16L[WK6WUHHW6W&ODLU0LFKLJDQ “We, the members of St. Mary's Parish of St. Clair, Michigan, worship and grow together in faith, minister to all and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.” 2FWREHU June 13, 2010 !"#$%&'(()*%+,)-.* PARISH MISSION By Fr. Ben Luedtke Sun. Nov. 2– Wed. Nov. 5 Conference 7:00pm-8:00pm Fr. Luedtke will be celebrating all weekend Masses (See insert for schedule) A special “Thank you” to all the Priests, Past & Present, especially Fr. Edward Ritter, Fr. Michael Zuelch, Fr. Fred Bodde, & Fr. Joseph Gagnon who have and continue to serve the people of God here at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Faithfully, selflessly and untiringly administering the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, and the Anointing of the Sick . Celebrating the Holy Mass for us on a daily basis we express our deepest gratitude to all of you for the sacrifices you have made, and continue to make for all of us. God Bless all of you now and forever!!!!!!! VATICAN INTERNATIONAL EXHIBIT EUCHARISTIC MIRACLES OF THE WORLD OPEN FROM SAT. NOV. 1 THRU SUN. NOV. 16 (See insert for schedule) ! Page 2 St. Mary’s Current, St. Clair St. Mary’s Catholic Church 415 N. Sixth St. St. Clair, MI 48079 MASS SCHEDULE Mon., Tues, Wed., 8:00AM Thurs. 6:30PM Friday, Sat. 9:00AM Saturday evening 4:30PM Sunday 8:30AM, 11:30AM Holy Days of Obligation 9:00 AM & 7:00PM CONFESSIONS Mon., Tues., Wed., 7:45-8:00AM Saturday 3:45-4:15PM PARISH OFFICE - 329-2255 !""#$%&'()*+& 0RQGD\)ULGD\$030 &ORVHGIRU/XQFK1RRQ±30 Rev. Michael Zuelch, Pastor Rev. Edward Ritter, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Fred Bodde, Senior Priest Deacon Emeritus Rev. Mr. Robert E. McLeod, Worship Coordinator Mrs. Margie Bernia Administrator Ms. Kat Beal Parish Nurse Mrs. Maureen Duncan Christian Service Coordinator Mrs. Mary Paquette Director of Maintenance Mr. Warren Delor PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Rev. Michael Zuelch 329-2255 Members-at-large Chair - Fred Kilcline Vice ChairMrs. Rachael Kuffa Mr. James Diebold Mr. Harold Matyn Cris Nesbitt Mark Kehoe Deborah Majeski 326-0640 394-0344 326-0939 326-0987 Youth Rep. Abbey Dombrowski, Kevin Huffman, Sarah Huffman Senior Rep. Volunteer Needed Worship Commission Mary Ann Dodge Education Commission Mrs. Mary Beth Blum 329-7801 Finance Council Mr. Scott McVeigh 326-0289 Christian Service Commission Volunteer Needed Vicariate Pastoral Council Mr. Tim Zobl 329-4332 Vocations Commission Bro. Carl Christiansen 364-6415 Evangelization Patty Klecha 364-9096 School Committee Celeste Kuffa RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 329-7801 Mrs. Mary Beth