RESULTS EXCLUSIVE 2014 BE A PART OF IT BE THE BEST St Marys College has scored an EXCELLENT 99% pass rate at A Level and a 100% pass rate for Vocational qualifications. SUCCESS AT ST MARY’S Students at St Mary’s College have been celebrating outstanding A Level and Vocational results this year. The A Level pass rate is superb at 99%, with 71% of students achieving high grades. This is particularly impressive because the College is one of the largest providers of A Levels in East Lancashire with over 1000 entries. Principal Frank Dixon said, “We are thrilled to see the students achieve such exceptional results. Our students’ dedication to their education has allowed them to excel in all areas. It is a very proud moment for our staff who are delighted to see so many of their students receive the results they need to progress to their first choice university. We wish all our students every success in their Once again, the Vocational Diploma future university studies and careers”. pass rate has remained at 100% with 89% of those students “High educational standards in gaining a Distinction which is the a community college and an equivalent of three grade As at A Level. exceptionally talented staff help me to ensure that students develop in body, mind and spirit and achieve Our students really have achieved excellent examination results.” their aspirational goal as in total, 61 subjects gained a perfect 100% pass rate achieving an extraordinary 85% high grades. “I’ve really enjoyed my time at St Mary’s, all my teachers have been Lorenzo Leoni absolutely brilliant.” TOP PERFORMER Lorenzo Leoni, ex- St Augustine’s, achieved an exceptional three A*s in History, English Literature and Religious Studies as well as a grade A in Government and Politics. He is now taking a gap year and aims to read History at Cambridge University in 2015. BE THE BEST “The teachers supported me every step of the way. It’s been amazing!” Ammarah Adam Anthony Bury, Ammarah Adam and Francis Devine have achieved fantastic results which will enable them to take their places at their first choice of university. Anthony Bury, (top) previously from St Augustine’s, gained two A*s in Physics and Mathematics, alongside two grade As in Further Mathematics and Music Technology. Anthony will be accepting a place at Nottingham University to study Mathematics. Ammarah says, “The teachers supported me every step of the way. It’s been amazing!” Francis Devine, (bottom right) a former Clitheroe Royal Grammar student, attained two A*s in History and English Literature and a further grade A in Classical Civilisation. He will soon be Ammarah Adam, (bottom left) ex- Tauheedul, achieved two A*s taking his place at Edinburgh in Psychology and Geography and University to study Japanese. a grade A in English Language Francis says, “I really appreciate and Literature. She will start all the support, guidance and studying English Literature at the University of Manchester in quality of teaching that I have received over the past two years”. September. BE THE BEST “My teachers were very supportive and encouraging. Thank you St Mary’s for a great two years.” Aisling Crossman The following six students achieved an amazing seven A*s and 11 As between them. Nazia Kiria, (bottom left) exIslamiyah, gained two A*s in Biology and Chemistry and also an A in English Literature. Nazia is hoping to study Medicine after a gap year and during that time will be doing voluntary work with the hope of travelling to Africa. Aisling Crossman, (bottom right) ex- St Wilfrid’s, achieved an A* in Psychology and two As in Sociology and English Literature. She has been accepted at the University of Leeds to study Sociology. Aisling says, “My teachers were very supportive and encouraging. Nazia says, “The teachers at St Mary’s have been very supportive Thank you St Mary’s for a great two years”. and have looked out for both my academic and personal wellbeing”. Michael Clucas, (top) a former St Augustine’s student, attained an A* in Biology, as well as two As in Chemistry and English Language. He is heading off to study Medicine at the University of Liverpool. BE THE BEST “Everything about St Mary’s has been fantastic and thoroughly enjoyable. I’m so excited about my future that has been realised by the hard work and dedication of my teachers.” Natalie Howley Charlotte Griffiths, (top right) a former Ribblesdale student, also gained an A* in Psychology alongside two As in Law and Biology. She will be studying Sports and Exercise Science at Leeds Metropolitan University. Junaid says, “The continued support and high level of education provided to me at St Mary’s has allowed me to reach new heights in my educational career. Thank you”. Natalie Howley, (top left) exSt Augustine’s, attained an A* in Business Studies as well as two As in Spanish and English Language and Literature. She will be studying Modern Junaid Patel, (bottom) previously Foreign Languages at Exeter University. from Pleckgate, achieved an A* in Mathematics and two As Natalie says, “Everything about in Further Mathematics and St Mary’s has been fantastic Chemistry. and