St. Francis of Assisi Parish ST. FRANCIS of ASSISI PARISH P.O. Box 839, 264 South Grant Ellsworth, WI 54011 CONTACT INFORMATION Parish Office…………715-273-4774 Pastor, Fr. Nathan…..715-273-4774 Fax…………………….715-273-4066 School………………..715-273-4391 Office Hours…………Mon-Fri. 8:00am-3:00pm WELCOME TO ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Mass Schedule Weekend…………….Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am February 8, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time He cured many who suffered from diseases of one kind or another. 10:30am Weekday…...Tuesday – Friday 8:30am Confession...Saturday 4:30 before Mass ____________________________ SAINTS and INTENTIONS For the week of February 9-15 Mon., Feb. 9 No Mass Tues., Feb. 10 – St. Scholastica 8:30am +Mary Hines Wed., Feb. 11– Our Lady of Lourdes 8:30am +John Snoeyenbos Thurs., Feb. 12 8:30am +John Larson SAINT FRANCIS WELCOMES NEW RESIDENTS AND VISITORS If you are new to the parish, please call the office to register. PLEASE PRAY DAILY FOR The homebound and the sick. Please pray for Kenny Hines. PASTORAL CARE Please let Father Nathan or the office know when someone is in the hospital or in need of Pastoral Care. Thank you. MASS COUNTS JANUARY 31 AND FEBRUARY 1 Saturday at 5:00pm Mass – 190. Sunday at 8:30am Mass – 145. Sunday at 10:30am Mass – 208. Total: 543. WELCOME TO SAINT FRANCIS BY BAPTISM Jordy Forest, son of Robert and Angie McHardy, was baptized last Saturday, January 31 after the 5:00pm Mass. Please keep this family in your prayers. Fri., Feb. 13 8:30am +Tom Huppert Sat., Feb. 14- Sts. Cyril, Monk, Methodius 5:00pm +Joan DeGross Sun., Feb. 15 8:30am +Audrey Foley 10:30am St. Francis Parish , St. Francis of Assisi Parish NEW PARISH WEBSITE ADULT CHOIR PRACTICE Tuesday, February 10 at 6:30pm. KID’S CHOIR REHEARSAL Wednesday, February 11 from 5:00-5:30pm. NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, February 15. KC MEETING Tuesday, February 10 at 6:30pm. MISSION TRIP SUPPER Saturday, February 21 for their favorite chicken/turkey soup recipes!" Please mark your calendar and enjoy a great soup supper. FATHER NATHAN WANTS TO VISIT YOU If you would like Father Nathan to visit your home, please call the parish office. 5TH ANNUAL PANCAKE SUPPER th The 5 Annual Pancake Supper will be held at St. Bridget Church (211 E. Division St., River Falls WI) on Tuesday February 17, 2015. Gary’s special pancakes will be served from 4:00-7:00pm. The all you can eat pancake supper will be served with ham, fresh fruit, milk or coffee. Request is for a free will donation. Proceeds go toward homeless needs in River Falls and the surrounding area. AWE The AWE Group will be meeting Monday, February 16 at 9:00am at the parish hall. A continental breakfast will be served followed by a very special presentation given by Jean Abbott of Minneapolis, MN. She was misdiagnosed with Cerebral Palsy very early in her life. Jean was wheel chair bound for a number of years and to her amazement she was misdiagnosed and is leading a normal life today. She has truly experienced a miracle in her life. Please plan to attend and enjoy her wonderful story. RSVP to Audrey Murphy at 715-273-4572 by Friday, February 13. PRAYER SHAWLS If anyone is interested in knitting or crocheting prayer shawls, the quilters have yarn and patterns. If interested, please call the parish office. SCRIP ONLINE St. Francis enrollment code: F1LFEEFF36723 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL This summer’s Vacation Bible School will be held during the mornings of the week of July 13-17 for children in 4YK- 4th Grade! Fifth Graders and up - we need you to help! Save the dates! SACRIFICIAL OFFERING Last Weekend. Offertory $315.33. Adult Envelopes $9,965.50 Initial Offering - 10.00. Children’s Envelopes - $5.50 Energy Envelope - $180.00 St. Francis of Assisi Parish SAINT FRANCIS SCHOOL NEWS Our fifth grade class will sponsor their third of four bake sales on Wed., Feb. 11. Items will be sold for 50 cents apiece, with the proceeds being used toward their class trip. Everyone is invited to attend our school carnival Sun., Feb. 15 from 11:30 – 4:00! There will be games, food, prizes, and our raffle drawings! RECONCILIATION FOR FAMILY FORMATION STUDENTS IN GRADES 3-6 This is not a scheduled Family Formation Class night, parents of students in grades 3 - 6 are asked to bring their child/ children to church at 6:00pm for Reconciliation Wednesday, February 11th. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Classes for Religious Education grades 7-10 will be held on Wednesday, February, 11th, from 7:00-8:30pm. Students in all classes will have the opportunity to go to Reconciliation at some point during their class time. WEDNESDAY EVENING SUPPER Many thanks to Amy Mitchel and Mandee Brenner for providing and serving supper last Wednesday. We will be serving on Wednesday, February 11, from 6:15-7:00pm for the Religious Education classes grades 7-10. We will be serving a meatless meal on Ash Wednesday February 18 from 5:30-6:30pm. Please note that we will stop serving at 6:30 to observe the one hour fast before receiving Holy Communion. All are welcome. We do need some help on February 25 and there are some openings in March. If you can provide a dish and/or help serve, please contact Margie Kulak at Margie@riedellskates.comor 715-792-5281 (evenings). Thank you. SAINT FRANCIS BREAKFAST AND LUNCH MENU - February 9-13 Monday: Breakfast: French toast. Tuesday: Breakfast: Sausage & toast. Wednesday: Breakfast: Donuts. Thursday: Breakfast: Cheese omelet. Friday: Breakfast: Baked pancake. Lunch: Roast Turkey, mashed potatoes & gravy, dressing, carrots, and an apple. Lunch: Softshell tacos w/fixings, refried beans, peas, and mandarin oranges. Lunch: Chicken chow mein over noodles, rice, broccoli, corn, and fruit salad. Lunch: Baked ham, baby red potatoes, green beans, and pineapple bits. Lunch: Grilled cheese, tomato soup & crackers, coleslaw, and a pear cup. . LITURGIAL ROLLS Saturday, February 14 at 5:00pm. Lector – Judy Hines. Mass Servers – Brandon DeGross, Andrew and Brandon Kulpa. Eucharistic Ministers – Joe Jorgenson, Kathy Flanigan, and Barb Klecker. Sunday, February 8 at 8:30am. Lector – Mary Kiefer. Mass Servers – Lauren, Austin, and Logan Brand. Eucharistic Ministers – Mary and Norman Huppert, and Jack Hines. Sunday, February 8 at 10:30am. Lector – Mikey Brenner. Mass Servers –Mariah, Jonah, and Sophie Vogel. Eucharistic Ministers –Jean Brickner, Norman and Arlene Canfield.
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