www.schoolofthecathedral.org The Wednesday Bulletin February 25, 2015 Nationally designated “Blue Ribbon School” Upcoming Events Wednesday, February 25 Student Council Meeting, 3-4 pm Thursday, February 26 Grade 4 Class Mass, 8:15 am Friday, February 27 11:45 am Dismissal Deadline to apply for Financial Aid Saturday, February 28 Confirmation Retreat Sunday, March 1 1st Grade Class Mass, 8:30 pm Tuesday, March 3 Our Daily Bread pick-up Wednesday, March 4 SCHOOL CLOSED for Professional Day Thursday, March 5 Grade 5 Class Mass, 8:15 am Friday, March 6 Stars & Stripes Dodgeball, 12:15-1:30 pm Family Ice Skate, 5-8 pm End of Trimester 2 Saturday, March 7 First Communion Learning Mass Workshop, 9 am See the full calendar on the website Dear Parents, This is the time in the life of a school community when staffing changes and needs become known. I’d like to share some changes that will take place for the 2015-16 school year. We are very grateful for the dedication, energy, and professionalism of the staff members listed below. Although it is always hard to say good bye to staff members, each are leaving for very exciting opportunities for themselves and their families. Please join me to offer them gratitude and support. Ms. Emerson - It is with sadness that I am sharing with you that I will not return to Cathedral for the 2015-2016 school year. I have enjoyed every moment and appreciated every opportunity given to me throughout my 8 years here. The reason for this change is a professional one as my goal is to one day teach future educators through undergraduate education and professional development. As such, I must expand my educational settings and coursework. As I move forward, know that I will miss the Cathedral community most of all. This community is supportive, caring, and always willing to lend a helping hand. I hope to keep in touch and appreciate your support. Mrs. Haussmann- I am sorry to say that I will not be returning to Cathedral next year, for professional reasons. I am pursing my PhD and need a variety of educational experiences, including public school. I have loved my time here at Cathedral and will greatly miss the students, staff, and families. This was a very difficult decision to make but it is the best one for my family and me right now. Thank you so much for the support over the past 3 1/2 years. I am so grateful for the experiences I have had here. I will miss everyone, especially the wonderful Cathedral students, and am looking forward to making the most of the rest of this school year. Mr. Zawisa- For the past 9 years, I’ve enjoyed practicing the art and science of teaching at Cathedral, but it’s the students, faculty, and families that I’ll miss most as I move on to pursue my dream of living and teaching overseas next school year. I have taken a position in Qingdoa, China where I’ll be teaching 5th grade at an international school. I will always have a place in my heart for every student who has passed through the 4th grade and I will always remember the Cathedral community who has made my experience here so rewarding. Thank you for everything. Mr. Wright- During my tenure as Assistant Principal, I have been lucky enough to serve with Dr. Towery in achieving many accomplishments. I have had the opportunity to be a part of developing a new strategic plan for the school, participating on the team that wrote the Blue Ribbon School application, and helped establish a technology robust campus. In only 3 years, we have developed a wireless network on campus, a 1:1 Chromebook program in middle school, and acquired iPads for kindergarten through fifth grade. Under Dr. Towery’s leadership we have increased safety measures throughout the school and updated our Emergency Response Plan, improved our English Language Arts scores on the standardized tests, and developed electives for Grades 5-8. We have expanded learning opportunities for students who are very high achieving, increased communication with the community, and received numerous grants. We have established professional learning communities with more specific and timely professional development, and procured a new gym floor and cafeteria floor and ceiling. Our tutoring offices now have a home for themselves in the North Wing and next year we look forward to obtaining a 3D printer or two. These are just a few of the “big” accomplishments I have had the privilege being a part of while serving with Dr. Towery. have also had the opportunity to learn the day-to-day and nitty-gritty aspects of serving a school community. For all of these experiences I am very grateful, which brings me to why I am writing to you today. After much considerable prayer, reflection, thought, and discussion with my family, I have decided to pursue a position as Principal. I have been blessed to serve the Cathedral community but I feel that the time is right for me to move forward in my professional career. Currently all options are on the table in regard to public and non-public schools as I look for opportunities both in state and out of state as we have family in Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida and as far away as California. Msgr. Richard Woy, Rector rwoy@cmoq.org Dr. Jane Towery, Principal jtowery@cmoq.org Mr. Michael Wright, Assistant Principal mwright@cmoq.org