Service times & Mass Intentions This week... SATURDAY 11th October: Feria (4.45 – 5.15pm Confessions at Christ the King) 5.30pm (Mass at Christ the King) Altar Server Will SUNDAY 12th October: 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time 9.30am Mass: Thanksgiving: 50th Wedding Anniversary of Mary & Peter Sharpe 11.00am (Mass at Christ the King) MONDAY 13th October: Feria 9.15am Holy Rosary 9.30am Mass: Tom Dooner, RIP TUESDAY 14th October: 9.15am Holy Rosary followed by Mass at Christ the King WEDNESDAY 15th October: St Teresa of Avila, Virgin & Doctor 9.15am Holy Rosary 9.30am Mass: Private Intention THURSDAY 16th October: 9.15am Holy Rosary followed by Mass at Christ the King FRIDAY 17th October: St Ignatius of Antioch 9.15am Holy Rosary followed by Mass at Christ the King SATURDAY 18th October: Feria (4.45 – 5.15pm Confessions at Christ the King) 5.30pm (Mass at Christ the King) SUNDAY 19th October: 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time 9.30am Mass: Alan Williamson, RIP 11.00am (Mass at Christ the King) Reader: Susan Parsons Offertory Procession: Jane Connell & Kathlen Roberts Ministers for Holy Communion: John & Eunice Flowers: Mrs Molloy Coffee Rota Zita Roscoe & Thelma McCann Church Cleaning: Mrs Richardson Offertory Envelopes: £ 142.50 Loose: £ 99.45 Total: £ 241.95 CAFOD. £270.46 Thank you very much! Tellers: Bill & Collette Forbes Christ the King: Telephone no. 01332 340161 Nottingham R C Diocesan Trustees (Company Number 7151646 Charity Number 1134449) Church of All Saints Belle Vue Road, Ashbourne Derby DE6 1AT Parish Priest: Fr John Guest T: 01335 342 236 Assistant Priest: Fr. John Martin T: 07714460526 Deacon: Keith Bunyan T: 01335 360350 Website: Sunday 12th October 2014 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time 1st Reading: Isaiah 25:6-10 Psalm: 22 R: In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for ever and ever. 2nd Reading: Philippians 4:12-14.19-20 Gospel: Matthew 22:1-14 Communion antiphon: The rich suffer want and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no blessing. My Dear Friends, In today’s gospel parable at first sight it can seem somewhat unfair that a person hauled in off the highways and byways is expected to be wearing a wedding garment! Most of us only turn up at weddings in our finest displays, but that is only possible because we have received an invitation long before, giving us plenty of time and sometimes anguish in deciding what to wear. But the parable is about how willing we are to change our ways. The original people invited were not. Instead of joining in the king’s rejoicing they went about their own business and even killed his messengers. So now there are no special elects. We are all called. But we still have to change our ways. We still have to put on our wedding garments, i.e. God’s ways rather than our own. We are asked to fill our lives with good works, not ignoring or killing others but healing and nurturing. As Jesus reaches the end of his life in Matthew’s gospel, he seems more and more aware that his invitation to the new life of the gospel is falling on deaf ears. Fr. John Vacancy at CAFOD Diocesan Office Do you have a strong interest in global justice and international development? Are you able to support a growing team of volunteers working in partnership with CAFOD within parish and school communities within our Diocese? CAFOD is seeking to recruit a Diocesan Officer with strong communication & IT skills and a willingness to travel throughout the diocese, to be based in the CAFOD Nottingham Office at The Briars, Crich, Derbyshire. For further details and an application form for this part time post, go to the CAFOD web page : Closing date 6th November 2014. A Diocesan Day on Families and Faith on November 22nd at Christ the King Voluntary Academy, Darlton Drive, Arnold, Nottingham. 10am- 4.00om (Cost £12 to include lunch). Guest speaker: Bishop John Sherrington, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster. Diocese of Nottingham Justice & Peace Commission Annual Assembly: Saturday November 8th 2014 from 10.00am-4.00pm at the Immaculate conception & St. Norbert’s Catholic Community Hall, 52 St. Thomas’s Road, Spalding, Lincs PE11 2XX. “Protecting Migrant Workers & their Families”. Concelebrated Mass at 10.30am. Register interest with Martyn Swaby at or call 0115 9539811. Please bring food for a shared table for lunch. Tea & coffee provided. On Monday 13th October a celebration of the sacrament of healing at English Martyrs Parish, Derby. The Mass will be celebrated by Father Waldemar Grzyb in English at 7.00 pm; this will be preceded by confessions from 6.00 pm. Father Waldemar is well known to the Polish Mission community in England, and has an international reputation for the celebration of the sacrament of healing, through the Mass, Song, and Prayer. All welcome! The Apostleship of the Sea has written to thank you for your Sea Sunday donations. In addition they ask whether anyone has rosaries, prayer cards, medals etc. they are not currently using and would like to pass on to the seafarers, who always ask for them as a source of comfort while they are away from home. If anyone would like to act as the go-between to collect and forward them to the AOS Parish Coordinator, that too would be helpful. The Catholic Medical Association (UK) invites all health professionals, medical students and any others interested, to a talk to be given by Dr Dale Gardiner on “ORGAN DONATION”. Dr Gardiner is an Intensive Care Consultant at Nottingham University Hospitals and Deputy National Clinical Lead for Organ Donation and will give an informative, fascinating and stimulating talk on this important topic. The meeting will take place in St Barnabas’ Cathedral Hall, Nottingham, at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 21st October 2014. For further information please contact Dr Tim Connery at: a Ashbourne Churches Together Prayer Group 3rd November at Brailsford Methodist Chapel 12 noon followed by lunch at the Rose and Crown in Brailsford. 1st December in St John’s Church 12 noon followed by Christmas Lunch in St John’s hall. Booking essential as places are limited. Names for lunch on both days to Mary Sharpe 01335 370 636 Derby People’s History Group invites you to: “Celebrate the Resisters of 1914-1918: the War Within the War” a talk and discussion led by ADAM HOCHSCHILD with slides, film & music at Quad Arts, Derby Wednesday, 22nd October at 7pm Please remember in your prayers the following people who are sick or housebound: Irene Bolton, Giovanni Caruso, Fr Tony Colebrook, Hubert Connell, Fr Peter Coyle, Erika Cundy, Robert Cundy, Fr Hugh Doherty, Tom Donnelly, Roger Finch, Veronica Gadsby, Bob Ginns, Jim Hannigan, Louise Levison, Fr. John Joe Maloney, Mgr. Jonathan Moore, Mgr Joe Phelan, Pat and Pam O’Donnell, Fr. Eamonn O’Hara, Joan Shaw, Peter & Yvette Smith, Fr Peter Wade, Bernie Walker, Mgr. Edward Walker, Oliver Watson and Ellen Williamson. May they be comforted and healed. We remember in prayer our departed brothers and sisters, Thomas Briscoe, Mary Peach and all whose anniversaries occur at this time. May the Lord welcome them with gladness.
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