A Stewardship Parish, Sharing Our God -Given Gifts in Service The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) November 2, 2014 Joan Hynes Mary Massura Raymond Brennock Matthew Brennock Thomas Flanagan Josephine Golich Jeanne Riordan Raymond & Catherine Fiedler John Walsh Patricia Cullen James & Betty Malone Rev. Roger Simpson Pauline Atkins Sr. Mary Magdeline Fearon Robert Thomas Mary Jane LeMaire Susan Kelly Judith Sheehy Lori Gull-Nelson Michael Garrity, Sr. Robert Prendergast Christine McKenna Connie Davis Baby Sienna Marie Ceja Alex Anderson, Jr. Patricia Pazerekas James Peterson Peter Apostle Ann Chwasz Susan Steinkellner Denise Kragie Rita Guajardo Anne Prete Vincenzo LaGiglia Mary Anne Heidkamp Robert Brennan Susan Osta Regina Kuehn John Solorio James Kane Willie Irons Joseph Philipps Michael Ayers Marian Capizzi Tim Kuhfuss Ramon Gonzalez Stephen Poleski Fritz Miniutti Michael Frueh Stanley Lubarski Patrick Savage Ralph Eakin Charlane Manchen Gerard Normand Jerry Dunne Thomas Ivinjack Frank Schilaci George White Virginia Ramos Thomas Hardy Nello Mastrantonio Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. During this month of November we remember all of our deceased brothers and sisters. In a special way we pray for the members of Ascension Parish who have died this past year. From the Pastor ASCENSION CHURCH Parish Center: 808 S. EastAve. Oak Park, IL 60304 Tel.: 708-848-2703 Fax: 708-848-2773 DEAR FAMILY OF ASCENSION, OFFICE HOURS: M-Th: 8 AM - 8 PM Friday: 8 AM - 4 PM S/S: 8:30 AM -1:30 PM Bulletin Articles ascensiondome@ascensionchurch.com E-Mail Personnel can be reached by first initial last name @ascensionchurch.com Web-sites www.ascensionchurch.com www.ascension-school.com www.archdiocese-chgo.org Pastor Rev. Larry McNally 848-2703 Pastoral Associate David Philippart 434-1533 Assistant Pastoral Associate Gene Wesolowski 434-1555 Director of Institutional Development Katie Moran Vanaria 434-1558 Director of Music David Anderson 434-1535 Director of Youth Ministry Julie Krakora 434-1546 School Principal Mary Jo Burns 386-7282 Director of Religious Education Diane Lawrence-Moriarty 848-3099 Religious Education Assistant Kathy Marifjeren 434-1554 Parish Office Support Staff Office Manager: Mary Pat Landa (M-F) x221 Office Assistant: Jim Wojcik (M-F) x231 Sacramental Secretary: Deedee Ralston (PM: M-Th) x230 Pastor Emeritus Rev. Robert A. Cross Weekend Assistants Rev. John Cunningham, S.J. Rev. Ray Guiao, S.J. Rev. Bob Hutmacher, OFM Rev. Richard Woods, O.P. Deacon Couples Lendell & Tina Richardson Roger & Betty Vandervest Joe & Kathie Walsh Mental Health Counselor Bill Harrison - Claret Center 773-643-6259 Extension 24 N Greetings on this weekend of Standard Time! We certainly had a wonderful Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation last Saturday. I felt that all went well. I thank our Confirmation Class of 2014 for saying YES to be fully initiated into the Church. The two most popular women names were Mary and Cecilia (David Anderson’s influence) and for the guys it was Sebastian and Francis (Papal influence). I thank their parents and chosen sponsors for guiding and witnessing to your faith and for leading our Confirmandi to this celebration. I thank Julie Krakora, Diane Lawrence-Moriarty, Mary Jo Burns, Nell Agnew, David Philippart and all our many wonderful, dedicated, enthusiastic and faith-filled teen and adult mentors for your role in preparing and ministering to our Confirmandi. I thank David Anderson and our Choir for helping us to pray in song. To Kathy Marifjeren and our parents, I thank you for hosting the Confirmation Reception afterwards. Thank you all. With our Confirmation Celebration we once again had one of my favorite Ascension weekends celebrating six out of the seven Sacraments. Since my arrival in January of 2003 Ascension has most certainly been a Sacramental Parish. It is great to be a part of all these Sacramental Celebrations. As we enter into November the month of prayer for All Souls, I thank our Respect Life Committee, our Domestic Violence Awareness Committee and our Peace and Justice Committee for their sponsoring of Reverence for Life 2014. Thank you for your hard work and for your leadership in promoting the Right and Respect for Life from the moment of conception until the moment of death. You certainly picked the right topic. Sad to say though, domestic violence is getting lots of press. The Sun-Times had a story concerning it in this past Sunday’s paper and it was the third