The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Flight into Egypt – Roeland Street, Cape Town Parish Office: 16 Bouquet St, Cape Town Telephone: 021 461 1167 Mass Times/Messages: 021 461 8111 Fax: 088 021 461 8111 Presbytery: Block E, Nazareth House, Vredehoek Tel: 021 462 2586 Email The Administrator: The Very Rev. Rohan Smuts Rev. Fr. Michael Clement SAC MASS TIMES Mondays – Fridays Saturdays Sundays Public Holidays The Cathedral 13h10 18h00 10h00 & 17h00 No Mass Fr. Rohan February 22 February 23 February 24 Poor Clares in Swellendam Missa pro Populo Personal Intentions +Horace & Mary Lishman + Angus Steven + Archie Gillespie Fr. Michael February 28 PROCLAIMERS OF THE WORD – Saturday, 28th February at Christ The King in Pinelands a day of Recollection with Monsignor Andrew Borello. Morning Prayer will be at 09h15 and first talk starts at 09h30. ECCLESIA – Journey through Lent. Join a small faith sharing this Lenten Season, together we grow our faith. Commencing this week. If you have not participated previously our facilitators will welcome your call. These are the group meeting details: Margie Cook 082 4618607 – Monday 10h00, Thursday 19h00, Nazareth House Michael Baker 082 4938493 – Wednesday 19h30, Tamboerskloof Bernadette Sargeant 072 7726590/021 4610100 – Tuesday 19h00, Oranjezicht Clara Madzinga 073 6283237 – Sunday 11h30, Leslie Johnson Memorial Centre Ines Niragira (Young Adults) 073 3349631 – Sunday 11h30, Leslie Johnson Memorial Centre Villa Maria 06h45 07h10 07h30 08h00 LENTEN APPEAL – There will be a second collection every weekend during the Season of Lent, commencing from 21st February. Lenten Envelopes and Mite Boxes are available at the entrances of the respective churches. Please help yourself to these. Fr. Rodney Special Int. + Benefactors Nadeem & Hildegard Reiner + Benefactors Sr. Brigid Ddffy February 26 Mortuary List Rev. Fr. Rodney Hall Nazareth House 07h00 07h00 08h45 09h00 February 25 February 27 RETREAT DAY OF QUIET PRAYER – 28th February from 10h00 to 14h00 hosted by CLC, at Springfield Convent in Wynberg. All welcome. Assisting MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK February 21 Mortuary List Special Int.. + Mark Etherton + João Fernandes Mortuary List + Mgr. D. De Beer + Paul McSherry THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION THE CATHEDRAL: : Saturdays 09h00 – 10h00, 17h00 – 17h45 NAZARETH HOUSE: Thursdays before the First Friday of each month 09h15 – 10h00 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY In Italian, Lent is quaresima or forty (days). In German, it is Fastenzeit or time for bodily restraint. Our English word comes from an older word for spring—lenz—hence our Lent. Italian tells us how long it will last (with its symbolic overtones). German tells us what to do in that time. But English tells us what is supposed to happen, that is, we are supposed to experience a springtime of faith, a time of fresh growth and new life. PRAYER God of new life, bless us on our pilgrim way towards the great feast of Easter. Help us to know our need of your presence, breath your Spirit into our reading of the Word, teach us to set aside whatever hinders our true discipleship so that we may come to life in abundance and know in our hearts the joy of the Gospel. PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE GETTING MARRIED 28th February 07th March 21st March Nicholas Volschenk & Toni O’Connell Maximillian Freiherr von Waldenfels & Fiona Bührer Anton Fransman & Anthea Hartzenberg Dylan Onkruid & Nina Jardine COMMUNION TO THE SICK IN THE PARISH - Is there someone in your family who is sick at home or in hospital, kindly contact any of the parish clergy will arrange for the Sacraments of the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion. THE SOUTHERN CROSS – Headlines this week include Bishops want laity’s views; Vatican on good homilies; Thomas Merton still inspires at 100; What value our Lenten sacrifice; The historic churches of Catholic Munich;Editorial: Open dialogue in the Church. NAZARETH HOUSE FAITHSHARING GROUP will meet in the Parish room for 4 Thursdays commencing from Thursday, 19th February at 10h00. For further information contact Greg Landsman on 082 598 4095. Welcome to the Cathedral Parish! We hope you will be happy here. If you have not registered, kindly contact the parish office to do so. If you would like to join our Planned Giving Campaign please contact our Secretary Mrs Carlene Weitz on weekday mornings: Direct transfers are welcome to the following: BINGO/TEA – Saturday, 21st February at Monte Rosa. Anyone interest in joining, helping on the day, perhaps baking cookies or donation little gifts. Come along and have fun, all welcome. For further information contact Anik on 021 439 6986. Account name St Mary’s Cathedral Bank Standard Type Current Branch No. 020-909 Account Number 071 564 780
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