ST. JOHN VIANNEY CATHOLIC CHURCH 789 17TH AVENUE NORTH, SOUTH ST. PAUL, MN 55075 OFFICE: (651) 451-1863 FAX: (651) 451-1864 WWW.SJVSSP.ORG Together—Renewing our commitment to God and our community. October 12 , 2014—28th Sunday of Ordinary Time AN INVITATION TO A JOYFUL COMPANY Isaiah 25: 6-10 Psalm 23 Philippians 4:12-14,19-20 Mathew 22:1-14 or 22: 1-10 Announcing the birth of Jesus, the Angel of the Lord told the shepherds: “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people, for today a savior has been born for you….” (Lk. 2:9). The life and mission of Jesus indeed was news of great joy to the sinners and the outcast alike. The gospel passage that we heard today, Jesus compares the invitation to the Kingdom of God to an invitation to a great wedding feast. This passage corrects the notion that Christianity is a religion of “doom and gloom”, something that asks its followers to give up everything that brings “laughter and sunshine and happy fellowship”. It tells us that every believer is invited to joy in the company of God, and it is this joyful companionship with God they miss, if they refuse this invitation. The excuses given by the invitees are not necessarily bad in themselves. They all went off to the task of administering their business life. Their priorities were about things that mattered here and now than what mattered in eternity. This is a tragedy that continues even today where the “second bests shut out the bests”. What excuses do we give to this invitation to joy? Tired? Too busy with work? Hockey and football practices? Remember, Jesus is not talking about the punishment in this parable, but He gently reminds us of the true joy we will be missing when we refuse the invitation of God. Fr. Antony Please Note Change WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Sacrament of Reconciliation: Thursday & Friday only. 7:00am—7:30am Saturdays at 4:00pm to OCTOBER 18,19 SAINTS OF THE WEEK October 13-19, 2014 14, St. Callistus 15, St. Teresa of Jesus 16, St. Hedwig & St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 17, St. Lgnatius of Antioch 18, St. Luke Pope Francis has called the Church to embrace the Gospel of joy and to give the reason for our hope in Christ. This singular event gathers our entire universal Catholic Church to renew our missionary call. On World Mission Sunday, the feast day for mission, we say “yes” to Christ and his mission to bring good news and hope to the poor through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Envelopes have been placed in each pew. Thank you St. John Vianney Financials, none at this time. YID 10/05/2014 Description Actual Budget YTD YTD Budget Varience (Week 14 ) Envelopes $ $ $ $ $ (Fiscal Year Plate/Loose $ $ $ $ $ July’ 14-June’ 15) Mortgage $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL: $ $ $ $ $ Special Collections $ YOUTH GROUP PANCAKE BREAKFAST OCTOBER 26, 9:00—12:00 Volunteers Are Needed ! Call Mary Swedin if you can help out. You can contact Mary at or 651-450-9063 Praying the Rosary Fr. Antony Skaria will be Praying the Rosary on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays after each daily Mass. Baptism Announcement Congratulations to Gage Anthony Kaus, son of Rebecca and Tony Consider increasing your contribution by 20% You can sign up to give electronically or you can go to our website at and donate online. Thank you. $ JOIN IN ON MAKING CARDS FOR ALL OCCASION’S Saturday, October 18th, 9:00am – noon, all the materials needed to make 15 all occasion cards (envelopes included) is included in the cost of $25 – you will only need to bring your own adhesive (tape runner or 2 sided tape). Registration due by October 3rd. Saturday, November 1st, 9:00am – noon , all the materials needed to make 15 Christmas holiday cards (envelopes included) is included in the cost of $25 – you will only need to bring your own adhesive (tape runner or 2 sided tape). Registration due by October 24th. Please contact Sarah Greene with questions and registration – or 651.792.6857. Thank you! Hope to see you there! Day of Honor and Recognition for Birthmothers Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, in conjunction with Catholic Charities and the Archdiocesan Office of Marriage, Family and Life , is offering its annual Day of Honor and Recognition for Birthmothers on Saturday, November 8. This day is set aside to recognize the sacrifices made by those who have relinquished a child to adoption. This day also offers an opportunity for healing, sharing and for learning about resources available for birth mothers. November 8, 2014 9:30 AM to 2:45 PM. At Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, Eden Avenue Edina, MN 55436. Cost: $15.00, to cover lunch and expenses. Scholarships available. Registration: E-mail Melissa or call 952-929-3317 x111 Questions: Call Erin at 612-298-9369 • Call Gretchen at 763-424-1430 Faith and the Call for a Human Ecology 7:30 PM on Wednesday, November 5 Cardinal Peter Turkson, the president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, will bring Pope Francis's message of faith-based ecology to Minnesota this fall. The cardinal will give a public lecture on "Faith and the Call for a Human Ecology" at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, November 5. The event will be held in the OEC Auditorium on the St. Paul campus of the University of St. Thomas. Attendance is free, but space is limited. To reserve your seat, register at Cardinal Turkson's lecture is part of the broader Faith, Food & the Environment symposium taking place in the Twin Cities, November 5-7. To learn more about the symposium, please visit" Dates to Remember October 13. Columbus Day—Parish Office Closed. October 31, Don’t Forget Your Trick or Treats , Halloween. November 1, All Saints 'Day—Celebrated during the 5:00 Mass November 2, All Souls 'Day Celebrated during the 8:15 & 10:30 Mass November 2, Daylight Savings Time Ends. November 11, Veterans Day. November 21, Platinum Dinner November 27, Thanksgiving Day –Mass, 9:00 am Only. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION No class on October 15th Senior Cards The seniors are playing cards on Tuesday October 14 at 12:30. We meet in the Mary Kane Commons. All are invited to join us. Thank you. Foodie alert! Support the Sisters of St. Joseph and the St. Joseph Worker program at their annual fundraising event, the Taste of Thanksgiving. The event features food samplings from 12 great Twin Cities restaurants including Bars Bakery, Prima, Shamrocks, Flamingo, and many others. There will also be wine tastings, and a silent and live auction. Join us on November 7, 2014, 6:30 pm at Cretin-Derham Hall, St. Paul. Tickets in advance are $45, and $50 at the door. For more details, and to register for the event visit: http:// Operation Andrew Dinner Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Archbishop Nienstedt will be hosting the next Operation Andrew Dinner on Tuesday, November 4 at 6 p.m. at his residence. Operation Andrew, a program sponsored by the Office of Vocations, is an opportunity for men, ages 16 – 35, who are discerning their vocation and would like to learn more about the priesthood and religious life. The dinner event includes time where they can hear vocation testimonials on priesthood and the religious life. It is typical for a Pastor, Religious Brother or Youth Minister to accompany discerning men to this event. Please respond to the Vocation Office before October 30, by calling 651.962.6890 ing if you would like to register to attend. An Invitation to New Parishioners (and Old Ones, Too) St. John Vianney offers a day of adoration on the third Wednesday of each month. The chapel is open from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. This is a wonderful, peaceful time to be with Jesus. You can come and pray, meditate or just rest in the presence of Jesus for as long as you like. Most parishioners stay for an hour. There are a number of spiritual books and pamphlets to read. All are welcome. BIBLE STUDY Thursdays at 2 p.m. in the Mary Kane Commons. Focus is on the next Sunday Mass readings. You are also invited to study the Sunday scriptures every Sunday at 9:30 am in the Saint Johns Conference Room. We also have coffee and donuts. Thank you. All are welcome. "Go to Joseph: Practicing Silence of the Heart" Sponsored by Catholic Parents On Line Featuring: Fr. Robert Altier16th annual CPO Luncheon & Silent Auction Fundraiser Saturday, October 25, 201411:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Southview Country Club 239 E. Mendota Rd., West St. Paul, MN 55118. For more information please call 651-705-5409 Mass Schedule & Intentions Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 No Mass 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM 5:00 PM 8:15 AM 10:30 AM + Kevin Pelano Community of Saints + Joan