111 SUNDAY (do not edit, Liturgical will type in correct Sunday) Welcome to the Cathedral! If you are visiting today, know that we are honoured by your presence. Our parish serves the needs of the community in many different ways. If we can be of service, do not hesitate to call on us. We pray for the Sick Joan Adamson, Maggie Benson, Anita Blackbourn, Kathleen Condon, Fr. Reg Haines, Fr. Bernard Heffernan, Frank Hoar, Bob Jaynes, Martin Jonathan, Steven Killen, Glen Lecour, Betty McPhie, Mike Rutherford and Theresa Witzes. Bible Study – Change of Venue Monday Jan 19, 2015 Due to the fire in the stone school, the venue for our weekly bible study has been moved to the staff room in the Cathedral rectory on Tuesday nights at 7PM. Please consider joining us, perhaps as a spiritual New Year's resolution! All are welcome! 7:30AM ● No Intention 12:10PM ● Ken Woodgate – Doreen & Family Tuesday Jan 20, 20, 2015 7:30AM ● Intentions of Donor 12:10PM ● Deceased Members of the Ryan Family – Peter & Catherine Offierski Wednesday Jan 21, 2015 Saint Agnes 7:30AM ● Georgina Lecour – Jean Hickey 12:10PM ● Georgina Lecour – Jack & Irene Zeyen Thursday Jan 22, 22, 2015 7:30AM ● Nathan Carveth – Dee & Martin Cullen 12:10PM ● Sheila Rose – Lyle Stewart & Sheila Rodgers Friday Jan 23, 23, 2015 7:30AM ● Intention of Donor 12:10PM ● Joan Creally – The McGrath & Readman Families Saturday Jan 24, 24, 2015 Saint Francis de Sales 9:00AM ● Thomas & Julia Heffernan & Deceased Family Members – The Family Vigil – Jan 24, 24, 2015 Of the various Christian holy days that take place throughout the year, Candlemass (or Candelaria), on February 2nd, may be one of the least well-known ceremonies in the Christian world. The celebration of Candlemass originated in the late fifth century as a tribute to the light of God's glory that was manifested in Christ Jesus. The earliest known observance within the Church was in the year AD 496, during the time of Pope Gelasius. In AD 542 the Emperor Justinian ordained that the Eastern Church celebrate the festival, which he called Hypapante, or "Meeting". The name was derived from the Gospel of Luke 2:22-40, wherein Simeon the priest and Anna the prophetess met the infant Jesus in the temple at the time of his consecration. Simeon's prophecy declared Jesus to be the Lord's salvation and "a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel." This passage continues to be the focus of the celebration. Note: Please bring your candles with you for the blessing. Feb. Feb. 3rd: 3rd: Feast of St. Blaise, bishop & martyr 5:00PM ● Arle Glover – Peter & Catherine Offierski Sunday Jan 25, 25, 2015 8:30AM ● Deceased Members of the Coulas Family – Patrick & Allan Coulas 10:00AM ● For the People 11:30AM ● Zita & Fred Breen – The Family Offertory, January 11th 11th Feb. Feb. 2nd: Feast of the Presentation of the Lord $5359. 2014 Receipts The Government of Canada has very strict regulations concerning contributions to the Church and the issuing of receipts. Please note that the tax receipts will be available prior to February 28th. REGULAR MASS TIMES Sunday Masses Saturday 5pm (Vigil Mass) Sunday 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am Weekday Masses Monday – Friday 7:30am, 12:10pm Saturday and Holidays 9:00am Confessions Saturday 3:45pm-4:45pm First Friday 7am-7:30am, 11am-12pm Devotions Mother of Perpetual Help Saturday, 8:30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday, 11am-12pm According to his Legendary Acts, while Blaise was being taken into custody, a distraught mother, whose only child was choking on a fishbone, threw herself at his feet and implored his intercession. Touched at her grief, he offered up his prayers, and the child was cured. Consequently, Saint Blaise is invoked for protection against injuries and illnesses of the throat. C•A•S•T Next Meeting The Cathedral Altar Servers Team will be holding our next meeting on Thursday, January 22nd at 5:00PM. Any new members are welcome to join!! We will be meeting in the Cathedral Church at 5:00 for a rehearsal, and then moving to the Bishop Doyle Hall for games and snacks! Boys and Girls Grade 3 and older are invited to join the CAST! Please call Father John at the Cathedral office if you have questions! CWL Thank you! Thank you! Congratulations to all the helpers who prepared and served the parish luncheon and 'Feeding the Family" dinner last Sunday. Your energy and proficiency enabled us to feed 179 people dinner within 45 minutes! Astounding!!!! Sincere thanks to the Cathedral Knights who helped us fund the dinner, to those guests who helped clean up the back hall and to the Branch 798 Knights for their generosity and co-operation especially after we lost so much in the fire. Now that's "family" dynamics in action! 