Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish Priest: Fr. Joe O’Connor Deacon: Keith Sylvia 147 Bingham Road, Addiscombe, Croydon CR0 7E. Phone 020-8654 1709 email: office@addiscombecatholicchurch.com website: www.addiscombecatholicchurch.com Diocesan website: www.rcsouthwark.co.uk Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm Deanery website: www.croydoncatholics.org.uk SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Every Saturday 9.30am and 5.00pm. 8 FEBRUARY 2015 FIFTH SUDAY I ORDIARY TIME (see page of 134 Parish Mass Book) YEAR B Mass Intentions This Week How do you deal with suffering in your life? In a world without God (for those who have no faith) all suffering is abhorrent, to be alleviated at all costs. And, let’s be honest, in a world with God much of the suffering that occurs could be avoided if we treated each other a bit better, shared food and resources, were less covetous, and slower to exploit the weak and vulnerable peoples of the world. When man directly causes suffering it is abhorrent, and we must do better to live more generously and peaceably with each other! But what about those things that appear to us as cruel fate; natural disasters, birth defects, the devastating patterns of bad luck that affect some families but not others, modern plagues and the many and varied complications that surround growing old, etc etc? Our readings today suggest to us that in a world with God, the world inhabited by those with faith, our suffering affords us and those who support us at these times, opportunities to mirror Christ; to be loving, generous, compassionate, patient, enduring, prayerful, trusting, all those noble attributes seen in Jesus as he ministered, and more significantly, as he suffered in his Passion. Many of the saints go on alarmingly about suffering as something not to be avoided but embraced. Pray with this week’s readings as you ask yourselves this most vital Question. Deacon Keith WEEKLY DRAW £5 - Anne Rowe £50 - Jean Carpenter £50 - Helen O'Reilly CHURCH CLEAIG Team A: Mrs Grant LAST WEEK’S OFFERTORY Loose cash Gift Aid Envelopes S/Os £431.55 £875.31 £880.00 Total £2186.86 Saturday 7 February 10.00 Martha Sam Vu RIP 18.00 Paddy & Nora Walsh RIP 8 February: FIFTH SUDAY 08.30 Tony Borfiga RIP * 10.00 Con McCloone RIP * 12.00 All Parishioners 9 February 10.00 Eucharistic Service 10 February 10.00 Graham Abraham RIP 11 February 10.00 Wellbeing: Maggie Daly 12 February 10.00 Pat Maher RIP 13 February 10:00 Holy Souls Saturday 14 January 10.00 Dan Aherne RIP 18:00 Jim & Teresa Cafferkey RIP & All Deceased members of the Cafferkey & McGuire Family. 15 February: SIXTH SUDAY 08:30 All Parishioners ~ 10:00 Patrick John Dempsey RIP + ~ 12:00 Marcos Noronha RIP ~ * With Children’s Liturgy + With Uniformed Groups ~ Collection for Refugee Centre COLLECTIOS Last Sunday’s Diocesan collection for the Catholic Education Service amounted to £632.69. Many Thanks. This week there will be a collection for Friends of the Holy Land. Next week there will be a collection for Poor Parishes. On 1st March there will be a collection for CAFOD Fast Day-Please pick up an envelope from the porch. We pray for the sick in our Parish: Elizabeth Damsel, Fr David Peck, Lily Harley, Sheila Minus, Catherine Whelan, Clayton McMahon, Eddie Gallacher, Rose-Marie Cummins, Baby Benjamin Rowe, Stephen Walker. We pray for parishioners whose anniversaries occur this Week: David Tuckey, Eufemiano Lopes, Maureen Woodcraft, Sheila Merredew, Joan Griffiths, Charles Fowley, David Barwell, Catherine Winston, Jean Garner, Margaret Blackford, Judy Maharaj, Tony Borfiga, Kathleen Davies, Sarah Rees, Hilda Chow, Anthony Curry, Chris Pearce, Catherine Wilson, Edward Scanlon.
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