This Week`s Newsletter - St Alban`s Church, Macclesfield

Chester Road, Macclesfield SK11 8DJ
Fr. Peter Burke : Fr Paschal Ihesiaba
Telephone 01625 423446
Twitter @stalbanpaul Web
Fifth in Ordinary Time
8th February 2015
Year B
Mass Times at Saint Alban’s
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat 11am – 11:50am
Exposition: Weds 7.30pm - 8.30pm and Sat 11am - 11.50am
Morning Prayer: Weekdays at 9.15am prior to the 9.30am Mass.
Mass Times at St Edward’s
10.30am &
5:30pm Vigil
In today’s Readings we are made to realise that to follow
Christ is not always an easy path. In the first Reading Job
is full of despair, anxiety and worry, wailing that he has no
hope and doesn’t expect any joy in his life again. He has
lost sight gifts of the of God, and the beauty of God’s
creation and love.. In the Second Reading Paul is
prepared to be a servant to all and everyone for the sake of sharing the
Gospel with them. This is not a role he chose himself, but accepts that
he has been chosen by God, as His instrument, to offer the Good News
to all, without any recompense or reward. All of us who are followers of
Christ are called to bear the suffering at some time in our life, which
comes our way with faith and fortitude. Sometimes it may be actual
pain or suffering, or it may be in the form of service to others, having to
give up our time and leisure to help, but like Paul we should accept it,
and remember that Christ suffered a terrible agony on the Cross for us.
In the Gospel we learn how Jesus is unwilling to turn anyone away who
comes to him for healing and help and like the people in the Gospel
who realised the presence of God in their midst, we should realise that
God is always with us and for us, especially in the Eucharist, in times of
anxiety, weakness and suffering
Last week’s Offertory was £1,056.67 and attendance was 578.
Thank you for your continuing generosity to the offertory and all the
calls on you throughout the year.
Genetically Modified Babies (GM) The Government is going to ask
Parliament to legalise the production of human beings by having
part of the mother’s ova replaced by material taken from other ova
which would then be fertilised artificially and reinserted into the
birth mothers womb, this to eliminate some rare but serious diseases
GM could have serious side effects - it could cause new congenital
abnormalities in the children themselves or in their descendents. GM
experiments with animals have had some horrifying results and most
countries including the US are holding back These children would
effectively have 3 parents. The House of Commons have agreed it
BUT It now has to go to the House of Lords
Seeking Confirmation Prayer Partners for this years Confirmation
candidates - if you are willing to offer please sign up on the list at
the back of Church.
February 500 Club Winners.1st Prize Dr C. Loughran £100: 2nd Prize
Mrs S Doyle £20 and Mrs J McCann and Mrs A Tomkinson each win
£10. Congratulations to all.
Sat 28th Feb A Training Day for Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors
at Ellesmere Port High School, Capenhurst Lane, Ellesmere Port
CH657AQ from 10am-3pm . An opportunity for those who missed
the November day. Please inform Fr Peter that you are willing to
attend so he can submit a list of names. Following this attendance thy
will be commissioned by Bishop Mark for a further 5 years. There will
be other Training days around the Diocese
2015 is a year for a significant initiative called “Proclaim 15”
launched to support, inspire and encourage new expressions of
parish evangelisation by the Bishop’s Conference of England and
Wales. On the 11 July there is a National Catholic Evangelisation
Conference in Birmingham See notice Board for more info.
Parish Passover Meal in March. Preparations have started but help
is needed. In the past we have enjoyed a superb evening so please
consider helping this year. There’s a meeting on Weds 25th Feb at
8pm in Fran’s house to organise it. If you can help tel Fran on 501953
If anyone has any of the Wedding or Funeral Books at home could they
please return them as we have none here at the present time
Don’t forget you can follow us on Twitter (@stalbanpaul) for daily
prayers and updates.
