
Tel: 020 8778 9460
208 Sydenham Road London. SE26 5SE
Parish Priest: Fr. Peter Mansfield
Assistant Priest (Sydenham & Catford): Fr. Regis Rubaya
Deanery website:
The Holy Family
Year B; EP 3
28 December 2014
Parish Mass Book … Readings: P106 Mass Prayers P8.
THIS WEEK 2nd Collection - Parish Development Fund
NEXT WEEK 2nd Collection - Parish Development Fund
Mass on New Year’s Day 1st January is at 11am
Mass Intentions for the coming week
Vigil Mass
Sunday 28th
Paul McCarthy RIP
People of the Parish
Christy Gleeson RIP
Monday 29th
Tuesday 30th
Wednesday 31st
Thursday 1st Jan
Friday 2nd
People of the Parish
St Thomas of Canterbury
Majella Wakely’s intentions
Isabel Rodrigues RIP
People of the Parish
Mary - Mother of God
9.30am Biddy Gleeson—well being
Sts Basil & Gregory
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 10.30am
The Epiphany of the Lord
Vigil Mass
Sunday 4th
People of the Parish
Sr Bridie –well being
William Burke RIP
The Legion of Mary meets Sundays in the Hall after 11am Mass
New members are always welcome.
Coffee in the Hall
after 11am Mass
Dear Sisters & Brothers,
‘Thank you’ for your generosity with the Christmas collection. Thanks also to all those who
sent cards and gifts to Fr. Regis, the Sisters and to me. Sr. Agnes and Sr. Mary also wish to express
their gratitude for the good wishes and gifts they received from you over Christmas.
I would like to express my gratitude to the many parishioners who gave of their time and worked
so hard to prepare the Church and assist at the many services and Masses over the Christmas
period. Thank you to the people who cleaned the Church and prepared the flowers and decorations.
It was also good to have our singers and musicians leading the music over the Christmas period. I
thank the altar servers for turning out with their usual enthusiasm. The Children’s involvement in
the Christingle and the Brass band also added to the celebration in our Church over the Christmas
There are many others, including readers, ministers, sacristans, Task Force, cleaners, collectors and
money counters who made a vital contribution to our Christmas arrangements. I am grateful to
them not only for assisting at Christmas but for all they do throughout the year.
A special word of thanks to the Sydenham Knights of St. Columba who provide the lovely
Christmas tree for our Church.
Yours in Christ,
PARISH WOMEN’S GROUP – Please note there will be NO meeting during the Month of January.
Collections last weekend:
Offertory: £788 Standing Orders £272
2nd Collection: Parish Development Fund
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Confession
Every Saturday - 7.20pm (after evening Mass);
First Saturday of the month at 12.30pm.
The sacrament can also be arranged at other times
by making an appointment with the Priest.
We remember those who are sick: Kitty Brennan, Jimmy Hartigan, Jeanne & Joe Williams,
Vince Vella, Howard Byers, Maeve Laverty, Myra Donnellan, David Camp, Mercy Aerifa,
Baby Edward Kowal, Anne Mackie, Trudi Foster, Steven Murray, Joe Hughes, Victor Walker,
Hugh Garvey, Declan Daly, Sonny Caldinez, Bernard Loughran, Antoni Kowal, Dusty Miller, Patricia
Edwards, Yvonne Knight, Patrick Freeney, Elaine Felix, Edward Garas, Christine Flannagan,
Shirley Young, Ellen & Alexander Sweeney.
Also those housebound or in our Residential Homes: Muriel Felix, Kathleen Keeffe, Antoinette Remice,
Jan Wilson, Adrienne Hyde, Violet Miller, Elizabeth Turner, Ann Sheehan, Ellen Sweeney,
Vera Curren, Margie George, Noleen Armstrong, Giovanna Ghezzi, Zeta Ghelfi, Margo Stafford,
Margaret Rivers, Joseph & Charlotte Hadji, Genevieve Stanislaus, Madeline Edwards & Winifred Powell.
Please pray for those recently deceased: Kathleen Brennan, Philip Kearnan.
and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Marie Maugueret, Anna Racis, Mick McCarthy,
Please pray for…………………………………
who died on ………………….. My Name: …………………. …..