Welcome to St. Mary’s Catholic Church 233 West Third Street Greenville, Ohio 45331 www.stmarysgreenville.org Rev. John R. White, pastor Phone: (937) 548-1616 Fax: (937) 548-0352 E-mail: stmjc@bizwoh.rr.com Parish Office Hours: 9 am - 3 pm St. Mary’s Church Staff February 15, 2015 The 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. John R. White - Pastor……………...548-1616 Tom Graber – Deacon .………………….547-1522 Ann Kolb - Director of Religious Ed., Adult Ed. stmak@bizwoh.rr.com 548-1616 Deb Shiverdecker - Youth Minister shiverhome@hotmail.com 417-7231 Ruth Neargarder - Director of Music….526-4752 Missy Rogers – Finance Office stmkh@bizwoh.rr.com 548-1616 Darrel Bingham - Grounds & Maintenance Administrator……………………………520-0455 Barb Pequignot - Parish Secretary stmjc@bizwoh.rr.com 548-1616 Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Mass……………..5:30 pm Sunday Masses…….. 8:30 am and 10:30 am Daily Mass……..8:00 am (Monday - Friday) Holy Days…..Times vary. Please call the office. Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Sacraments: Reconciliation - Saturday 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm or by appt. Anointing - Please call the parish office to schedule. Baptism - The first Sunday of the month after the 10:30 am Mass. Parents are required to attend a baptismal preparation class in advance. Please call the parish office to schedule. Marriages - Weddings are scheduled at least six months in advance. Please call the parish office to schedule a meeting with the pastor. Prayer Requests can be made by calling the office or on the website. Any requests received by noon on Tuesday will be in the following weekend’s bulletin. Mass Intention Requests can be made by calling the office. Intentions can be for the souls of the deceased, the special needs of the living, in thanksgiving for answered prayers or even in remembrance of a special occasion. The suggested stipend for a Mass is $5, but any amount can be offered. St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary School 238 W. Third Street Greenville, Ohio 45331 Phone: 548-2345 www.stmarysschoolgreenville.org Vernon Rosenbeck, Principal Home (937) 526-5814, Cell (937) 638-9591 vernonrosenbeck@swohio.twcbc.com Christine Detling, School Secretary chrisdetling@swohio.twcbc.com Weekly Parish Calendar Ministry Schedule Saturday, February 14 4:00-5:00 pm Reconciliation 5:30 pm Mass Sunday, February 15 8:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass 4:00 – 6:00 pm Knights of Columbus Deep Fried Chicken Monday, February 16 Presidents Day Office Closed 8:00 am Mass 6:30 pm Rosary Altar Society Meeting 7:00 pm Adult Study 7:00 pm SDME Meeting Tuesday, February 17 8:00 am Mass 6:30 pm Palm burning 7:00 pm Mardi Gras Reverse Raffle Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday 8:00 am Mass 7:00 pm Mass Thursday, February 19 8:00 am Mass 9:00 am Adult Study 7:00 pm RCIA Friday, February 20 8:00 am Mass 1:45 pm Stations of the Cross-School 5:00-7:00 pm K of C Fish Fry Saturday, February 21 4:00-5:00 pm Reconciliation 5:30 pm Mass Sunday, February 22 8:30 am Mass 10:30 am Mass Parish Brunch sponsored by PSR and GLORY February 21 & 22 FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Sunday Collection Collections To Date: Cap Imp Roof Collected to Date: Sat 5:30 pm Sun 8:30 am Sun 10:30 am Lector Euch. Min. Euch. Min. Euch. Min. Euch. Min. Euch. Min. Euch. Min. Altar Server Altar Server Altar Server Gift Bearer Greeter Counter Counter D Gerold I Wirrig G Ayette P Barga T Batty R Beyke D Warner S Warner N York K Zechar L Thieman M Canan J Troutwine M Arnett D Blocher B Gibson T Hunt B Hunt C Monnin R Unger A Whitney Volunteer Volunteer M Brunswick L Durham M Durham Volunteer Treadway P Snyder L Harsh B Brewer S Brewer C Brewer Empie Klosterman Mass Intentions February 14-22 Saturday, February 14 5:30 pm Rose Maher (Michael & Nancy Maher) Sunday, February 15 8:30 am John & Mary Kolb (Steve & Ann Kolb) 10:30 am Missa pro populo Monday, February 16 Ralph Seger (Kate & Rick Kramer) Offering Actual Ministry Name Tuesday, February 17 Alice Sauer (Jim Sauer) Goal $6,693.92 Actuals $277,062.77 $8,500.00 Goals $283,500.00 $6,437.23 Roof Shortage $60,000.00 Actual Needed To Date $275.00 $40,576.80 $19,423.20 If you are making a donation to the roof fund, please make a notation on the envelope. Thank you. *If you