Welcome to Immaculate Conception Church Mattoon, Illinois IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH 320 N. 21ST STREET MATTOON, IL www.mattoonimmaculateconception.org Welcome New Parishioners! Contact Parish Office at 235-0539 to make an appointment with Father Steve to register. Parish Staff Pastor: Rev. Stephen T. Sotiroff Office - 235-0539 Deacon Eugene Uptmor . . . 235-2189 Thursday Office Hours 9:30-3:00 Carol Kleinert, DRE . . . . . . . 235-2189 Parish Administrative Assistant Safe Environment Coordinator Kim Coffey . . . . . . . . . . 235-0539 E-Mail: immaculate@mchsi.com Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235-0593 Principal of St. Mary School Nicole Durbin . . . . . . . 235-0431 Mass Schedule Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Weekday 8:30 a.m. (M, T, W & F) Holy Day 8:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:00-5:00 p.m. Sacrament of Baptism Contact Parish Office to schedule a Baptism. New parents seeking the Sacrament of Baptism for an infant or child are asked to attend ONE pre-baptism session. Call the parish office at 235-0539 for information and to register. Sacrament of Marriage Contact Parish Office at least (6) months before the date to make arrangements. Victim Assistance for the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois Patricia Kornfeld, Victim Assistance Coordinator 217-321-1155 Deadline for Parish Bulletin Monday at 10:00 a.m. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH Mattoon, Illinois OCTOBER 19, 2014 TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” Your Stewardship Gifts At A Glance Fiscal Year July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015 October 12, 2014 Collection/OnLine Giving (138 Envs) $ 8,595.08 World Mission Sunday $ 38.00 All Saints Day Offering $ 36.00 Catholic Relief Services $ 10.00 Matthew 22:21 INTRODUCTION God rules history and can even use legitimate authority and hierarchical systems that benefit others, as the Emperor Cyrus rebuilt ancient Israel coming out of captivity. We acknowledge that we are members of a civil society governed by authority deserving of its just due. But, as Christians, we are bound by a higher authority, one that calls us to love of God and love of neighbor. OCTOBER 20-26 MONDAY 8:30 Regina Finnegan TUESDAY 8:30 Marianne Thiel WEDNESDAY 8:30 Fr. Herman Niebrugge THURSDAY 8:30 Communion Service FRIDAY 8:30 John Littleton SATURDAY 5:30 Effie Mills and Rose Fekete SUNDAY 8:00 Living and Deceased Members Of the Mayer Family 10:30 People of the Parish SCRIPTURE READINGS Isaiah 45:1, 4-6: I am the Lord and there is no other. 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5: The Gospel does not come to us in word alone. Matthew 22:15-21: Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. REFLECT ON TODAY’S READINGS Relate an experience when you felt pressured into making a decision contrary to your principles. What belongs only to God in your life? 2 ALL THE SICK AND DYING The Knights of Columbus Social Committee is hosting its third annual Trunk or Treat, a family-friendly, fun event. Families, individuals, or groups bring a vehicle with candy/ trinkets to be handed out, and kids go from car to car to collect their treats. Costumes are optional and everyone is welcome. Cars are needed so feel free to be creative– decorate your car, dress-up, or simply bring a car and treats. Please sign up after Mass on the sheet in the back of church so we have an idea of how many cars to expect, and have your car at St. Mary’s parking lot between 3:30-4 PM on Sunday, October 26. If you’d rather contribute candy or trinkets (monetary donations, too), there will be a basket next to the sign-up sheet. St. Mary’s Parent-Teacher Guild is generously providing hot dogs, grilled cheese sandwiches, and drinks for our “trunk-or-treaters” in the Parish Center afterward, so head over to the Parish Center after Trunk or Treating and sample/vote for your favorite CHILI in their Chili Cook-Off!! age Saus ANNUAL CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL PROGRESS REPORT This Year’s Goal: $76,013.00 