23rd October 2014 MESSAGE FROM THE HOLY FATHER FOR WORLD MISSION MONTH 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters, World Mission month is a privileged time when the faithful of various continents engage in a prayer and concrete gestures of solidarity in support of the young Churches in mission lands. It is a celebration of grace and joy. A celebration of grace, because the Holy Spirit, sent by the Fathers, offers wisdom and strength to those who are obedient to his action. A celebration of joy, because Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, sent to evangelise the world, supports and accompanies our missionary efforts. All the members of the Church are called to participate in this mission, for the Church is missionary by her very nature: she was born “to go forth”. POPE FRANCIS MISSION DAY AT ST MARY’S We believe that it is important for our students to help others. Our students’ participation in Mission Day is a powerful way to do this Tomorrow (Friday) from 1.15pm you are welcome to join us for our annual St Mary’s Mission Day. This year, funds raised will be focused on our Church’s efforts to support families in need in Jamaica. Students are invited to wear normal sports uniform but crazy socks tomorrow, in place of school socks and to make a gold coin donation for doing so. Years 3—6 will host a variety of stalls. Students are invited to bring along loose change , to participate in these events. 50c and 20c coins will be the most useful. Term 4 Week 3 ST MARY’S 2015 CONCERT Tickets for the musical extravaganza, So You Think You Can Dance St Mary’s became available yesterday. Tickets are $10 each. There will be three performances; Wednesday November 19 at 11.30am and 6.00pm and Thursday November 20 at 6.00pm. Tickets can be either purchased online http://www.griffith.nsw.gov.au/ cp_themes/theatre/page.asp?c=12, at the theatre or by phoning the theatre on 6961 8388. AFL CLINIC NEWS Please note that the fourth week (November 5) of the AFL Clinic, Che will be at a conference in Melbourne. Therefore the fourth session will be pushed back to November 12. Session 3: Wednesday 29th October Session 4: Wednesday 12th November Lisa Forwood CANTEEN NEWS St Mary’s canteen will now be offering chicken pies from Bertoldo’s Bakery for $4.70 each. Egg sandwiches/rolls will no longer be available. SCHOOL MASS Year 6 will be hosting the Friday Mass on 31st October @ 12:30pm. The theme for this mass will be All Saints Day. Please come along. PARISH LUNCHEON St Mary Yoogali is hosting it’s annual Parish Luncheon on Sunday 26th October. Tickets are $30 each and $5 for children and available from Franca Serafin on 6962 3541. Newsletter No. 31/2014 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 24th October Mission Day Wednesday 19th November St Mary’s School Concert Sunday 26th October Parish Luncheon and St Mary’s hosting the Mass Friday 31st October Year 6 hosting School Mass at 12.30pm Thursday 20th November St Mary’s School Concert Wednesday 26th November Borambola Excursion Thursday 27th November Borambola Excursion Thursday 11th December St Mary’s Awards Day Wednesday 17th December Last day of school for students PARISH MASS K-6 will be hosting the Parish Sunday Mass on 26th October @ 9:30am. The students will be participating in the parts of the mass (readings, offertory, choir etc). Please complete the slip below and return ASAP if your child will be attending mass in order for us to allocate roles to students. My child/ren (please name): will be attending the Parish Mass on Sunday 26th October. Signed: _______________________________ 2014 AWARDS DAY This year, for the first time, the end St Mary’s of year awards ceremony will be held at the Griffith Regional Theatre on Thursday December 11 at midday. As soon as tickets become available for the Awards Day, we will notify families through the school newsletter. FEEDBACK K-6 REPORTS The CSO wish to thank parents and teachers who participated in the on -line survey about K-6 reports. We appreciate your time and thoughts. The ideas comments and suggestions are being considered and where appropriate will be reflected in modifications to the 2015 Semester Reports. Kerry Mowett Catholic Schools Office BOOK CLUB Book Club orders are due in by next Friday October 31. If you are paying by cheque please make it out to Scholastic Australia. PARISH ROSTER Sunday 26th October COMMENTATOR: L Cappello READER: K Twaddell OFFERTORY: T Andreazza Family LAY MINISTER: L Torresan CANTEEN ROSTER Friday 24th October Sonia Careri, Anna Arcifa, Erika Menegon FOOD ONLY: Sonia Careri, Bronwyn Carusi Monday 27th October Melissa Ippoliti, Phil Pietroboni, Jane Lockwood FOOD ONLY: Jenny Fogale, Jill Zarins Friday 