Feb. 22, 2014 · First Sunday of Lent S t. Ladislaus PARISH 6 4 5 5 S T AT E H I G H WAY 1 5 3 H AT L E Y, W I 5 4 4 4 0 RECTORY: 715-446-3060 CHURCH HALL/SCHOOL: 715-454-6770 WEBSITE: www.stladislaus.weebly.com FAX: 715-446-2668 PASTORAL CONTACTS Pastor, Fr. Augustine Bentil 715-454-6431 fathergus@stladislaus.org Pastoral Associate Sr. Mary Ellen Diermeier 715-446-3060 sisterme@stladislaus.org Deacon, David Ashenbrenner Secretary, Kim Isakson Lorraine VanderKooy parishsecretary@stladislaus.org Anointing of the Sick Communal Anointing. Anytime by request. Baptism Please call the rectory to schedule a Baptism class. Marriage Contact rectory to schedule date and time. 9 months preparation required. WEEKEND EUCHARIST SCHEDULE St. Ladislaus Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 10:10am St. Joseph Saturday 6:00pm Sunday 8:30am Sacrament of Reconciliation Sat. St. Ladislaus: 3:35–3:55 Sat. St. Joseph Galloway: 5:35-5:55pm Sun. St. Joseph Galloway: 8:00am Liturgical Ministers Date: Feb. 28—March 1 Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 10:10am READER-COMMENTATOR Alyssa VanderKooy (R) Dawne Bushman (R) Lorraine VanderKooy (C) Maxine Lemke (C) MINISTERS OF EUCHARIST Leo Cherek Joe Bunczak Sharon Cherek Elaine Bunczak LeRoy Drewa Wallace Cherek MASS SERVERS Ryan Konkol Volunteer Emma Kluck Kailen Smerchek MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY Jim Miller Jay Cole LeRoy Drewa Aaron Cole Roger Gross Ken Wanta, Jr. Ron Cherek Wallace Cherek GREETERS Evenson Family Phyllis Kasprak Elaine Bunczak Church Support Adults ................................................ 2,604.00 Youth ................................................. 12.65 Vigil Lights ......................................... 20.00 Offertory/Special ................................ 316.83 Catholic Times .................................... 110.00 Initial Offering .................................... 2.00 Cemetery Fund ................................... 60.00 Birthdays Tues. Feb. 24 Wed. Feb. 25 Thurs. Feb. 26 Fri. Feb. 27 Sun. Mar. 1 Carrie Budnik, Jillian Filtz, Adeline Wanta Tammy Dallman, Barb Groshek, Norman Kielpinski, Maria Lewandwoski, Linda Race Judy Bremer, Helen Kuklinski, Patricia Wanta Sara Basinski, Teagan Dallman, Jeff Flees, James Ganski, James Gruna, Mark Lynch, Grace Omernik, Frank Wierzba, Caleb Zick Lori Filtz, Kristopher Kielpinski Men’s Society Scholarship Forms Forms are in the Church entrance. 2 Saint Ladislaus Parish · Bevent, WI Dates to Remember Sat. Sun. Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Mon. Tues. Wed. Feb. 23 Feb. 24 Feb. 25 Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Mar. 1 Mar. 2 Mar. 3 Mar. 4 Sun. Mar. 8 2-5:30pm 8:30am 8:30-11:30am 6:30pm 6:30pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 8:30am 6:30pm 6:30pm 12 noon 5:30pm 6:30pm 8:30am 10:10am Soup, Noodle, Bake Sale CCD Bake Sale Winter Bible Study Choir Rehearsal Soup Supper CCD CCD Winter Bible Study Choir Rehearsal Family Life Committee Soup Supper CCD CCD Pre-School, Kindergarten, Grade 1 Mass Choir Rehearsal Tues., Feb. 24 at 6:30pm. Soup Suppers Our annual Soup Suppers, which have become so popular, will begin Wed., Feb 25. They are held from 5:30-6:30pm. These are the committees and societies sponsoring the suppers. If you’d like to help or donate food—please contact the chairperson of the sponsoring committee. Any help is appreciated. Feb. 25 Justice & Peace Comm. & Cemetery Board March 4 Education Committee March 11 Liturgy Committee & Finance Council March 18 Men’s Society March 25 Rosary Society April 1 Family Life Committee If anyone would like to purchase soup after the Soup Supper, please bring your own quart (no bigger please) jars. We are running low on jars here. Thank you! Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament All parishioners are encouraged to spend time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament during Lent. We especially ask the following groups to arrange for members to be present in Church on the assigned day so that there are always people present before the Blessed Sacrament. Fri. Feb. 27 (8:30-noon) Ros. Soc. Gr. 1, 2, 3 Fri. March 6 (8:30-noon) Ros. Soc. Gr. 3, 4, 5 Fri. March 13 (8:30-noon) Men’s Society Fri. March 20 (8:30-noon) Committees & Councils Fri. March 27 (8:30-noon) Ministers of Prayer & Praise Jesus Lives Celebration Sat., March 21. Thank You! Thank you to Elaine and Joe Bunczak for the donation of the little Black Lenten Books. If you did not get one yet—there are a few left in the Church entrance. They provide wonderful reflections for every day of Lent. Thank you Joe and Elaine. News in Our Parish Spaghetti Night Saint Ladislaus Youth Group invites you to A Spaghetti Dinner Night on Sat., March 14 beginning after the 4pm Mass until 6:00pm. Adults: $6; Youth (3-12): $4; under 3 free. All are welcome to join us for a fantastic dinner made by the Youth Group and their parents. All-you-can-eat Spaghetti and meatballs, salad, breadsticks, and delicious homemade desserts. Also some great basket raffles. (***All proceeds help our Parish Youth with future activities, such as Adventure Camp and the Stuebenville Leadership Conference—both wonderful opportunities for our young people.) Please come and support our youth. They are the future of our Church. Event in Bevent We have several positions that need to be filled for this year’s picnic. If you would consider any of these positions, please call Sr. Mary Ellen. Someone to chair the Country Café Someone to chair the Country Corner Someone to work closely with Bernie and Norbert Wierzba in the Hamburger Stand so you can take over as chairpersons of the Hamburger Stand next year. Supervisor for bus boys and girls and/or waitresses If you would consider any of these positions, please call Sr. Mary Ellen. Cherry Tree Slips Marriage Preparation Sessions One of the requirements for Marriage is to attend a Marriage Preparation session before the wedding. The Wausau Deanery holds 4 sessions each year. March 13-14th, May 15 -16th, Aug 14-15th & Nov 6-7th. Space is limited. This should be completed if possible 4 months prior to wedding. Contact: Ken & Linda Narloch @ 715-574-7614 or email urpreparing4love@aol.com for information and to sign up. Great Opportunities for our Teens! We have some great opportunities for our youth coming up in the next few months. Many of them are being sponsored by the Deanery and/or Diocese. Some of them we are combining with St. Florian’s and St. Agnes to host. These are open to all our students – not just the Youth Group. These include: Grand Lodge Waterpark, Rothschild. March 21. (8th-12 grade). $30 includes lunch and waterpark pass 9:30am -10pm Music and presentations by Traditional Division Ministries. Gr. 8-12. Badger Sports Park, Appleton: Mon., March 30. $20 (before March 28). Grade 6 and above. (Under 6th grade Ok as long as a parent comes along.) We will meet at St. Florian’s Church in Hatley at 8:30am and take a bus to Appleton. Fee includes: laser tag, hunting, racing, air hockey, basketball, mini-bowling, etc. It also includes bus transportation and 2 big slices of pizza and unlimited soda. Deanery Lock-In: Feb. 27-28. (Gr. 6-8) 5:30pm: Check in at St. Mark’s Rothschild – dinner and games. 7pm: Band “Without Excuses”. 9pm: Board buses for down town YMCA – rock wall, open swim, youth room, etc. 12am – Board buses for St. Anne’s. Watch movie. 2am: Lights out. 8am: Parents pick youth up at St. Anne’s. Tony Melendez Concert: Friday, March 13 at Columbus High School Marshfield. 7:00pm. All ages welcome. Free will offering. Adventure Camp: July 5-10. Youth in Grades 612. Ride bus with kids from St. Agnes and St. Florian’s. www.dioceseoflacrosse.com Stuebenville Life Teen Conference: St. John’s University in Queens, New York. Aug. 7-9. Grades 9-12. $250 before June 15. $265 after June 15. www.lifeteen.com/nyc We have the Cherry Tree slips ready. If you would be willing take a few bags home and cut and fold them, please let Sr. Mary Ellen know. Marathon County Platte Books Marathon County Platte Books available for $40 please contact Shelly Smerchek or Sue Romatowski to purchase one to help support 4-H. Family Life Committee Meeting Wed., March 4 at 12 noon. Senior Citizen Bingo/Lunch Tues., March 17. Sponsored by the Red Hatters. School Registration Now Registering Students for 2015-2016: St. Adalbert Catholic School is now accepting registration of new students for next school year. Please visit our website at www.saintadalbertrosholt.org or call 715-677-4517. Please support our advertisers on the back cover of the bulletin. Flyers were e-mailed to parents and given out in CCD. If you have any questions or need a registration form, please check the parish web-site or call Sr. Mary Ellen. St. Anne’s Fish Fry "Due to an equipment failure, Fish Fry is cancelled on February 20. Please contact the Parish Office regarding future dates." Feb. 22, 2015 · Bevent, WI 3 Area Events Fish Fry: St. Adalbert Parish, Rosholt. Every Friday, through March 27. 