School News Number: 14 Class Assembly: Congratulations to Mr. Adsett’s Class who, on Wednesday, took us back in time to revisit some of the amazing topic work they have been doing throughout the year. They have clearly been very busy and it was great seeing some of their work on Dinosaurs, Grace Darling, Titanic and the Georgians to name but a few subjects. Our next Class assembly will be Mrs. Bayntun’s Class on Wednesday, 18th March. Please do join us if you can and for tea/coffee afterwards. Y6 Cake Sale: Well done to Paige, Tegan & Charlie in Y6 who raised an amazing £228.54 for CLIC Sargent. The cake sale was their idea and they did all the work in organising it and then running the sale. Thank you to everyone in Y6 who donated cakes and to everyone who supported the sale. Comic Relief: Today we have been busy painting faces and there are pictures of us all on the website. Thank you to everyone who donated – we raised £344 for Comic Relief. Egg Decorating Competition: This year, as part of our Easter celebrations, we will again be holding an egg decorating competition. This is open to all children and there will be prizes (one per year group) for the most original design. Eggs – complete with any accessories (eggcesories?) – should be brought into school from Monday, 23rd March and judging will take place on Thursday 26th March. Eggs should be either hard boiled or blown and can be decorated with anything!! Eggs will be displayed in Friday 13th March 2015 the LRC and I’m looking forward to there being an ‘eggstremely eggcellent’ collection! Parent Support Advisor: A reminder that Mrs. Brown is available to meet with parents on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. She is available to support families in a number of areas including attendance, health and wellbeing, emotions, sleep, routines, parenting, family breakdown and bereavement either by offering direct support or by putting you in contact with organisations that can provide more specialist assistance. More details and links can be found on the school’s website All discussions are entirely confidential and, if you would like an appointment, please contact the office or email Mrs. Brown Mrs. Brown will also be available during next week’s Parents' Evenings. Photographic Competition: Thank you to all of the children who brought in photos for the competition we ran in conjunction with Cheltenham Photography Club. All of the photos have now been passed on to the main competition but today we asked Nick Williams, who was in to talk to the children about his photography, to pick three school winners. It was a difficult choice but congratulations to the following who all receive a Hobby Craft Voucher: Phase 1 – Esmèe Bacon-Rawlings Phase 2 – Sam Vallender-Jones Phase 3 – Jacob Brooks The three winning photos are available to view on the website. Gold Book: This term we again be using the Gold Book to celebrate the achievements of children across the school whose behaviour and attitude are consistently above and beyond that expected. These will be awarded in a special assembly on Thursday, 26th March at 2.30pm and we will be sending out invites next week. Birthdays: Happy Birthday to the following children who are all celebrating their birthdays in March: Lucy Waring, Emmah Rockamore Emma Wells, Rupert Daniel, Charlie West, Natalia Czyz, William Francis, Ashton Jones, Hatty Moxey, Georgia Caffell, Olivia Cresswell, Bela Mansing, Eesa Kavla, Toby Perks, Tegan Betteridge, Dylan Pearce, Rosie Wood, Mikey Brotheridge, Felicity Conibere, Hari Patel, Emily Hallas, Casey Lamb, Keeley Leaton-Smith, Niamh Mulligan, Amber Prins, Kaci Kelly, Lily Pirso, Christos Shaouna, Dylan Martin, Lily-Maye Kerr, Charlie Simmons, Nathaniel Herbert, Natalia Kwapisz, Eliot Pearce-Jones, Freya Harman, Caleb Green, Aiden Hambling, Adam Indawala, Imogen Tomkins, James Banyard, Guy Stanford, Jed Skilling, Joshua McIlveen, Erin Winter, Victoria Emery, Sofia Fountain, Isla Stevenson, Kiki Anning, Kelsie Dix and Alex Whittall. The next newsletter will be on Friday, 27th March. In the meantime, please visit our website for up-to-date information and news. FOSVPS: We are pleased to announce that our movie night last week raised over £350, huge thanks to those who helped on the day. During the day on Thursday 26th March we will be holding our Cake and Bake day combined with an Easter Egg Hunt and other fun events. It is always a hugely successful fundraising day and lots of fun! We would like to invite children to bring in some fairy cakes to school, homemade or shop bought, on Thursday 26th March. It will help if homemade cakes are sent in a suitable container that does not need to be returned. We welcome donations of larger cakes which will be sold for an appropriate amount at the end of the day, however we will not be doing a cake competition this year. Prices (to give you some idea of how much to send your child with): Most cakes will be 10p to 20p Name the Bunny competition 20p Treasure Hunt 20p As always, we will need volunteers to help during the day to make this event a success – collecting cakes from classrooms and then sorting and selling cakes or helping with a game. We would especially like to encourage new Reception parents as it is a great way to meet other parents involved with the school. If you are able to help on the day, please leave your name and contact details with the school office or email We have recently received our first donation cheque from Easy Fundraising. This app is an easy way to raise additional funds for the school. All you have to do is download the app, choose Friends of Swindon Village Primary School as your nominated charity and then, when you do shopping online, you go to the retailer’s site through the app and we receive a % donation from the retailer. Our next meeting will be at 7:30pm on Tuesday 17th March. If you have any questions about what we do as 'the friends' or have any suggestions as to new ways to raise money, please come along to our meeting or get in touch via email. New faces and suggestions are always welcome! Mandy and Charlotte Chairs, Friends of Swindon Village Primary School Dates for your Diary Monday 16th March Tuesday 17th March Wednesday 18th March Thursday 19th March Tuesday 24th March Wednesday 25th March Friday 27th March Parents’ Evening (2.30pm – 5.30pm) FOSVPS’ Meeting (7.30pm) 5KB’s Class Assembly (2.30pm) Parents’ Evening (4.30pm – 7.30pm) Easter Concert (6.30pm) 4DS’ Class Assembly (2.30pm) End of Term 4 (1.30pm) Monday 13th April Start of Term 5
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