thoroughly enjoyable. I’m so He is continuing his studies at the London School of Economics excited about my future that has been realised by the hard work where he will be reading and dedication of my teachers”. Mathematics with Economics. Charlotte says, “I thoroughly enjoyed my time at St Mary’s with fantastic teachers and fantastic facilities”. BE THE BEST “My teachers and the Student Guidance team really supported me through my studies. I am very grateful for their help.” Elizabeth Golding NO LESS THAN PERFECT! The following subjects gained a PERFECT 100% pass rate. Accounting Business Studies Business and Finance Children’s Play, Learning and Development Computing Dance Digital Photography Drama and Theatre Studies Economics Electronics English Language English Language and Literature English Literature Fine Art French Further Mathematics Geography Geology Government and Politics Graphic Design Health and Social Care History ICT Information Technology Law Media Studies Media Production Music Music Technology Music Performing Performance Studies Performing Arts Musical Theatre Physics Psychology Sociology Spanish Sport Sport and PE Textiles A* STARS These students gained at least one A* grade in their results. Ammarah Adam Yasmin Akbar Fatima Anwar Dahniyal Awan Saskia Bennett Anthony Bury Leah Chung Michael Clucas Aisling Crossman Sanna Desai Francis Devine Bethany Devitt Maariyah Esat Charlotte Griffiths Gerard Harkin Jessica Holt Natalie Howley Nazia Kiria Lorenzo Leoni Henry Mills Ibrahim Patel Junaid Patel Rosemina Patel Athalia Willis BE THE BEST “St Mary’s has helped me every step of the way. It’s a great college with a good atmosphere and sense of community spirit.” Joe McAlary 71% of our students gained high ICT. He has been accepted at the grades at A Level. The following University of Manchester to read students attained at least three Law. grade As or more. Joe says, “St Mary’s has helped Joe McAlary, previously from Our me every step of the way. It’s a Lady and St John, achieved four great college with a good As at A Level. Joe gained his As atmosphere and sense of in Law, Film Studies, English community spirit”. Language and Literature and Reece Brighouse, also ex- Our Lady and St John, attained three As in Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. He is off to Lancaster University to study Physics. Reece says, “My time at St Mary’s College has been the best two years of my life!” BE THE BEST “It has been an enjoyable two years. The teachers have been very supportive and have pushed me to achieve my best.” Muzammil Sheth Elizabeth Golding, Abigail Metcalfe and Muzammil Sheth also gained three grade As at A Level. Elizabeth, (top) a former St Augustine’s student, achieved her A grades in Biology, Chemistry and Psychology. She will take her place at Nottingham University to study Medicine. Elizabeth says, “My teachers and the Student Guidance team really supported me through my studies. I am very grateful for their help”. Abigail, (bottom left) another previous St Augustine’s student, gained her three As in Geology, Biology and Chemistry. She will soon be at Durham University studying Earth Sciences. Muzammil, (bottom right) ex- Pleckgate, attained his As in Economics, Chemistry and Biology. He will be taking up Economics at the University of Leeds. Muzammil says, “It has been an enjoyable two years. The teachers have been very supportive and have pushed me to achieve my best”. BE THE BEST “My teachers pushed me to work to the best of my ability and helped me achieve the grades that I wanted.” Fatima Anwar PSYCHOLOGY SUCCESS Congratulations to the Psychology department who gained a 100% pass rate. An amazing 86% of students achieved high grades with 20% of those students attaining an A*. Fatima Anwar, (left) a former student from Tauheedul, obtained an A* in Psychology as well as two Bs in Biology and Chemistry. She is off to the University of Bristol to study Dentistry. Fatima says, “The teachers pushed me to work to the best of my ability and helped me to achieve the grades that I wanted”. Alex Webster, (right) an exBowland student, attained an A in Psychology alongside an A in Biology and a B in Sport and PE. Alex is going on to study Sport and Exercise Science at Chester University. “The teachers are very helpful and the facilities are great. St Mary’s can help you achieve the best grades possible.” Mohammed Siddiq Laura Kinder (left) and Mohammed Siddiq (right) also gained As in Psychology. Laura, a former student from Mount Carmel, studied Biology and Law in which she attained a further two Bs. She will take her place at York University to read Psychology, in the hopes of pursuing a career in either Clinical or Forensic Psychology. Mohammed, previously from Pleckgate, also gained an A in Biology and a B in Chemistry alongside his A in Psychology. He is planning to take a gap year in which he will volunteer abroad and then wants to apply to study Medicine. Mohammed says, “The teachers are very helpful and the facilities are great. St Mary’s can help you achieve the best grades possible”. BE THE BEST BE THE BEST “St