ST. MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION PARISH 46 MYRTLE STREET, MELROSE, MA 02176 PARISH WEBSITE: PARISH OFFICE: 781-665-0152 Fax: 781-665-2750 Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday—Friday PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Mark E. Ballard Pastor Rev. Sean M. Maher Parochial Vicar Sr. Mary Samson, S.H.C.J. Pastoral Associate Mrs. Marie Sweeney Pastoral Associate Rev. John Nazzaro Weekend Assistant EUCHARISTIC LITURGY 4:00 PM 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 AM 9:00 AM Ms. Marge Keohane Operations Manager Saturday (Vigil) Sunday Monday through Saturday Mrs. Cynthia Boyle Principal, St. Mary’s School 781-665-5037 Saturday, 3:00 to 3:45 PM or call the Parish Office for an appointment. Mrs. Angela Wrinkle Director of Religious Education 781-665-0152 ext. 22 Mrs. Karen Barrows Parish & Rel. Ed. Secretary Mrs. Jaclyn Meehan Confirmation Coordinator 781-665-3707 Mr. Eric Anderson Music Director 617-974-5948 Mr. Joseph Tucceri Maintenance Director SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 1:15 PM. A Baptism class is held for all new parents and godparents on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Parish Center. To schedule your Baptism or for more information, please call the rectory. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Please call the Parish Office to schedule an appointment to begin the preparation process and to confirm a date and time for your wedding. This process should begin at least six months in advance of the desired date. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK If you would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick prior to hospital admission or any other reason, please contact the rectory. The Sacrament of the Sick is also offered after the 4:00 Mass on the First Saturday of each month. MISSION STATEMENT: St. Mary’s is a Roman Catholic Christian Community centered around the Eucharist, welcoming all, while growing through faith and stewardship. ST. MARY’S PARISH WELCOME TO ST. MARY’S! If you are visiting and looking for a spiritual home, we welcome you to St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish. We hope that you find the worship and liturgy uplifting and an encouragement to your faith. Please introduce yourself to one of the priests after Mass. We want to know you and serve you; we welcome and invite you to become an active member of the St. Mary’s Parish Community. If you would like more information about our parish, please contact Marie Sweeney at 781.665.0152 ext.16 or MORNING MOVIE CHRISTMASFLOWERS THEGARDENEROFGOD Tuesday, January 20th 10:00 am in the Church Hall This film tells the inspiring story of Gregor Mendel (1822 - 1884), who is considered the father of the modern genetics, a science that changed the world. He was a Catholic priest and Augustinian monk who lived in the 19th century in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Starring Christopher Lambert as Mendel, the movie reveals how he combined his vocation as a priest and training as a scientist to impact the world by courageously following his passion for the truth. From the beginning he realized that his great scientific discovery could be used in a wrong way, and he sought the help of a benefactor and good friend, the princess Hanna von Limburg, who supported him in his work and vocation, and helped spread the knowledge of his discovery around the world. Mendel was a man of contemplation and of action, a dedicated priest and visionary scientist who is an important witness for contemporary society on how faith and science are not in conflict with each other. The film tells how he was invited by Pope Pius IX to the Vatican where they shared their views about science and faith, and how they are related. The Pope recognizes the important scientific contribution of Father Mendel, and speaks the prophetic words to him, "Father Mendel, your discovery will survive you and it will survive all of us". This film runs for 110 minutes. We hope you can join us! PADREPIOPRAYERGROUP Thank you to all who remembered their deceased loved ones at Christmas by making a donation toward the cost of the beautiful plants and flowers that adorned our altars. The list of those who were remembered is at the back of the church. ATTENTIONCONFIRMATIONSTUDENTS Grade 9 and 10 are welcome to our FAMILY MASS on January 11th at 5:30 pm in the Upper Church. Our next classes are scheduled for January 26th at the regular times. DVDSAVAILABLE For Your Entertainment We have built up a small library of DVDs over the last few years. They are available at the rectory during business hours for anyone who would like to borrow them. We ask that they be returned in 2 weeks. Our library currently has the following films: Clare and Francis The Mission Mother Teresa For Greater Glory The Passion Therese Fireproof Entertaining Angels Mother Teresa the Legacy Romero Restless Heart Heaven is for Real Son of God The Way The Scarlet and the Black Padre Pio The Power of Forgiveness PRAYTHEROSARY! th On Wednesday January 14 , the Padre Pio Prayer Group will meet in the Lower Chapel at 7:00 pm. To begin the new year, we will focus on the protection of the unborn, along with our regular devotions to Padre Pio. Consider joining this prayer group