Blum, Director Mrs. Maralene Meldrum-Brothers Secretary USHERS Mr. Tim Zobl SCHOOL - 329-4150 Mrs. Geralynn Sutherland, Principal Mrs. Sharon Kalbaugh, Secretary ST. CLAIR ECUMENICAL FOOD PANTRY 990-4189 MUSIC MINISTRY 329-7801/ ext.2255 Mr. Paul Shafer, Minister of Music PARISH FAX 329-5997 SCHOOL FAX 329-5705 WEBSITE stmarysstclair.org E-MAIL info@stmarysstclair.org BULLETIN DEADLINE Noon on Friday Monday, October 27 8:00AM-Mass 7:00PM-Evening Bible Study Tuesday, October 28 8:00AM-Mass 5:00-6:15PM-RE 6:30PM-SVD 7:00PM-Exposition/Rosary 7:00PM-Recovery Wednesday, October 29 8:00 AM-Mass 9:45AM-Catholic Faith SG 3:30PM-Choristers 6:30PM-Cantor Rehearsal 7:00PM-Choir Thursday, October 30 3:30 PM-Honors Choir 5:30PM-Rosary for Life 6:30PM-Mass Friday, October 31 9:00AM-School Mass ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 300-6603 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Grand Knight Mr. Dan Eves Hall 329-2334 BAPTISM 4th Sundays 1:00PM MARRIAGE Set date with priest six months prior to wedding ANOINTING OF THE SICK Call the parish office Saturday, November 1 9:00AM-Mass 4:30PM-Mass Sunday, November 2 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30AM-Mass 10:00-11:15am-RE 11:30AM-Mass 1:00pm- Baptisms St. Mary’s Current, St. Clair Weekday Mass Schedule Monday, October 27 8:00AM Tuesday, October 28 8:00AM Wednesday, October 29 8:00AM Thursday, October 30 6:30PM Friday, October 31 9:00AM Saturday, November 1 9:00 AM Page 3 Parish Mission: Fr. Ben Luedtke Sunday, November 2 thru Wednesday, November 5 St. Mary’s Church– Mission Conferences 7-8 P.M. Followed by Social & Refreshments: Confessions Available Fr. Ben will be celebrating all of the weekend Masses. Sat. Nov. 1: 4:30pm & Sun. Nov. 2: 8:30AM & 11:30 AM Fr. Ben’s talks are truly inspiring and uplifting. His enthusiasm for the faith and devotion to Our Lord and Our Lady touches the minds and hearts of all who hear him. Fr. Ben Luedtke was ordained by Pope John Paul II in Rome. He personally knew Mother Teresa of Calcutta and was often her personal driver in Rome. Each Missionary of Charity prays for a special priest; Fr. Luedtke was Mother Teresa’s special priest. Father currently resides at St. Albert the Great Parish in Dearborn Heights. He is a much sought after speaker, spiritual director and confessor, and is a missionary priest who has worked on three continents. Formerly working in the theatrical field, Father credits the Blessed Mother for his conversion and priesthood. Men’s Retreat Date November 7-9 Manresa Jesuit Retreat House 1390 Road Bloomfield Hills, MI Please Contact: Dick Schweihofer 810-357-2970 Please contact the parish office for more information: 810-329-2255 VATICAN INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION EUCHARISTIC MIRACLES SATURDAY NOV. 1 THRU SUNDAY, NOV. 16 (after all Weekend Masses and Mission conferences please see insert for more info.) !"