Mary’s had the perfect subjects for me and the teachers were always on hand to help.” Daniel Butterworth EXCELLENCE IN ECONOMICS Well done to Economics who achieved a 100% pass rate with 56% of students gaining A*-B grades. Oghenenyerhovbome Odudu, (left) previously from St Bede’s, attained an A in Economics as well as an A in Computing and a B in Chemistry. He will be taking up Accountancy on the KPMG School Leavers Scheme at Durham University. Daniel Butterworth, (right) a former student from Mount Carmel, also gained an A in Economics alongside an A in Biology and a B in Maths. He will be reading Economics at Lancaster University. Daniel says, “St Mary’s has a great atmosphere and the teachers are always there to help”. BE THE BEST “The support and continuous motivation given from the staff at St Mary’s has helped me to excel.” Dahniyal Awan A-MAZING ART Well done to the Art Department who gained a 100% pass rate in all four subject areas – Digital Photography, Fine Art, Graphic Design and Textiles and Fashion. Cecily Astin, (bottom left) an exSt Augustine’s student, gained an A in Digital Photography. Cecily will also be studying Foundation Art at Manchester Metropolitan. Henry Mills, (top) previously from Bowland High School, attained an A* in Fine Art and an A in Graphic Design. He will now be studying Foundation Art and Design at Manchester Metropolitan University. Dahniyal Awan, (bottom right) a former student from Witton Park, achieved an A* in Graphic Design. He will be going to the University of Central Lancashire to study Architecture. Dahniyal says, “The support and continuous motivation given from Henry says, “Art has been my the staff at St Mary’s has helped favourite part of St Mary’s. The me to excel”. door is always open and my teachers are available to help and support me every step of the way”. BE THE BEST “The teachers are really passionate about their subject and this makes classes fun and interesting.” Phoebe Wigglesworth DAZZLING AT DANCE Dance has yet again scored a 100% pass rate with all students achieving a high grade. Phoebe Wigglesworth, previously from Blessed Trinity, achieved an A in Dance as well as an A in Media Studies and a B in English Language. She is taking her place at Manchester Metropolitan University to study International Fashion Promotion. Phoebe says, “The teachers are really passionate about their subject and this makes classes fun and interesting”. BE THE BEST “I’ve had a great time studying at St Mary’s. All the guidance I received from my teachers and the support of my friends has really helped me grow.” Adam Fenton A PROUD PERFORMANCE Congratulations to the Performing Arts subjects. Both Drama & Theatre Studies and Performance Studies achieved a 100% pass rate with 88% of drama students and 90% of performance students gaining high grades. Athalia Willis, (left) a former student from Norden, gained an A in Performance Studies, as well as an A* in English Literature, a B in Drama and Theatre Studies and a Distinction in Performing Arts Musical Theatre. Athalia is off to Lancaster University to study Drama and English Literature. Adam Fenton, (right) an exPleckgate student, achieved an A in Drama and Theatre Studies and a B in Psychology. He is going to Salford University to study Drama and Theatre Studies. Adam says, “I’ve had a great time studying at St Mary’s. All the guidance I received from my teachers and the support of my friends has really helped me grow”. “All the support the teachers gave me was amazing. They helped me achieve the best I could. I have also met so many new friends that have made my Catherine Crewe college life sociable and fun.” SENSATIONAL VOCATIONAL Yet again our vocational students have scored a 100% pass rate with thirty students gaining three Distinctions - the equivalent to three As at A Level. 89% of these vocational students achieved a high grade with top scores including D*D*D*, equivalent to three A*s at A Level. Catherine Crewe, a former St Bede’s student, attained D*D*D* in Sport and will be using a gap year to develop her role of teaching gymnastics in primary schools. She says, “All the support the teachers gave me was amazing. They helped me achieve the best I could. I have also met so many new friends that have made my college life sociable and fun”. BE THE BEST “At St Mary’s I was able to get all the support I could wish for. I also had a brilliant time too.” Chris Brindle Josh Bunn, (top left) an ex- St Augustine’s student, achieved a D*DD in Sport. He is currently in Phase 1 training in the Royal Navy in the hope of becoming an Engineer. Nazia Alil, (bottom left) an exMount Carmel student, achieved a D*D*D in Health and Social Care. She is off to Edge Hill University to take her place on an Early Years course. Chris Brindle, (bottom right) previously from Pleckgate, gained a D*DD in Health and Social Care. He is on his way to the University of Central Lancashire to study Mental Health. Chris says, “At St Mary’s I was able to get all the Maria says, “I thoroughly enjoyed support I could wish for. I also had a brilliant time too”. the subject and the teachers