Monday 9 10:30am Requiem Mass for Ellen Morley
2pm Monday Club meet in the Parish Centre
Tues 10th: RCIA 7.45pm Meeting in the Parish Centre..The topic is
‘Preparation for the Rite of Election’
Weds 11th Feb Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and World Day of
Prayer for the Sick See letter from the Pope on the Notice Board
Thurs. 12th: Two Hearts Prayer group meet at 7.30pm at 34, Ivy Lane
Tel Monica Meah on 428951 for more info.
Saturday 14th Feb: Diocesan Celebration of Married Life at St
Columba’s Chester at 12 noon. All welcome to go
X-Seed invite you to come to Youth 2000, ON Sat /Sun 14th /15th
February at Notre dame Sixth Form College Leeds LS2 9BL and
they will be travelling by minibus Youth 2000 is a National Youth
Organisation seeking to draw young people in their faith following its
founding from St John Paul !!’s call at World Youth Day in 1989 at
Santiago de Compostela To confirm your place or find out more contact
Bernadette on 431611 or
Wham Homeless weekend will again be at St. Alban’s Parish
Centre on this weekend, 13/14 Feb. Volunteers, especially men, are
needed to stay overnight. Please sign up in the Church porch indicating
which day or activity you are offering
Sun 15th Feb: Parish Ramble See Notice Board/website for details
‘40 Days for Life Campaign’ Help to end Abortion Launch meeting or
from at 7.30pm at St Kentigern’s Social Club, Hart Rd, Fallowfield, M14
7DW All welcome
Weds 18 Feb: Ash Wednesday – A day of Fasting and Abstinence
Sat Feb 21s: Prayer Vigil for Religious Freedom 3-4.30pm at
Shrewsbury Cathedral. Join Bishop Mark and ‘Aid to the Church in
Need’ (ACN) who have come together for this event. There will be
prayers and Scriptural Readings and a statement of personal witness
from an Iraqi Christian.
Sat 21st Feb: The Catenians Annual Province 17 Breakfast at the
Deanwater Hotel, Woodford at 9.15am. £14pp. Speakers will be Cath
Worthington, Jean Merriman and Bert & Engle (Sion Community) who
lead Missions in our Primary Schools. Tickets: Kevin McKenna 0161
282 6623 or Sign up on Notice Board
Sunday 22nd Feb the Rite of Election at Shrewsbury Cathedral
Wed 25th Feb: J&P Meeting, 8pm in the Parish Centre All Welcome
Feb 28th Day of Recollection for readers in the Parish Centre from
9.15 (Coffee) – 2.30pm for all existing Readers and anyone interested
in joining. Please sign up on the Notice Board.
Fri 27th Feb CAFOD Lent Fast Day focuses on support for poor
people affected by extreme weather conditions such as cyclones
Fri/Sat 27/28 Feb Macc Methodist Community Choir are presenting
a semi-dramatic production of the Mikado at 7.30pm at the
Methodist Church. Tickets £10 on 433187 or 615298
8th March 2015: Macclesfield Rotary Swimathon to raise funds for
your chosen charities. 8 slots available of 45 minutes for each team
starting at 1.50pm through to 6.50pm. Further info available from Alec
on 07770 512421 or visit
Fri 27th Macclesfield East Cheshire Hospice Quiz Night at 6.45 at
Marlborough Primary School, Tytherington Tickets £10 per person
which includes a Sandwich Supper. Licensed Bar available. For tickets
phone 433477 or email
The Sacrament of Confirmation this year will be on Friday 19 th
June at 7pm in St Alban’s Church
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 28th – 5th August (Train) or 29th
July -4h August (plane) 2015. Details and Booking forms are now
available on the Pilgrimage website
or from St Alban’s Wallasey, tel. 0151 638 1520 or St Peter’s Hazel
Grove Tel 0161 483 3476.they are looking forward to applications from
people who have never been to Lourdes before as well as Nurses and
Healthcare professionals to help care for the sick
Don’t forget to tell Fr Peter if you or any of your family are in, or
going into a Hospital, Nursing Home or Rest Home, so that they can
be visited by the Priest and receive the Sacrament of the Sick and
Holy Communion from the Chaplaincy Team