OCTOBER 11 & 12, 2014 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMES MASS INTENTIONS A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Friends in Christ, Tuesdays with Mary was launched on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and will continue for the remaining three Tuesdays of October. Come join us for public recitation of the rosary on Tuesday at 6:30 pm. The number of people last Tuesday was very edifying. I was hoping for 40. Over 150 people came to honor the Mother of God and to pray for world peace as well as for their own intentions as a family. My thanks to Pat Terrenzio and Rose McWilliams for coming up with the idea to do this. This weekend we welcome Patrick Benner from the Malvern Retreat House. Pat will be speaking at all of the weekend Masses about the benefits of spending some quiet time to get closer to the Lord. Called St. Joseph’s in the Hills, the retreat house has been a haven for deepening the spirituality for those who have gone there. Many of our parishioners have gone on retreat at this special place. It is my hope that Pat’s talk will inspire you to see the benefit of a spiritual retreat. Last week’s letter was a bit long. So I will keep this short. God bless you and your families. Sincerely in Christ, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2014 5:00 pm Vigil — Henry & Christine Herling SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2014 7:30 am — Harry Gutchigian 9:00 am — Anna Preziosa 10:30 am — Gallo Family 12:00 pm — Adelizzi-Lanzalone Families MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2014 6:30 am — Maria Theresa Thomas (1st Anniversary) 8:30 am — Anne & Carrol Lally TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2014 6:30 am — Harry Feil (40th Anniversary) 8:30 am — Kathryn McNamee (9th Anniversary) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014 6:30 am — Albert & Anna Sevick 8:30 am — Charles Sarsfield THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014 6:30 am — Marie Gallagher Rowley 8:30 am — Robert J. Toner FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 6:30 am — Maureen Rowley 8:30 am — Gabriel & Jennie Terrizzi SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2014 8:00 am — Patricia McGinley 5:00 pm Vigil — Margaret Sawicki SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2014 7:30 am — Linda Innamorato 9:00 am — Martin & Alice Kensey 10:30 am — Daniel & Jeannie Logue 12:00 pm — John Schmidt Second Collection next weekend October 18th and 19th is for Mission Sunday Tuesdays with Mary—-You’re Invited! Join us as we gather as a parish community to pray together one of the most powerful of prayers. During the month of October, the month of the Holy Rosary, we will assemble together in church on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm to pray the rosary for world peace and the end of persecution of Christians in the Middle East. CELEBRANT SCHEDULE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2014 5:00 PM –Msgr. Garvin SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2014 7:30 AM – Msgr. Boland 9:00 AM – Msgr. Garvin 10:30 AM – Fr. Sean 12:00 PM – Fr. Michel - PAGE 2 - OCTOBER 11 & 12, 2014 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMES 1 Bible Study with the Seminarians Weekly Collection Collection for October 4 & 5, 2014: Join our Seminarians as they take a look at the readings that will be proclaimed at the weekend Masses. Each week will certainly be a time of prayer and insight. Come as often as you can, and bring your friends! Thursdays at 1:30 pm in the Parish Office $22,998 (includes $1,491 from E-Giving) Collection for October 5 & 6, 2013: $22,884 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR PARISH. E-GIVING TO ST. CHRISTOPHER PARISH Are you a person who pays bills online or has them withdrawn automatically from your account? Now you can have that same convenience for your Church contributions. You can authorize your contributions to be safely transferred to a Church account. Forms are available in the back of the Church or in the Parish Office. For more information contact: Mary Wilkinson at 215-673-5177, ext. 22 BLOCK COLLECTION A mailing containing a letter and a Block Collection envelope has been sent to your homes. Thanks to all of you who have begun to respond to this year’s Block Collection. As in previous years, our parish goal is $130,000.00. Please place your Block Collection offering in the regular Sunday collection basket. You may also mail your offering to the Parish Office or drop it off there during the month of October, or as soon as your means allow. God bless you and your families for contributing to this very important appeal. PARISH GOAL: RECEIVED TO DATE: NEEDED TO REACH OUR GOAL: $130,000 $ 53,192 (40.9%) $ 76,808 Bereavement Support Group Monday, October 13, 2014 6:00-7:15 p.m.