were extremely helpful. I would definitely recommend St Mary’s College to others”. Maria Khan, (top right) formerly from Mount Carmel, gained a D*D*D* in Health and Social Care. She hopes to begin studying in the field of Operating Departmental Practice. BE THE BEST “I have really enjoyed my time at St Mary’s. The staff really helped me to achieve my goals. They gave me the experience and knowledge I needed to get the job I wanted. Thank you.” Samantha Rea, (above) previously from St Augustine’s, achieved a DDD in Children’s Care, Learning and Development (CCLD). She will be studying Primary Teaching with Mathematics at Edge Hill University. Kiera Hargreaves Kiera Hargreaves, (above) an ex- Blessed Trinity student, also gained a DDD in CCLD. She has gone straight into the world of work with a full time job at a local nursery as an Early Years Practitioner. Kiera says, “I have really enjoyed my time at St Mary’s. The staff really helped me to achieve my goals. They gave me the experience and knowledge I needed to get the job I wanted. Thank you”. BE THE BEST “Travelling to Hong Kong opened my eyes to a different culture and a different way of operating and interacting. It will be an experience I will never forget.” Zac Hardman GAP YEAR SUCCESS After achieving excellent results in 2013 Zac Hardman decided to take a gap year and apply for entry in 2014. Zac gained an A* in English Literature and two As in English Language and Medieval History last August to secure a place at Cambridge. He will be studying a unique course to the UK:- AngloSaxon, Norse and Celtic. During his gap year he journeyed to Hong Kong to teach English to 7-8 year olds. Zac says, “Travelling to Hong Kong opened my eyes to a different culture and a different way of operating and interacting. It will be an experience I will never forget”. “There is a very supportive atmosphere at St Mary’s which encourages you to achieve your full potential.” Autumn Charnley AS RESULTS We can’t forget our first year students who also achieved fantastic results. Below are some outstanding students with exceptional grades. Autumn Charnley, previously from St Bede’s, gained an impressive five A grades in Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Further Mathematics. She is hoping to continue her study of either Physics or Mathematics at university this time next year. Autumn says, “There is a very supportive atmosphere at St Mary’s which encourages you to achieve your full potential”. BE THE BEST “I’m really enjoying my time at St Mary’s. With the excellent teaching and support I am looking forward to the future.” Abbey Bracken Twins (left to right) James and Matthew Harvey, former St Augustine’s students, gained eight As between them. James is studying Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and Geology whilst Matthew is taking Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and Further Mathematics. Matthew says, “The help and support from the teachers is excellent”. Abbey Bracken, (above) an ex- student from Blessed Trinity, attained four As in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. Abbey says, “I’m really enjoying my time at St Mary’s. With the excellent teaching and support I am looking forward to the future”. BE THE BEST “I like the independence and comfortable feeling around college. My subjects allow me to express myself and discover new ideas.” Georgia Hardman These students achieved at least three grade As at AS Level. Zainulabedin Akuji Anna Boase Abbey Bracken Autumn Charnley Molly Dunn - top left Ella Gregory - bottom left Kyle Griffiths Adnan Hafeji Georgia Hardman - top right James Harvey Matthew Harvey Muhammad Hussain Jennifer Lovick - bottom right Rheagan McAvoy Jack Robinson Sophie Stacks Mohammed Tahir Jack Taylor - bottom middle BE INFORMED Keep in touch with our further information. SMC Central is our one-stop shop for student information. For further details on Transport, Bursary or Scholarships email: INFORMATION EVENINGS Thursday October 16th 2014 Thursday November 6th 2014 ADMISSION INTERVIEW DATES Wednesday January 21st 2015 Wednesday February 25th 2015 Wednesday April 1st 2015 ST MARY’S EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD OF UP TO £1,000 FOR HIGH ACHIEVERS. These scholarships will be awarded on the basis of GCSE achievements. Further details can be found on the College website: FREE TRAVEL FOR STUDENTS ON ALL BUSES ON COLLEGE ROUTES. SCAN ME Full details of routes and pick up points are available at BURSARY The Bursary Fund is designed to help support those young people who face the greatest barriers to continuing in education or training post-16. You will need to complete an application form and meet the necessary criteria in order to qualify. Further details can be obtained from SMC Central or from the College website SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter@smcblackburn St Mary’s College App SCAN ME Download the official St Mary’s College App St Mary’s College Shear Brow, Blackburn Lancashire, BB1 8DX t: (01254) 580464 f: (01254) 665991 w:
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