#$²¿Ê¹ÃºÄź²¿Äʁº¿´½Æµº¿¸ÄÀ¾¶²Å¹À½º´ÄʁµÀ¿Àų¶½º¶Ç¶º¿Å¹¶¶²½Ã¶Ä¶¿´¶À·¶ÄÆĺ¿Å¹¶Æ´¹²ÃºÄÅʇ¿·²´Å ŹºÄŶ²´¹º¿¸ºÄ´½¶²Ã½ÊÄÆÁÁÀÃŶµ³ÊŹ¶º³½¶ʯĶ¶¶ÄÆÄʓÁÃÀ¾ºÄ¶À·Å¹¶Æ´¹²ÃºÄÅʁ¿ʇЄʂŹ¶º¿ÄźÅÆźÀ¿¿²ÃòźǶĺ¿Åʇ ЀЄʃЀЄʉЀІʁ¼ϿЂʃЀЀʉЀЂʁ¼ЀЁʃϿЇʉЀϾʂ²¿µÈ²Ã¿º¿¸Ä²¸²º¿ÄŲ³ÆĶϿÀÃʇϿϿʃЀЅʉЀЇʰʇÀ¾¶³¶½º¶Ç¶Å¹¶¾ÊÄŶÃʳÆŵÀ¿ÀÅ ¸Ã²ÄÁºÅĺ¾Á½º´²ÅºÀ¿ÄÀúÅĵʿ²¾º´ÁÀȶÃÅÀº¾Á²´ÅŹ¶ºÃµ²º½Ê½ºÇ¶ÄʇÆ´¹²ÃºÄź´¾ºÃ²´½¶Ä²Ã¶²¸º·Å·ÃÀ¾ ÀµÅ¹²Åö´²½½ ÆÄÅÀŹ¶µ¶¶Á¶Ã¾¶²¿º¿¸À·Å¹ºÄ¾ÊÄŶÃÊÀ·ÀÆ÷²ºÅ¹ʇ ÀÁ¶À¹¿²Æ½ÄŲÃŶµ¹ºÄ¶¿´Ê´½º´²½½¶ÅŶÃÀ¿Å¹¶Æ´¹²ÃºÄÅʁ!""#$%&'()$(!*"+',&%-&'.ȺŹŹ¶Äº¾Á½¶Ê¶ÅÁÃÀ·ÀÆ¿µ ÄŲŶ¾¶¿Åʃʖ¹¶¹Æô¹µÃ²ÈĹ¶Ã½º·¶·ÃÀ¾Å¹¶Æ´¹²ÃºÄÅʇʗÁ²ÃÅ·ÃÀ¾¶ÄÆÄʁȶ´²¿µÀ¿ÀŹº¿¸ʯÀ¹¿ϿЃʃЃʰʇÀʁȹ¶Å¹¶Ã ºÅ ºÄ ²¿ ¹À¿¶ÄÅ µ²ÊʓÄ ÈÀüʁÁ½²Êº¿¸ ȺŹ Ź¶ ¼ºµÄ ²ÅŹ¶ Á²Ã¼ʁ½¶²µº¿¸ ·²¾º½Ê ÁòʶÃʁ Ǻĺź¿¸ Ź¶Äº´¼ʁ ·¶¶µº¿¸ Ź¶ ÁÀÀÃʁ Ŷ²´¹º¿¸ʁÀÃöĴƺ¿¸³²³º¶Ä·ÃÀ¾²³ÀÃźÀ¿ʁºÅºÄ²½½ÁÀÄĺ³½¶³¶´²ÆĶÀ·¶ÄÆÄʇźÄŹºÄIJ¾¶¶ÄÆÄȹÀºÄÁöĶ¿Åº¿ Ź¶Æ´¹²ÃºÄÅʇÀȹ¶Å¹¶Ãȶö²½ºË¶ºÅÀÿÀÅʁŹ¶ÁÀȶÃÀ·¶ÄÆĺ¿Å¹¶Æ´¹²ÃºÄŶ¿²³½¶ÄÆÄÅÀ½ºÇ¶ÀÆÅÀÆ÷²ºÅ¹ʇ¹¶ ²Å¶´¹ºÄ¾ÁÆÅĺÅŹºÄȲÊʃʖŹ¶Æ´¹²ÃºÄźÄŹ¶Äƾ²¿µÄƾ¾²ÃÊÀ·ÀÆ÷²ºÅ¹ʗʯϿЁЀЅʰʇ ¿ !""#$%&'( )$( !*"+',&%-&'. 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The email: “Going to Church doesn't make you any more of a Christian than going to the garage makes you a car. Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behavior does. Your words mean nothing if your actions are the complete opposite. Having true faith in whatever it is you believe must be shown through actions, believing is only half the battle. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings. ! PRAY FOR THE SICK ȧȽȶȲɄȶ ɃȶȾȶȾȳȶɃ Ʌɀ ȼȶȶɁ Ⱥȿ ɊɀɆɃ ɁɃȲɊȶɃɄ Ʌȹȶ ȾȶȾȳȶɃɄ ɀȷ ɀɆɃ ɁȲɃȺɄȹ ȷȲȾȺȽɊ Ȳȿȵ ɅȹȶȺɃ ȷɃȺȶȿȵɄ Ȳȿȵ ɃȶȽȲɅȺɇȶɄ Ɉȹɀ ȹȲɇȶ ɃȶȴȶȿɅȽɊ ȳȶȶȿ ȺȽȽ Ȳȿȵ ɅȹɀɄȶ ɈȹɀȴȲɃȶȷɀɃɅȹȶȾȢȶɇȺȿȨɆȲȺȽșȶɅɅɊ ȡɀȿȶɄ țɀȽɀɃȶɄ ȪȶȵɃɀɈɄȼȺ ȩȺȴȹȲɃȵ ȣɆȾȽȶɊ ȘȲɃɀȿ ȮȶɄɅɃȺȴȼ ȧȲɅɃȺȴȺȲ ȩɀɄɁȽɀȴȹɀɈɄȼȺ ȧȲɅɃȺȴȼ ȤȴȚȲȳȶ ȢȲɃȶȿ ȚȹɀȲɅȶ ȪȲȽȽɊ țȶȽɀɃȶ ȤȲɃɊ ȡȲȿȶ ȟȲȶȿȶɃ ȡɀȹȿ ȚɀɄɅȺȿ ȩȲɊȾɀȿȵ ȩɀɄɄȺ țȺȲȿȶ ȢɀɄɅ ȩɆɅȹ ȡɀȽȺȴɀȶɆɃ șȲɃȳ ȱȺȶȸȶȿȳȶȺȿ ȚȲɅȹɊ ȫȲɅɆɄȼɀ ȤȲȵȺɄɀȿȜȲɄɅȾȲȿȤȲɃɊȪȹȲɈȞȽɀɃȺȲ ȤȺȴȹȲȽɄȼȺ ȥȲȿȴɊ ȡɆɄɅɆɄ ȜȺȽȶȶȿ ȤɀɃȸȲȿ ȣȺȿȵȲ ȢȶȽȽɊ ȘȿȿȾȲɃȺȶ șȶȽȽ țȺȲȿȶ ȧȲȽɆȾȳɀ șɀȳ șɃɆȷȷ ȝɃ ȞɃȶȸ Ȝȵ ȩȹȶȺȿ ȪȲɃȲȹ ȱȶȽȽȶɃ ȤȲȼȲɊȽȲ ȪȾȺɅȹ țȲɃȽȶȿȶ ȚɋȶɃȿȺȲɈɄȼȺ ȚȲɃɀȽ ȜȵȸȲɃ ȘȽȳȶɃɅ ȚȲȹɀɆɃɄ ȚȹȲɃȽȶɄ ȣȲȧȽȶȿȲ ȫȹɀȾȲɄ ȤɀȿɅȺȴȶȽȽɀ ȭȺȿȴȶȿɅ ȘɃɅȾȲȿ țɀɃɀɅȹɊ ȟɆȽȽ ȡȶȷȷ ȪȹȺȿɄȼȶ ȝɃȲȿȼ ȞȲɅɋ ȥȶȽȽȺȶ țȲɅɄȼɀ ȣȺȿȵȲ ȧȲɅɋȶɃȡɀɊȴȶȤȴȣȶɀȵȧȲȾȪȾȺɅȹțȲȿ ȭȲȿȵȶɃȪɁȶȼȲȿȵȩɀȸȶɃȥȺȴɀȽȲȺ If you wish to add a name to the list, please call 329-2255. Any person whose name you submit must be aware of and agree to his/her name being published. ȥɀɈ Ƞ ȲȾ ȳȶȸȸȺȿȸ ɀȿȴȶ ȲȸȲȺȿ ȷɀɃ ɄɀȾȶȹȶȽɁ Ȯȶ ȿȶȶȵ ɄɀȾȶɀȿȶ Ʌɀ ȳɆȺȽȵ ȷɀɆɃ ɄɅɀɃȲȸȶɆȿȺɅɄɈȺɅȹȲȵȻɆɄɅȲȳȽȶɄȹȶȽɇȶɄɅȹȲɅ ȾȶȲɄɆɃȶȲɁɁɃɀɉȺȾȲɅȶȽɊȟȺȸȹȯ ȮȺȵȶȯȵȶȶɁɅȹȲɅɈȺȽȽȸɀȺȿɅȹȶȴɀȲɅ ȴȽɀɄȶɅɄȺȿɅȹȶɄȴȺȶȿȴȶȽȲȳȮȶɈȺȽȽɄɆɁɁȽɊ Ʌȹȶ ȾȲɅȶɃȺȲȽɄ ȠɅ ȴɀɆȽȵ ȳȶ ȲɄ ɄȺȾɁȽȶ ȲɄ ȲɅɅȲȴȹȺȿȸ ȷɆɃɃȺȿȸ ɄɅɃȺɁɄ Ʌɀ Ʌȹȶ ȴȶȾȶȿɅ ȳȽɀȴȼɈȲȽȽɄȲȿȵɄȹȶȽɇȺȿȸɄɅɃȺɁɄɅɀȲȴȴȶɁɅ ɅȹȶɄȹȶȽɇȺȿȸȳɃȲȴȼȶɅɄ ȮȶȿȶȶȵɄɅɃɀȿȸȾȶȿɅɀȾȲȿȹȲȿȵȽȶ ɅȹȶɈɀɃȼɄɅȲɅȺɀȿɄɆɁɅɀɅȹȶɄȶȴɀȿȵȷȽɀɀɃ Ȯȶ ȹȲɇȶ ȵɀȽȽȺȶɄ ȷɆɃȿȺɅɆɃȶ ȾɀɇȶɃɄ ȶɅȴ ȹɀɈȶɇȶɃ Ʌȹȶ ɅɀɁɄ ɈȺȽȽ ȹȲɇȶ Ʌɀ ȳȶ ȴȲɃɃȺȶȵ Ʌɀ Ʌȹȶ ɅɀɁ ɀȷ Ʌȹȶ ɄɅȲȺɃɄ ȫȹȶ ɃȶɄɅ ɈȺȽȽȳȶȺȿȳɀɉȶɄɅȹȲɅȴȲȿȸɀɀȿȵɀȽȽȺȶɄ Ȯȶ ȿȶȶȵ ɁȶɀɁȽȶ Ɉȹɀ ȲɃȶ ȸɀɀȵ ɈȺɅȹɅɀɀȽɄɅɀȲɄɄȶȾȳȽȶɅȹȶɈɀɃȼɄɅȲɅȺɀȿɄ ȘȳɀɇȶȲȽȽ ȠȲɄȼ ȶɇȶɃɊɀȿȶɅɀ ɄȲɊȲ ɁɃȲɊȶɃɀȷɅȹȲȿȼɄȸȺɇȺȿȸȷɀɃȲȽȽɅȹɀɄȶɈȹɀ ȹȲɇȶȳȶȶȿȲɁȲɃɅɀȷɅȹȶȷɆȿȵɃȲȺɄȺȿȸȲȿȵ ȵɀȿȲɅȺɀȿɄ ȷɀɃ ɅȹȺɄ ɈɀȿȵȶɃȷɆȽ ȲȵȵȺɅȺɀȿ Ʌɀ ɀɆɃ ɄȴȹɀɀȽ ȘȽɄɀ Ȳ ɁȶɃɄɀȿȲȽ ɅȹȲȿȼ ɊɀɆ ȷɀɃȲȽȽɈȹɀȹȲɇȶȳȶȶȿɄɀɇȶɃɊɄɆɁɁɀɃɅȺɇȶ ȶɄɁȶȴȺȲȽȽɊȤɃɄȪɆɅȹȶɃȽȲȿȵɀɆɃɄȴȺȶȿȴȶ ɅȶȲȴȹȶɃ ȤɃɄ ȡȶȿȿȺȷȶɃ ȝɃȶȶȾȲȿ ȤȲɃȼ ȢȲȽȳȲɆȸȹ ȤȲɃȼ Ȣȶȹɀȶ ɀɆɃ ȤȲȺȿɅȶȿȲȿȴȶ țȺɃȶȴɅɀɃ ȤɃ ȮȲɃɃȶȿ țȶȽɀɃȶɀɆɃɈɃȶȴȼȺȿȸȴɃȶɈɈȹɀɃȶȾɀɇȶȵ Ʌȹȶ ɀȽȵ ɈɀɃȼɄɅȲɅȺɀȿ Ȳȿȵ ɀɆɃ ɇȶɃɊ ȲȴɅȺɇȶ ȪȴȹɀɀȽȚɀȾȾȺɅɅȶȶ ȤȲɊȦɆɃȣɀɃȵɃȺȴȹȽɊȳȽȶɄɄɊɀɆȲȿȵɊɀɆɃ ȷȲȾȺȽȺȶɄ ȫɀ ɅȹɀɄȶ Ɉȹɀ Ƞ ȾȲɊ ȹȲɇȶ ȷɀɃȸɀɅɅȶȿ ȦɆɃ ȣɀɃȵ ȼȿɀɈɄ ɊɀɆ Ȳȿȵ ȳȽȶɄɄȶɄɊɀɆ Jim Diebold Angel of God my Guardian dear to whom God’s love commits me here ever this day/night be at my side to light to guard to rule to guide. Amen. Page 5 St. Mary’s Current, St. Clair Chalk Talk – October 26, 2014 Among the many memorable moments of working in education are the moments when students or alumni return and share the good things that they are doing in the world. Recently, we enjoyed hearing from three of our St. Mary’s School alumni. The first returning alumnus (who wishes to remain anonymous), graduated from St.Mary’s in 1962. She visited our school office in September and was especially pleased to hear of our goals relating to the Catholic identity of our school. Before leaving, she gifted our school with a generous donation, as her way of supporting our dreams and aspirations for our students. Another alumnus, Anita Goodsel, attended St. Mary’s in the 1980’s. Anita wrote and illustrated a beautiful children’s book about thankfulness. It was presented to us recently by her mother on her daughter’s behalf. The treasured book will occupy a very special place in our library. On Monday, as many of you already know, another one of our out of town alumnus paid us a visit. Caroline Goulding came to our school, toured the building, and visited with our staff and students. She reminisced about the calm and simplicity of her years spent here as opposed to the busy schedule she now keeps. Later in the evening, Caroline, along with two other St. Mary’s graduates, Brian Roney and Kevin Brunner, presented a wonderful concert for the benefit of the St. Mary School Mus ic Scholarship Fund. What a blessing to enjoy their talents and their generosity to the school. Words cannot convey the gratitude that we have to all of these and many other former students who continue to encourage and support our school. May God bless each of you! Blessed be God! Mrs. Geralynn Sutherland B% . ;;CD)( .EF <C... () &* . - G .E D# ..... ; . #. !