St. Mary’s Parish PO Box 365 ~ 730 Benton Ave West th ~ Albia, IA 52531 December 28 , 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Web address: Mass Intentions Liturgy Assignments Saturday, Jan 3 Lector Body Blood Servers Gift Bearers Sunday, Jan 4 Lector Body Blood Servers Gift Bearers Sunday, Jan 4 Lector Body Blood Servers Gift Bearers 5:10 PM Judi Lahart Jerry Durian & Marge Pasut Kim Pasut & Sharon Steinbach Becca & Sara Pistek Corso Family 8:00 AM Lisa Dunn Steve Hoskins & Pat Merrick Kathy Welsh & Richard Welsh Ashley & Bradley Yenger Larry Johnson Family 10:30 AM Jean Hollinrake Cy Heffron & Amanda Yarkosky Carol Heffron & Terry Reed Suzy Strasko & Devin Yarkosky Open Dec 30 Tue 5:10 PM Jim Gilland Dec 31 Wed. 5:10 PM Mark Shehan Jan 1 Thu. 9:00 AM William Cummins Jan 2 Fri. 9:00 AM John Knowles Jan 2 Fri. 10:00 AM @ Oakwood Mary Shehan Jan 3 Sat. 5:10 PM Loretta Corso Jan 4 Sun. 8:00 AM Larry Johnson Jan 4 Sun. 10:30 AM Parishioners The Sanctuary Lamp Is burning for Janice Hollinrake Kruse The Holy Family Lamp is burning for Paul & Patty Hollinrake Now is a great time to keep in touch with those who have so generously devoted their lives to God and his people, especially those who have served at St. Mary’s over the years. Contact Information Pastor: Rev. Michael Volkmer, C.PP.S 641-932-5130 Pastoral Assoc/DRE: Jackie Maddy 641-932-5589 Front Office: Carol Heffron 641-932-5130 RCIA Dir./DRE Asst.: Sharon Crall 641-932-5589 At times we are slaves of sin. Lord, come to free us! ~ Pope Francis Mass Schedule for Neighboring Parishes January-March St. Patrick’s, Georgetown Sunday 8:30 AM St. Peter’s, Lovilia Saturday 5:30 PM St. Patrick’s, Melrose Sunday 10:30 AM Follow us on twitter @stmaryschurch4 Mass Schedule Monday. . . . . . Tue &Thu...... Wed & Fri. …. Saturday . . . . . Sunday . . . . . . No Mass 5:10 PM 9:00 AM 5:10 PM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM Rev. M.J. Brothersen 780 W. Central Park Ave Davenport, IA 52804-1901 Rev. Thomas Doyle 925 Applewood Ct., Unit 4 Coralville, IA 52241-1669 Rev. William Walter 2618 Seneca St. St. Joseph, MO 64507-1561 Fra. Alban Baker CRNJ 219 S. George St. Charles Town, WV 25414 Rev. Ron Legerme Sainte-Gertrude Parish 11891, Blvd Ste-Gertrude Montreal (QC) H1G 5P8 Canada Rev. Timothy Guthridge 4445 West 64th St Chicago, IL 60629 Solemnity of Mary Mass Schedule Monroe County Churches Vigil Mass, December 31st 5:10 PM… St. Mary’s Albia Solemnity of Mary, January 1st 9:00 AM St. Mary’s Albia 9:00 AM St. Pat’s Melrose ST MARY’S PARISH DECEMBER 28, 2014________ Calendar St. Matthew’s Gospel says that after the Magi left, an angel appeared to Joseph and instructed him to take Mary and Jesus into Egypt to escape the wrath of Herod. Thus the Holy Family became refugees. It was only later after the death of Herod that they could safely return to Nazareth. However, down through the ages the issue of refugees has remained. People are compelled to flee from their own country because of political reasons (persecution) or economic reasons (no work, no resources, nor food). In fact, statistics show that there are about fifty-one million refugees in our world family today. Each day, many of them wake up wondering if they will survive another day. The United Nations and other charities are stretched to the limits and are more and more worried that there will not be enough resources to assure even survival. These are our brothers and sisters. So many refugees. So little hope. Our New Year’s resolution might be that we join in the effort to do our share in providing for those desperatly in need. My prayers are with you each day. Fr. Mike. Monday, December 29th Tuesday, December 30th 9:30 AM 5:10 PM 5:10 PM Gene Flanders* Rita Gergely Dennis Gilkerson Nick Griffin Darlene Grimes Jeannie Hupp* Dave Johnson Jack Kinney Elizabeth (Bea) Lahart Patty McGee Rose Mecham Abraham Molina Grace Mueller Jerry Peterson Jim Plum Nell Quinn Marridee Randall Carol Keegel Reed Jeff Stoffa Frank Tharp Bruce Thompson Cathy Venema Donna Walsh Jerry Walton Rod Whisler Fay Wright Marc Wynn David Young Jr. Pat McDonald Murray Stoffa Andy Merrick Tracy Warren David Austin Riley Tyler Vitko Aaron Smith Cale Yarkosky * New addition to list Contact Marge Pasut, 932-2602, or the Religious Ed. Office, 932-5589 or or to start an intention. All prayer requests will be honored. Stewardship – A Way of Life December 20/21 Sunday Envelopes Youth Envelopes Offertory Immaculate Conception