I am grateful for the Cathedral community more than any of you will ever know. Since 2007, my family has been lucky to call Cathedral home and experience the warm, caring, and nurturing environment that the faculty, staff, students, and parents have cultivated. I know that Dr. Towery, the teachers, and staff will continue the tradition of excellence at Cathedral and I hope that in some small way I have had an impact on making Cathedral better as well. Have a great week! Dr. Jane Towery Principal Mr. Michael Wright Assistant Principal Donations Needed for Science Night We have collected enough cardboard and now need the following for science night: • Empty paper towel rolls • Plastic bottle caps • Small figurines (polly pocket, lego men, buttons, army men, etc.) ALL ITEMS CAN BE SENT TO MS. EMERSON OR MRS. HAUSSMANN’S ROOM. Thank you! Tickets for Mulan Jr.the Box Office opens on Wednesday, March 4th Showtimes are: Friday, March 27 at 7 PM Saturday, March 28 at 7 PM Sunday, March 29 at 3 PM Tickets are $5.00 each. Mrs. Seiler will be selling tickets at the school office beginning March 4th. We fully expect to sell out! Please get your tickets early and do not plan to buy them at the door. No holds on tickets, all tickets sold first come, first served We’ll see you at the show! Counselor’s Corner Lenten Resources for Children and Families Lent is the perfect time to reinforce the lessons taught in our daily religion classes here at SCMOQ! Below are many rich and valuable resources to help explain to our children some of the mysteries of our faith. 1. Review the “Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for Lent 2015"-Make Your Hearts Firm" (Jas 5:8). Website: http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/me ssages/lent/documents/papafrancesco_20141004_messaggio-quaresima2015.html 2. "Lent 2015-Raise up. Sacrifice. Offer. Daily Inspiration for Your Lenten Journey”February 18-April 2. -This calendar is great to hang on your refrigerator and to review daily with your family before or after dinner. Download this calendar at www.usccb.org/lent 3. "Stations of the Cross for Children." The stations are adapted for children by Catherine Odell from Loyola Kids Book of Everyday Prayers at Loyola Press. Two versions are available: 1st a pdf version to print out and 2nd a lovely power point presentation with music to view with your family and pray together. •2• Website: http://www.loyolapress.com/multimedia-stations-of-the-cross-for-children.htm 4. The Catholic Toolbox is an exciting website with Stations of the Cross, activities, coloring, crafts and games all related to Lent. Website: http://catholicblogger1.blogspot. com/2012/02/ash-wednesday-lent.html 5. Explaining the Easter story to young children can be a bit challenging---the details of Jesus’ death and resurrection may be hard for some children to grasp. However, the resource below guides us in explaining the Easter story in developmentally appropriate terms—see especially page 4 entitled, “Telling the Story to Children.” Source: LENT AND EASTER IDEAS FOR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY From the Parish Resource Center LIE. Website: http://sacredheartschooldc. org/documents/Catholic%20Faith/LENTAND EASTERIDEASFORCHILDRENBOOKLET_001.pdf 6. Lenten Calendars for Kids- This is MY FAVORITE! Print out his calendar and have your children color in each day during Lent. What I love about this calendar is that you can adapt it to meet your own needs----you can write a prayer or a scripture passage in each box/day, you can add various saints’ feast days, you can add visuals for younger children, etc. Website: http://www.catholicicing.com/printable-lenten-calendar-for-kids/ Happy Wednesday, Mrs. Streett STAND- Shield the Vulnerable Parents in the process of completing the new STAND-SHIELD training 1. Brand new Volunteers follow the instructions on our website 2. Existing Volunteers who need training and/or background check- follow the instructions on the letter you received. 3. Existing Volunteers who do not need training or a background check- please register by March 16, 2015 in order to continue as a volunteer. You have received a letter if you are in this category. If you have questions, please contact Sue Seiler sseiler@cmoq.org Health News February is National Children’s Dental Health Month! Dental Emergencies Accidents can happen anywhere, anytime. Knowing how to handle a dental emergency can mean the difference between saving and losing your child’s permanent tooth. For all dental emergencies, it’s important to take your child to the dentist or an emergency room as soon as possible. Here are some tips if your child experiences a common dental emergency: • For a knocked-out tooth, keep it moist at all times. If you can, try placing the tooth back in the socket without touching the root. If that’s not possible, place it in between your child’s cheek and gum, or in milk. Call your dentist right away. • For a cracked tooth, immediately rinse the mouth with warm water to clean the area. Put cold compresses on the face to keep any swelling down. • If your child bites his tongue or lip, clean the area gently and apply a cold compress. • For toothaches, rinse the mouth with warm water to clean it out. Gently use dental floss to remove any food