( " ( .E %....) % B3 1"% <.<%<F & !'! ! ( '! ! ) " !% $!! $ ! ! ! % $! *+ ) , -. !/0 * " ! !0 *+ ) , -. !/0 12 ! "!! &! '! 3 " . !!$!2 $ ! " " " $$ ! ! ! * " ! !0 " $$ ! !#12 %$! 4!! $ ! ! "! # $! % ! ! 4! ! ! ! ! ! ! % ! ( ! " ! ! ! ! &. $$# ! '! ! ) $. !$!! ! ! ! ! 5$!2! 6." 7! # ! &# ! 22 !! ! ! " ! $ ! $ "%! ! 2 2! 4! & 2 ! # $"2# . #$"!%%%)5" Spartan Spotlight Congratulations to our varsity (grades 7-8) girls basketball team on a very exciting and fun season. The Lady Spartans won the 4th place trophy in the league tournament last weekend at St. Mary's School. They defeated Holy Cross School in their first game before dropping two very close games to Immaculate Conception School and St. Mary/ McCormick Academy. A big thank you goes to everyone who helped during the tournament, especially the parents of the players. Members of our Lady Spartans basketball team included two 8th graders, Adriana Kuffa and Sarah Beadle, and the following 7th graders: Julia Edgington, Megan Kammer, Sarah Kehoe, Shannon Ureel, Olivia Parlow, Annaliese Lamontagne, Annaliese Schocker and Grace Thomson. The team showed great improvement from the beginning of the season thanks to the efforts of their coach, Mike Kehoe. Our junior varsity (grades 4-6) girls basketball team concluded their season this weekend in the league tournament at Immaculate Conception School. Details from the tournament will be in next week's column. Mark Kehoe Athletic Director .RI&! %UHDNIDVW Sunday, November 2 8:00AM-11:30AM ALL Adults-$7 ! Children-$5 5 & Under-Free ! ""# $ # !!# %# Page 6 St. Mary’s Current, St. Clair Mass of Remembrance Worship Meeting (Note: Correction) Nov. 6, 2014 Thursday, November 13 6:30 PM 6:30 PM. In School Room # 103 Readings for the Week of October 26, 2014 ȪɆȿȵȲɊȜɉȫȹȶɄȴȤɅ ȤɀȿȵȲɊȜɁȹȣȼ ȫɆȶɄȵȲɊȜɁȹȣȼ ȮȶȵȿȶɄȵȲɊȜɁȹȣȼ ȫȹɆɃɄȵȲɊȜɁȹȣȼ ȝɃȺȵȲɊȧȹȺȽȣȼ ȪȲɅɆɃȵȲɊȩɇȡȿȤɅȲ ȥȶɉɅȪɆȿȵȲɊȮȺɄȩɀȾɀɃȩɀȾȡȿ ,QFRPH &+85&+5(9(18( /$7&+.(<5(9(18( 5(/,*,286('8&$7,21 6&+22/5(9(18( 7RWDO,QFRPH ([SHQVH &+85&+(;3(1',785(6 /$7&+.(<(;3(1',785(6 All members of the parish are invited to attend this Mass and reception. The reception will be held in the school activities room. Please check your calendar today to see if you would be able assist with the Mass and reception. We will need the following volunteers: We will have our annual Mass of Remembrance at which we will especially remember all those who were buried from our church since November 1, 2013. A letter has been sent to one member of the immediate family of each deceased person. It is our intention that this family member will then extend our invitation to the rest of the family. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 3 Greeters for Mass Cookies: 2 Dozen Set Up: 5:30PM-7:30PM Serve Food: 8:00PM-9:00PM Clean Up: 9:00PM-9:30PM Please Contact Mary Paquette 329-2255 to Volunteer. Thank you. %XGJHW 5(/,*,286('8&(;3(1',785(6 6&+22/(;3(1',785(6 ā'$<&$5( ā6WXGHQW$FWLYLWLHV ā7UDQVIHUVWR6DYLQJV 7RWDO([SHQVH 1HW,QFRPH Volunteers: -XO-XQ ! !! )!489#:; + <9=#; Thank you, to all of the faithful people of our community that have contributed to our St. Mary’s Changing Lives Together efforts. We have a project use for the funds. St. Mary’s School is in need of a roof replacement. The Project cost will be $46,647.00. Page 7 St. Mary’s Current, St. Clair !" # '$7('$<7,0( !"#$%&'()*( !" 0$66,17(17,21 6(59(56 Youth of St. Mary’s October 28 Tues. 8 A.M Wilfred Osterland by Jim & Joan McTevia # $ !" Charlotte & Russell McKale by the Doucer Family Irene Zelinsky by Hal & Carol Stephenson October 30 Thurs. 6:30PM Deceased members of St. Mary’s % & #" Karen Mahn by Marilyn Spranger Denise Broderick by K of C 2251 ' ( #" Special Intentions of Fr. Greg by St. Mary Parishioners Tom Witherspoon by Catherine School Mass $ !" # '$<7,0( 6$730 681$0 681$0 ) ! ! ! Commentators Dave Ameel Jodi McQuade Dobat Mark Kehoe Readers Madeleine Goulet Addy Greg Kudela Alonna Mertz Eucharistic Ministers Barbara Netter Lorraine Kinney Sue Fitzmaurice John Fitzmaurice Carol Cencer Rose Scheuer Volunteer Mary Heaslip Sue DeMeulenaere Jim Diebold Helen Bixler Cindy Wollen Jim Bixler Tina Pieprzak Noreen Eves Choir Tim Zobl Marty Brozo Eric Marshall Judy Rancillio Volunteer needed Trish Morrow Volunteer Servers Sarah Beadle Shannon Ureel Matthew Kalbaugh Thomas Kalbaugh Majeskis’ Ushers Ron Miller Denny Askew Tom Askew, Sr. Bill Nesbitt Kevin Mahn Tim Askew Marty Nichols Tom Zobl Steve Way Tim Zobl Jeff Trombley Mass Intentions Agnes Weingartz by Family Ken Meyers by Curkart Family Louise Lesnau by Tiseo Family Josephine Schneider By Ray Helen Schweihofer Harvey & Agnes Westrick by Family Josephine Schneider by Alger Mahn Delphine Nowak Special Intentions of the Richard Coules Family Page 8 Living Waters All saints…all souls….purgatory Here’s a topic that we need to be thinking about as we approach the month of November; the month we are reminded of all those who have passed before us and for whom we wish to pray. But what does it all mean? All Saints Day