would like to join a prayer group to pray for your needs, the needs of others, the nation and the world please contact Ginny Metzcar at 548-0187. A new group is now forming. Wednesday, February 18 Wanda Paul (Larry Paul) Thursday, February 19 Clem Eckstein (Paul & Barb Rethlake) Friday, February 20 Special Intentions (Bruner family) Saturday, February 21 5:30 pm Leon Bey (Becker family) Sunday, February 22 8:30 am Jeff & Ellie Keaser (Keaser family) 10:30 am Missa pro populo Scrip Schedule February 21 & 22 5:30 pm Clopp 8:30 am Grubb 10:30 am Rammel K & B From the desk of Ann Kolb: I have one Magnificat subscription available. The cost is $35 and the first issue begins April 2015 through March 2016. Call the office or speak to Ann Kolb. ADORERS: You have made an appointment with Jesus. We appreciate all of you who have committed to one hour on Wednesdays to visit Jesus in His Most Blessed Sacrament. We have other adorers who stop in for a shorter visit. This gift of having Jesus on the altar all day is a true blessing for our parish. Those who are not able to come can benefit by joining themselves spiritually in union with our adorers. We thank Father White for allowing this privilege and for the adorers who assure that this blessing will continue here at St. Mary’s. P.S. There are still some openings for more adorers. Jesus does not disappoint! Consecration to Jesus through Mary for Families Here is an opportunity for you to join others in prayer ~~ without leaving your home! One person may do this or families can do this together. There are no meetings or outside requirements. A number of people in our parish have made the Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary for Families. The founders of this Apostolate, Jerry and Gwen Coniker of Catholic Familyland in Bloomington, OH, were inspired in this devotion by St. Pope John Paul II and St Louis de Montfort. They offer an excellent way to grow closer to Jesus through the heart of Mary. In following this plan, lives are enriched and graces flow. This family consecration can begin with one person of the family or the whole family; the opportunity to begin is yours. There are no meetings. There are no other requirements other than preparation (at home) and praying, united to all (in the world) who have made this consecration. We encourage you to begin one day at a time, appreciating the special graces of each day as you ponder the readings. Those who wish to renew their consecration may begin their preparation on April 10. ‘First-timers’ can begin your preparation as soon as you would like. The books explaining this movement can be purchased by contacting Ann Kolb. These books contain a great amount of information, inspiration, and prayers along with the preparatory meditations by St. Louis de Montfort and St. Pope John Paul II. Our consecration day (renewal) will take place following the Mass on the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, May 13. For further information, you can talk with those who have made the consecration: Madonna Winner, Nancy Winner, Jean Moores, Joan York or Ann Kolb. We hope you will join us on our journey ever deeper into loving devotion of Jesus and His Mother. Ann Kolb can be reached at the rectory 548-1616. Please pray for: Betty Marshall, Jim Light, Becky Muhlenkamp, Pat Hufnagle, MaryAnn Armstrong, Dr. Major David Armstrong (deployed to Kuwait), Evelyn Mann, Bob Rhoades, Kathleen Floyd, Charles Geis, Melissa Marie & David, LaJean Williams, Alexis Sutherland, Marlene Zumberger, Ted & Dolores Carter, Chrystyne Perry, Tracy Daerwald, Patty Fitzwater, Helen Council, Dan Kelly, Stephan Young, Sue Grile, Don Kaiser, Wise family, Betty Kueterman, Phyllis Gibbons, Dick Wetzel, Bud Sink, Mel Grile, Rosemary Paulus, Carolann Dawson, Kayla & Nick Joseph, Father Perin, Ron & Norma Bruner, Dr. Appleman, Mike Martin, Tim Ridenour, Gary Berger, Deb Davidson-Smith, Lory Greene, Alma and John Pequignot, Don Poteet, Dale Sanders, Ron Niswonger, Marie VandenBosch, Dorothy Beers, Dorothy Zumberg, Jerry Paulus, Addison Henderson, Linda Malott, Leatrice Klosterman, Cyril Braun, Andrew Hanna, Joe Arnett, and Dave Stammen. St. Mary’s School Preschool Registration Registration packets are now available for the 2015-2016 St. Mary’s School Preschool classes. The Butterfly class for 4 & 5 year olds meets