caught between the teeth. Do not put aspirin on the aching tooth or gum tissues. • For objects stuck in the mouth, try to gently remove with floss but do not try to remove it with sharp or pointed instruments. Mouthguards Mouthguards can help protect your child from a dental emergency. They should be worn whenever your child is participating in sports and recreational activities. Mouthguards cushion blows that would otherwise cause broken teeth, injuries to the lips and face and sometimes even jaw fractures. If your child participates in such pastimes, ask your dentist about custom-fitted mouth protectors. The School of the Cathedral • February 25, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org MSGR. WOY’S WEEKLY MESSAGE PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE 1st GRADE CLASS MASS SUNDAY, MARCH 1st, 8:30AM Reception immediately following in the Undercroft. All are invited! Next Our Daily Bread Pick-Up is on March 3rd Financial Aid Reminder: Financial Aid applications for the 2015-2016 school year are now being accepted. Please log into the FACTS website and complete the application under the Grant and Aid tab. Application deadline is February 27, 2015. CATHEDRAL WELLNESS COMMITTEE Dear Friends, I am pleased to announce the arrival of our new office manager! Please welcome Lori Ryan to our parish as she begins work on Monday as our new office manager. For the past 10 years, she has been administrative assistant at the Immaculate Conception Church, Towson. Besides her organizational and interpersonal skills, Lori understands the workings of a large Catholic parish office. She and her family are longtime active members of Immaculate Conception. We are blessed to have her become part of the CMOQ staff. We are reviving a program to welcome new parishioners. In the course of a calendar year, over 125 new families register at our parish. Currently, we have no formal way to welcome them and orient them to the life of our parish. Elizabeth Stoops of our Development Office has been working on this project and plans to have an initial "Welcome Program" on Sunday, March 22nd after the 11AM Mass. Invitations will be sent to all families who have registered over the past 12 months. If you know someone new to the parish, please encourage them to register and attend the gathering on March 22nd. Moving forward, we will have four welcome sessions a year. It is our hope that these sessions will be hosted in the homes of parishioners in the various neighborhoods where the newly registered live. If you would like to help in this project, give Elizabeth a call at the parish office. Thanks so much for your positive response to the Archbishop's Annual Appeal. As of Wednesday, nearly $80K has been pledged to this year's campaign. Remember this year your contributions to the Appeal minus expenses are returned to the parish to support the hiring of a Director of Faith Formation and a Youth Minister. I am very grateful to Dave and Penny Krall who are chairing the campaign for our parish. You can make your gift online at www.archbalt.org. Be sure to indicate you are a member of the Cathedral so the parish is credited with your gift. Hopefully by now you have received our Lenten mailing detailing the opportunities for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during this holy season. In particular, I would like to invite you to participate in this Friday's service project: Decorating "Empty Bowls." This project helps support the St. Vincent DePaul Society's outreach to the hungry and homeless of our city. See the enclosed flyer for complete details on this Lenten Friday project. The evening includes a simple soup and bread meal and a concluding reflection led by Fr. Andrew. The harsh winter weather has been taking a toll on Sunday Mass attendance. Please be mindful of making up for any missed offertory contributions! THANKS!!! Finally, please pray for the repose of the soul of Susan Tippett, who was buried from the Cathedral last Saturday. My understanding is that she was a charter member of the parish and a very active parishioner prior to failing health. May she rest in peace! Have a Good Lent! Msgr. Woy Cathedral Wellness Committee FAQ What does the Wellness Committee do? The Committee is an action-based group focused on ways to strengthen and improve the health and well-being of Cathedral students, faculty and families. Who is on the Committee? Faculty, staff and parents including: Cathy Lobo, Mia White, Bernadette Streett, Ginna Kelly, Karen Wuestenfeld, Lindsay Senker, Mark Zawisa, Ann Marie Barbour, Andrea Tucker and Dr. Towery. When are meetings? The Committee meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 3 pm. Meetings are open and welcome parent participation! For more information, questions or comments please contact us at wellness@cmoq.org Interested in getting involved in either initiative? Please email: wellness@cmoq.org CASPA Corner News for All Parents If you are interested in participating on the CASPA Board for the 2015-2016 school year, or would like to nominate someone for the CASPA Board, please contact Jenai Paul at jenaipaul@hotmail.com Camp Auction coming soon! Table will be set up in the foyer March 2nd. Some camps include: Friends, Cardinal Hoops Camp, Calvert Hall Theater, and Steele