is a commemoration of all those who have died who are now in Heaven (not just those who are canonized saints) and now enjoy the beatific vision of God. Those who are in heaven are referred to the “church triumphant”. We ask them to pray for us, because they are with God. All Souls day, then, commemorates those faithful departed who are still being purified (purgatory) in expectation of Heaven. These souls are referred to as the “church penitent”. These are the souls who need our prayers to assist them as they journey to heaven. So what about purgatory? What is it actually and why can’t we just go to heaven? Here’s the deal: we are all sinners…we know this. And for most of us we continue to sin right up to our dying day. When we die, whether we go to Heaven or hell, we know the truth…all of it: no need to ask God any questions – we will understand everything. For those who did not choose heaven, whose destiny is hell, they understand – they get it. Unfortunately, they chose poorly during their lifetime St. Mary’s Current, St. Clair and, knowing the truth of who God is and how they rejected Him, is hell…for eternity. No parole. Think lots of pain. For those of us who accepted God, who loved God, who strove to live a faithful life according to His plan, it is still possible that we died with the stain of sin on our soul. (Let’s pray that there are priests to attend to us and hear our confession before we die!) Like those who chose hell, (yes, not choosing heaven is choosing hell), when we die we come to know the truth; we understand – we get it! But what we understand is that the stain of sin still on our soul makes us imperfect and WE decide that we are not ready to meet our God. Think of a wedding. The bride (we the church) wants to be perfect to meet her bridegroom (God). But oops, she notices when she steps in front of the mirror that she’s not quite perfect. So she subjects herself to that last effort of making herself perfect, regardless of how painful that final touch may be. Willingly. We too as the bride of Christ, willingly choose to address any imperfections before we come to Him. We choose to be purged of the sin on our soul. We want to be perfect….and we can be!!! Yeah!! God in His mercy gives us every opportunity to be the best we can be!! Wow!! No wonder there is so much joy in Heaven!! We are all perfect! The church triumphant! We made it! So, let us who are still alive (the church militant) pray for those who have died that they may patiently expiate their sins through the process of purgatory. Let us fight (figuratively) to get all souls into Heaven. What joy there will be when we are all united together in the