COVER SHEET Church Name: St. Mary Magdalen Bulletin Number: 86942 Date of publication: August 10, 2014 Number of pages transmitted: Special Instructions: 4 Please call Anne Sweeney @ 302-652-6800 ext. 114 Saturday, August 9 5:00 PM Ann and Ralph Dorris Sunday, August 10 7:00 AM Maureen Looney 9:00 AM The People of St. Mary Magdalen 11:00 AM Bert Ranauto Monday, August 11 6:30 AM Susan McDaid 9:00 AM Patricia Mallon Tuesday, August 12 6:30 AM Stanley Wojciechowski 9:00 AM Edward Lawrence Connors Wednesday, August 13 6:30 AM Dick Reed 9:00 AM Victoria Demanczyk Thursday, August 14 6:30 AM Christopher Conroy 9:00 AM Jennie and Biagio Salemi Friday, August 15 6:30 AM Mother Aloysius McBride, O.Carm 9:00 AM Grace Marsini 7:00 PM Wilda Hutt Saturday, August 16 8:30 AM John Courtney Murray, S.J. 5:00 PM Mary Trudnak Sunday, August 17 7:00 AM Frank Sammons 9:00 AM Carl DeBonis 11:00 AM Intentions of Joseph P. and Eleanor McMahon (Living) 70th Wedding Anniversary Sunday: Football Sign Up – 6:30PM - Hall Monday: Football Sign Up – 6:30PM - Hall Wednesday: 2015 Mass Book Opening – 1 to 2:30PM - Hall Thursday: Catechist Training – 6:30PM - Library Sunday: New Family Welcoming – 12Noon – School THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY INTO HEAVEN Friday, August 15 The Feast Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven is a holy day of obligation. Masses on the Feast Day will be celebrated at 6:30AM, 9AM, and 7PM in the evening. CHAPEL OF DIVINE MERCY Perpetual Adoration at St. Ann’s Chapel, Gilpin and Grant Avenues, 24 hours a day. “Come to me you who labor and are burdened.” If you wish to be placed on the Adorer schedule, please call (302) 688-1819 or email: SCHOOL CAPITAL PROJECTS & DEVELOPMENT FUND Next weekend, August 16 & 17, the second collection will be taken up for the School Capital Projects and Development Fund. Please be generous. Thank you. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT REQUEST DEADLINE If you wish to place a parish related bulletin announcement in the weekly bulletin, the typed announcement needs to be received in the parish office by 12Noon on Friday for the following weekend publication. Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a; Rom 9:1-5; Mt 14:22-33 Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Mt 17:22-27 Ez 2:8-3:4; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Ez 9:1-7, 10:18-22; Mt 18:15-20 Ez 12:1-12; Mt 18:21-19:1 Rv 11:19a, 12:1-6a, 10ab; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk1:39 Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Mt 19:13-15 THIRST…You have put salt in our mouths that we may thirst for You. ……St. Augustine NOTES FROM FR. MC MAHON (Repeated Second Week) All of the ongoing crisis and tension in the world, the country, and indeed among the People of God leads to this reflection. It is great to have opinions and “mind sets” to know where we stand. For a Christian, however, all such must yield to the following. Jesus Christ is: 1. The Way: For us all salvation and understanding comes through Him, Son of God and Son of Man. He is Risen and He guides us into Him. 2. The Truth: The devil is still the “Father of lies.” If we want to walk with Christ we must first acknowledge FACTS, dispense with “spin” and be unashamed of our faith. In addition to bullying and meanness, lying is the chief enemy of Faith and Civilization today. 3. The Life: We can choose to be miserable or happy. In the light of his Father’s glory, Jesus gives us a positive, lightfilled approach to truth, beauty and goodness. Choose it! Until I write again, may you have gladness in the Lord and in all things may God be glorified. ....Fr. Joseph R. McMahon 2015 MASS BOOK OPENING We will begin accepting Mass Intention requests for the upcoming year (2015) on Wednesday, August 13, at 1:00PM, which is the date and time when the 2015 Mass Book will be officially opened. We will have extra staff in the Church Hall to help process your Mass Intention requests that day. We ask that you limit your request to a maximum of eight Masses. We also ask for your patience in waiting for your turn for processing. Please take special note that the starting time is at 1:00PM in the afternoon. Thank you. CATECHISTS NEEDED Would you like to learn more about your faith? To be more secure in the answers to the questions your children ask you? One of the best ways to learn is to be a Catechist! All that is needed is an open and willing heart, and a love of children. If you are interested, contact Karen Yasik in the Office of Religious Education either at 652-7141 or email Share the Joy! RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) Thinking of joining the Catholic Church? We would love to have you! If you are interested, contact Karen Yasik in the Office of Religious Education either at 652-7141 or email PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM Registrations are now being accepted for the Parish Religious Education Program. If your child attends a non-Catholic school and especially if they are within two years of receiving a sacrament, Religious Ed is for you! All of our registration materials are online at the parish website,, just double click on the box that says “Religious Education”! There is also lots of information about the program, including lesson calendars and publisher’s website information, so that you can see exactly what your child will be doing each week. You can also contact Karen Yasik at 652-7141 or email Classes begin August 31st – so don’t wait, register now! SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION And SAFE SENDER EMAILS Is your child receiving a sacrament this year? Please be sure to verify as a “safe address” with your provider, or check your spam regularly. With the number of emails we send out, some providers are putting us directly into your junk mail! We have already sent a test email to all families of First Communicants for May 2015, but only got a confirmation email back from about half! Don’t miss critical information. Move us to your safe senders today! Thank you. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED At SMM our Senior Center enjoys socializing and competing at weekly Bingo from September-May. We are currently looking for a couple of volunteers to help our pastoral minister, Daniel Hoover, set up snacks and coffee and clean up afterwards on Thursdays from 12:45 – 2PM. We can always use more Bingo callers, calling about once a month. If you are interested in serving, please call Daniel at 652-6800 ext. 150 or email at SAINT MARY MAGDALEN SCHOOL GRADE OPENINGS AVAILABLE St. Mary Magdalen School currently has space available in Kindergarten, First and Fourth Grades for the 2014 – 2015 school-year. Please call the school office at (302) 656-2745 or email at for further details or for any questions. FOR THE SAKE OF GOD’S CHILDREN PROGRAM VOLUNTEER COVENANTS & CLEARANCE REPORTS This is a special note to remind all who wish to be volunteers in the coming school year, for activities involving the youth of our parish, of the diocesan program, For the Sake of God’s Children. Volunteer covenants are required each year and must be signed by each volunteer. Volunteers include, but are not limited to, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, CYM Sports, St. Mary Magdalen School Parents and Grandparents who wish to volunteer, Religious Education Catechists, Aids and anyone who volunteers or works with the youth in our parish. BACKGROUND CLEARANCE REPORTS must also be obtained for any volunteer who contributes a total of five hours or more during the course of the year. The instructions for the process of applying for a Clearance Report and all necessary forms and educational videos can be obtained on the parish website: Click on the tab “FSGC Program”. Clearance reports are valid for five years. If you are planning on volunteering in September, and have not had a Background Clearance within the last five years, now is the time to apply for your clearance. DIOCESE OF WILMINGTON WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Saturday, November 1, 2014 St. Joseph’s Parish, Middletown, DE $30 lunch on your own or $40 includes box lunch Conference Speaker: Johnnette Benkovic Theme: “Be who you are and be that well” Topics: Creating a Balance in our Busy Lives Healing the Wounds of the Heart Authentic Femininity Johnnette Benkovic travels internationally as a popular conference speaker, published author, retreat director, and published author and seminar presenter. She is the author of several books and developed the internationally recognized Women of Grace Foundational Study Series which has transformed thousands of women worldwide through the healing love of Jesus Christ. The mission of Women of Grace is to transform the world one woman at a time by affirming women in their dignity and vocation as daughters of God and in their gift of authentic femininity. For more information or to register, contact Nancy Burke, Director of the Office for Marriage & Family Life at (302) 295-0667. THE BISHOP’S ANNUAL WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS September 28, 2014 Bishop Francis Malooly invites all couples celebrating their 25th or 40th or 50th wedding anniversary, or any anniversary beyond 50, to the annual Wedding Anniversary Mass at 1:30PM on Sunday, September 28, 2014 at St. John the Beloved Parish, 907 Milltown Rd., Sherwood Park, Wilmington. A reception with light refreshments in the parish hall will immediately follow the Mass. Certificates for 25, 40, 50, 55, 60, 65 and 70 wedding anniversaries will be distributed in Church. Others will be given out at the reception. There is no cost to you, however, reservations are required. Please make your reservations by September 18 by providing the following information to: The Office for Marriage & Family Life (Anniversary Mass) 1626 N. Union St., Wil., DE 19806 Or Email: Or Call Linda Jackson at 302-295-0657 Information needed: Last Name, Husband & Wife First Names, Address, Phone Number, Email Address, Number of Years Married, Parish, Total number of persons attending reception, including guests. MARRIAGE MOMENTS Just as Elijah recognized the Lord in a “tiny whispering sound” (1 Kings 19:13) so we must attune ourselves to the sometimes subtle signals our spouse gives of distress, warmth, concern. Learn to read between the lines. PARENTING POINTERS Mary’s “Yes” of the Magnificat was the vehicle for God’s entry into human history. Her Assumption into heaven brings closure to her role on earth – or does it? Just as the birth of your child is not the end of a mother’s labor so when your child moves out of your home it is not the end of your parenting. ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE August 16 & 17 5:00PM Mass……..K. Ballinger, M. & S. Plunkett 7:00AM Mass……..J. & R. Schiavi 9:00AM Mass……..D. Bondi, P. Homa, C. McFadden DIOCESAN CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Sustaining Hope for the Future The priests of our Diocese dedicate their lives in service to the Church in the name of Christ. They devote a lifetime of service to the laity. Because of this service, the Diocese is committed to providing our priests a dignified retirement which includes a pension benefit and health care. In the current issue of the Dialog, learn more about the Trust for the Welfare and Retirement of Priests and the Sustaining Hope for the Future campaign. For more information, visit the diocesan website, and click on the Sustaining Hope for the Future icon or pick up a copy of the Dialog as you leave Mass today. The Dialog can be found at the exit doors of the main vestibule.
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