LENT WEDNESDAY 25th MARCH 10.30am Penitential Service. Visiting Priests for Confession THURSDAY 26th MARCH 7.30pm A Tour of Holy Rood Church led by Brian O’Riordan An unforgettable experience. Exploring all the aspects and art of our church MAUNDY THURSDAY, April 2nd 8pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper We re enact the time when Jesus washed the feet of the twelve. Volunteers are needed to be the Apostles and have their feet washed. Please give your name to Fr. Paul STATIONS OF THE CROSS On Fridays at 11.15am & 7.30pm FRIDAY LUNCHES Following 12noon Mass in the Parish Centre FRIDAY 20TH MARCH 7.30PM YOUTH STATIONS OF THE CROSS St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori’s Short, simple, and deep reflections for families, teens And young adults, and all the parish. ASCENT GROUP: Join us for a visit to Westminster Cathedral on Tuesday, 31 March 2015 for the celebration of the Chrism Mass. Meet at Watford Junction at 9.45am return mid-afternoon. Lunch in a local bar near the Cathedral. Please leave your details on the sign-up list at the back of Church. The next Ascent Meeting will take place on Tuesday, 7th April after midday Mass. Everyone welcome to come and share lunch with us. Holy Rood PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES 2015 Departing 8am Monday 25th May returning Saturday 30th May at 6pm, travelling by coach with overnight stops. Cost per person sharing a twin room €399. Please sign up now as we need to know numbers. Betha ny Grou p : If you have experienced a bereavement and would like to come to a support group, our next meeting is on Wednesday 25th March at 2.30pm in the Parish Centre. You will be most welcome. For more detail, please call Liz on 01923 243.658. Christians Across Watford ‘Hustings’ Election Forum: Who should be Watford’s next MP? An evening to help you decide.Thursday 23rd April, 8pm 9.45pm at Beechen Grove Baptist Church, Watford. From Wiseman to Manning - Fresh Perspectives: A One Day Conference - Saturday 9th May 2015 from 10.30am - 4pm at Our Lady of Victories Parish Centre (off Kensington High Street). To book a place (€5 per person), please email: Head Teacher Vacancy: At Divine archivist@rcdow.org.uk or send a SAE Saviour Catholic Primary School, to Manning Conference, c/o 16 Abbots Langley for September 15, Abingdon Road, London W8 6AF. 2015. Please c o n t a c t : Funerals: dion.mills@hays. Ralph Kent Wednesday 25th March 12 noon Last Weekend’s Collection: Envelopes: Loose: Standing Orders: Thank You Ä 1063.20 Ä1039.49 Ä 474.46. Peter Sturman Thursday 26th March 12 noon Anita Rahman Friday 27th March 12 noon WATFORD DEANERY PENITENTIAL SERVICES LENT 2015 PARISH DATE TIME Abbots Langley Friday 27th March 2015 10am Carpenders Park Wednesday 1st April 2015 6pm Chipperfield Wednesday 1st April 2015 7pm Croxley Green Monday 23rd March 2015 7.30pm Garston Monday 30th March 2015 7.30pm in the Parish Centre. All welcome. Profits go to charity. North Watford Tuesday 31st March 2015 7.30pm HOLY WEEK POSTER POSTERS: Holy Week Posters are available at the back of the Church. Please take one to put in a window. Thank you. Rickmansworth Thursday 26th March 2015 7.30pm Watford Wednesday 25th March 2015 10.30am Catholic Singles: is an organisation which helps single adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to one or through social events. Tel:0161 941 3498. Email info@catholicsingles.org.uk www.catholicsingles.org.uk. LENTEN LUNCH ON FRIDAYS: during Lent after 12 noon Mass
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