FEAST DAYS THIS WEEK Wednesday– St Teresa of Jesus, virgin, doctor Friday– St Ignatius of Antioch, bishop, martyr Saturday-St Luke, evangelist TODAY’S READINGS Isaiah 25:6-10 The Lord will prepare a feast and will wipe away the tears from every cheek. Philippians 4:12-14.19-20 I am able to do all things in him who strengthens me. Matthew 22:1-14 Whomsoever you find invite to the wedding. RESPONSORIAL PSALM– I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION– Alleluia, alleluia! May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our heart that we might see how great is the hope to which we are called. Alleluia! GENERAL INTERCESSION RESPONSE– God our strength, hear us. ALTAR SOCIETY– 19/10– Catherine Elliott 26/10– Carol Dee COUNTERS– 12/10– Elliott Team 19/10-Cowles Team 26/10-Lynch Team READERS— 18/19 Oct Vigil– A.Fonseca, R.Monserrat 8am– M.King, Y.McDonell 10am –K.Fennell, Sr Marian 136 Flora Street, Sutherland NSW 2232 (PO Box 57 Sutherland 1499) Ph. 9521 2356 Fax 9521 7252 www.stpatsutherland.org.au Fr John M Knight KHS (Parish Priest): pp@stpatssutherland.org.au Fr Michael Lanzon (Assistant Priest) ap@stpatssutherland.org.au Kay Macadam ( Sacramental Co ordinator) admin@stpatssutherland.org.au Kaylene Baumanis (Parish Secretary): info@stpatssutherland.org.au St Patrick’s Primary School Principal: Mr. Phillip Tax: info@stpsutherland.catholic.edu.au WEEKDAY PROGRAM: Mon – Communion Service Mass: Tues-Sat 9.00am NB: 2nd Thurs - Nagle Apartments 9.00am Mass SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Sat Vigil 5pm Sun 8am & 10am CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 4.30 - 4.45pm or by appointment BAPTISMS: 1st & 3rd Sundays 11.30am WEDDINGS: (6 months notice) Excludes Lenten Season EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: First Saturdays monthly - 4.00pm-4.45pm (Except Jan) PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Mon Closed. Tues-Friday 9.00am - 3.00pm St Patrick’s Parish acknowledges and honours the Gweagel People of the Dharawal Nation as the original custodians of this land New Parish Website– www.stpatssutherland.org.au DID YOU KNOW? The wedding banquet is a commonly used image for the kingdom of God in the Hebrew and the Christian Scriptures. Thefeast was a symbol of the abundance to be provided by God for those who have faith. A Jewish wedding celebration often lasted for as long as a week, which may explain why some were reluctant to attend. Like living in the kingdom, it was demanding! HARD OF HEARING? Our Church has been equipped with a Powered Audio Induction Loop system for hearing aid wearers (T-Loop) - To obtain effective use of the loop sit in the main body of the church avoiding the very edge seats, turn hearing aid to T & adjust the volume to suit ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH 28th Sunday Ordinary Time Year A 12 October 2014 God is very lavish in his preparations for his son’s wedding feast. All is ready, yet the invited guests refuse to come. God has prepared his people for many centuries, and yet they will not accept his son, Jesus. All and sundry, including us, are now invited to be part of the Kingdom. Are we ready to accept his invitation? Do unnecessary things blur our spiritual vision. From the Pastor, Greetings fellow pilgrims. This Sunday our pilgrim group will depart for the Holy Land, Prague and Malta. Yes, we are all pilgrims on a journey of life on our way to our true home in heaven. It is a very exciting time for those who will depart on this Sunday evening to visit the land of Jesus. We will see and pray at those places where Jesus began his ministry of love and sacrifice. We are those living stones that make up the body of Christ. Please keep us in your prayers as we will remember you all as we travel in this pilgrimage of grace. As each week passes I will give an up to date travel note as you may be interested in knowing where we have been. Please keep in your prayers the Synod of Bishops that continues to meet in Rome as they discuss the family. Also, all those students of Year 12 who will begin their HSC this week. We ask that you pray for the repose of the Soul of Bruno Kowalcyzk who passed away this week and his funeral is this Tuesday 14th October at 1pm, here at St Patrick’s. Bruno has given so much to our parish, especially our beautiful gardens. The Bishops of Australia have