February 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light; on those dwelling in a land overshadowed by death, light has arisen. Matthew 4 MASS INTENTIONS Sat., Jan. 31 5:00pm Church - †Corinno Darin Sun., Feb. 01 10:30am Church - Special Intention SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR February 8 Reading 1 Reading 2 Gospel MEETINGS, ETC. Bob & April Feig Family Mon., Feb. 02 NO MASS Tues., Feb. 03 6:00pm Chapel - †Irene Lichter Wed., Feb. 04 Job 7: 1–4, 6–7 1 Corinthians 9: 16–19, 22–23 Mark 1: 29–39 ...COFFEE & DONUTS in the cafeteria after 10:30 8:30am Church - †Clara Dreas 12:30pm Hospital - †LaVerne Schwartz Mass on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. ...PSR is held on Sunday mornings from 9–10:15am. ...CHOIR Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm in church. Thurs., Feb. 05 8:30am Chapel - †Edward Para Fri., Feb. 06 8:30am Chapel - †Mary Love 12:30am Hospital - Special Intention Balsano Family ...RCIA is held after 10:30 Mass each Sunday. ...QUILTING Monday mornings at 9am in the quilting room at SMS. Sat., Feb. 07 Sun., Feb. 08 5:00pm Church - For the People 10:30am Church - Alan & Rosalie Thomas ...SCRIPTURE CLASS meets in the parish office meeting room each Monday evening from 5:306:30pm. ...KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS meetings are held Stewardship Report Weekly Loose New Year’s School Scholarship Capital Improvements The Messenger January 25, 2015 $ 5,514.14 172.00 20.00 15.00 816.00 25.00 each first and third Monday of each month at 7pm at the KC Hall, 1825 S. Pine, Centralia. ...SMS CANDY SALES January 26 thru February 12. ...BLESSING OF THROATS January 31, February 1 and 3. L Medical surveys correlating physical health and social activities consistently attest that those who preform regular volunteer work have death rates two and one-half times lower than those who do not. The surest way to be free of all worries is to invest out time and talent in the service of others. KING AHEAD P S R RETREAT Sunday, February 8 from 9–10:15am SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Wednesday, February 11 @ 6:30pm MARKET DAY PICK UP Thursday, February 12 from 4-5:15pm ASH WEDNESDAY Wednesday, February 18 PTO TRIVIA NIGHT Saturday, February 21 DIOCESAN / LOCAL EVENTS BINGO St. Mary, Carlyle, St. Ann Sodality Basket Bingo and Bake Sale Feb. 8th, 1pm at Carlyle KC Hall. All baskets valued at $50. Lightning raffle begins at noon. Sandwiches & desserts served. ST. MICHAEL VALENTINE CHICKEN & BEVERAGE DANCE Saturday, February 14 from 7:30–11:30pm at the KC Hall in DuBois. Music by Beaucoup Bottom Band. Tickets: Adults $20; Children aged 6–12 $7; Age 5 and under Free. For tickets contact Parish Office at 485-6461. Doors open at 6:30pm. $13,000 Giveaway and 50/50 Raffle. Messenger Renewal Weekend is February 7-8, 2015 Please stay “connected” through a subscription to The Messenger. Payments can be made through a parish envelope or on-line at www.bellevillemessenger.org. SUBSCRIPTION COST: Print - $25.00, Electronic $25.00, Both - $30.00 ST. MARY SCHOOL NEWS !Saturday, January 31, draws a close to this year’s Catholic Schools Week as we have celebrated Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service. The Catholic Schools Week Parish Mass is Saturday at 5 p.m. announcing the Distinguished Graduate of St. Mary School for 2015 and honoring all students now and through the past years. !The gym will be open after the Masses this Sunday, February 1, so that the SMS science fair projects can be viewed. Saturday / Sunday, January 31 / February 1 5:00pm Barrow, Feig, Pryor, Timmons 10:30am Laquet, Moran, Pahuamba, Uribe Saturday / Sunday, February 7 / 8 5:00pm Mallow, Mallow, L. Timmons, T. Timmons 10:30am LeBeau, LeBeau, LeBeau, Moran MARRIAGE MATTERS Surrender to your marriage. In the three-legged-race that is marriage surrendering one’s will to the rhythm of the race is truly the secret of success. Such surrendering is not easy because it demands giving up one’s wishes in order to accommodate one’s spouse. It may require compromising to achieve a common goal. It can also mean challenging one’s spouse to stay on the course. How good are you at accommodating and respectfully challenging your spouse? !Monday is the monthly faculty meeting with school dismissing at 2 pm. It is also an out-of-uniform day and bake sale—each for 25 cents. Second grade students will bring the items for the bake sale. !The first Volleyball Game of the season is this week on Tuesday at St. Ann, Nashville. They also play here at SMS on Wednesday against North Wamac/Irvington and on Thursday at Oakdale. What a busy week! !Wednesday’s All-School Mass will be serviced