lead-in story for the Sunday Night News. Let us continue to keep this issue in our prayers. As our sign outside church says: LIFE: GOD’S MOST PRECIOUS GIFT. David Philippart offers his workshop next weekend: Now and at the Hour of Our Death. See pages five and six for more information. Please know that Gene Wesolowski, our Assistant Pastoral Associate is available for those who are grieving. As we all know, talking it out is quite helpful and healing. Please call Gene at 434-1555 and he will be most happy to spend some time with you. Some folks do better in a group setting and Loyola University Hospital does offer Grief Support Groups. Please call Nancy Kiel at (708) 216-1646 for further information on available group sessions. Let us keep in prayer, especially in this month of November all who are grieving and all who have died especially those who have no one to pray for them. O V E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 4 — P A G E 2 I thank Dan Dubruse for loaning me his ‘goodbye crutches’ scooter to help me get around inside the Parish Center and outside around campus. I had only one accident when I rode into a sidewalk square of wet concrete near the Parish Center parking lot. The company didn’t barricade their work. I did laugh about it with others who saw the debacle. It is better to laugh then to become bitter and hardened by such a careless and freak incident. Thank you to Bob Kutella who has been spending his Saturday and Sunday morning painting the grates on the windows of the Pine Room. The red looks great Bob, and needless to say the grates certainly needed a fresh coat of paint. I invite the women of our parish to participate in the 2014 Ascension Women’s Cooperative Morning of Reflection: “…And I Turned to Prayer” on Saturday, November 8th. Beginning at 8:30 am in the Pine Room with a light breakfast followed at 9 am by reflections on this topic. Please see page four for further details Our Sharing Parish, St. Martin de Porres invites us to join with them on their Feast Day weekend of November 7th through the 9th. We are especially invited to their Feast Day Choir Concert on Friday, November 7th beginning at 7 pm at their church located at 5112 West Washington Blvd. Also a special invitation for their Unity Mass on Sunday, November 9th at 10 am has been extended to us. For further information please call their office at (773) 2870206 or contact them by email at st.martindeporres@sbcglobal.net. The newly formed Ascension Men’s League is sponsoring a Bags Tournament on Saturday November 8th beginning at 5 pm in the gym. Please see page eight for further information. You can also contact them by email at: ascensionmensleague@gmail.com. Please plan on joining us for Mass at 9 am on Thanksgiving, November 27th, the United States Holy Day. More information on how we will celebrate this Mass will be forthcoming. N O V E M B E R 2 , The Offertory collection summary for last week is found elsewhere in our DOME. I thank you for your continued and consistent generosity. I thank you for ALL that you do for our Family of Ascension. I thank you for all that you do for God’s people both near and far. I pray for you every day. David Reynolds, Fleet and Facilities Management Commissioner was addressing the City Council of Chicago on the roach situation in their meeting room. Suddenly a roach appeared. One could ‘smell a rat’ behind this occurrence. Because of these re-occurring termite appearances Mr. Reynolds just might get ‘terminated’. Have a good week. GOD’S BLESSINGS! Welcome to Ascension Church If you are new to our church or just visiting, please stop and introduce yourself. We are pleased to have you share in this celebration of the Eucharist. If you do not have a church home, or your church is not a home to you, we invite you to become part of our parish family. If you are not Catholic, have questions about the Catholic way of life, or would like to explore the Catholic faith, please call David Philippart at 708-434-1533. Our church is open to anyone looking for a spiritual home. Parish Registration forms are at all church entrances or you can also download a form at: www.ascensionchurch.com (Administration/ Forms/Join the Parish). We are so glad you’re here and hope you will come back again for Mass or to become a parishioner. 2 0 1 4 — P A G E 3 Take time this week to reflect on today’s readings: First Reading — (Isaiah 25:6-9). Psalm — (Psalm 23). Second Reading — (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Gospel — (Matthew 5:1-12). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-32; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 To prepare for The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica: First Reading — I saw water flowing out of the temple; wherever the river flows, every living creature shall live (Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12). Psalm — The waters of the river gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High (Psalm 46). Second Reading — Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17). Gospel — Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up (John 2:13-22). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. See you next week! A Month for Saints and Souls November is the time we Catholics set aside to remember, revere, and pray for all the faithful departed. Bring framed photos of your loved ones who have died to church during this month. (It doesn’t matter when they died.) Place them at any of the four shrines: Holy Mary or Sacred Heart and the men saints (south or parking lot side), St. Joseph or St. Anne and the women saints (north or Van Buren Side). Please put your name and phone number on the back of the frame, too. Please join us for Taizé Prayer this Friday, November 7 at 7:30 pm in Church. "...And I Turned to Prayer" - AWC Women’s Morning of Reflection - Saturday, November 8 Please join us as we hear women of the parish and our own Father Larry reflect on their surrender to prayer as they endure the struggles in their lives A light breakfast will be served in the Pine Room at 8:30am, followed by the presentation at 9:00am Contact Jessica Nowicki at 708-297-5532 or jessica.nowicki@yahoo.com with any questions. N O V E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 4 — P A G E 4 The Mystery of Death Death is a mystery. It’s not that we are completely befuddled by death and know nothing of it. In each generation, we learn more and more about how our bodies die, and what role (natural and supernatural) death plays in the universe. Every one of us knows something of death, has experienced the death of another, of others. So instead, death is — and always will be — a mystery in this way: Facing death, we are left aching and in awe, with unanswered questions and strange fears. Facing death, we stand on the edge of all that is beyond what we can know or do. Because we are baptized, we grapple with the mystery that is death reverently and vigorously. We are brothers and sisters to the One who has passed through death, who has turned the mystery of dying toward God and away from despair. Because we are baptized into Christ, we face death believing that we are not alone, hoping in resurrection, loving each other to the last. Because we are baptized, we face death with rites, with the actions, stories and songs of our tradition. We visit and care for the sick. We work to heal them and we resist death with all our might. Yet when death finally comes, we watch and pray with the dying. We reverently care for the bodies of the dead because it is a corporal work of mercy, one of those rare acts that makes us human. And most importantly we gather and encounter the mystery together in the three major rites of the Christian funeral: the vigil, the liturgy and the committal of the body to the earth or to fire. It’s important — not morbid — that we think about our own death and the deaths of those we love before the moment is upon us. Our culture is uncomfortable with death, and some contemporary habits that have developed around death may rob us of a truly sacred encounter. We seem to be in a hurry, for example, to cover up, carry off and dispose of the body, even before we have had the opportunity to say good-bye. Or our loved ones die connected to machines operated by professionals who, wanting to spare us any uncomfortable feelings, may try to usher us out of the room just as our loved one is dying. And then we may not see our loved one until the body has been prepared, made to look as though it were sleeping. Each year, November— our Catholic month of Saints and Souls—is an opportunity to think about this and discuss it with your family and friends: How would you like your final days and last moments on this earth to go? How do we want to face the mystery of death together? Our Catholic faith offers us much wisdom about this. Next weekend, after all the Masses, I’ll help you prepare your funeral liturgy. We’ll meet for an hour, and food will be served! (Lasagna and salad after both 5:00 PM