produced a flyer ‘What is marriage?’, you might like to collect one at the entrance of the church on the pamphlet rack near the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Congratulations to Gloria Alwan, a Catechist of our Parish who recently received an Apostolic Blessing from our Holy Father, Pope Francis for 20 years of service as a Catechist at the Annual Catechist Mass. The Justice and Peace Office of the Archdiocese invites parishioners to attend a gathering at St Patrick’s Church, 5 Drynam Street, Summer Hill on Saturday 25th October 10.30am-3.30pm. This meeting is to explore the 2014 Social Justice Statement. RSVP by October 17th. See noticeboard for details. At the end of each Mass this weekend, an ‘Inform’ brochure will be given out. In this edition, we commemorate the 150th Anniversary of Archpriest John Joseph Therry’s death. He was one of Australia's founding Fathers of the Catholic Church. Fr John M Knight - Parish Priest CHURCH GARDENS- Group meets on 2nd Tuesday each month. Gardeners welcome to assist on other days to suit you. Come enjoy good company while caring for St Pat’s Garden. Morning tea served. COFFEE & TEA SET– Oct 13-Picnic altered to Audley. Meet at Sutherland Leisure Centre car park at 10am. (car pool) Marie B/Leonie Oct 27– Davistown. Meet for 8.30am train Jannali, change Central 9.15am Central Coast train. Pat H, Barbara F ST VINCENT DE PAUL CONFERENCESt Vincent de Paul Conference needs volunteers for assistance in distribution of much needed aid. Meets weekly on Thursdays at 2pm or such other times as suits volunteers, in the Parish Meeting Room. Contact Chris Watson 0411 408 261. SUTHERLAND SHIRE SOLO– A social group for single people over 55. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm. For details phone Marcia 95890655, Jan 95268370, Lyn 95288220 TRUE DEVOTION TO MARY After 9am Mass every 3rd Saturday Recitation of the Holy Rosary. All are welcome to attend. SPIRITUALITY GROUP– 7.30-9.30pm. October 14. Brothers House (rear of the Church)- Meditation, presentation of chosen topic, individual responses from group pertaining to the topic. A light supper concludes the evening. Enquiries—Des-9521 3835. WRAP WITH LOVE– We meet at the Presbytery on the first Thursday of the month from 11.30am to 1.30pm. Please join us for knitting and crocheting squares. Bring a sandwich for lunch. !!! VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED !!! We need volunteers to assist - John Franklin Christmas Lunch Orientation Day to be held on Saturday 11 October 2014 : 11:00am - 12:30pm St Patrick’s Parish Hall, Cnr Flora & Belmont Streets, Sutherland Any queries - phone Margaret or Dianne - 9545 0498 Or visit our website www.johnfranklinchristmaslunch.com.au Open Art Studio. Michael Rogers, one of our parishioners, is holding his annual Open Studio weekend on 15 &16 November. There will be a range of paintings for sale and a variety of greeting cards. Michael will donate 25% of total sales on the weekend to the Dunlea Centre building fund. All parishioners are invited to pop in for a chat and a look at some local art. If you choose to purchase (even just a card) you will be helping towards the building of the Centre. Paintings are great personal Christmas presents. There will be a Lucky Door prize of a free painting. Address: 41A Kurrajong Street, Sutherland, off Leonay Street. Please join us for our Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Service, Woronora Cemetery A special candlelit service to promote awareness of the services and support available to those who have suffered the loss of a baby or infant. It also provides an opportunity for the community and families to come together to remember and honour the life of that precious child. Event date: Wednesday 15th October 2014 at 6:15pm Location: Karinya Garden, Woronora Cemetery Linden Street Sutherland Enquiries: 9545 4677 or mail@woronoracemetery.org.au Catholic Weekly– still only $2 -Spotlight on the Synod of the Family: Marriage, law, the Gospel and the family ... Finding peace: coming to terms with annulment - Sydney seminarian ordained at St Peter’s -Blessed Paul IV, ‘pilgrim pope’ and helmsman -Very big? Sure, that’s why we should walk with a soft step ... Police apologise for inadequacy in babies march fracas-Religious live in fear of snipers as Ukraine struggle continues—Guardian angels are wise travel