and becoming a spiritual child of Padre Pio. Are you an early riser? Radio Station WPLM-FM 99.1 broadcasts the Rosary every morning, Sunday through Saturday at 5:30 am. What a great way to start your day! MELROSE, MA Please pray that God will watch over and safeguard our men and women serving in the military: SGT. PAUL C ONSOLI, US A RMY MAJOR MARTIN FORREST, USMC LT. C OL. STEVEN GERARDI, US A RMY C PL. MATTHEW GREGORIO, USMC SGT. DANIEL GOODHUE , USMC LT C OL. VALERIE HACKETT, USAF PVT. MICHAEL BUTLER, USMC L/C PL DANIEL MORELLI, USMC LT. SHELBY NIKITIN, US NAVY L/C PL ROBERT O’K ONIEWSKI, USMC SGT. B RIAN C RAWFORD, US ARMY MAJ. DARCY SAINT-A MANT.US A RMY LT C OL B ERNARD B ANKS, US A RMY CPL B RIDGET C ORSO, USMC CPL MATHEW C ORSO, USMC MAJOR E RIC B ERG, USAF H.C. E VAN C ARROLL, US NAVY PVT. JONATHAN C AMMARATA , USMC LT. JOHN R MORESCHI JR. USN SPC B RADFORD SAUNDERS, US A RMY MAJOR. E RIC DINOTO, US A RMY SPC JOSEPH RITCHIE , US A RMY AFC DEVON E MERY, USAF MS PATRICK TAGAN US NAVY E NS. SHAWN TAGAN, US NAVY LT. PATRICK FORREST, USMC C PL. MARK GREGORIO, USMC AFC JOHN GOODHUE , USAF L/C PL JARED WIMBERLY USMC A1C JULIE FORBES, USAF LT.C OL CHUCK MC GREGOR, USMC TSGT. SCOTT FORBES, USAF SPC JAMES LA C ROIX, US ARMY WO JAMES PAPPA , US ARMY SS JESSICA RAINWATER, USAF JUSTIN E. O'BRIEN, S/F, U.S. A RMY LT. J/G QUINCY K ING, II USAF As you do your financial planning for 2015, please consider the convenience of Online Giving. St. Mary's Online Giving allows you to donate directly from your checking or savings account, or your Visa/Mastercard/Amex card. You may set up automatic contributions and change the timing or amount of your gift at any time. For more information, call Marge at the rectory or visit our website, If you are currently giving online but would like to manage your account yourself, email Marge at to convert your account. 2016WORLDYOUTHDAYKRAKOW The Archdiocese of Boston will once again lead Boston Pilgrims to be with Pope Francis and hundreds of thousands of others for World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland (Summer 2016). Due to the tremendous feedback we have received, we will offer 3 tracks for Youth, Young Adults and Families. Come to one of our informational gatherings or contact us to learn more: www.ONE4Boston or email Kathy Stebbins at ST.MARY’SISONFACEBOOK Like us at St. Mary of the Annunciation, Melrose, MA NATIONALMARCHFORLIFE January 21st-23rd Join us as we travel to Washington, D.C. for the 42nd Annual March for Life. This is a 3 day/2 night bus trip with accommodations at the Hampton Inn in Silver Spring, MD. We have planned an active March-day itinerary in our nation's capital mixed with relaxation, fellowship, and prayer. The cost is $239. The bus leaves from St. Camillus Church, Arlington. For more information, contact Tom Harvey at 617.710.3616 or, or Joe Kolb at 781.844.0353 or New Scripture Course THE MYSTERIES OF LIGHT PRAYING OUR EXPERIENCES The Mysteries of the Rosary are the mysteries of Christ and us. At any given hour, on any given day, we know joy, sorrow, light, and glory. Journeying with Mary our Mother, we shall “ponder all these things” in our hearts. Each week will focus on one of the Luminous Mysteries and its connection to our experience. Excerpts from Pope Francis’ encyclical “The Joy of the Gospel” and Icons of each mystery will be used to enhance our reflection on these powerful Biblical texts. The instructor is Nina Pension. The course will be held on five Fridays beginning on January 23rd from 9:45-11:30 am at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Lynnfield. The course fee: $25 per person/ $40 per married couple. Money should not be an obstacle to the study of the Word of God. If this is the case, you are invited to come free of charge or make a small donation. GRANDANNUALCOLLECTION We are gratified by the many parishioners who donated to the Grand Annual Collection. To date, $63,153 has been donated by 302 parish families. While this is short of our goal of $100,000, we are very appreciative of your response. Your faithful commitment to our Offertory, Capital Campaign and Grand Annual have enabled us to keep the parish in the black and address all the immediate needs of the parish buildings and programs. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity. ARCHDIOCESANSPECIALCOLLECTION Weekend of January 18th Each year in January the Archdiocese of Boston asks that we take up a special collection for a particular need. This year’s collection will benefit Catholic Charities, St. Mary’s Women and Children’s Center and St. Ann’s Home and School. There is an envelope in your packet for your donation. If you would like to learn more about these charities, please visit and Thank you. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Saturday, January 10 4:00 pm Please pray for those in our parish who are ill. David J. Picardi Sunday, January 11 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am Please pray for the deceased members of St. Mary’s Parish. Edward Lee Our Sanctuary Lamp is lit in memory of Sr. Elizabeth Gorvin, SHCJ Geraldine Bodi Kenneth Mulrenan Charles Palano. Saturday, January 17 4:00 pm Robert Weadick Virginia Garofalo Henry McKinley Mary Bulman Michael J. Crowley Monday, January 12 9:00 am Ed Laskey Frank Zinck William Emery Sunday, January 18 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am Wanda Quinn Gina Thompson Maureen Connelly We pray in a special way for all those who are unable to be with us, for whatever reason. We pray for all those who are lonely, SR.ELIZABETHGORVIN,SHJC ADORATIONOFTHE MOSTBLESSEDSACRAMENT Adoration is held every Thursday from 6:00 to 9:00 pm in the Lower Church and on Saturday from 9:30 am to 2:45 pm in the Parish Center Chapel. Please join us. We are committed to having at least two persons present at all times of Adoration. If you can commit to one hour on one evening a month, please email We are saddened by the passing of Sr. Elizabeth Gorvin. She was a graduate of St. Mary's School and taught here from 1970 to 1974. A Memorial Mass will be held for Sr. Elizabeth at St. Mary's on Saturday May 16th, at 11:00 am. LISTOFPRAYERSFORTHEILL At the start of each year we begin a new list of those who have requested prayers for the ill. As many on the list are not from the parish, we have no way of knowing whether they have recovered or are still in need of prayers. If a name has been removed and you would like to reinstate it, please email Susan Regan at You can also notify her if you would like to add a name at any time. BULLETINADVERTISING ROSARYFOR CONVERSION&VOCATIONSFOROUR YOUNGPEOPLE Please join us on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center Chapel to pray the Rosary for the conversion and vocations for our young people, and for their spiritual and physical protection. We are grateful to those who advertise on the back of our bulletin. Their support totally pays for the cost of printing the weekly bulletin. Please patronize our advertisers and let them know that you saw their ad in St. Mary’s bulletin. Thank you for your generosity. On the weekends of December 20th & 27th, and January 3rd & 4th we gave: Dec. 20 $8,284. Dec. 27 7,173. Jan. 4 6,434. JANUARY 11, 2015 ST.MARY’SSCHOOL&PTONEWS TUESDAYTOURSATST.MARY'SSCHOOL From January 6th until February 10th, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, tours of St. Mary's School will be offered for prospective families. Come in and see all the wonderful things going on! No reservations needed. For more information, please call 781.665.5037 and visit the school website at REGISTRATIONFOR2015—2016 We are now accepting registrations for the 20152016 school year. If you would like to register a new student please download the registration form from the website and return the completed form with the registration fee of $200 and a deposit of $400 to be applied to next year’s tuition. (These fees are non refundable). This deposit will hold your child’s space for next year. Tuition for next year will be established by the end of January. PreK usually fills up quickly, so if you have a PreK child coming next year, please register him/her to secure a space. Present families will reregister in January. CONGRATULATIONSROBOTICSTEAM! The SMS Robotics Team performed well at the recent Robotics competition at Melrose High. The team finished 7th out of 25 teams and received an award for the in-depth research they performed on the dangers of distracted driving. They have been invited to the State Finals at Worcester PolyTech. Congratulations to our dedicated students and their coach, alumnus Mr. Chuck Loycano. And good luck at the State Finals! STORMCLOSINGS If there is NO School at St. Mary’s School due to weather, you will receive notification through our phone system. We usually follow the Melrose Public Schools. St. Mary’s School is on Facebook. Please follow us and like us as we spread the good news of the many happenings here at St. Mary’s School in Melrose. MAKETHISONEOFYOURFAMILY’S NEWYEAR’SRESOLUTIONS We need kids of all ages to bring the Gifts to the Altar at the 9:30 Family Mass. Please just “take our fish” and let an usher know. This will let everyone know that someone is already set to bring the Gifts to the Altar. When you go back to get the Gifts, please be sure you return the fish! This is a great idea for our young people who will be receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation this year, as they can play important role and be more actively involved in the Mass. NOSCHOOL FRIDAY, JANUARY 16th For planning purposes, on Friday, January 16th, there will be no school as the Teachers will be having a Professional Day. Congratulations to these Junior High students for their academic success! High Honors 7A: Shannon Burke, Jeffrey Donahue, Matthew Goncalves, Sean Kay, Maria O’Donnell 7B: Abigail Carr, Luke O’Donnell 8A: Karissa Belyea, Angelea Bukirch, Katherine Haidul, Griffin Morrill, Andra Preda, Carly Sacco, Sofia Tarmey, Molly Williams 8B: Patrick Barrasso, Kate Bidgood, Sophie Duff, Ashley Falite, Jane Fantozzi, Aidan Kay, Carolyn Mahoney Honors 7A: Peter Arria, Felipe Barria, Zachary Cummings, Skyla Furey,, Gabriella Guarino, Vincent Simko, Katelyn Tarpey, Ian Walsh, Julia Webb 7B: Cameron Abbott, Katherine Burke, Dominic Dascoli, Anne Little, Peter O’Brien, Eve Painchaud, Robert Sullivan, Alexa Turner 8A: John Burke, Cortney Hannula, Cole Leavis, Grace Loeser, Michael Tormo 8B: Kyle Anderson, Katherine Aristizabal, Korine Haidul, Erin Hennessey, Katherine Regan, Sophia Webb
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