111 DATE (do not edit) Knights of Columbus Please support Knights of Columbus T.V. Bingo on Cogeco Cable 10, every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Votive Lamps next to Tabernacle Jan 17 - 23 One of the candles burn this week for a very special intention and the 2nd candle burns for the Souls in Purgatory. The suggested offering is $20 each. Contact the parish office to reserve a Votive Lamp. Special Collection for New Speakers We wish to thank all of you for your generous contribution to our special collection for new speakers at the front of the Cathedral Church. In order to purchase and install the speakers, more funds will be required, so we ask all those who are willing to contribute to this worthwhile cause to please donate by marking your envelope 'Speaker Fund' and placing it in our weekly offertory collection. Thank you so much, and we look forward to being heard more clearly as we preach the Good News!! Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Peterborough Ecumenical Evening Prayer Service to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Peterborough. Opening celebration, City-Wide Ecumenical Worship Service on Sunday, January 18, 4:00 p.m. at All Saints Anglican Church, 235 Rubidge Street. The theme for 2015 is: Jesus said to her: “Give me a drink.” (John 4:7). The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman invites us to try water from a different well and also to offer a little water of our own. Bishop Linda Nicholls of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto will officiate the ecumenical service and Bishop William McGrattan of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Peterborough will be the homilist. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is a privileged moment for prayer, encounter and dialogue. It is an opportunity to recognize the richness and value present in the other, and to ask God for the gift of unity. Camp Northern Lights On January 24-25, special envelopes will be available for the annual collection for Camp Northern Lights. This camp provides a wilderness, camping experience for children from the Peterborough, Lindsay, Bowmanville, Port Hope and Cobourg areas. The camp also provides a leadership experience for hih school students from the same locates, as volunteer councilors. For further information call camp director, Fr. Bill Moloney at 705742-5466. All cheques should be made payable to ‘Camp Northern Lights’. Thanks for all your support. Fr.Bill Euchre for Seniors Immaculate Conception Parish Immaculate Conception Parish, 386 Rogers Street, Peterborough, ON is offering euchre for seniors on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month starting January 13th, 2015 at 1pm. All are welcome. $3 to play, coffee/tea provided. Please lug-a-mug to be environment friendly. Presentation by HOSPICE ST. ANNE'S WOMEN'S GROUP are hosting a presentation by HOSPICE on Monday, Jan. 26 at 7:00 pm. in St. Anne's Parish Hall. Come & learn about Hospice and the wonderful work they do. Hospice offers care to those suffering from serious, life threatening illness. Support groups are available to caregivers & family members. Hear about plans for the new facility they will be building. All members of the parish - men and women- are encouraged to attend. See the poster on the bulletin board or on the website www.hospicepeterborough.org. $2.4 Million from Canadian Government Government to Aid Displaced Iraqis Development and Peace has received an additional $2.4 million from the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) Canada to continue its humanitarian response in Northern Iraq, where there are currently over 500,000 people who have been displaced from their homes due to violent conflict. With this funding, Development and Peace will work locally with Caritas Iraq and Catholic Relief Services to bring aid to 10,500 individuals. Shelters will be upgraded to help fight the cold, and winterization kits that include heaters will be distributed. In addition, hygiene facilities will be improved, water supplies extended and six child-friendly spaces will be created to allow 1,440 children to partake in recreational, educational and psychosocial support activities. Visit http://www.devp.org for complete story. Certificate in Religion Religion & Theology Program 2015 Courses held at Mount St. Joseph. Participants will receive a Citation for completing each six-week evening course in this program. Four Citations results in the Sacred Heart Certificate in Religion & Theology. Course 2: Wednesdays 7:00-9:00pm, Feb. 4 – Mar. 11/15 the Second Vatican Council: Impact and Relevance for the 21st Century – Dr. Donald Graham www.shofp.ca or contact: Sacred Heart of Peterborough 705745-5549 Fax: 705-874 2975 or: registrar@shofp.ca Marriage Preparation Course 2015 Peterborough Sacred Heart Parish Hall – 208 Romaine St. (Deadline Jan 19/15) Jan 30, Fri. 6:30-9:00pm; Jan 31, Sat. 8:30am-4:30pm; Feb 7, Sat, 8:30am-4:30pm Bracebridge St. Joseph’s Parish Hall – 118 McMurray St (Deadline Mar. 2/15) Mar 13-15, Friday. 6:30-9:00pm; Sat. 8:30am-4:30pm; Sun, 8:30am-4:30pm
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