C. Fox + Stan Stariha + Gordon Marschinke + Rose Krier + Thomas Niederkorn + = Deceased Sacrament of Reconciliation: Tuesday—Friday: SJV Saturdays at 4:00 to 4:30 PM will be covered by a Priest. Readings ForThe 28 Week of Ordinary Time 13— Mon al 4:22-24, 26-27, 31- 5:1/Lk 11:29-32 ) 14— Tue [Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr] Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 15— Wed Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Memorial Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 16— Thu [Saint Hedwig, Religious; Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin] Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 17— Fri Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 18— Sat Saint Luke, Evangelist 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 19 19— SUN TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Is 45:1, 46/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 Liturgical Minister Schedule: October 11/12 Ushers 5:00 PM Don Geng Dan Lotzer 8:15 AM Mary Holzemer Jay Colburn 10:30 AM Norm Methner Rhonda Duscher Lectors Chris Walker Kristi Luskey Carol Lokhorst Altar Servers 1st 3 come 1st 3 serve 1st 3 come 1st 3 serve 1st 3 come 1st 3 serve Servers are needed. If you are interested in helping out, please call the Parish Office at 651-451-1863 Ushers Needed for 5PM & 8:15 Mass Please tell Ken Schult (651-455-2516) Ministers: Please check in 15 minutes before Mass starts Please pray for the sick who asked for prayers: Marcia Agee, Elizabeth Arnold, Deanna Avenriep, Lyndon Baker, Dorothy Behrend, Kevin Conroy, Connie Courteau, Magdaline Faber, Jane & Mark Fishback, Judy Fuglie, Greg Gille, Kassie Greene, Yvonne Hain, Joe Hall, Grayce Hartman, Bill Holzmer, Ruth Kropelnicki, Delores Lindell, Ed Oster, Margaret Overman, Lavina Reuter, Ken Rouse, Julia Schneider, Joan Shoberg, MaryAnn Olejnicak, Paul Nelson, Isabelle Demco, Myrt Milner Linda Pelletier, and Kris Cheney. Eucharist for the Sick & Homebound Please call Margaret Demco 651-450-1918 if you are willing to bring Communion to the sick and homebound for Parish Information Please note number change Fr. Antony Skaria…………………………………....651-451-1863 Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 8:30 - 3:00 Parish Phone Number: (651) 451-1863 Parish Fax Number: (651) 451-1864 Parish Website: Deacon: (in the office Tuesday mornings) Deacon Scott Wright Phone: (651) 646-3991 E-mail: Administrator: Patti Beaudoin Phone: (651) 451-1863 E-mail: Accountant: Patrick Dold E-mail: Director of Religious Education: Jill Vujovich-Laabs 651-248-2300 Maintenance Kent Trkla Phone: 651-500-3414 Ministries and Committees Contact or Chair Mary Kaliszewski Phone # Adoration 651-451-3563 Altar Servers Archivist Baptism/RCIA Deacon Scott Wright 651-646-3991 Blood Drive Myrt Milner 651-451-0502 Building & Grounds Coffee & Donuts Nancy Schneider 651-450-2021 Community Care/Life Deb Lusky 651-451-9934 Crafters Carol Lokhorst 651-455-1890 Cub Scouts Joe Schulte 651-491-5008 Decorations Marge Willer 651-335-8119 Eucharistic Ministers Feed My Starving Children: Mary Ann Novotny 651-457-2333 Fish Fry Dennis McGrath 651-450-4982 Funeral Luncheons Barb Reichstadt 651-455-8823 Girl Scouts Nicole Scheiber 651-451-3504 Gift Bearers Vi Stewart 651-451-2891 Knights of Columbus Larry Bidwell 651-455-8665 Lectors Anne Larson 651-451-9293 Mobile Meals Myrt Milner 651-451-0502 Music Director Heidi Schleif 952-220-5342 Email: Musician/Organ Lori Lencowski 651-457-4501 Neighbors Mary Holzmer 651-455-6778 Parish Apostolate Mike Smeby 651-453-1846 Parish Trustee Tom Boser 651-455-4502 Laura Kosmicki 651-306-1478 Pig Roast/SJV Day Tom Boser 651-455-4502 Prayer Group Barb Tinucci 651-451-8329 Project Home Mary Ann Novotny 651-457-2333 Reduce & Reuse Sale Joyce Athmann 651-451-1183 Senior Citizens Joyce Athmann 651-451-1183 Ushers Ken Schult 651-455-2516 Volunteer Coordinator Doris Bringgold 651-451-1645 Pastoral Council: Rhonda Bauer 455-1776, Doris Bringgold 451-1645, Jerry DeZelar 451-7992, Deb Luskey 451-9934, Gayle Wallace 450-0044 Finance Committee: Bill Filler 451-6948, Laura Kosmicki 306-1478, Dan Lencowski 701-610-6053 Dennis McGrath 450-4982, Mary Jo Merten 755-9004, Tom Boser 455-4502 Pat Dold St. John Vianney Bulletin #918016 Contact: Patti Beaudoin Telephone: 651-451-1863 Email: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:
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