Page 1 THE MAGNIFICAT October 2014 The Head of this Church Jesus Christ Bishop Rt. Rev. Edward J. Konieczny Rector Rev. Dr. Mark D. Story Assisting Priest (retired) Assisting Priest Rev. Jim Hunkins Rev. Scott Lee Deacons Rev. Nancy Bridges Rev. Bill Hesse Administrative Assistant Carolene Ball Bookkeeper Kay Zumwalt Nursery Director Annalisa Douglass Youth Minister Dion & Linda Crider Youth Minister Chris Hand Youth Minister David & Jill Youngblood Youth Minister Roger Webb Praise Ensemble Scott Chard Chancel Choir Organist Dr. Karl Nelson Betsy Banks Senior Warden Gail Warne Junior Warden Bill Lambert Vestry Members Davis Berryman John Harrison Mary Hendrick Greg Kamp James Rounsavall Clerk of Vestry Treasurer John Stone Alice Norton Mike Kisthardt Contact Us… E-mail Phone (405) 341-3855 St. Mary’s School (405) 341-9541 Head of School Pamela Dockter Stewardship is all about life lived with purpose. by Father Mark Story If you have ever wondered if there will be another generation of Christians… were you aware that 23 volunteers shared the gospel with 60 children during Vacation Bible School? If you have ever worried about making repairs to your home… were you aware that we sent 42 people to Port Huron, MI on a mission trip and that we have reserved 48 spaces for our 2015 trip to Wintersville, Ohio? If you have ever wondered what kids do with their spare time… were you aware that more than 40 young people spend Wednesday nights with us and that some of their parents reintroduced an evening meal to support Wednesday night ministry? If you ever reminisce about college or worry about the massive amount of student debt… were you aware that Linda Mason started a UCO student ministry that serves students pancakes during finals week and that we supply food for the UCO Food Pantry? If you love the music that our Chancel Choir produces, PAGE 2 THE MAGNIFICAT If you have ever felt stressed or wanted to improve your flexibility and balance… were you aware that we host a Tai Chi class on Tuesdays and Thursdays? If you have ever wondered how you can assist people who are experiencing financial challenges… were you aware that, so far, your gifts to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund in 2014 provided housing for 8 families and kept the utilities on for another 8 families? If you have ever wanted to improve your biblically literacy, enhance your ability to make sense out of the world, or be better prepared to serve your Lord… were you aware that Father Mark, The Wired Word and Seekers host classes on Sunday mornings, that there is a women’s bible study class on Tuesday mornings, and that Education for Ministry meets on Monday nights? Were you are that there is a brand new adult formation ministry that meeting on Wednesday night? It’s so new that it doesn’t even have a name yet. If you have ever been concerned about the well-being of Edmond’s middle and high school students and whether or not they have easy access community resources that can support them in times of need… were you aware that Edmond Family Counseling developed a free smartphone app called that delivers a wide variety of information to the young people in our city and that St. Mary’s was the only church that achieved named contributor status? If you have ever thanked God that you can play golf or thanked God that other people play golf… were you aware that St. Mary’s hosted a golf tournament that raised $20k for the Hope Center this summer? If you have ever needed a friend or felt the compelling need to bid three hearts… were you aware that 20 women play Bridge on Thursdays in the parish hall and that our Annual Bridge Luncheon is one of Edmond’s must attend events? You are most certainly aware that Oklahoma is known for its severe weather… were you aware that we have not had a single severe thunder storm this year? If you ever wonder whether or not your life or our parish truly makes a difference… remember that we are the Episcopal Church in Edmond and that we strive to live with a deep and abiding sense of gratitude and generosity. Page 3 October Birthday’s October 1 Gavin Marshall Laura Winzenread October 2 Jon Apt Misty Hensch Sarah Miller Jaime Schultheis October 4 Karla Marshall Sarah Rainey October 5 Natasha Kotey Kyle Baker October 6 Jim Hunkins October 7 Mackenzie Majors October 8 Denise Kisthardt Andrew Loeb October 9 Carol Hunkins David McDaniel October 10 Janita Ruth October 11 Scott Chard October 17 Ann Merritt Ron Tracy Annie Pritchard October 12 Roger Banks October 18 Virginia Bauer Bill Hesse October 13 Evan Phillips Adam Sawyer October 19 Allison Stone October 14 Hosteen Walsh October 15 Libby Miller Richard Opalka Thomas Royall October 16 Diane Ellis Hayden White October 23 Donna Costello October 25 Melinda O’Brien Kate Folmar October 29 Tami Seknicka October 30 Evelyn Hensch May the love you’ve planted along the way come in full bloom for you today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! PAGE 4 THE MAGNIFICAT October 3 Men’s Dinner October Fest Mouthwatering Bratwurst & Sauerkraut October 3 7 p.m.