Stanwick Lacrosse. Attn: Parents of 3rd, 4th and 5th graders...CASPA and The Children's Bookstore are pleased to announce Claudia Friddell, author of Goliath will be visiting on Thursday, February 26th. She will speak about her book and the history of the Great Baltimore Fire, as well as elaborate on her writing process and motivation for this particular accomplishment. Thank you to those who purchased a copy of Goliath. Join us for the upcoming events: Friday, March 6th from 5-8 pm: Family Ice Skate Night at Mt. Pleasant Ice Arena. The registration flyer is also attached to this bulletin. Tuesday, March 10th from 12:00-1:15 pm: Lunch & Learn with Deborah Kaufman RD, LDN at the Parish Center. Deborah will present Healthy Eating and Healthy Weight: Fact vs. Fiction. Lunch will be served. Friday, March 13th from 7-10 pm: Pre-party at Mt. Washington Tavern.Follow us on Facebook to get all the latest updates – The Cathedral Ball 2015 and check out the live entertainment for the Prom on YouTubeThe Reagan Years, The East Coast's Original 80's Tribute Band. See you there! The School of the Cathedral • February 25, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org •3• Cardinal Cup Art Contest Community News The Painting Workshop offering many classes for all ages. Brochures are available in the office. For information call 410-6029799 (office) or e-mail classes@thepaintingworkshop.com Painted Nest Interior and Decorative Painting, Cathedral parent Emily McGeady 410-428-3641, Experienced, Dependable, Detail Oriented, Reasonable Rates. Got books? Local charities: TurnAround, Our Daily Bread, Sisters Academy, Family Crisis Center and Beans and Bread are in need of children's books (preschool-12). Contact Andrea to donate: tuckersba@verizon.net Community Service Opportunity in Lacrosse: CCYL, "Charm City Youth Lacrosse" is looking for 7th & 8th boys and girls to help on Saturdays 9am-12 noon in downtown Baltimore City areas. We will be helping low income inner city kids to learn the sport of lacrosse in a fun and kind way! Come out and help these kids learn the sport, help with uniforms, the gear, the rules, stick work, scrimmages and more! If you love helping kids, want to make a difference in someone's life, and have a passion for the sport of lacrosse, we look forward to seeing you :-) Please email or call Michelle Hamed -McGonnigal, Advisory Board Member for CCYL #410-274-9500 (c) or personal emma_82003@yahoo.com. Thank you for helping out for such a great cause, our children in Baltimore City! Free Piano to a good home: A lovely piano is looking for a new home. Formally the teaching piano for a well known classically trained soprano and pianist. Finish is a bit worn, will need to be tuned after move. Last tuned in 2010. Free- just need to come get it. Available immediately. Contact Kate Culotta for information and pictures. krculotta@msn.com Free to Good Home: Two female guinea pigs need a home! Cage and accessories provided, all free of charge. Very easy pets, great for children of all ages. Contact Hilary at (443) 602-2809. Mass for the Sick The 5:30PM Mass on Friday, February 27th is our Monthly Mass for the Sick. Please join us and bring the names of the infirm you would like to include in our collective prayer for the sick. (Note: There is no anointing of the sick at this Mass.) The completed Petition Slips will be taken to the celebrant at the Offertory and placed on the altar. Thank you. •4• Open to All Students. Prizes for all who enter! • • • • • • %*$-%& %+"!-&&"#,!%&-% Orioles playoff run!) BE CREATIVE, KEEP IT SIMPLE ! !''#&"""$%!'!) ' &$&("$"!.)+(&" #'&$##$ $&("$(&! " $"" "!!#! DEADLINE: Wednesday, March 4, 2015. GRAND PRIZE WINNER TO BE USED ON THIS TOTE BAG Runners-'#&"'%"$$#$" "&"!$"'!town !&$%&"'!&%""!"!$day '%&"!%"!&&!*$(!*$" %&!&) 2014 MSA WINNER Jesus R. 2014 SCMOQ WINNER Nellie B. First Friday Parish Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Blessed Sacrament Chapel March 6, 2015 Schedule 8:45 a.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 a.m. Private Adoration 11:30 a.m. Catholic Evidence League Rosary 12:00 noon Catholic Evidence League Mass 12:30 p.m. Private Adoration 5:15 pm. Benediction & Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament If you can be a Eucharistic Visitor for one (or more) of the Private Adoration half-hour slots on March 6th, please print your name and telephone number on the sheet at the entrance to the Chapel. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Healthcare Ministers are especially encouraged to sign up. Thank you. (Note: The Adoration Chapel in the Cathedral Parish Center will be closed during the First Friday Devotions in the Cathedral.) The Archdiocese of Baltimore Catholic Schools will be participating in the St. Patrick Parade on Sunday, March 15, 2015! It’s a great way to show Cathedral pride at a VERY FUN PARADE! The parade starts at 2:00 and children are asked to be at Mt. Vernon Square by 1:30! Students should come dressed in school uniforms or Cathedral sports uniforms, and are encouraged to wear St. Patty’s Day hats, beads, shamrocks, and more! Please contact Mia White mwhite@cmoq.org for questions. The School of the Cathedral • February 25, 2015 • www.schoolofthecathedral.org
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