Plymouth Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust - Registered Charity No. 213227 The Cycle of Prayer Peace Day (Sunday 18th January) For peace between nations, a lasting peace with justice. For all who work for peace; that they may never forget the victims of war. Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity (18th—25th January) For the unity among the churches, a unity founded upon truth and compassion. For the churches, to find a common voice, to speak on matters that affect the whole of society Parish Office E-mail Please note the new e-mail address for the Cathedral Office is: The old e-mail will be no longer in service soon. Annual Christian Unity Service Church of St Andrew’s of Minster Thursday, 15 January 2015 at 7.30pm Please come and join together for this special service when all the church congregations across the city are invited to meet and share the love that Christ has given us; to celebrate His work in our city and to encourage one another. All are welcome Wednesday, 28 January 2015 at 6pm Mass to celebrate Bishop Mark’s 1st Anniversary of Ordination as Bishop All are welcome THIS SUNDAY IS PEACE SUNDAY Retiring Collection at all Masses this weekend for Pax Christi—Christian Peace Education Centre Please pray that God may bring peace to our world—in particular to the people of Iraq. We pray for an end to the terrible atrocities conducted in the name of faith, and in particular we pray for those children and innocents who have been brutally murdered and tortured. SECOND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME - Yr B Psalter 2 - Mass Times & Intentions PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF Nancy Cullen, Gerald Vaughan Williams, Mary Deligero and all those who have died recently, and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace and their family and friends be comforted. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS sick and housebound: , Otylia Witecka, Donald Sheridan, Bob Hill, Karen Tate, Fr Brian Kenwrick, Jo Cotter, Ena Fleming and her twin great grandsons, Rene & Bill Cotter, Baby Tyler Cripps, Peter Jarrett, Isabelle, Baby William Simmons, Diana Stephens, & Maggie Langmead. Plymouth Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 23-29 May 2015 Led by Bishop Mark O’Toole. Total cost: £695. Booking forms at the back of church or book online: Contact: Fr Kieran Kirby: 01803 294142 Email: What is NEW About the New Evangelisation? A talk by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon. Sunday, 1st February 2015 at 6.30pm at the Rougemont Hotel, Exeter. Price: £15 waged, £11 unwaged— includes a finger buffet on arrival. Pre-bookings only. See flyer in church or book on-line at or for more information call Debbie on: 01364645390. INDIVIDUALLY GUIDED RETREATS 2016 led by the Diocesan Ignatian Spirituality Group Details and application forms available at the back of the Church. Please book early to avoid disappointment. It is also possible to arrange retreats for one or two people at other times of the year. Contact: Fr Adrian Toffolo 01548 852670 HOLY HOUR EVERY FRIDAY including Novena to our Lady Untier of Knots Led by Mgr Nannery at 6pm in the Cathedral. All are most welcome to attend Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the cathedral Monday - Thursday 9.30am - 4.45pm, Rosary and Evening prayer at 4.20, Friday: 9.30am - 7pm , Saturday: 10.30am - 4pm. Cathedral is normally closed between 12.30pm—2pm O SACRAMENT MOST HOLY, O SACRAMENT DIVINE, ALL PRAISE AND ALL THANKSGIVING BE EVERY MOMENT THINE. World War I exhibition November 17th 2014 – February 18th 2015 Funded by The In Flanders Fields Museum. Ypres Belgium. The WW1 Chairs and memorial book are in place alongside the Peace Chapel in the Cathedral. The book contains the names of 174,000 casualties who lost their lives in Belgium between 1914 and 1918. The names of the casualties are on the left hand side of the book, the right hand side is left blank for relatives to write their stories. Please look through the book and if you have a story or anecdote please record it in the book alongside your relative. Parish News: “Gather” Festival the Toorak hotel 6th-8th February. “It is the Lord” St Joseph’s: Mass