Retired Religious $2766.01 $5.00 $651.59 $3422.60 $15.00 $21.00 Mass Wednesday, December 31st Solemnity of Mary Vigil Mass Thursday, January 1st Solemnity of Mary (Holy Day of Obligation) 9:00 AM Mass Friday, January 2nd 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Mass (No coffee/donuts) Mass @ Oakwood Saturday, January 3rd 4:00 PM Confessions 4:45 PM Rosary 5:10 PM Mass PRAYER REQUESTS Rhonda (Stilley) Allison Pat Baldus Kathy Biederman Karen Blomme Monica Griffin Burress Gary Caster Pete Coady Brittney Crall Morgan Crall Mike Crouse Paul Davis Chuck DeMeyer Dale Dohlman Bob Durbala Military Prayer List J.D. Beary Webster Beary Jason Hughes Cody McCarty Rosary @ Oakwood 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM Sunday, January 4th Mass Coffee/Donuts/Fellowship RCIA Liturgy Mtg. Mass Lord’s Laughter Sunday school children were asked to draw their rendition of the Christmas story. Most of the kids drew manger scenes to include the shepherds, angels, the star, the baby Jesus in the manger as would be expected. Little Jimmy proudly showed his picture of a jetliner. There were 4 distinct faces looking out the windows. When the Sunday school teacher asked Jimmy to explain the drawing, he said it was the "flight out of Egypt." He pointed to the one face and said "that is Joseph," another face was Mary, the little face of course was Jesus. The teacher asked him who is the face in the front of the plane. Jimmy replied, "It's Pontius, the pilot, of course." ST MARY’S PARISH 2015 Prayer of the Diocese of Davenport O God, Giver of all good gifts: In the beginning, you spoke – and all that is came to be. In the fullness of time, you spoke – and your Word took on flesh, and the Church was born from the water and blood which poured from his side. In our time, you still speak – through the Scriptures and through the Sacraments. In baptism, you call us to be a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for your own possession. You gather a Eucharistic people to yourself, so that from the rising of the sun to its setting, a pure sacrifice may be offered to your name. When we sin and wander far from you, you seek us out speaking words of mercy and forgiveness through the sacrament of reconciliation. You call us to lives of generous service, whether in the sacrament of marriage or the sacrament of holy orders, whether as vowed religious or as single persons in the world. Hear us, O God. May your Holy Spirit come to rest in our hearts and set them aflame, so that we may become what we receive, Bread, broken for the life of the world, and make of our lives, and of the Diocese of Davenport, a return‐gift to you. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. ALBIA, IA Please pray for those who are remembered this Christmas Season in the beautiful flowers that decorate the sanctuary: Martin & Marcella Flahive Chad Lahart Larry L. Hayes Mike & Anita O’Neill Mike Baker David Flattery Jim Gilland Chad Wells Christopher Hull Mike & Susie Strasko Gordon Cap Merl Thomas Al, Mary & Dick Yarkosky Larry Johnson The John Tangie Family J. Gergely Family J.P. McDonnell Family John & Dorothy Beary John P. Shovlain Sherry Strasko Joe and Celia Carr Tony & Ramona Kauzlarich Families Dec’d Mbrs. Pat & Mary Wynn Family Ruth & Rino Della Vedova Pat & Agnes Crall Bud & Gelene McElfish James & Mildred Lahart Rosella Plum James L. & Lisa Crall Jody Flattery Ann & Lowell Henderson William & Mary Flahive Bernard Scieszinski Kay Pistek Jim Hetrick Gene Navin George Teno Sr. Ray Griffin The Jess Speck Family P. Sereg Family C. Caudill Family John Paul Maddy Decd. Mbrs. Thomas & Mayme Shovlain Family Blanche, Jack & Kevin Scieszinski Father John Parenza Austin Timothy Smith Lloyd Hayes Audrey Noring My Mom & Dad Dom & Catherine Scala John Michael Popson Kenneth & Bernice Bettis Patricia Hermsen Shirley Quinn Williams Dec. Mbrs Kosman/Johnson Families Ida Petersen John L. Ryan Mike Koffman Shawn (my stepson) Kayla Archambault L & Q Caudill Family Pat Crall Charles Maddy Decd. Mbrs. Emil & Mary Pasut Family Bill Flahive Dan & Timothy Lenger John J. & Mary Crall Families Joe Lenger John Knowles Katie & Dom Scala Lewis & Velta Zanoni Families Anna Mae Cernich Families St. Mary’s Picture Page A Few More Highlights….. 