— 9 p.m. Call the church office at Every 1st Friday of each month is Men’s Dinner in the Parish Hall at 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sign up sheet is in the Parish Hall at the Information Center. Call the church office at 341-3855 if you have questions. Friday, October 3 Zarate’s Latin Mexican Grill 706 S. Broadway Edmond, OK 73003 6:00 p.m.—8:30 p.m. Must R.S.V.P Call Carol Cleveland at 405-340-8246 or Joan Kenderick at 405-478-2205. Page 5 Altar Flowers Whole in One St. Mary’s Singles Ministry Whole In One will meet on Friday, October 10 and October 24 at 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the library. The meetings are the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month in the church library. All singles are invited to join us. For more information, call Jean Bell at 513-8170 or 341-2107. Save the Date Art with Tandi Patriotic Painting Thursday, October 23 6:30 p.m. room 2 Cost $33 Questions: Susan Pettit at (405) 286-2856 Flowers for the Altar sign up sheet is posted in the North hallway across from the kitchen. Sign up dates are available. Please sign your name on the date if you would like to place flowers on the altar, In Memory of , In Thanksgiving for and/or a special occasion. Please keep this ministry alive by donating, fifty dollars or more. For more information contact, Sally DeBellevue at 715-2428 or Karla Marshall 340-4638. St. Mary’s Blanket Ministry The blankets that we provided this year are fleece blankets they carry great meaning, for each knot in the fringe symbolizes a prayer. One-by one the knots are tied by individual parishioners at the end of each service. One-by one the blanket recipient is lifted-up to God by a caring congregation. A blanket is freely and reverently offered to anyone in St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Community. A donation of $10 is accepted for those outside the community. We respectfully accept all inquiries regarding this Ministry in care of Mary Lambert at Thank you, St. Mary’s people, for helping to feed the hungry students and staff at UCO. We have had more people come to the UCO Central Food Pantry this month than we have since it opened. Your constant gifts are greatly appreciated! Sincerely, Ladies Bridge Game Thursday, October 9 & Thursday, October 23 From the hungry and from Eric Hemphill, Coordinator of the Food Pantry Chancel Choir Rehearsals will be on Wednesday nights, 1 p.m. —3 p. m. 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. in the choir room. For more information contact Janet Kennedy at 919-1989 or Carol Cleveland 340-8246. Any questions contact the church office at 341-3855 PAGE 6 THE MAGNIFICAT October Youth Schedule Fall Outing - Wednesday, October 15 SMES Fall Festival - Friday, October 17 St. Mary’s Chancel Choir Blessing of the Animals 2 p.m. St. Mary’s School 505 East Covell Road Edmond, OK On Sunday, October 5, Episcopal Churches throughout the country will once again observe the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi with the Blessing of the Animals. Everyone is welcome! The St. Mary's Episcopal Church Chancel Choir and the choir of First United Methodist Church will be presenting a special. All Saints' Day Evensong on Sunday, November 2 at 6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary of First United Methodist Church, 305 E. Hurd St., Edmond. This service will combine music, prayer and the lighting of candles to commemorate the faithful departed. It will allow us to remember with thanksgiving before God those whom we have known more directly: those who gave us life, or who nurtured us in faith. In this contemplative service, the choirs will present Requiem by Gabriel Fauré with a chamber orchestra. It will be a time to remember the different transitions that we meet in our own lives, and the ultimate transition of our own physical lives themselves. If you have a name or names of loved ones who have departed as faithful members of Christ's family through baptism that you would like to have read during this service, please send their names to Karl Nelson at by October 26. One family, we dwell in him, one Church, above, beneath; though now divided by the stream, the narrow stream of death. Charles Wesley Page 7 St. Mary’s and the Order of Daughters of the King This is a invitation you to Attend a Spiritual Journey with Diane Swartzenduber, Sharing God’s Light & Life Lessons Through Quilting Monday, October 13 at 6:30 p.m. Reception & Presentation 325 East 1st Street Edmond, OK 73034 Any questions contact Carol Smith at 405-359-4102 St. Mary’s Travelers St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Edmond, Oklahoma Chickasaw Country Bus Tour Friday, November 7, 9 a.m.