company of God!! See you there!! Not Sure who to Vote For? Right -to -Life of Michigan has a web site (www.rtl.org) that provides a list of the endorsed Right-to-Life candidates for voting this November. By providing your address, you will immediately receive a personalized list of the pro-life candidates to take to the pools with you. Share this list (and web site) with your neighbors, friends and family. Please take the time to find out if your candidate supports abortion. The time you take to find out may save the life of many of God’s precious infants. YOUTH GROUP MEETING MONDAY OCTOBER 27 6:30-8:00pm Activities Room Page 9 St. Mary’s Current, St. Clair First Saturday Devotions November 1, 2014 $%& FALL GENEROSITEA SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 2-4 PM COMMUNITY CENTER You are invited to bring your friends and come to a Sunday afternoon of fellowship, tea and delicious deserts. St Mary’s Parish, St Clair, invites all to join us for First Saturday devotions on November 1st, as we prayerfully honor the Immaculate Heart of Mary on First Saturdays of each month. FREE WILL DONATION Proceeds will benefit Christmas bags for women at Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Residential Center Schedule: 8:00am Rosary and Meditations 8:45am Confessions 9:00am Mass 10:00am Eucharistic Adoration 10:00-10:30am Confessions 12:00 (noon ) Benediction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o register, please call Mary Paquette at the Parish Office, 810-329-2255 by Nov 5. !!! All are welcome– Please consider bringing your family and inviting a friend. Note: Eucharistic Adoration could be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances (such as funerals etc.) 9ROXQWHHUV DUH QHHGHG WR DVVLVW ZLWK WKH VQRZ UHPRYDO LQ WKH ZLQWHU PRQWKV &OHDULQJ WKH VLGHZDONV IRU WKH FKXUFK VFKRRO DQG DFWLYLW\ FHQWHU EHJLQQLQJ DW $0 ,I \RX DUH LQWHUHVWHG SOHDVH FRQWDFW WKH SDULVK RIILFH Thank you & God Bless You!! ! Wedding Announcement Apple, and Blueberry frozen Pies are available: Cost is $15.00. Please contact Michele Walworth: 810-3673315 to make arrangements for pick– up. St. Mary’s Parish extends blessings and best wishes to Susan Murphy & John Schneider who were married at St. Mary’s On October 18, 2014 Daughters of Isabella SAVE THE DATES 1RYHPEHUDQG &DUVRQ V6DOH 1RYHPEHU5HJXODU0HHWLQJ 1RYHPEHU0DVVIRU 'HFHDVHG24> ! !,- 'HFHPEHU&KULVWPDV3DUW\ THIS SPACE IS Richard W. Schaaf, P.L.C. Richard W. Schaaf, esq Attorney and Counselor at Law Wills • Trusts • Estate Planning & Other Legal Services 1700 Busha Hwy • Marysville, MI Ashery Creek Floors, Inc. 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