4-8pm at the American Legion. Fish Fry: St. Patrick’s, Halder. Fridays during Lent— through April 3. 4-8pm. Carry-outs: 715-693-2765. Fish Fry: St. Anne’s, Wausau. Fridays during Lent through April 3. 4-7pm. Take-outs call: 715-849-3930. Lenten Fish Fry’s: St. John the Baptist, Peplin. Feb. 27, March 13, March 27. All-You-Care-To-Eat Fish Buffet. Pro-Life Chili Dinner & Raffle: Sacred Heart, Cassel. Sun., March 8 from 10am--3pm. Adults: $6. *See flyers in side entrance for more information on all events. World Day of Prayer 2015 World Day of Prayer will be held March 6, in the chapel of St. Joseph Motherhouse in Stevens Point at 1:30 pm. The women of the Bahamas wrote the service centering on “Do you understand what I have done for you?” after the washing of the disciples feet. You are invited to support ecumenical efforts toward welcoming the stranger. Register with Sr. Rose 715-344-2830 or srosegrbwsk42@gmail.com by 2/20. Diocesan 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration Couples married 50 years in 2015 are invited to attend St. Bronislava, Plover on Aug. 2. To receive your invitation from the Bishop, please return the following slip to St. Ladislaus Parish by March 23. First & Last Names _____________________________ Full Address ____________________________________ Phone Number __________________________________ Anniversary Date ________________________________ 4a Saint Ladislaus Parish · Bevent, WI Masses and Services for the Week Monday, Feb. 23 8:00am Robert Kuklinski by Family and Friends Tuesday, Feb. 24 8:00am Communion Service Wednesday, Feb. 25 8:00am Communion Service Stations of the Cross 7:00pm Thursday, Feb. 26 8:00am Chester Hintz by Gilbert Hoppa Friday, Feb. 27 8:00am Communion Service & Stations of the Cross Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 8-noon Saturday, Feb. 28 4:00pm Ant.: 2nd Sunday of Lent Jackie Cherek by Jerry & Pat Witkowski Sunday, March 1 10:10am Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Members of St. Ladislaus & St. Joseph Parishes 1st Sunday of Lent It was just 2 months ago that we celebrated Christmas. Remember back to that holiday season? Festive lights, glorious decorations, glittering trees, colorful poinsettias, family meals, joyous celebrations, Christmas gifts. Somewhere in all of that mix, it was likely that there was also a Christmas Nativity scene. Maybe it was a family heirloom carefully set up in a corner so that it wouldn't be disturbed. Or possibly your family Nativity scene last Christmas was hand-drawn artwork by one of your school children that was proudly displayed on the refrigerator. Wait a minute! Isn't this the First Sunday of Lent? Why all the talk about Christmas? Because like Christmas itself, the First Sunday of Lent always has a Gospel that reminds us that Jesus is truly human! With all the stories of the past few weeks (healings of Peter's mother-in-law, a leper, a paralytic, and the casting out of a demon) we could begin to think of Jesus only as some kind of miracle-worker. To do that would remove Him from a clear and concrete association with us. For centuries, the church has clearly taught that Jesus is completely and thoroughly human just as He is completely and thoroughly divine. Today's Gospel reminds us that Jesus was tempted, just like we are tempted. He had the opportunity to give in to Satan. Instead, He emerged from the desert to proclaim a Gospel of repentance. We hear this story of Jesus' humanity as we begin Lent to give us encouragement for the next forty days. We often begin Lent with a lot of enthusiasm. We are ready to change our lives. But changing how we live is difficult, and temptations are rampant. The Gospel tells us that angels came and ministered to Jesus while He was being tempted. Start Lent by asking a friend or a family member to be an angel for you in the next forty days, to ask you occasionally how your Lent is going. (Lit. Pub. Inc.)
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