Masses and the 11:00; breakfast foods after the 7:30 and 9:00.) On Sunday, November 23, Mr. Dan Lunney, who is chaplain at St. Joseph Village in Chicago will explain advance care planning in light of Catholic teaching, from 3-4:30 in the Pine Room. There is no charge for either event, and we’ll gladly accept a donation to defray costs. David Philippart N O V E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 4 — P A G E 5 Living the Word Books Available Now The cost of each book is $7. This weekly resource includes all of the Sunday and Holy day readings for the entire liturgical year beginning with the first Sunday of Advent on November 30, 2014. In addition to the readings, a scriptural commentary and reflection are provided for each Sunday and feast. Reflection questions are also provided to assist with your prayer. Several small faith groups in our parish use this resource for their group meetings. Currently, several hundred parishioners have committed to using this annual resource as a way to grow in their love and knowledge of the sacred scriptures. Have you subscribed to our Living the Word weekly Scripture reflections? Each week, a parishioner or friend of our parish community writes a reflection on the Sunday scripture readings that are proclaimed and preached at our Sunday Eucharist. The point of the reflection is to assist each of us in the process of living out God’s Word throughout the week. We encourage you to sign up to receive this weekly Living the Word email. The reflection is sent out each week on Friday before the weekend. This allows you to read the reflection as one way to prepare to hear God’s Word on Sunday. If you are interested in receiving this weekly reflection, simply email Jim Wojcik at our parish center. (jwojcik@ascensionchurch.com) You may also sign up on our parish website. (www.ascensionchurch.com). Save the Date A SCENSION M INISTRY S UMMIT T UESDAY , F EBRUARY 10, 7-9 PM Leaders and members of all Ascension ministries are invited to attend the Ministry Summit Tuesday February 10th, 7-9 pm in The Pine Room. Share ministry-building ideas, and hear about plans to boost ministry membership within the Ascension community. More information to follow. N O V E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 4 — P A G E 6 N O V E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 4 — P A G E 7 Ascension Men’s League Bags Tournament - Saturday, November 8 in the Gym Join us for the Ascension Men’s League Bags Tournament. Grab a partner, secure a spot and join us as the newly formed Ascension Men’s League brings back an evening of fellowship, food and fun on Saturday night, November 8th at 5 pm in the Gym. Tournament will kick off promptly at 6:00 p.m., with as many as 32 teams vying for the title, along with delicious food (Big Guys), drink, football and prizes to make this a night not to miss. This event is open to men ages 21 and over with an all-inclusive entry fee of $40.00 per person/$80.00 per team. Not a bags player and just want to socialize? $25.00 will get you in and cover your food and drink for the entire evening. Help us to spread the word! Any questions, or looking to volunteer, please contact us at: ascensionmensleague@gmail.com. Ascension Youth Ministry Contact: Julie Krakora: JKrakora@ascensionchurch. or 708-434-1546 1st ANCHOR Retreat is Nov 15-16th: If you missed the deadline on Oct 29th still want to go, please contact Julie. There will be room for you! 1st ASP 2015 ALL crew meeting: We ar e starting out with a bang this year and going into crew right away! All ASP participants (teens and adults) are asked to be at the meeting in the GYM next Sunday from 6:30 – 8:30pm. Please email Julie or respond to your teen leader if you cannot be present. Wed. Nov 19th is Lou Malnati’s PIZZA DAY! You were all so awesome in June that we are bringing this tasty treat (and fundraiser) back! This is the 1st of three pizza days scattered throughout the year. Please help us by being you – great supporters of anything Ascension related! Pack the place (they’ll be ready!) and give yourself a break in the midst of thanksgiving planning. Don’t forget that you need to BRING (or show on your phones) the flyer that is part of this bulletin. 