on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The Caterpillar class for 3 & 4 year olds meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please stop by the school office to pick up a packet or call 548-2345. St. Mary’s School Registration The 2015-2016 registration forms for Kindergarten through 8th grade are now available in the school office. The school office is open Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM. The deadline for applying for financial aid is March 16. Financial aid forms can be found on the school’s website: stmarysschoolgreenville.org. Ed Choice Scholarship applications are also available for incoming Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students. Please contact the school office @ 548-2345 if you have any questions. ***Bring last year’s palms to the palm burning ceremony at the school this Tuesday night at 6:30 pm and then stay for desserts and the Reverse Raffle at 7:00 pm. Tickets for the raffle are available at the Scrip table. Salvation: The Gospel of Matthew. March 1 & 3: Love Poured Out: Bernard of Clairvaux. Reflections led by Anne McGuire, including music, art and discussion. For more info: 419-925-4532 or a.mcguire@mariasteinshrine.org. Around The Area In Cincy: Young adults ages 18 and up are invited to Supercharge Your Soul Sunday on March 1st. This one day retreat is put on by Fr. Nathan Cromly and the Community of Saint John in association with Eagle Eye Ministries. The day will include engaging talks, social time, confession, adoration, and Sunday Mass, as well as opportunities for spiritual direction. Food will be provided and babies are welcome. For more information go to: http://eagleeyeministries.org/programs/special-events or email cincyretreatteam@gmail.com. Ash Wednesday Mass is February 18th at 7:00 pm. Rosary Altar Society Join the RAS ladies for a night of fun, games and refreshment on Monday, February 16 at 6:30 pm. We will be playing Bunco! At The Shrine Premier First Holy Communion Sale at the Pilgrim Gift Shop within the Maria Stein Shrine. Huge new selection of Rosaries and 1st Communion items, all discounted March 5, 6, 7 & 8th. Each Communicant entered in various drawings and remembered in noon day prayers thru May. Sale hours: Thursday 9:30a – 9:00p; Friday & Saturday 9:30a – 4:00 and Sunday noon – 4:00. Also visit Serendipity by Sarah, an independent 1st Communion attire Trunk Show in the Gathering Space at the Shrine March 7th 9:30-4:00. Like us on Facebook. Wrapped in God’s Love: An Afternoon of Lenten Service for Women & Girls at the Shrine of the Holy Relics, Saturday, Febr 28, 1-4pm. Join in sewing dresses for impoverished little girls in warm climates, or participate in Project Linus by making fleece blankets for children in area hospitals and shelters. Needed: sewing machines, scissors, pins, fleece (at least 40”x 40”), and YOU. To sign up, donate items, or have questions answered, contact Anne McGuire at the Shrine: 419-925-4532 or a.mcguire@mariasteinshrine.org . By Your Holy Cross, a Lenten series of reflection on the meaning of Christ on the Cross, including Prayer with a Relic of the True Cross [hold, kiss, touch the relic], will be offered Sundays and Tuesdays in Lent at the Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics. Sundays 2:00-3:30pm and Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm. Febr 22 & 24: Suffering and The Sisters of the Precious Blood will host a Martha Dinner for high school girls and young women on March 12 at Salem Heights, 4500 Denlinger Road (GPS address). Doors open at 5:30 p.m., and the event runs from 6-8 p.m. This is an opportunity to meet members of both monastic and apostolic religious communities, pray together and share a meal, and visit with other young women exploring a call to religious life. There is no cost. For more information or to register, contact Sr. Mary Yarger at 937.999.8456 or email her at vocations@cppsadmin.org. Attention Catholic Physicians and all Healthcare Providers: The 3rd annual Catholic Medical Association retreat will be held 27-29 March at the Maria Stein Retreat Center. Father James Kelleher, SOLT, will present “Jesus, the Divine Physician: Transforming our Heart, Mind and Soul”. For further information please contact Dr. Gary L. George, MD at gary1956@woh.rr.com or 937-241-1989.
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