—Parish Meeting Room Please call Sister Maureen Erdlen, the moderator of the group, at 215-248-7203 for more information regarding this support group meeting. If you are dealing with the death of a loved one, this might be for you. The Parish Meeting Room is located in the school building right off the Lindsay Street parking lot. Please Pray for our Deceased Elizabeth Nunez Anthony DiMarco Jane Marie Haber (please park in the Trainer Hall parking lot) PRE-JORDAN BAPTISM CLASS First-time parents, as well as parents who have not already done so, must attend a Pre-Jordan class before scheduling the Baptism. We suggest that you attend before the birth of your baby. The next class will be on: Wednesday, October 29th, at 7:00 pm in the Parish Meeting Room. Congratulations Newly Baptized Lily Gloria Poulos Lily Sophia Serpa Jack Joseph Murray Christopher Aiden Shields Mass for the Anointing of the Sick Saturday, October 18, 2014 11:00 am in Church Catholics who are afflicted by physical, emotional, or spiritual illness, or are experiencing the effects of old age are encouraged to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. The Communal Rite celebrated within the Mass provides comfort and strength to those who are sick and suffering through the sacramental anointing and through the prayers of our parish community. A luncheon will follow in Holy Family Hall, located underneath the Church. All are welcome to attend. Parishioners who are planning to attend should call the Parish Office in advance (215-673-5177) GIFT CARD CENTER/SCRIP Sunday: 8:30 - 11:30 am Tuesday: 8:30 - 10:00 am Wednesday: 9:00 - 10:00 am Thursday: 7:00 - 8:00 pm Friday: 9:00 - 10:00 am Envelopes can be sent in on Tue., Wed., and Friday - PAGE 3 - OCTOBER 11 & 12, 2014 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMES Lectors: Market Day Next Sale will be on Thursday, October 30th From 6:30—7:30 pm in Holy Family Hall. Order forms are now available in the back of church, in the gift card/scrip room, and in the parish office. Orders need to be returned to school by: Tuesday, October 21st. Internet orders must be placed by Friday, October 24th by 11:00 pm. For additional information please call: Colleen Ross at 215-677-6927 SATURDAY IN THE CITY 2014 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25TH BUS DEPARTS ST. CHRISTOPHER AT 9:30AM SHARP AND WILL RETURN AROUND 3:00PM JOIN FR. SEAN AS THE ST. CHRISTOPHER YOUTH MINISTRY SPONSORS A DAY FILLED WITH FOOD, FUN AND A FASCINATING LOOK AT CATHOLIC HISTORY IN PHILADELPHIA. THE DAY WILL INCLUDE VISITS TO HISTORIC CHURCHES IN AND AROUND CENTER CITY, AS WELL AS LUNCH AT A SOUTH PHILLY STEAK SHOP. THE TRIP IS OPEN TO STUDENTS IN GRADES 6, 7 AND 8. BUS TRANSPORTATION WILL BE PROVIDED AND PARTICIPANTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF LUNCH. EACH PARTICIPANT MUST SUBMIT A COMPLETED PERMISSION FORM. CHAPERONES WELCOME. ANY QUESTIONS, OR TO OBTAIN A COPY OF THE PERMISSION FORM, PLEASE CONTACT JIM MALINOWSKI AT THE PARISH OFFICE, 215-673-5177, Get Fit with the Fathers!!!!! Fr. Sean has noticed he has a few extra pounds that weren’t ordained with him on May 17th. Therefore, Fr. Joe and Fr. Sean invite you to join them on a mission to get back in shape. Both Fathers are looking to lose about 40 pounds. If you would like to join them in their pursuit for Physical Health to accompany Spiritual Health, they invite you to make weight loss goals of your own as we come to the end of the year (and the beginning of Thanksgiving pies and Christmas cookies). As of yet, there is no timeline, but we are looking for creative ways and enthusiastic parishioners to join the priests on this adventure. Keep your eyes on this space in the bulletin in weeks to come for updates, encouragements and other information in order to grow in Health and Holiness as a parish. If you want a workbook for 2015 and have not yet turned in the form, please call Joan Keller by Wednesday, October 15th. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK (NEW NAMES IN BOLD) Dolores Anderson, Mary Kay Banks, Robert Banks, Albert Bauer, David Bauer, Anne Beebie, Mary Berk, Lou Berk, Patricia Bernardo, John Bilkins, Rita Brennan, Bob Breeze, Anna Burzak Helene Callahan, Nicholas Clerkin, John Costello, Deborah Cutillo, Silvino Dalessandro, Lisa DeCero, Anthony DeRose, Louis Desiato, Bernard Devlin, Bob Diehl, Frank DiNardo, Joann Dittmar, Chris Doheny, Marie Dolhancryk,Joseph Donnelly, Taylor Dworznicki, Anne Fekete, Frank Fekete, Nancy Finn, Nora Forgione, Ted Franks, John F. Galeone, Maryanne Gaul, Tony Gibilante, Hugh Gilmore, Mary Ann Graham, Sally Graybeal, William Greene, Daniel R. Griffin, Michelle Griffin, Ronald Gutachall, Ronin Xavier Ham, Joanne Henes, James Hannan, Catherine Hesson, William Impriano, Mildred Kaye, Betty Keiper, Maggie Langdon, Leonard Laurito, Rina Laurito, Robert Lawrence, Adele Litwinczuk, Barbara Ludovico, Gerard Market Lisa MacWilliams, Joan Martin, Paul Martin, George Matwiejczyk, Judy May, Marie McBride, Ann McCauley, Frances McElroy, Suzanne McGinnis, Mary McKeever, Kevin McKeever, Patrick McLaughlin, Maureen McNally, Jennifer Mariano, Louis Menna, Stephanie Merenda, Betty Monahan, Elizabeth Morris, Sandy Morse, Coralee Moyett, Brook Mulford, Edward Murphy,Jr., Jimmy Murray, Theresa Myers, Mary Lew Nederoski, Helen Nelson, Teresa Osborne, Josephine Pickul, Martha Plum, Mary Pulli, Marie Raab, Ann Rego, Barbara Rogers, Betty Rosa, Baby Katherine Rose, Cecilia Schilk, Marianna Serpiello, Baby John Joseph Sharkey, Joe Shields, Rev. Paul Stenson, Arden Sukeena, Babies Aliana & London Walker, James Weidman, Dorothy Weischedel, Michele Young NOTICE ABOUT OUR SICK LIST: If you wish to place or remove a name from the prayer list, please call the Parish Office (215-673-5177) during regular hours. H.O.P.E. HELPING OTHER PEOPLE IN AN EMERGENCY When family, friends or neighbors are unavailable and you have need for local transportation to get to doctor appointments, shopping, hospital visits or church, call our H.O.P.E. coordinator. Please leave your name and phone number and the coordinator will call you back. TO SCHEDULE A RIDE CALL 215-947-3769 - PAGE 4 - OCTOBER 11 & 12, 2014 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMES High School News FREE FLU SHOTS WILL BE GIVEN TO SENIOR CITIZENS MONDAY, OCTOBER 13TH HOLY FAMILY HALL BEGINNING AT 1PM. St. Hubert Fall Open House ALL THAT IS NEEDED IS A CURRENT INSURANCE CARD. Thursday, October 30, 2014 6:30—8:30 pm RSVP: www.huberts.org/openhouse ST. CHRISTOPHER SCHOOL IS SEEKING VOLUNTEERS Help our school by helping our students! There are a variety of volunteer opportunities available for parents, grandparents, and parishioners. We need science lab aides, copy aides, library aides, and more. Even just 30 minutes a week can make a big difference. For information, please call school at 215-673-5787. All volunteers are required to present criminal clearances. * * * * * * * ** * * *High School Night for Parents and Students of Grades 6 to 8 Wednesday, October 29th at 6:30 PM Trainer Hall For more information contact the Admissions Office at 215-624-6840 ext. 258 Roman Catholic High School Open House Sunday October 26, 2014 Noon to 3:00 pm For more information call 215-627-1270 Ext. 159 or Visit romancatholichs.com LaSalle College High School Open House Ask about Scholarships and Tuition Assistance Opportunities SAINT KATHERINE DREXEL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Becoming a Knight of Columbus can transform your life. As a Knight, you have the opportunity to support your parish, give back to your community, grow in your faith and gain exclusive access to our top-rated insurance program to protect your family. If you’re a Catholic man, 18 years of age or older, interested in joining our organization, please contact Dan Donovan at 215-2922365 for further details. LITTLE CHURCH SCHOOL LaSalle College High School, located in Springfield Township, Montgomery County, will hold an Open House on Sunday, November 9, 2014 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Prospective students and their parents are invited to tour the buildings and 84-acre campus. For questions or additional information, please contact the Admissions Office at 215-402-4800 or admissions@lschs.org. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Little Church School gets young children involved in learning about their faith through stories, songs, games and crafts, all at an age appropriate level. The program takes place each week from October through early May during the 10:30 Mass. Families are able to leave their children with our teachers in the School Library while they attend Sunday Mass. Advanced registration is encouraged to aid in planning. For information regarding Little Church School please contact Jim Malinowski at the Parish Office, 215-673-5177, ext. 28 THE BLESSED MARGARET HOME FOR CRISIS PREGNANCIES IS LOOKING FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE ABLE TO MAKE A SERIOUS COMMITMENT ONE OR TWO EVENINGS A MONTH, TO HELP US WITH OUR NEEDS. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL MELISSA OR PAT AT 215-245-8039 8TH GRADE GRADUATION DVD’S ARE AVAILABLE - PAGE 5 - FOR PICK-UP IN THE PARISH OFFICE
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