20% of all monies r aised that day, with flyer, go to Ascension Youth Ministry/ASP participants/Mississippi participants. LUMINARIA SALE: For those of you used to ordering luminaries through the RE Advent Sale, they passed the fundraiser onto the teens. A teen leader from ASP will be running this with their crew. More information will come next week! If you are interested or have questions now, please contact Julie. N O V E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 4 — P A G E 8 ASCENSION CHRISTMAS ANGEL PROJECT This year the Ascension Angel Project will be assisting our sharing parish St. Martin de Porres, Blessed Sacrament Youth Center, Franciscan Outreach and our Ascension parishioners who are in financial need. We will be providing gifts, gift cards and food gift cards. Blessed Sacrament Youth Center, founded in 1987, serves the youth of North Lawndale on Chicago’s West Side. The community has a poverty rate approaching 70%. With approximately 200 registered members ages 7 to 12, they offer after school and Saturday programs featuring tutoring, organized sports and character education. The program provides a positive alternative to the violence, gangs and drugs which occur in this community. Teens who attend Blessed Sacrament Youth Center have a higher rate of high school graduation and lower rates of incarceration and teen pregnancy. Franciscan Outreach, established in 1963, helps hundreds of homeless in the Chicago area every year. They provide meals, shelter, showers, and laundry facilities to people in the model of respect and dignity of St. Francis of Assisi. Franciscan Outreach also provides long term services such as housing and job opportunities. Angels may be picked up at the Church entrances after Masses on Saturday November 22 and Sunday November 23rd. Angel gifts and gift card drop off will be on Friday December 12th from 3:15 until 8:00pm in the school gym. Please try and support Ascension School by purchasing your gift cards from the Parish Center. If you have any questions, please contact Colleen Bracco at 708-524-2186 or Marybeth Granholm at 708267-7697. Advent Sale Are you ready? The Religious Education Board is sponsoring an Advent Sale after the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Masses on Sunday, November 16. Advent candles, wreaths, calendars, books and other items will be on display in the lobby of the Pine Room or outside (weather per mitting). Please plan on stopping by and supporting Religious Education in this fundraiser. No Religious Education Classes Tuesday, November 4 Tuesday night Religious Education classes will not be held on November 4 due to Catechist training. Classes will resume on Tuesday, November 11. P.O.L.O. Happenings Parents of Little Ones is geared for families with children aged newborn to kindergarten. We hope to see you at an upcoming event. Older siblings are always welcome! Moms' Faith Sharing Circle -- Join us Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 8pm at the Parish Center. Our focus will be Gratitude and Thanksgiving. To find out more about this event or upcoming events such as Playgroup, Ladies' Night Out, and Guys' Night Out, please contact Laura Moglia Kelley at polo.ascension@gmail.com N O V E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 4 — P A G E 9 A Topic of Special Interest Tuesday, November 11 in the Pine Room Do you know someone who committed suicide? Do you know someone who attempted suicide? Suicide is on the rise in America, especially among men and among our youth. On the average, a person commits suicide in America every 13 minutes. Suicide is the 10th cause of death in the United States, compared to homicide which ranks 16th. We all need to be educated on suicide and to know the facts, warning signs, and how to help those and ourselves who have lost someone to suicide. Please come hear Fr. Charles Rubey, the founder of LOSS (Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide Program) speak on suicide and mental illness/ depression. He will also be available to answer questions and speak privately after the presentation which begins at 7:00 pm in the Pine Room on Tuesday, November 11th. Please come and bring a friend or neighbor! Do You Have A Degree in Religion? Do you have a bachelor's, master's, or doctor's degree in religious studies, theology, pastoral arts, liturgical studies, divinity or ministry? Quite a few Ascension parishioners do, and we want to invite all who do to a dessert-party and discussion on Friday, January 16, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the dining room of the Parish Center. (Snow date will be January 30.) Please call or email Gene Wesolowski with your contact information: 708-848-2703, or g.wesolowski@ascensionoakpark.com. Thank you! Gene Wesolowski and David Philippart