31st October Melissa Ippoliti, Sandra Comarin, Angela Cartisano FOOD ONLY: Naomi Bartlett, Janelle Poloni Monday 3rd November Christine Badoco, Jane Lockwood, Lucia Gullotta FOOD ONLY: Vanessa Lanza, Susie Catanzariti PARISH MASS TIMES NUT FREE POLICY Sat Vigil - Hanwood 5pm - Yenda 6.15pm Sunday - Hanwood 8am - Yoogali 9.30am NOTICE BOARD Please remember to regularly check the noticeboard, outside St Mary’s Library, for notices such as sporting registrations and events, music lessons etc. If paying by cheque, please make them out to St Mary’s School. St Mary’s is a nut free school and we are calling on all members of the school community to support us in this policy. This means that ALL staff, students and parents are prohibited from bringing nuts or food items containing nuts or cooked in nut oil onto the school grounds. Please note our nut free policy now includes all forms of chocolate spreads eg Nutella, Choc Hazelnut Spread. Kinder Elizabeth M For beautiful, neat handwriting on ‘cat lines’. Isabella S For being determined in Maths when learning about groups and rows. Callum T For his outstanding effort to read with more expression in Reading Groups. Year one Charlie T For his beautiful reading and clever understanding of the task. Maddison A For a creative and interesting ‘Cinquain’ poem about ice-cream. Mia I For always giving 100% to every area of her learning and never giving up when something new challenges her. Year Two Natalia S For confidently identifying parts of salad. Rocco C For sharing his new learnings with his peers. Year Three Reuben D For his fantastic work in his Maths assessment. Noah B For his great work using a numberline. Noah R For his neat and accurate work with numberlines. Year Four Amos S For working well in a group to complete a Science project. Aydan B For always working hard to do his best work. Year Five Gemma Z For a descriptive and entertaining Writing piece. Chloe S For a great effort to develop Reading comprehension strategies. Year Six Jemma R For outstanding results in her fractions assessments. Nicholas Z For outstanding results in his fractions assessments. Christians know how to give. Their lives are filled with generous acts —often hidden—toward their neighbour. Pope Francis, August 23 2014 via Twitter MaryJane Simms Principal SC CHOOL COUN NCIL NOMINA ATIONS FOR 2015 The aim of our School S Council is to involve parents in the management m off our school. TThe Council is rresponsible forr: · The plaanning and futuure development of our schoool · Assistinng the Principaal in the spirituaal growth of thee school and allso providing m moral support inn decision makking · Fundraaising Each year half of o the elected School S Council members are up for re-electiion. Each School Council terrm runs for twoo years. There are ussually 8-10 meetings per year. Currently theere are seven vacant positionns on the St Maary’s School C Council for 20155. The School Couuncil consists of: Principal Staff Representaative C Chairperson Vice Chairpersoon Secretary Treasurer Fundraising Com mmittee G Grounds Committee Parent Liaison M Maintenance Coommittee G Grants Officer Treasurer Fundraising Com mmittee G Grounds Committee Parent Liaison M Maintenance Coommittee G Grants Officer Iw would urge all parents to givee considerationn to either acceepting nominattion or to puttinng forward a peerson for nomination. Please tell thhe person you have h nominateed so that they are aware theyy have been noominated and ccan give thougght to whether oor not they wish to acccept nomination. Being a paart of School Council C is a rew warding and vitaal role within oour school and it would beneffit our school iff we w were to have a wide w range of nominations n to fill these vacanncies. — ———————— ——————— ——————— ———————— ——————— ——————— ———————— ———-------------------------Nominations aree to be returnedd to St Mary’s office. o Nominaations close on Friday Octobeer 31 at 3.00 p..m. No late nom minations will be b coonsidered. I _____________________________________________________ would like tto nominate _______________________________________ foor election to thhe St Mary’s Scchool Council. Signed: __________________________________________________ ST MARY’S SCHOOL MISSION DAY WHEN: FRIDAY 24TH OCTOBER WHERE: ST MARY’S SCHOOL TIME: 1:15pm WHO: K-6, PARENTS, FAMILIES & COMMUNITY WHAT DO STUDENTS WEAR?? NORMAL SPORTS UNIFORM & CRAZY SOCKS ## Please bring a gold coin donation## STALLS INCLUDE: * GUESS THE TEACHER * DJ BOOTH * COIN TOSS * SPONGE THROWING * SPIDERS * SOCCER KICKS AND MUCH MORE.... ALL MONEY RAISED WILL GO TOWARDS CATHOLIC MISSION TO ASSIST OTHERS LESS FORTUNATE THAN OURSELVES!!!
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