Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish Priest: Fr. Joe O’Connor Deacon: Keith Sylvia 147 Bingham Road, Addiscombe, Croydon CR0 7E. Phone 020-8654 1709 email: office@addiscombecatholicchurch.com website: www.addiscombecatholicchurch.com Diocesan website: www.rcsouthwark.co.uk Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm Deanery website: www.croydoncatholics.org.uk SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Every Saturday 9.30am and 5.00pm. 15 FEBRUARY 2015 SIXTH SUDAY I ORDIARY TIME (see page of 137 Parish Mass Book) The Gospel reading for this Sunday is a particularly hopeful passage. This is not just because a leper, the most shunned person in society, recognized in Jesus his only hope for true and lasting wellbeing, as he is ours; nor because Jesus himself was so moved by the lepers plea, as he is by our own petitions; nor just because the Lord is so joyfully willing to give of himself again, as he gives to all of us who approach him with faith; nor just because of answered prayer, as clearly the leper was cured, and as we recognize the times our own prayers have found favour with God. No, it’s the end of the passage where we read that having been cured the ex-leper could not help himself, he had to shout about what the Lord had done for him, to the extent that Jesus became so recognized, so popular he could no longer stay in the busy part of town. We know that the message can still whip up a crowd as Pope Francis’ trip to the Philippines proved, addressing a crowd estimated to be 4 million!! So, when did we last speak irresistibly about our last encounter with Jesus? Let us all, in a spirit of hope, pray that God will direct us into the path of someone ready to hear about our exciting encounter with Our Lord. Who knows what a crowd we might be able to whip up for Jesus in Addiscombe. YEAR B Mass Intentions This Week Saturday 14 January 10.00 Dan Aherne RIP 18:00 Jim & Teresa Cafferkey RIP & All Deceased members of the Cafferkey & McGuire Family. 15 February: SIXTH SUDAY 08:30 All Parishioners ~ 10:00 Patrick John Dempsey RIP + ~ 12:00 Marcos Noronha RIP ~ 16 February 10.00 Eucharistic Service 17 February 10.00 Douglas Weidmann RIP 18 February: ASH WEDESDAY 10.00 Gwenda Richards RIP 19.30 Wefare: Thomas McSorley 19 February 10.00 Welfare: Sr Carol 20 February 10:00 The Holy Spirit Deacon Keith WEEKLY DRAW £5 - Dominic Hecarty CHURCH CLEAIG Team B: Mrs Hazel Saturday 21 February 10.00 Josie McCulloch RIP 18.00 Margaret Woodnut RIP LAST WEEK’S OFFERTORY Loose cash Gift Aid Envelopes S/Os £580.73 £652.87 £880.00 Total £2113.60 22 February: FIRST SUDAY OF LET 08.30 Tony Borfiga RIP 10.00 Charles Cooper RIP 12.00 All Parishioners 15.00 Lent Service + With Uniformed Groups ~ Collection for Refugee Centre COLLECTIOS Last Sunday’s collection for Friends of the Holy Land amounted to £377.00. Many Thanks. This week there will be a collection for Poor Parishes. On 1st March there will be a collection for CAFOD Fast Day-Please pick up an envelope from the porch. We pray for the sick in our Parish: Geoffrey Bird, John Boswood, Audrey Moynihan, Ted Curry, Theresa Kintu,, Margarette Collins, Lauren Horwood, Bernadette Moynihan. We pray for parishioners whose anniversaries occur this Week: Catherine Wilson, Edward Scanlon, Giuseppe Oriani, Stanley Earl, Walter D'Cruz, Gordon Thompson, John Scanlon, Sister Felicite, Agnes O'Dwyer, Sarah Wright, Dr. Iolo Williams, Sister Mary Cecilia, John DeCaestecker, George Kaazana, Denis Kelleher, Mary McDowell, George Paice, Edmund Claudius, Caroline Assey, Michael White, Tony Durkan, Jessie Mills, Marshall Henry Weetman. SOCIAL CLUB 15th February: Valentine's Party with TR Dallas 22nd February: Daniel McHugh 1st March: Eugene Doonan Ceili Dancing for beginners continues on Friday, 27th February, in the Hall from 8.30pm. Brendan Shine & His Band will be appearing in the Social Club on Friday, 13th March. During the interval we will be holding a raffle/ auction to support the Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton. Tickets for the event are £10.00 each and can be reserved by calling 07734 250375. 