ST. PAUL CATHEDRAL November 16th, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 15 S. 12th Ave., Yakima, WA 98902 Parish Phone: 575-3713 Cathedral School: 575-5604 Religious Ed.: 575-3713 Fax: 453-7497 E-mail: Web Page: Introductory Rite Opening Hymn: Jesus, Our Divine Companion Glory to God: No. 206 Liturgy of the Word Most Rev. Joseph J. Tyson Bishop of Yakima Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John A. Ecker—VicarGeneral Associate Pastor: Rev. Rogelio Gutierrez Deacon: Cathedral School: Terry Faletto, Principal Cathedral School Web Page: Parish Secretary: Viviana Cárdenas Pastoral Care: Alma Jauregui DRE: Sr. Lourdes Colin R.C.I.A.: Colette Sattler 457-4717 Music Director: Jerry Kaminski Youth Minister: Shawn Exner Life Teen Music: Todd and Elise Physical Plant Mnt.: James Colbert “The Haven” Student Outreach for YVCC students, 249-6238 or Parish Office Office Hours: Monday—Friday from 8:00 a.m.—12:00 noon and 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. Weekend Masses: Saturday Vigil—5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. (Spanish), 7:00 p.m. (Life Teen). Daily Mass: Monday, Wednesday, Friday—7:00 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday—8:00 a.m. Reconciliation: Sat., 4:00 p.m. or by Appt. Baptism: Please call parish office Weddings: Four months preparation— required Exposition & Adoration: All day Friday, from 7:30 a.m. concluding with Benediction at 6:45 p.m. No. 800 Scripture Readings: No. 1205 Responsorial Psalm: No. 1205 Blessed are those who fear the Lord. Gospel Acclamation: No. 208 RCIA Dismissal at 5:30 p.m. Go Now In Peace No. 138 Profession of Faith Liturgy of the Eucharist Offertory Hymn: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light at 11:00 a.m. only: God Has Chosen Me Holy, Holy: Mystery of Faith: No. 585 B. Farrell No. 353 We proclaim your Death, O Lord… No. 354 Amen: No. 355 Agnus Dei: No. 311 Communion Song: Christ, Be Our Light! No. 584 Concluding Rite Closing Hymn: With Gifts That Differ by Your Grace (all verses) No. 810 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Events for the Week of November 17, 2014 Mon., November 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary Thurs., November 20 Weekday Tues., November 18 Dedication of the Basilicas Fri., November 21 Presentation of Mary Wed., November 19 Weekday Sat., November 22 St. Cecilia Sacrificial Offering from Last Sunday $9,184.77 MASS FOR DECEASED BISHOPS, PRIESTS AND DEACONS: This diocesan celebration will be offered this year on Tuesday, November 18 at Christ the King Church in Richland at 5:30 p.m. Please join our Bishops, priests, and deacon community as we remember, pray for and honor the lives of all our ordained brothers, who have served the people of the Diocese of Yakima since its inception in 1951. Houck, JOAN LaFRAMBOISE, Robert Schibig, KRISTINE SIMS, Paul Wangler, and all who celebrate this week!! ALTAR OF THE DEAD: In our baptistery area near the South West corner of the Cathedral each year we set up our traditional “Altar of the Dead,” on which we place pictures of the deceased members of our family and friends. Those picPARISH ADVISORY COUNCIL: Our Cathedral Parish tures are left there throughout the month of November and Council will meet on Monday, November 17. If you have they will be remembered at Masses during the “Month of the concerns to bring before it, contact John Klingele, President Holy Souls.” Please place pictures there this weekend!! at 457-6085, Robert Wilson, Vice-President at 453-8918 or one of the members before that date. “HAVEN” HAPPENINGS: (For young adults). Praise and Worship Night—Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the Haven (810 THANKSGIVING DAY AND DINNER: It is only 1 1/2 S. 16th Avenue). Come and join in with songs, music and weekS until our nation pauses to give thanks to God for our prayers. continuing bounty and blessings. As is our custom, we shall celebrate a special MASS OF THANKSGIVING on that day, Thursday, November 27th at 9:00 a.m. in the Cathedral MASS FOR ALL THE DECEASED (no 8:00 a.m. Mass). That same afternoon under the leaderOF OUR PARISH COMMUNITY OF ship and direction of our own Will Chichenoff and his famWe owe so ily and crew, we will serve in our Cathedral Center (3rd ST. PAUL CATHEDRAL: floor of our school) a sumptuous dinner with all the fixings, much to so many who have made our for our parishioners, especially those with no extended family in the area and for their friends, the dinner is “on your Cathedral Parish of St. Paul, the Aposparish,” but we need to know of your plans to join us so that tle, such a vibrant and alive Commuadequate preparations can be made for the “feeding of the hungry multitude.” So, please call the parish office (sooner nity of Faith, especially all our parish rather than later) to make a reservation and let us know you members; laity, Religious and our orare coming. Also, if