Collecting Christmas Cards Through November 9 Companions Journeying Together, the group that sends Christmas cards to inmates in our Illinois Prisons, is again asking for donations of cards and stamps, but please do not put the stamps on the envelopes. We would like a donation of stamps because we will be mailing them out, and we will use the remainder of the stamps to answer mail we receive as a result of the cards. A box has been placed on the bench near the Sacristy, wrapped in Christmas wrapping, for collecting your cards and stamps. We will collect until November 9 when they have to be turned in. N O V E M B E R 2 , San Jose Obrero Mission The San Jose Obrero Mission (SJOM) is a safe haven for families, women, children and men as they strive to secure permanent housing and improve their lives for the long term. SJOM is sponsoring a fundraiser on November 8 at the National Museum of Mexican Art, 1852 W. 19th St. in Chicago. The host of the event will be WGN Morning News host Ana Belaval. Longtime volunteer Lynn Farrell of St. Giles Parish will be honored. Join us for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, followed by a 3 course dinner and then the program. To purchase tickets visit www.sjom.org or call us at 312-8801886. Tickets are $100.00. If you cannot attend but would like to donate toward this fundraiser it would be much appreciated. 2 0 1 4 — P A G E 1 0 Mass Attendance Meetings and Events Mass Attendance ........................................... 1737 Today RE Good Shepherd CP/LL 8:45 am & 10:00 am RCIA 215 9:30 am Religious Ed Classes School 10:00 am SPREAD LI 10:00 am Extending the Word DR 10:15 pm YM-ASP Teen Leader Meeting PR 3:00 pm Financial Update Total Weekly Offering .................. $18,819.00 Weekly Need ................................... $19,275.00 YTD Budget ................................... $327,675.00 YTD Offering ............................... $278,048.00 Deficit .......................................... ($49,627.00) The above is the report for your weekly and holy day contributions which represent approximately 40% of the overall parish operating income. The additional 60% of operating fund income comes through tuition, fees, fundraising and designated giving. Ascension Parish is entirely funded by private donations. Thank you for your kind and generous support of all the ministries of our community. LOAN DEBT .................................... $16,689.00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday II Oliver Mooney & Courtney Schlesser I Stanley Niemiec & Inga Svenningsen ST. MARTIN DE PORRES FEAST DAY WEEKEND 2014 CH CP/LL/DR/215 CH DR 3:00 pm 3:45 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm November 6 Little Rock Bible Study Girl Scout Troop 40928 Saturday 3:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm November 5 Choristers RE Good Shepherd Choir Bible Study Thursday 3:00 pm 7:15 pm 7:30 pm November 4 School Drama Club Rehearsal PR RE Catechist Training DR Auction Meeting 215 Closed AA Meeting LI Schola CH DR PR 9:00 am 3:00 pm November 7 Troop 40192 Junior Meeting PR Cub Scout Pack Meeting Game Night Gym School–Junior High Student Council Dance PR Taizé Prayer CH Wedding Banns 3:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm November 8 Work Ministry DR 7:30 am LYS Workshops CP 8:00 am Contemplative Prayer CH 8:30 am AWC Women’s Morning of Reflection PR 8:30 am Baptismal Prep DR 9:30 am Men’s Bags Tournament Gym 5:00 pm Now and at the Hour of Our Death Workshop PR After the 5pm Mass Feast Day Choir Concert Friday, November 7th 7:00pm St. Martin de Porres Church 5112 West Washington Blvd Free Will Offering Taken During Concert Feast Day Luncheon Saturday, November 8th at 12:00pm Skylite Banquets 7117 W. Odgen in Berwyn Adults $50 Children 17 & Under $25 For information call the Parish Office at 773-287-0206 Feast Day Unity Mass Sunday, November 9th at 10:00am Saint Martin de Porres Church 5112 West Washington Blvd O V E M B E R November 3 School Drama Club PR Confirmation 2015 Mentors CP Religious Ed Board DR Friday N November 2 Sunday November 9 Now and at the Hour of Our Death Workshop PR After ALL Masses RE Good Shepherd CP/LL 8:45 am & 10:00 am RCIA 215 9:30 am Religious Ed Classes School 10:00 am Extending the Word DR 10:15 am ASP Crew Connecting Gym 6:30 pm 2 , 2 0 1 4 — P A G E 1 1 - REMEMBER IN PRAYER THOSE WHO ARE SICK IN MIND, BODY OR SPIRIT Terry Allen, Patty Ast, Silvia Balderes, Sarah Bowman, Linda Brown, Josephina Carmona, Joe Cassidy, James