Sy n dal Sou th Pri mar y School Montgomery Avenue, Mount Waverley Telephone (03) 9802 5277 Fax (03) 9886 1301 Term 1 - Level 3 Newsletter Welcome to all the new families and returning families of Syndal South PS for 2015. The team would like to warmly welcome Justine Hagen, our new 3/4 teacher to our level. We wish Justine a fabulous start to her career and look forward to working closely with her. Term One is always the term of beginnings for our students. The students will be developing new relationships, setting up school and home routines related to homework and sleep times as well as leaning more about themselves as independent learners. If you have any queries at all regarding your child please arrange an appointment to see your child’s class teacher, as we are always willing to listen to your concerns. Rebecca Stonehouse-Melke, Flavia Petrucci, Kate Richardson, Danielle Canavan and Justine Hagen Term 1 Important Dates JANUARY Thursday 29th FEBRUARY Mon 23rd - Friday 27th MARCH Mon 9th Tue 10th - Thurs 12th (Survival Day Wed 11th) Fri 13th Term One begins Thurs 19th Fri 27th CERES Excursion Last day Term One - 2:30pm finish Level 3 Swimming Labour Day holiday Level 3 Swimming SSPS Athletics House Sports English Inquiry: ‘How can we manage our waste?’ Reading - Students will be introduced to the CAFÉ reading which fosters reading independence. Students will practise and develop self-monitoring skills; choose ‘Good Fit Books’ which interest them and have a purpose, and choose books with words that are appropriate for their skill and comprehension level. Students will commence guided reading groups based upon identified areas of need. In Term 1 our Inquiry topic is ‘How can we manage our waste?’ In this unit students will look at key concepts such as: our lifestyle and how our attitudes can affect and change the environment we live in; and how our environment affects our lifestyle. Students will look at and decipher what materials and objects belong in the compost, junk, garbage, recyclables, food waste, used paper and green waste. They will develop an understanding of where waste comes from and goes to, and how we can support and maintain a sustainable environment to live in. Discussion and research will involve how the government can help us manage our waste and the terms rethink, reduce, reuse and recycle will be reflected and acted upon. Students will select 4 Good Fit Books during their weekly Library session and the books will be kept safely in their personal Book Bag. The students will record information relating to the books on a ‘Book Bag Reading Record Sheet’ and keep the record sheets throughout the year. Writing - Writer’s Notebook - Students will develop their skills at choosing ‘Seeds’ which can be used for future writing. The seeds will be used as springboards for recount writing, narratives and persuasive writing. Students will draft, review, conference, edit and publish pieces of their choice. Speaking and Listening - Circle time will be used as a platform for students to share, discuss, present views, make choices and justify them, explain and express opinions and recount experiences. Spelling - Students will establish weekly personal words made up of personalised lists, class focus words and Inquiry unit vocabulary. Students will have the opportunity to practise their spelling words using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check and spelling tests will be included. Grammar and Punctuation - Students will look at descriptive sentences, use of full stops, capital letters, apostrophes, question marks, exclamation marks, commas and talking marks. In Week 8 students will go on an excursion to CERES (the Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies) Environment Park to “foster awareness and action on environmental and social issues affecting urban areas. The site has displays and functional demonstrations on a range of environmental issues to show just what can be achieved at household, community and global levels.” We are hoping to encourage within our students the ability to be socially responsible inside and outside of the classroom and contribute to making their world a sustainable place to live and grow. Students will complete the unit by reusing and recycling objects to Maths This term in Maths our learning focus will be in the following areas: Number & Algebra - odd and even numbers, place value, number patterns, times tables, money, and fractions. Measurement & Geometry - time tables & calendars, temperature, location and transformation, and 2D & 3D shapes. Statistics & Probability - Data: collect data, organise it into categories and create displays such as line, bar and picture graphs. Specialists Timetable Kate Richardson 3/4S Rebecca StonehouseMelke Justine Hagen 2:30 - 3:30pm 9:00 - 10:00am 10:00 - 11:00am 11:30 - 12:30pm Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday 11:30 - 12:30pm 12:30 - 1:30pm 9:00 - 10:00am 10:00 - 11:00am 11:30 - 12:30pm Monday Friday Friday Friday Friday 2:30 - 3:00pm 12:00 - 12:30pm 3:00 - 3:30pm 1:00 - 1:30pm 12:30 - 1:00pm Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday 2:30 - 3:30pm 11:30 - 12:30pm 12:30 - 1:30pm 2.30-3.30pm 10.00-11.00 Friday Friday Friday Monday Monday 9:00 - 10:00am 12:30 - 1:30pm 10:00 - 11:00am 11:30 - 12:30pm 2:30 - 3:30pm Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday R.E Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Recorder Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Visual Arts Library Music PE Japanese 3/4C 3/4P 3/4R Danielle Canavan Flavia Petrucci 12:30 - 1:30pm Art Program - Merrilyn Mann The element of ‘texture’ is to be the main focus in Art lessons in Term 1. Students will explore and examine some of the textures in nature and in the environment around the school. They will create collages, paintings and take photographs that show texture. Students will also view paintings by well-known artists and will examine how various artists use texture in their paintings. Sport/P.E - Viv Potter and Charlie Kenez The PE department is in full swing again this year. ‘Joggers Club’ and ‘Ride/Walk 2 School’ continue as usual, with points being tallied to see which house is most active. Pick up a passport before school at the Hall steps, or see Mr Kenez or Mrs Potter to register. All students have a 60 minute PE session and a 60 minute Sport sesSince the students will be using paints sion each week. This is supplementand food dyes it is most important that ed with daily activities such as runthey have a suitable protective art shirt ning the Federation Track and minor or smock to wear each week. Please games with their classroom teachmake sure your child has an art shirt ers. Students will be participating in that is clearly named. Art smocks can a two week swimming program to be now be purchased from the school held at the School Sports & Aquatic uniform store. Centre at Huntingtower. Library Students will continue to visit the library on a weekly basis and choose four ‘Good Fit’ books to read during our Café reading program. The weekly Physical Education sessions will focus on athletics in preparation for the Annual House Sports to be held at Waverley Athletics Track on Friday 13th March. We will be looking for lots of help on the day, so keep an eye out in The Rocket as the date approaches. Summer Sports will include games of cricket, softball, tee ball, rounders, tennis and Danish rounders. 3/4H Music - Glenys Ferguson Students create and present music works. They develop skills and specific techniques to play the recorder. They refine their music after receiving feedback and tuition. Students begin to interpret staff or ‘absolute name’ notation. LOTE - Eriko Miyagi Students will focus on the following: - Japanese sign language (ACTLAN, Action Language) - Students will learn a Japanese folktale ‘A Rolling Rice Ball’ using Japanese sign language. - Self introductions in Japanese. - Students will be able to speak with Japanese students through the video conference. - Hiragana learning. - Reading & speaking.
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