February 8, 2015 The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light; on those dwelling in a land overshadowed by death, light has arisen. Matthew 4 MASS INTENTIONS Sat., Feb. 07 5:00pm Church - For the People Sun., Feb. 08 10:30am Church - †Alan & Rosalie Thomas Mon., Feb. 09 NO MASS Tues., Feb. 10 6:00pm Chapel - †Ernest Pelaez FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR February 15 Reading 1 Reading 2 Gospel Leviticus 13: 1–2, 44–46 1 Corinthians 10: 31–11: 1 Mark 1: 40–45 MEETINGS, ETC. ...COFFEE & DONUTS in the cafeteria after 10:30 Wed., Feb. 11 8:30am Church - †Kathleen Ehrhardt 12:30pm Hospital - †Dorothy Connaway Mass on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. ...PSR is held on Sunday mornings from 9–10:15am. Thurs., Feb. 12 8:30am Chapel - †Lorene Langenfeld ...CHOIR Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm in church. Fri., Feb. 13 ...RCIA is held after 10:30 Mass each Sunday. 8:30am Chapel - †Patricia Stauder 12:30am Hospital - Special Intention Balsano Family Sat., Feb. 14 Sun., Feb. 15 5:00pm Church - †Christopher Craney 10:30am Church - Special Intention Doak & Annette Holloway Family ...QUILTING Monday mornings at 9am in the quilting room at SMS. ...SCRIPTURE CLASS meets in the parish office meeting room each Monday evening from 5:306:30pm. ...KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS meetings are held Stewardship Report Weekly Loose Capital Improvements Capital Campaign The Messenger February 1, 2015 $ 7,562.00 236.00 412.00 25.00 500.00 each first and third Monday of each month at 7pm at the KC Hall, 1825 S. Pine, Centralia. ...SMS CANDY SALES January 26 thru February 12. ...CYM MEETING Sunday, February 8 @ 2pm in the cafeteria. ...SCHOOL BOARD MEETING In the responsorial psalm, we pray: “Praise the Lord, for God is good; sing praise to our God, for the Lord is gracious.” (Psalm 147: 1) The most important motive for giving is the recognition that God is good and gracious. Giving should always be thanksgiving. The Scriptures remind us that God loves a cheerful giver. Wednesday, February 11 @ 6:30pm. ...MARKET DAY PICK UP Thursday, February 12 from 4-5:15pm. L KING AHEAD ASH WEDNESDAY Messenger Renewal Weekend is February 7-8, 2015 Wednesday, February 18 8:30am at St. Mary Church 12:30pm at St. Mary’s Hospital 6:00pm at St. Lawrence, Sandoval Please stay “connected” through a subscription to The Messenger. Payments can be made through a parish envelope or on-line at www.bellevillemessenger.org. STATIONS OF THE CROSS SUBSCRIPTION COST: Print - $25.00, Electronic $25.00, Both - $30.00 Friday, February 20 2:15pm at St. Mary 7:00pm at St. Mary PTO TRIVIA NIGHT Saturday, February 21 DIOCESAN / LOCAL EVENTS ST. MICHAEL VALENTINE CHICKEN & BEVERAGE DANCE Saturday, February 14 from 7:30–11:30pm at the KC Hall in DuBois. Music by Beaucoup Bottom Band. Tickets: Adults $20; Children aged 6–12 $7; Age 5 and under Free. For tickets contact Parish Office at 485-6461. Doors open at 6:30pm. $13,000 Giveaway and 50/50 Raffle. ST. MARY SCHOOL NEWS !Congratulations to Dr. Theresa Schwartz who was selected for this year’s Catholic Schools Week Distinguished Graduate Award. Theresa graduated from St. Mary School in 1992. Please see the insert in today’s bulletin. !First and second grade swim lessons at the Rec Center take place this week on Monday and Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. !There is a Scholar Bowl Meet at St. Theresa with Ashley this Tuesday and at Selmaville with Iuka on Thursday, both starting at 3:30 p.m. !The volleyball team plays at Kell/Farrington on Tuesday at 6 p.m. !Wednesday’s All-School Mass will be serviced by the 7th and 8th grade on Wednesday. Father will visit their classroom later that morning. !The February School Advisory Board meets this Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., in the school library. Saturday / Sunday, February 7 / 8 5:00pm Mallow, Mallow, L. Timmons, T. Timmons 10:30am LeBeau, LeBeau, LeBeau, Moran Saturday / Sunday, February 14 / 15 5:00pm Francois, Jackson, Pas, Smith 10:30am Laquet, Maco, Pahuamba, Uribe MARRIAGE MATTERS Collaborate to win the three-legged-race. The words “surrender” and “submission” are often greeted with negative emotions in today’s society. They connote weakness and inferiority. Yet, these are necessary in marriage. Successful