ST. ANNE’S CHURCH PILLORY STREET NANTWICH. CW5 5SS Tel: 01270-625494 M hhh Email Website www. Mass Times for this Saturday 3 Parish Priest: Rev. John P Daly Permanent Deacon: Rev. P Mascarenhas 15th February 2015 - 6th Sunday of the Year - B Mass Times for the Week th Saturday 14 Sunday 15th Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th Friday 20th Saturday 21st Sunday 22nd 6.30pm (Vigil) Marie Buckley & Cath McKay 10.30am Parish, Terry Bryant & Family, Lydia Perry & John NO MASS OR SERVICE TODAY 8.45am Morning Prayer 9.00am William Banham 12 noon Florence Bickerton 7.00pm Stephen Hignett 8.45am Rosary 9.00am Hedley Perry 9.00am Agnes Duffy 6.30pm (Vigil) Anne English 10.30am Parish & Donlan Family Sacrament of Reconciliation – Saturday 6.00pm or on request. ASH WEDNESDAY Wednesday this week is Ash Wednesday and marks the beginning of Lent, ashes will be blessed and distributed at both Masses. Mass on Wednesday’s during Lent will be at 12 noon and will be proceeded by Exposition from 11.30am. ROSA MYSTICA GROUP LENTEN RETREAT Wistaston Hall 18th March 10.00am for 10.30am .lAll welcome please join us. WELCOME to the Salford Catenian Group who are joining us for our 10.30am Mass this weekend. NEW GIFT AID BOXES OF ENVELOPES Gift Aid boxes of envelopes will be available at the end of March. If you would like your Offertory contributions to be Gift Aided by using envelopes then please put your name on the sheet at the back of the church. If you do not find a box of envelopes with your name on and would like one, then again please put your name of the sheet provided. Thank you. DAY OF REFLECTION SAT 28TH FEBRUARY 2015 A Day of Reflection led by Barbara Davies has been organised by 'A.C.T.S’ ('ADULT CATHOLICS TOGETHER SPIRITUALLY'). If you are aged 18 – 35 you are more than welcome to join us. The theme of the day is, 'The Tale in the Sting' - a look at the parables. This will take place at Wistaston Hall, Crewe CW2 8JS. The day will start approximately at 9.30pm until approx 5pm (exact times to be confirmed nearer the date). Cost £20 (£15 for unemployed/students). If you would like to join us or wish to know more about it please contact, Siobhan at or tel: 0161 477 2783 / 07761 138947 . JUSTICE & PEACE ELECTION PLANNING MEETINGWHO: For parish reps & anyone who is interested or involved in Justice & Peace work/issues WHEN: Saturday 28 th February, 10.30am – 12.30pm WHERE: St Columba’s Plas Newton Lane, Chester CH2 1SA SPEAKER: Amanda Bickerton. National Community Link Worker for Church Action on Poverty The workshop will focus on planning a hosting event for local election candidates in your area. Please bring packed lunch. Tea & Coffee will be provided. TRAINING DAY The Diocesan Liturgy Commission invites all Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion on the Wirral to: A TRAINING DAY on 28th February at Ellesmere Port Catholic High School Capenhurst Lane, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, CH65 7AQ. Please inform your parish coordinators or Parish Priest that you are willing to attend and they will be submit a list of names from the parish. The Day will start 10am and conclude at 3pm with the commissioning of all the attendees at 3pm. Please see the poster at the back of church for more details. LOURDES PILGRIMAGE The SVP are organising a trip to Lourdes with the Shrewsbury Diocesan Pilgrimage, on 29th July to 4th August 2015. If any member of the parish is interested in joining the Pilgrimage, please add your name to the list at the back of the church and a member of the SVP will contact you with further details. PRAYER VIGIL FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Please join Bishop Mark, the clergy of Shrewsbury Cathedral and the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) in a Prayer Vigil for Religious Freedom at the Cathedral on Saturday 21 February at 3:00pm. The vigil will last no more than ninety minutes and will give us all the chance to learn about, reflect on and pray for all of those Christians around the world who are currently suffering terrible hardship because of their faith. Introduction We gather to meet the Risen Lord in Word and sacrament. May we be open to his healing touch, so that made ‘just and true’ as the Opening Prayer petitions for us, we may live in him and he remain with us. HEADING FOR READINGS First Reading (Lev 13:1-2.44-46). The Book of Leviticus, a liturgical hand book for the Old Testament priesthood, was concerned very much, as in this passage, with rules regarding ritual cleanliness and sacrificial rites for its restoration. Second Reading. (1 Cor 10:31-11.2). Against a background of controversy over the eating of meat which had been used in pagan sacrifices, Paul goes on to encourage the community, whether eating or drinking and in all other activities, to do all for the glory of God. Gospel (Mk 1:40-45). In the first chapter of mark’s Gospel, we encounter already a third example of Jesus’ healing ministry, and his attempt to avoid the publicity those who have been healed would give it. Responsorial Psalm You are my refuge, O Lord; you fill me with the joy of salvation. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, Alleluia! May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our mind, so that we can see what hope his call holds for us. Alleluia! ROTAS FOR NEXT WEEK Mass Reader Communion Ministers Altar Servers 6.30pm N Wagstaff LG & TG Luke C, Ben C, Niamh B 10.30am M Wilcock JP & MK Juliette L, Chloe-Marie D, Jonnie C Linen Rota From 1st February - Mrs T Wilcox Rosary Intention for the Coming Week The Sorrowful Mysteries Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday The Christian Community The Sick & Suffering Vocations Families Peace Last Week’s Collection £805.88 Thank You THIS WEEK Tuesday – St. Vincent De Paul Society Meeting 6.30pm in the Parish Meeting Room. Tuesday – Pray the Rosary with the Rosa Mystica Prayer Group 11.45am in Church. FEAST DAYS NEXT WEEK Wednesday – Ash Wednesday MASSES Envelopes are available in the rack at the back of the church. Please print clearly. WELCOME If you are a visitor to St. Anne’s we invite you to sign our Visitor’s Book at the back of the church. NEW PARISHIONER? You are very welcome. Please complete a New Parishioner Form from the rack in our meeting room. Completed forms should be handed to an apparator or placed on the collection plate. Please ensure bags and valuables are not left unattended. Warning has come to us from the Nantwich Churches of thefts that have taken place. RC DIOCESE OF SHREWSBURY IS A REGISTERED CHARITY NO.23402
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