28TH CROYDO SCOUT GROUP Presents a ‘Race ight ‘ 28th Feb in church hall from 7pm. Tickets are £1 each Horses are £5 each to buy. Bar Available Please contact Andrea for further information. On 07952 664224 MEETIGS 1st Holy Communion Prep: No Class this week due to half term SVP: Tuesday 10th at 8.30pm (PRC) RCIA: Wednesday 18th at 8.15pm, after 7.30pm Mass (PRC) Altar Server Training (Group 2): Saturday 21st at 1pm (Church) A FILM SHOW LET Walk With Me pamphlets are available at the back in the porch and are only £1 Mass on Ash Wednesday, 18th February will be at 10am and 7.30pm. A FILM SHOW in support of the charity LIFE will take place in the Small Hall on Friday 20 February at 7.30pm. It will feature an entertaining variety of shorts presented on film (not digital). Tickets (£6 adults, £3 children) will be on sale after Mass today, or from the presbytery from 9am to 3pm on weekdays. During Lent we will have Stations of the Cross on Wednesdays at 3.45pm and Fridays at 7pm, (Not on Mondays) Lenten Services will be held on Sundays during Lent at 3pm. WOME'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER 2015 On 6th March we will be joining women all over the world and taking part in Women's World Day of Prayer. This year the service has been prepared by the women of The Bahamas and the theme is Jesus said to them: Do you know what I have done to you? All are welcome to join us for the service at 8pm in the church. We are usually a small gathering and simply sit together and read the service through. We would love to see some new faces and if anyone would like to help by reading a small prayer or part of the service please let me know. Sarah Turner 02086545086 ORDIATIO TO THE PRIESTHOOD We are delighted to announce that Archbishop Peter will come to Our Lady's on Saturday 14th March to ordain our Deacon, Keith, to the priesthood at 12 noon. This is surely cause for rejoicing and thanking God for Keith's vocation. Please remember Keith, Jacqueline and family in your prayers at this time. CROYDO UIVERSITY HOSPITAL MASS There will be Mass on ASH WEDNESDAY (18th February) at 12 noon in Croydon University Hospital Chapel, and every MONDAY IN LENT at 12 noon. CROYDO DEAERY PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAD 1-9 SEPTEMBER 2015 WITH CAO JOSEPH COLLIS & FR. JOE O’COOR 8 Night Itinerary to all major religious sites including Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jericho, Masada, Sea of Galilee. Cost £1,235 per person based on 2 people sharing and includes flights, half board, coach travel, entrance fees & tips. (Please see poster on bulletin board) If you would like to join please send an email with your contact details to Rosita.thomas@icloud.com or if you do not have access to email, please call 07951 618 368. THE EWMA ASSOCIATIO Present a talk on ‘The scourge of Human Trafficking’ by Peter Cox the chairman of the Croydon Community Action on Trafficking 7.45pm for 8pm, Thursday 19th February Church Hall of St John the Baptist, 46 Dale Road, Purley All Welcome DAY OF PRAYER FOR LET? The Emmaus Centre, West Wickham BR4 9HH 21st February 2015 10.30am—4pm Cost: £28 with cooked lunch £19 with own lunch Please call 0208 777 2000 Or enquiries@emmauscentre.org.uk A LIFELIE FOR MARRIAGE – RETROUVAILLE (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. It is designed to provide the tools to help get your marriage back on track. It will give you the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine your lives together in a new and positive way. This programme has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels from disillusionment to deep misery. For confidential information, or to register for the programme commencing with a residential weekend on 20th -22nd March 2015, email info@retrouvaille.org.uk ; call or text 0788 7296983 or visit www.retrouvaille.org.uk Items for collection: Sr Celia, P Saines, J & G Lally, M Grant, A Rodrigues, P Burgess (2), M J Watson, G Slater, A Rowe, B Cronin, P O’Sullivan, M Bowen, A Anandam, S Turner, J Catley. Bapt Certs: H Hall, H Cunningham-Fenyes.
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