 February 2015 Welcome event for all new members! 9.30am: Free Breadmaking Workshop with Culinaire Cooking School Instruction in making wood-fired oven pizzas, sourdough and ciabatta breads at Robyn and Roger’s place 917 Wonnangatta Road, Dargo, below Gibraltar Rock. 15 km from Dargo via Short Cut Road, 9.17km from start of Wonnangatta Road at Guys Please confirm your Cooking Class booking with Robyn by 16 February so ingredients and preparation can be made with the chef Phone 9499 5426; email to mail to 314 Upper Heidelberg Rd Ivanhoe 3079 1.00pm Free Gourmet pizza lunch After completion of the breadmaking class we will have a General Landcare Meeting Followed by an inspection of Black Snake Creek track, or a swim or fish in the Wonnangatta River SUDOKU PUZZLE (Solution Next Bulletin) See if you can get through this Maze Solution to last Bulletin’s Sudoku Puzzle JOKE RIDDLES What am I? The more you feed me, the bigger I grow, but give me water & I quickly die. Fire A drover rode into Dargo on Thursday, stayed three nights, and rode out on Thursday. How did he do that? His horse’s name was ‘Thursday’. The other night I was invited out for a night with the ‘girls.” I told my husband that I would be home by midnight, “I promise!” Well the hours passed and the margaritas went down way too easily. Around 3am, a bit loaded, I headed for home. Just as I got in the door, the cuckoo clock in the hallway started up and cuckooed three times. Quickly, realizing my husband would probably wake up, I cuckooed another 9 times. I was really proud of myself for coming up with such a quick-witted solution, in order to escape a possible conflict with him. (Even when totally smashed...3 cuckoos plus 9 cuckoos totals 12 cuckoos = MIDNIGHT!) The next morning my husband asked me what time I got in. I told him “MIDNIGHT” ...he didn’t seem annoyed in the least. Phew, I got away with that one! Then he said “We need a new cuckoo clock.” When I asked him why, he said, “Well last night our clock cuckooed three times, then said “oh shit” cuckooed four more times, cleared it’s throat, cuckooed another three times, giggled, cuckooed twice more, and then tripped over the coffee table and farted”. Provided by Hermann Bila JOKE There was an old couple, husband & wife, who went to church every Sunday. Every Sunday they sat on the same pew. One Sunday morning in church during a sermon, wife leaned over to her husband and said, “I’ve just done a silent fart, what should I do?” Husband said “Check you hearing aid dear”. Provided by Shelley Handley OBITUARY TODAY WE mourn the passing of a beloved old friend by the name of ‘Common Sense’ who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in and out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn’t always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not kids, are in charge). His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six year old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate, teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student only worsened his condition. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer aspirin to a student but could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband, churches became businesses, and criminals received better treatment than their victims did. Common Sense gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realise that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her lap, and was awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents Truth and Trust, his wife Discretion, his daughter Responsibility and his son Reason. Two stepbrothers - My Rights and I’ma Whiner - survive him. Not many attended his funeral because so few realised he was gone. If you still remember him pass this on, if not join the majority and do nothing. Provided by Lesley Websdale JOKES At St. Peter’s Catholic Church, they have weekly husbands’ marriage seminars. At the session last week, the priest asked Giuseppe, who said he was approaching his 50th wedding anniversary, to take a few minutes and share some insight into how he had managed to stay married to the same woman all these years. Giuseppe replied to the assembled husbands, ‘Wella, I’va tried to treat her nicea, spenda da money on her, but besta of all is, I tooka her to Italy for the 25th anniversary!’ The priest responded, ‘Giuseppe, you are an amazing inspiration to all the husbands here! Please tell us what you are planning for your wife for your 50th anniversary?’ Giuseppe proudly replied, ‘I gonna go picka her up.’ —————————————————————–——————A man takes his Rottweiler to the vet. “My dog’s cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for him?” “Well,” says the vet, “let’s have a look at him”. So he picks the dog up and examines his eyes, then checks his teeth. Finally he says, “I’m going to have to put him down”. “What? Because he’s cross-eyed?” says the man. “No, because he’s bloody heavy.” Local inspection and collection Prices negotiable Contact Saw Bench with PTO - $300 Roger Sutherland on 9499 5426 Seed & fertiliser spreader with PTO-$150 $30 Daily Hire Laundry Facilities Now available at the Store Any day between 8.30am & 4.00pm To Dargo Residents only Bookings taken through Lesley Websdale Phone 5140 1234 Dargo N/Hood House BBQ Ph: 5140 1219 for more details Kylie’s Remedial Massage Therapy Is now operating out of the Bush Nursing Centre in Dargo. Her next visit will be March 6th - 9th 2015 Appointments can be made for 1 hr, 45 mins or 1/2 hr sessions. Contact Kylie Ross on 0419 358 565 Room 11 Gift Shop Dargo Motor Inn New stock arriving soon! New Jewellery New Handbags Golliwogs Scarves Figurines Candle Holders And much more! Opening Hours - any day, just ask at Reception or phone 51401314 Fresh Fish & Seafood Now available through the Dargo General Store Your orders MUST be in no later than 5.00pm Monday for pickup at the Store on Friday morning. Price list & order forms ready to collect at the Store Bill Campbell - Builder Your Locally Licensed Quality Builder For all your Building and Carpentry Needs. New Homes, Renovations, Extensions, Pergolas & Decks Contact Bill on (03) 5140 1314 Or Mobile 0425 715 771 H & H Contracting Pty. Ltd. ABN 65 092 331 952 STEVEN HALL FOR YOUR TRANSPORT REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING - LIVESTOCK - FERTILIZER - HAY ETC. PLEASE CONTACT... M & D. Knott Dargo MOBILE 0427 456 181 *Tip Truck & Backhoe *Small Grader & Dozer Hire *Quality Sands *Gravels *Soils *Cattle Tracks *Driveways *House Sites *Drainage *Rubbish Removal *Foundations 228 Lind Avenue 3862 Telephone (03) 5140 1257 Mobile 0407 401 250 32 Princes Highway Stratford Vic. PH/FAX 03 51 456 181 ELECTRICIAN HANDYMAN AVAILABLE FOR ALL YOUR SLASHING AND ROTARY HOEING NEEDS THE VERY BEST ELECTRICIAN LIVING IN DARGO IS AVAILABLE FOR WORK. NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL. GOOD RATES PLEASE CONTACT HERMANN BILA ON 5140 1228 0427 401 300 PHIL DAVIES REG # 15157 Trading Hours Mon - Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday 8:00—5:30 8:00—6:30 8:00—5:30 8:00—5:00 Ph: 5140 1219 EARLY OR LATER HOURS CAN BE ARRANGED FOR GROUPS WITH SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS OR IN AN EMERGENCY. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Need a document witnessed? Call SUE CAPON ph: 5140 1339 your local “Justice of the Peace” REGISTRATION NO 10087 PLUMBER & GASFITTER COLIN CHATFIELD Has now moved to Briagalong and does not have any problems travelling to Dargo. Phone: 0419 876 714
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