companions, says pope -Guns, drugs: a Caribbean nightmare -Letters to the editor -Vista: what’s on in your parish Artes Christi presents THE JEWELER’S SHOP: The first Feast Day of St John Paul II is 22 October and to celebrate don’t miss The Jeweler’s Shop, a profoundly beautiful play on human love & marriage written by St John Paul before he was elected pope. As specifically indicated by St John Paul II, the play will be staged in the unique style of the Polish underground theatre with no sets or props & performed in a recitative style (reading only). SYDNEY: Sat 25 Oct, 7.30pm, Seymour Centre (Cleveland St Chippendale); PARRAMATTA: Sun 26 Oct, 3pm, Riverside Theatre (Church St, Parramatta). Tickets from $20, bookings essential, Ph. (02)93517940 (Sydney) or (02)88393399 (Parramatta) or WWW.THEWORD.ORG.AU KAY’S COLUMN ATTENTION ALL PARISHIONERS – Anyone who would like to assist with the 2015 Sacramental program, please pick up a note from the back of the church, complete and return to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated! 2015 SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME – Dates for the 2015 Sacramental Programme are now available. Pick up a flyer from the back of the church. Dates have been published early to enable parishioners to organise holiday dates etc around the program. Please note that all sessions etc are compulsory components of the program. I look forward to journeying with these families. CHILDREN’S LITURGY at the 10am Mass – Sunday 19 October – lead by Mrs Moffitt and assisted by Mrs O’Neill And Sunday 26 October – lead by Kay Macadam and assisted by Mrs Swords FHC EVALUATION FORMS – It is not too late to complete and send in your FHC evaluation forms. Just pop it under the front door of the presbytery. SCY MASS – Saturday 1 November – 5pm – All welcome! ALTAR SERVERS TRAINING AFTERNOON – 13 November from 3.15pm to 4pm. If you are in Year 3 + and have received the Sacrament of Holy Communion, you are welcome to attend an altar server’s training afternoon. Pick up a note from the back of the church, complete and return asap. CHRISTMAS VIGIL MASS – Anyone wishing to participate in the 5pm Christmas Vigil Mass this year, please collect a note from the back of the church, complete and return by 7 November. FAMILY MASSES – This weekend, 11 October at 5pm. Next Family Mass - 8 November 5pm. Please note our last Family Mass for the year will be on Saturday 13 December. This will be our annual gift giving Mass and there will be a sausage sizzle after this Mass with lots of fun to be had! Note your diary! SPECIAL THANKSGIVING MASS FOR ANYONE WHO HAS RECEIVED A SACRAMENT THIS YEAR – Sunday 23 November at 10am. Hope to see you there! If anyone has any enquiries regarding the above mentioned, please give me a ring at the parish on either Thursday or Friday on 9521 2356 or send me an email – admin@stpatssutherland.org.au—Thank you . Kay Macadam YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED FOR THE SICK: Mary Arnold, Cyril Mahoney, Terry McCosker, Veri Laarakkers, Steve Smith, Carol Drew, Jeffrey Napier, Barbara Urquhart, Rachel Hanlan, Malcolm Bleeker, Ron Strauss, Tony Gaynor, Ian Rodgers, Linda Lucke, Margaret Murphy, Brian McLean, Karen Carey, Betty Cooling, Sue Arnold-Garvey, Sr Vianney, Anne Cook, Rudy Basso, Fulvia Bompani, Ian Hay, Mary Bartlett, Pat Noonan, Robyn Williams, Mollie Boerma, Kevin Fennell, Sr Claver, Patti & Kevin Gore, Marlene Visage, All the residents in Nagle Apartments. RECENTLY DECEASED: Bruno Kowalczyk, Gladys Bilson, Patrick Toolan, Adrian Moore, Noelene Jones, Beryl Cusak ANNIVERSARY: Jessica Gaynor, Eileen Connors, Shirley Burgess, Bernie Richardson DECEASED MEMBERS & FRIENDS: Oonah Ainscough, Anne Dee, Lionel, Marie & Lawrie Gray, Frank Lantry, Claude Press, John Press, Peter Rendell, Barry Scott, Fr. L. Cruikshank, Margaret Stokes, Paul Fraser, Karen Westnidge, Philip Struthers, Jim Walsh, Shirley Dent, Thomas O’Brien, Gregory & Eileen Dodd, Sr Mary Julian & members Mullins Family, Terry McNamara, Griggs-Nunan-Farrell Families, Jack Elhers, Mr & Mrs English, Irene Mason, Monica & John Robinson, Don Barrett, McNamara, Torrington, Preston, Dent, Barrett & O’Leary Families & Norma Miller & Family & Friends, Mahoney, Lollback & Mason Family. Poor and needy people, Holy Souls in Purgatory
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