intention dates available for 25 January and 1 February (otherwise fully bookeduntil after March. Christ the King: There are a few Parish diaries left on table at the back of church A weekend with Bishop Mark and Fr Stephen Wang to explore how as a diocese we might respond to Pope Francis’ call to make evangelisation our priority. An exciting moment in the life of our local Church as we anticipate the future with fresh hope. The weekend is open to all. Cost: residential single £169, sharing £155, non-residential £105. Booking forms are available at the back of church. SEEING YOUR LIFE SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION THROUGH THE LENS OF THE GOSPEL, John 1:35-42 Baptism Preparation Programme In the Cathedral Centre, date: tba Confirmation Next meeting: on Friday,16th January 4.30-5.30 in the Cathedral Centre Young people who will be 13 years (by 14th June, 2015) are eligible to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation First Holy Communion Courses Next meeting: Tuesday, 13h January, 4.30 –5.30 in the Cathedral Centre (term time) RCIA Fridays at 7.30pm, In the Cathedral Centre. Next meeting 16th January. To enrol on any of the Sacramental Preparation courses, please contact 01752 662537 or with your name, address and tel. number. John Byrne OSA UNIVERSITY CATHOLIC CHAPLAINCY; facebook: plymouthcathsoc; twitter: @PlymouthCathsoc. Weekly activities include: Sun 11.30am Mass at Christ the King Church PL1 2EN (near The Hoe), Wed 6pm Mass, food & fellowship (at the Chaplaincy on Campus), Fri 2.15pm Rosary: 3-4pm Evangelium.Father Ian is available for pastoral support and spiritual direction. and 01752 266523 Vacancy The Diocese of Plymouth Housekeeper (part time) Location: Bishop’s/Cathedral House Salary: £7.85 per hour Hours: 12 hours, Tuesday to Thursday plus 3 hours one Sunday per month. ECUMENICAL PRAYER MEETINGS—2015 Copies of the job description are obtainable from Human Resources Department—Jan Holton—on 01364645383 or you can email Applications are by CV and covering letter. Closing date for appli- CREDO—a forum for young cations: Monday, 19 January 2015. Interviews adults to deepen their faith and will be held on Monday, 26 January 2015. spiritual life in the Catholic Catholic Children’s Society : Thank you to everyone who has collected stamps over the Christmas season in aid of the Catholic Children’s Society (Plymouth). Please note, that we do not recycle Christmas cards so please do not put them in the orange box. Thank you. Claire 07783 156284 John pointed the disciples towards Jesus as the one they should follow. Remember the people in your life who have pointed you in a new and life-giving direction? Perhaps in some cases this may have involved directing you away from your association with them, e.g. leaving home, changing jobs, etc. Accepting an invitation to ‘Come and see’ may be part of exploring a new path in life. When has this been so for you? Who issued you the invitation? What benefits came to you from accepting the invitation ? ‘Andrew did not keep the good news to himself but also invited his brother to join him in following Jesus. What is your experience of receiving, or giving, an invitation to join in some worthwhile venture.? Jesus looked at Peter and could see what he would become. Who have been the people who have been able to name for you your potential? For whom have you been able to do this? Church through prayer, discussion and community. Meeting every Sunday at 7pm. CATHEDRAL POCKET DIARIES FOR 2015 are available at the back of church. Tues, 20 Jan: 12.30pm Lunch at Oasis, 28 Manor St. Wed, 11 Feb: 7pm at the Cathedral Tues, 3 Mar: 7pm at St Joseph’s Everyone is welcome to attend. CHORISTER OPEN MORNING AT WESTMINSTER CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL. Is your son Roman Catholic? Is he aged six or seven? Could he join the world’s leading Catholic Choir? And one of the London’s top academic preparatory schools? Come and visit on Sunday, 8th February 2015, 10.30am—2.30pm. Contact Miss Lucy Auger to register, email:, Tel: 02077989081, THE CATHOLIC CHILDREN’S SO … are looking for runners (again)! If you d marathon in Rome how about the Paris M
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