2014 Posada There’s No Room At The Inn for the 10th Graders Advent Festival of Fun How Low Can you Go? Christmas Party Christmas Program Christmas In The Rectory ST MARY’S PARISH FAITH FORMATION CCD Schedule December 31 – No Class. Happy New Year January 7 – Catechist In Service & Supper January 14 – CCD Classes Resume. All Grades January-February Traffic Monitors Parents of: Ava Vorhies, Shelby Conway, Lillian DeMoss, John Shepard NCYC 2015-November 19-21 Indianapolis, IN. High School Grades 9-12 (2014/15 school year) To reserve a place a $60 deposit must be placed by January 1st. (deadline extended) See Jackie or Sharon for details. If you are traveling this holiday season and need to find out Mass times go to We provide worship times, church locations, contact information, website links and maps. There are 117,000 churches in 201 countries/territories. Be a Vocation Crucifix Family Pray that more men and women will joyfully answer the call of the Lord. The Crucifix and sign-up sheet will again be available at the greeters table each weekend Mass to take home for 1 week of intentional prayer. Holiday Hours: The Religious Ed. Office will be on holiday hours from Christmas Eve through January 4. To contact Jackie or Sharon leave a message @ 932-5589 or call them @ home: Jackie, 932-5792 or Sharon, 932-5961 or 641-799-0071. 24 Hour First Friday Adoration- St. Patrick’s Melrose All are invited to come spend an hour or whatever your schedule allows with the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration begins with 8 AM Mass and continues to 9 AM Saturday morning. Save The Date March 7th Faith for the Journey. Iowa Catholic Men’s Conference For more information PARISH LIFE Thank you Thank you to all who stopped to sign the book at the First Iowa State Bank open house. We received $166.00 for the signatures. Fr. Mike. Thank you, St. Mary’s Parishioners for your generosity to: The Angel Tree, Food Collection, Nursing Home Gifts, Shoebox Gifts, Etc. etc. We are truly blessed to be a part of such a giving parish! ALBIA, IA A DIFFERENT TYPE OF HOMECOMING There will be many family reunions occurring around the holidays as we draw people close to us for meals, gift exchanges, and celebrating in the midst of family and friends. Let us hope that this Christmas can be a homecoming for our church family. Who will you invite to "come home" for Christmas and to St. Mary's Parish Family? We all know people who we love and miss not being with our parish family for Mass, whether they are family, neighbors, or just friends. No questions need to be asked or answered. For some people, it is hard to walk back through the door. Look upon this Christmas as an opportunity to invite, encourage, welcome, and accompany to Church those who have been missing. It never hurts to ask and show you care. Perhaps the timing isn't right, but maybe someone is just waiting to be invited. Let us help them be comfortable in walking back in the door. Annual Diocesan Appeal Congratulations! We did it! As of December 22, $32,516 has been given to the Appeal from our parish. Our goal is $30,921. 157 households have contributed. Even if you can afford only a small amount, we still welcome your donation. Thank you to all who have participated. ADA Contribution Notice All parishioner contributions payable to the Diocese of Davenport for 2014 tax year credit must be received by the Diocese no later than Tuesday, January 6. This includes ADA pledge reminders, ADA payments and Capital Campaign payments. This does not mean postmarked….it means that the Finance and Development Offices must have in hand these contributions from your parishioners. If payments/contributions are received January 7 or later they will be credited to tax year 2015. Holy Day Thursday, January 1, is the feast of Mary, Mother of Christ and Mother of the Church, a holy day of obligation. There will be a Vigil Mass on New Year’s Eve at 5:10 PM. The Mass on January 1 is at 9:00 AM. Senior Lunch & Learn Program @ Indian Hills Community College Friday, January 9th 11:30 AM Lunch followed by speaker from 12:301:30 PM. “It’s a Slippery Slope! Fall Prevention” For details contact Sandy Berto, @ IHCC 641-683-5183. SOCIAL ACTION Albia Ministerial Association Emergency Office January Suggestions: Diapers, Toilet Paper. Cash donations are always welcome. Thank you for your generosity. To report child abuse contact: Iowa Department of Human Services Child Abuse Hotline: 800-362-2178 and if it involves clergy or church personnel also notify Alicia Owens, the Victim Assistance Coordinator, 563-349-5002; or PO Box 232, Bettendorf, IA 52722-0004.
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