Gifts/Pledges Thus Far: $ 3,680.00 % of Participation: 4.8% Although it’s still relatively early, please make a gift or pledge of giving now. As you can see, we have a long way to go to reaching our goal. Do you have an outstanding Chili recipe? St. Mary’s Parent-Teacher Guild is hosting a Chili Cook-Off fundraiser. Entry forms ($25 fee) may be picked up Chili in the school office. The competition Cook starts at 4:15 PM in the Parish Center. Off Cooks must be set up and ready by 4 PM! Judges will pick the winners from three categories: Best Hot, Best Mild, and People’s Choice. Everyone can vote in the People’s Choice category, but you must purchase a voter’s sheet for $5.00. All proceeds will benefit St. Mary’s School☺ Happy Harvest Pancake/Sausage Breakfast will be held on Sunday, November 2 from 9-1 in the Parish Center. All proceeds will go to the St. Mary School Annual Fund. Hope to see you there!!! PRAYER VIGIL FOR LIFE The EIU Catholic Newman Center, 500 Roosevelt Avenue, Charleston, will host the October 20 Prayer Vigil for Life. Praying the Scriptural Rosary will begin at 6 p.m. followed by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 6:30 with Fr. John Titus as celebrant and homilist. The 7:30 business meeting will be conducted in the lounge of the Center. ProLife literature, jewelry, letter/bumper stickers, etc.. will be made available. Everyone is urged to join us in prayer to return respect to all life. SISTER PARISH NEWS Immaculate Conception Church sent a check last week for $5,500.00 to our Sister Parish– St. Joseph the Worker Church in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. Thanks to ALL the parishioners for your continued generosity and support for this wonderful mission! ST. MARY SCHOOL FUND October 12 Collected- $912.00 PARISH LOAN Amount Owed: $50,000.00 Amt. Paid: $ 370.00 Unpaid Balance: $38,069.00 PLEASE HELP US ELIMINATE THIS LOAN AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE BY USING THE GOLD “MAJOR PROJECTS ENVELOPE.” 3 Our next meeting will be on October 27 at 7:30. All members please attend. ST. MARY “Like” and “Share” us on Facebook and become our friend. Stay up to date with events and happenings at the school. Virtue Word: Confidence– Having faith in ourselves and in life– feel capable and competent – trust that we have the strength to cope with whatever happens“Do not, therefore, throw away your confidence, for it carries a great reward.” - Hebrews, 10:35 Nicole Durbin, Principal Market Day Pick Up will be on Monday, October 20 in the school gym. You may pick up your order from 6:15-7:00. Thank you to all who ordered this month. Look for Thanksgiving Pies in November!! St. Mary students will join millions of adults and children for the world’s largest shared reading experience on Tuesday, October 21 by reading the book Bunny Cakes. Jumpstart’s Read for the Record Campaign motivates millions of people to celebrate literacy by participating in the largest shared reading experience. Join us on October 21 as we read together in big cities, small towns, and everywhere in between to put children first by shining a spotlight on the importance of highquality early education. St. Mary School would like to THANK all of those who have chosen to be Magic Match Sponsors for the 2014-2015 school year. Your dedication to the school is much appreciated! Three Year Old Preschool– Gowin Parc; Four Year Old Preschool– Edward and Natalie Brankey; Kindergarten– Knights of Columbus Council #1057; First Grade– Nicole Durbin and Pat Nofftz (In Memory of Clarence and Danny Tate); Second Grade– Villa Pizza; Third Grade– The Dodge Family; Fourth Grade– Jimmy Johns and Clyde’s Animal Clinic; Fifth Grade– Doehring, Winders and Co., LLP; Music– In Loving Memory of Ralph Kirts; Cafeteria– The Burton Family (In Memory of the Brown Family); and Gym– St. Mary Athletic Board. The Four Year Old Preschool class will be traveling to Buxton Pumpkin Patch on Wednesday, October 22. Join St. Mary School on our monthly “Eat Out Night” at Papa Murphy’s Pizza. It is a great way to help out the school and gives you a night off from cooking. Thank You!! Thursday, October 23, is a FULL DAY of school for St. Mary students. It is also a very busy day: First Grade and Three Year Old Preschool will be going to the Great Pumpkin Patch. Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade classes will be traveling to the Krannert Center in Champaign to watch a performance. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held after school. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have questions about your conference time. World Missions Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, you told your apostles to proclaim the good news and to make followers of all nations. They gave their lives to you, and for you, to spread the Gospel throughout the world. Today, the faithful still strive to bring your name to those who need it most. Give your strength to missionaries around the world who give their lives every day in lands far from home. Help those charged with bringing your word to be an example of you for those who cannot read your word for themselves. Help those who do their work in your name to inspire others to seek you as their Savior. We ask this through you, Christ, our Lord, Savior of the world. Amen. Friday, October 24 there will be NO SCHOOL. Looking Ahead: October 25– J-Wag Quick Pic Fundraiser at Lincoln Log October 26– Trunk or Treat/Chili Cook Off November 2– Pancake/Sausage Breakfast 4 SHRINE OF SAINT MOTHER THEODORE GUERIN Come celebrate with us! The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are inviting persons of all faith traditions to Saint Mary-of-theWoods on Saturday, October 25, for the GRAND CELEBRATION of the new permanent Shrine of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, the eighth saint of the United States. An Open House, with refreshments, has been scheduled from 1-4 p.m., with a special prayer service scheduled for 4 p.m. There is no cost to attend and no registration is required. FEAST OF ALL SAINTS MASS Saturday, November 1 at 8:30 a.m. ______________________ FEAST OF ALL SOULS Will be celebrated on Saturday, November 1 At 5:30 p.m. and Sunday, November 2 at 8:00/10:30 a.m. Masses On the Feast of All Souls, the Church prays for all of our beloved dead who have gone before us. In special remembrance, we will read the names of our parishioners who passed away since November 2, 2013. A candle with each of their names will be placed in the sanctuary and a family member may then take it home. If you wish to include the name of a loved one who passed away (not from our parish) and plan to attend any of these 3 Masses, please contact the parish office at 235-0539. Also, you may still bring a free standing photograph of a deceased loved one, and display it on the Remembrance Table in the gathering area of the church. Readings for the Week of October 19, 2014 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 Monday: Eph 2:1-10/Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9 CATHOLIC CHARITIES FOOD PANTRY NEEDS: Cereal, Peanut Butter, Tuna, Tuna Helper, Spaghetti, and Spaghetti Sauce Thanks for your continued support! 5 6 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS AND CONTACT PEOPLE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Finance Council Pat Dust Pastoral Council Bill Lenkner Board of Education Duane Deters Golden Hearts Malcolm O’Neill Junior High Youth Group Monica Genta Knights of Columbus Allen Drake Ladies Guild Betty Brandvold Quilters Virginia Kastl Scriptural Prayer Group Judy Rawlings Share The Word Anne Marie Konesko Julie Niemerg St. Vincent de Paul Society Brian McMichaels 258-NEED Welcoming Committee Carol O’Neill 234-8101 Communion To The Sick/Homebound Debbie Reinhart 234-3439 Building, Grounds & Repair Committee Mark Sheehan 235-2064 235-4279 235-5767 254-8851 234-8101 273-5517 234-3040 CALVARY CEMETERY Moni Sheehan 235-5751 Linda Wente 235-2488 234-2067 ST. MARY PARENT GUILD Tiffany Hatchel, Pres. 276-4143 Andrea Barr, Co-Pres. 273-5801 Jessica Yost, Vice Pres. 317-0870 Tiffany Gibson, Sec. 549-3512 235-3846 254-6362 259-9459 7
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