Cincinelli, Mary Coppin, Geri Cundari, Ann Dant, Christianne Daresh, Bob Doyle, Danny Doyle, Bill Dwyer, Jennifer Fischer, Anne Fitch, Don Hager, Meri Hale, Rebecca Hanessian, Patricia Hanley, Bill Hansen, Sharon Hart, Dominic Iannaccone, Evelyn Kelly, Helen Kelly, Jimmy Konrad, Thomas P. Kragie, Scott Krusinski, Gerry & Mary Logan, Rosita Malmis, Bobby Marino, Joe Massura, Mary Ruth McGrath, Ted Medina, Nora Meewes, Kaden & Kameron Moore, Len Mueller, Carol Ojala, Emilia Ortiz, Estelle Pargulski, Nina Petrosinos, Regan Pierce, Peg Prendergast, Ted Rapacz, Colette Rehor, Philip Rice, Lisa Roche, Anne Sandow, Tom Slott, Elsie Smith, Steven Sobie, Mildred Stefanski, Elizabeth Stohl, Mary Strenski, Matthew Strudeman, Sharon Sugrue, Tom Tazelaar, Mary Jo Tenca, Mary Thomas, Rosemarie Tufano, Jesse & Sonia Vasquez, and Baby Brennan Walsh. SUNDAY - November 2 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) 5:00 (Sat) All Souls Remembrance Mass Benedict, Mary & David Wojcik / Angelo Madonia 7:30 John Burns & Corinne Prindiville 9:00 Bernice Talbot / James Riordan 85th Birthday—Kay Duff Bob Zak / Regina Kuehn / Elizabeth Baldwin 11:00 5:00 All the Faithful Departed MONDAY - November 3 7:45 St. Martin de Porres, Religious / 31st Week in Ordinary Time Rosary (Monday—Friday) 8:15 Ron Fiore TUESDAY - November 4 8:15 Please pray for all of our deceased brothers and sisters, especially: St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop David Lewis WEDNESDAY - November 5 Ordinary Time Weekday 8:15 Esther Brewer Raymond Stapleton / Frank Kolovitz THURSDAY - November 6 John Chlopek, Father of Katie Ber gholz Patrick Stansfield, Cousin of Jim Schwar ber 8:15 Ordinary Time Weekday Jerome Dunne FRIDAY - November 7 8:15 Ordinary Time Weekday Pat & Judee DeSimini SATURDAY - November 8 This Week Next Week 5:00 pm Fr. Larry Fr. Larry 7:30 am Fr. Larry Fr. Ray 9:00 am Fr. Larry Fr. Ray 11:00 am Fr. Bob Fr. Larry 5:00 pm Fr. Ray Fr. Larry N O V E M B E R 3:00 5:00 Vigil: The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Nup: Oliver Mooney & Courtney Schlesser Bob Carpenter & John Mullarkey / George & Evelyn Perivolidis / Sulpicio Kibir SUNDAY - November 9 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 7:30 9:00 11:00 5:00 2 , Robert Franklin Peter W. Hermanns / Thomas Cusack Liz Stuart / Josephine Flesch / Ralph Eakin All Ascension Parishioners 2 0 1 4 — P A G E 1 2 PARISH INFORMATION - Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 - 4:30 PM. Infant Baptism: Our parish celebration of infant Baptism takes place at 1 p.m., on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month. A preparatory session for parents is held on the second Saturday of the month in the Parish Center at 9:30 a.m. First-time parents are required to attend. To register for a preparatory session, or to schedule a baptism, please call the parish office. Adult Initiation: Adults interested in information about the Catholic faith or wanting to become Catholic, should contact David Philippart, ext 233. Weddings: Please make an appointment with Fr. Larry to pick up a wedding information packet at the Parish Office at least a year prior to selecting a date or reception hall. Sick Calls: If there is anyone at home who cannot attend Mass or receive the sacraments because of illness or old age, please contact the Parish Office or one of the Ministers of Care Coordinators: Susie Cahill, 383-7238, Linda Dunne, 848-5574, or Cece Masella, 383-3785. Registration: All newcomers are welcome to the Ascension family and are asked to pick up a census/registration envelope at the entrance of the Church or by downloading a form from the parish website. Parishioners who marry, have a baby, or move to a new address should also notify the Parish Office. Audio Devices: Are available for the hearing impaired. Please see an usher or greeter before Mass. Infant & Toddler Care: Available during 9 & 11 a.m. Mass in the Cry Room of the Church. Lost & Found Box: Is under the table in the chur ch vestibule. Experiencing Domestic Violence: Call 911 or the NDV 24-hour Hot -line at 800-799-7233. You can also call the Parish Center at 708-8482703 and ask to speak with: Fr. Larry McNally, Mr. David Philippart, Ms. Katie Vanaria or Ms. Mary Jo Burns. Relevant Radio Chicago-Talk Radio for Catholic Life: Listen and be Inspired! WNTD-AM 950. Bulletin deadline: Monday 5 p.m. Please deliver articles to Parish Office or email to ascensiondome@ascensionchurch.com
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