spouses accept the role of husband/father and wife/mother and surrender to all that these roles demand for the sake of the marriage and the family. How are you accepting your role as a spouse and a parent? !Thursday is mid-term for the 3rd quarter, ALREADY!! Thursday is also Market Day pickup beginning at 4 p.m. !Candy Bar Sales comes to an end this Thursday though you might still find some students and the office with some product to purchase. !Valentine’s Day will be celebrated this Thursday!! Parties will be from 2:15-2:45 p.m. that afternoon. !There is NO SCHOOL this Friday for the students as the teachers will be attending the Tri-County Institute held at CHS. Also, there is no school on Monday while we celebrate Presidents’ Day, making for a 4-day weekend for the students. MARK YOUR CALENDARS: PTO Trivia Night – Saturday, February 21 doors open at 6.Trivia begins at 7 pm. Get your teams together and call the school to book them. CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS SYNOD QUESTIONNAIRE Please call or stop by the parish office if you need a contribution statement for tax purposes. Bishop Edward K. Braxton and the Vicars Forane invite you to respond to the questionnaire for the upcoming 2015 Synod of Bishops on Marriage and the Family. The questions sent by the Holy See to each Diocese in the world are available at the Diocese of Belleville web site at diobelle.org. Please click on the link on the home page for the questions, then enter your prayerful and thoughtful responses. SCHOLARSHIPS Sprehe Scholarship applications are available at the US Bank Private Client Group for the 2015 – 2017 Kaskaskia College Scholarships and the 2015 – 2016 Baccalaureate Scholarships. Baccalaureate applicants must be Kaskaskia College graduates who are attending or will be attending a four-year university. You may contact Pam Prather at the US Bank for details. All applications are to be returned to the Centralia Branch of the US Bank Private Client Group no later than Wednesday, March 4, 2015. Respect Life Corner Lethal Injection – The U.S. bishops have been advocating against the death penalty for over 40 years. The U.S. Supreme Court announced that it would review the drug protocols of lethal injection executions in the state of Oklahoma. The court will consider whether the procedures violate the U.S. Constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: Society can protect itself in ways other than the use of the death penalty. Pray that the Court’s review of these protocols will lead to the recognition that institutionalized practices of violence against any person erode reverence for the sanctity of every human life. Thank You! Mary Ashby wishes to thank everyone who remembered her on her recent 90th Birthday. God Bless all of you!! Cursillo Retreat The women's retreat is February 26-March 1 and the men's retreat is March 5-8. More info can be found at bellevillecursillo.org. And Fr. Dale has a small booklet of info. Your answers will be submitted to the Bishop's Office. The purpose of the questionnaire is not to debate the teachings of our Catholic Faith, but to determine how those teachings may be 1) more fully shared among Catholics and with modern society and 2) more effectively applied in the pastoral settings of our parishes and institutions. Also, be aware that your Vicar Forane and your Pastor may be planning group discussions of these questions in your Parish or Vicariate. Please consider participating in those sessions. ALSO: To read Bishop Braxton's article called THE RACIAL DIVIDE IN THE UNITED STATES. go to www.diobelle.org Sympathy Sympathy is extended to Tim Ferguson & family upon the death of his brother, Ellis “Gene” Ferguson, who passed away on Thursday, January 29, 2015. Sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Florence Louise Bost who passed away on Wednesday, February 4, 2015, and was buried from St. Mary on Friday, February 6. Parish family includes a son and his wife, Chris and Debbie Bost. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to the following young people from our parish who were elected to the 2015 CHS May Fete Court: Cameron Whritenour–Freshman Escort Karson Pelaez–Junior Escort Abby Hoyt–Senior Attendant We are always so very proud of our youth.
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