by third and fourth graders while Father Maxfield visits PK3, PK4, and Kindergarten in Ms. Lindsey’s room later that morning. Third and fourth graders also attend Friday’s Chapel Mass. !Students in first and second grade start their swim lessons this week, Wednesday and Friday at 1:30 p.m. at the Rec Center. Bus transportation will be provided. !Thursday is Market Day deadline for this month’s sales with pickup on February 12. Thank you for all your orders! !Next weekend, on Sunday, February 8, after the 10:30 a.m. Mass, there will be a Server Training for all students, current and new, in 5th through 8th grade. This includes the SMS students. !This week’s Raffle Calendar Winners are: Tuesday – Jaime Toedte, Centralia Thursday –Phyllis Aydt, Centralia Quilting If interested, call Sally Tiemann, 249-8101 or 830-7604. Stop and visit us in the quilting room. We would love to show you what we do! MARK YOUR CALENDARS: PTO Trivia Night – Saturday, February 21 doors open at 6.Trivia begins at 7 pm. Get your teams together and call the school to book them. CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS BAPTISMS Please call or stop by the parish office if you need a contribution statement for tax purposes. Congratulations to Brody Louis Kasban, infant son of Rick & Tai (Meier) Kasban; and to Elizabeth Rose Warren, infant daughter of Megan Neff and Donnie Warren, who were baptized at St. Mary on Sunday, January 11, 2015. Brody is the grandson of Roger and Jane Meier of SM Parish, and Elizabeth is the granddaughter of Richard and Cherry Neff of SM Parish. Welcome, Brody & Elizabeth! SCHOLARSHIPS Sprehe Scholarship applications are available at the US Bank Private Client Group for the 2015 – 2017 Kaskaskia College Scholarships and the 2015 – 2016 Baccalaureate Scholarships. Baccalaureate applicants must be Kaskaskia College graduates who are attending or will be attending a four-year university. You may contact Pam Prather at the US Bank for details. All applications are to be returned to the Centralia Branch of the US Bank Private Client Group no later than Wednesday, March 4, 2015. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #1025 DUES PAYER DINNER Monday, February 2, 2015 6pm at the KC Hall Respect Life Corner SYNOD QUESTIONNAIRE Perseverance is the Key – The brutal statistic of around 57 million children being denied the right to life in the over 40 years since abortion was legalized in the U.S. is not only overwhelming, but there is the temptation to despair and wonder whether the struggle is winnable. Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: The answer is a resounding “yes” providing we are prepared to make some sacrifice, commit ourselves and persevere. Young adults and high school students are increasingly more pro-life than ever before. Pray for all who do not embrace the rights of the unborn that they come to know and treasure the value of every person. Bishop Edward K. Braxton and the Vicars Forane invite you to respond to the questionnaire for the upcoming 2015 Synod of Bishops on Marriage and the Family. The questions sent by the Holy See to each Diocese in the world are available at the Diocese of Belleville web site at diobelle.org. Please click on the link on the home page for the questions, then enter your prayerful and thoughtful responses. CYM Next meeting will be on February 8 in the cafeteria at 2pm. All high school youth are invited! & Thanks to the following people for their generosity...to Moran/Boggs Funeral Home for providing lunch for the CYM on January 25; and to Jack and Connie Parker for their donation of floor pillows. Your answers will be submitted to the Bishop's Office. The purpose of the questionnaire is not to debate the teachings of our Catholic Faith, but to determine how those teachings may be 1) more fully shared among Catholics and with modern society and 2) more effectively applied in the pastoral settings of our parishes and institutions. Also, be aware that your Vicar Forane and your Pastor may be planning group discussions of these questions in your Parish or Vicariate. Please consider participating in those sessions. ALSO: To read Bishop Braxton's article called THE RACIAL DIVIDE IN THE UNITED STATES. go to www.diobelle.org Sympathy Still Needed!!! If you have gently used floor pillows or bean bag chairs that you would like to donate to our CYM group please call Vicki at the parish office 532-6291. Sympathy is extended to Willie Williams and family upon the death of her brother, Robert Williams, who passed away on Monday, January 25, 2015, and was buried from St. Lawrence, Sandoval, on Wednesday, January 28.
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