you wish to help to prepare, serve and/ or assist in the clean-up, please contact Will Chichenoff at dained bishops and priests. As part of 833-8677. our 100th Anniversary all are invited to OUT OF TOWN: Father Rogelio (Roy) is out of town visiting his family (and father, who is unwell) in Mexico until Friday, November 21st. Please hold all calls until his return and keep him in your prayers for a safe trip. HAPPY BIRTHDAY: To: Linda Bonneville, Reed Pell, Cheryl Stohr, David Trampush, ROBERT WILSON, April Adkinson, Tyler Johnson, Marie Newstead, Kristen Ballew, Kris Bell, Jackie Sgambelluri, JEFF STOHR, Catherine Chilcote, Linda McCambridge, Bruce Senger, Robert Tetreault, Richard Erickson, Helen Fernandes, Tara Hangge, Terry Marshall, Gregory Ochoa, Lloyd Schmidt, Tom Schmidt, Matthew Wellner, Maria de la Luz Avalos, Theresa Kramer, Toni Razote, Cathy Colver, Rebecca gather, remember and celebrate the lives of countless people who have died since March 19, 1914, especially those whom God has called to Himself this past year. It is only fitting that during this month of the Holy Souls, we pause to honor them. And so, a special Memorial Mass of Remembrance will be offered on Thursday, November 20 at 7:00 p.m. PARISH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP: The diocese is conducting a workshop for all the priests from Monday afternoon to Wednesday afternoon at Richland requiring your pastors to be away for these two days this week. A Eucharistic service will be conducted at the usual Mass time on Wednesday at 7:00 A.M. The other weekday Masses will be offered at the usual times. NEXT SUNDAY SCRIPTURE READINGS: If you would like to prepare for Masses next weekend, the Scripture readings are: * Prv. 31, 10-31; *1 Thes. 5, 1-6; * Mt. 25, 14-30. ABUSE HOTLINE: Our Diocese has this private line for those wishing to report incidents of sexual abuse regarding clergy, diocesan employees or church volunteers at 1-888276-4490. LIFE TEEN MASS AND NIGHT: Continues this Sunday with Mass at 7:00 p.m. in our Cathedral and Life Night following—in the Cathedral Center, (3rd floor of our school) for all high school students and their friends. SPY EDGE: Is held each Thursday at 7:00 p.m., also in our Life Teen Room in the school for all Middle School students. Info.? Contact Shawn Exner at the Parish Office. CAUTION!! Unscrupulous people are breaking into cars parked on the on the streets and in our (and other) parking lots during Masses. DO NOT LEAVE ANY-THING VISIBLE IN YOUR CARS, MAKE SURE THEY ARE LOCKED (AND ALARMED)! We have video cameras on our lot and do send people out to patrol the lot, but we can’t be guarding the whole area every minute. Please be careful!! Please report any suspicious vehicles and always inform the police if your car is broken into. ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL PLEDGE SUNDAY: Today is THE DAY! We hope and pray that you have prayed, discerned and maybe even already made a pledge to assist our Bishop and Diocese in the fulfillment of their responsibilities to the mission given them by God to go out and teach….. Baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” Don’t leave your responsibility as Church to someone else. Please help us in our parish effort to attain our share of this appeal $91,766.00 Thank you!! For more information and events. E-MAIL: PLEASE E-MAIL YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS TO US AT FOR PARISH LETTERS AND NEWS. PARISH MAILINGS: Monthly Letter: We are preparing to send out another monthly letter. To cut down on increasing postage costs, we again ask you please to forward your e-mail addresses—Thank you!! ONGOING ACTIVITIES: Spy Edge: Middle School Religious Education - Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Call Shawn for information at 575-3713. Life Teen: Sundays: Mass at 7:00 p.m., Life Nite following. Prayer Line is open for your needs: LaDonna Schoengarth at 574-8194 and Yvonne Lane at 457-8792. Mother Teresa Grief Ministry: Call Barbara Calhoun at 4537816. Knights of Columbus: 1st Monday of each month - 7:00 p.m. - Cathedral Center (3rd floor of the School). Serra Club: Supporting Diocesan Religious Vocations - 2nd Wednesday of the month. Call Maggie at 452-7683. Ultreya: 2nd Monday of Month, 7:00 p.m.- Louis 452-4461 or Stephanie 949-5457. Y.L.I.: 2nd Thursday of Month, 7:30 p.m. - Knights of Columbus Hall 56th Avenue and Chestnut. C.D.A.: Meeting at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 56th Ave. and Chestnut. Contact Thereasa Trujillo at 910-1691. RCIA: Inquiry Sessions weekly on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. Info? Call Colette Sattler at 457-4717. EVENING PRAYER: Mondays 5:30 p.m. - Chapel. ADULT EDUCATION: Call Barbara Calhoun 453-7816 or John Klingele 457-6085 coming up. HAVEN: Young Adult Drop in Center - 810 S. 16th Avenue. Tel. 509-439-9041.
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