—4:30 p.m. $69 per person Visit the Chickasaw Cultural Center, Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Bedre’ Chocolate Factory, the shops at the Artesian Hotel (Sulphur). The Rusty Nail Winery, lunch at the Chickasaw Cultural Center included. Reservation forms available in Parish Hall. If interested fill form our and return to Susan Pettit ASAP. (286-2856) Or put in box in office. I will check posthaste! She will mial the forms to the Oklahoma Genealogical Center. Space is limited so register now. Reservations must be made for you at the various stops and venues. Bus will leave the Oklahoma History Center, 800 Nazih Zudi Drive (off Laird St. from 23rd) at 9 a.m. and return at 4:30 p.m. PAGE 8 THE MAGNIFICAT Save the Date! Liturgy Leadership Festival Liturgy Leadership Festival scheduled for October 25, 2014 What is a Liturgy Leadership Festival? It is our first Diocesan Wide event for those who are acolytes, Acolyte Masters, Vergers, Members of the Altar Guild, Eucharistic Bread Bakers, Flower Arrangers, Lay Eucharistic Ministers or Lectors, do needlework or sewing, Usher, Greet or Thurifer OR WANT TO LEARN ANY OF THESE SKILLS. The event will be held at St. Paul's Cathedral and will run workshops on all of the above. Katrian D. Packard, President of the National Altar Guild, will be here to work with those on the Altar Guild. We will open registration at 8:45 and our 1st set of workshops will begin at 9:15. There will be two opportunities to attend workshops that day and then lunch, followed by a Festival Eucharist and Group Commissioning. The cost is $20 per person and lunch is included. ADDED BONUS: if 5 members of your congregation attend, a 6th person can attend for free! Acolyte Masters - bring your banners, streamers and stands, along with your acolyte robes. We will also award the Bishop's Bowl to one Acolyte Team! Rolling Green Costumes & Party Season As always costumes are needed for all ages and sizes. These are distributed before the party but every year we have children who come to the party with no costume. Imagine the smiling faces when they get to choose one off the rack! So it would be truly appreciated if you can donate your slightly used costumes (or new ones). Please drop them off at Rolling Green by October by October 20th . I can also come by your churches and pick them up. This year two volunteers are needed ( I will be out of town) who can distribute the costumes sometime in the week of the 20th after school. It’s a lot of fun! Please let me or Ladonna/Lisa know if you can. If you have any questions please e-mail or call at 590-6888. I will be attend the party with the punch and dry ice as usual! What a wonderful ministry and thank you so much Terrie and Lisa for the meetings and the minutes! Have a blessed Sunday! Mary Ann Page 9 St. Mary’s Ministry Garden Flower take down and deliver to the sick on Monday’s. Lead, organize or volunteer for receptions Loaves & Fishes Provide meals Please prayerfully consider volunteering your time. Paul writes in Romans that the love of God has been poured into our hearts. We are called to share this love. Call me at 833-4761 or call the church office at 341-3855. Blessings & Peace in his name ...Deacon Nancy PAGE 10 THE MAGNIFICAT SAVE THE DATE WHAT IS BEAU GESTE? ~ "GOOD DEED" Beau Geste is St. Mary School's largest annual fundraising event. Traditionally, it is a "themed" social gala including, fabulous items for a silent and live auction, dinner, music entertainment. This year's Beau Geste theme is "Casino Royale" and it will be held on March 7, 2015 at Oak Tree Golf and Country Club. Be sure and SAVE THE DATE! All funds from Beau Geste are used to benefit our student's educational experience at St. Mary's. It is a wonderful time to get involved and work together with other parents for a good cause. If you have any donations or wonderful auction ideas, please contact the co-chairs: or Page 11 IMAGINE* Our vision for the next one to two years: St. Mary’s is a vibrant and inclusive community of Christians which has been transformed by God’s love and grace. We actively seek out and heartily welcome new members to share in Christian worship, study and fellowship. We energetically serve the larger community beyond our walls. Our active membership has grown dramatically and our physical facilities are clean, bright, inviting, have accommodated growth and have enabled a broad range of on-site and off-site ministries. Thank You Notes PAGE 12 THE MAGNIFICAT 325 East First Street Edmond, OK 73034 Return Service Requested St. Mary’s Publication Deadlines include: Magnificat — the 10th of each month Mid-Week Update — Monday, 5 p.m. of each week Weekend Announcements — Wednesday, noon of each week. Mission Statement We are called to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord to form our lives into the image of Christ to serve our neighbors in the name of Christ to invite our neighbors into fellowship with Christ.
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