PARISH OF URNEY AND ANNAGELLIFF 8 March 3rd Sunday of Lent 2015 Parish Office, Presbytery, Farnham Street, Cavan Telephone 049-4331404 email: facebook/cavan cathedral parish Office Opening Hours Office Opening Hours to Friday from 9.30am-7pm Cathedral Monday toMonday Friday 9.30am – 7pm Bookshop Saturday 1pm-2pm daily Saturday 10am – 4pm 10am-4pm Closed 1pm – Closed 2pm daily The bookshop open The office is closed on Bank Holidays. In the event of an emergency theispriest The office is closed on Bank Holidays. In the event of before and after on duty can be contacted outside office hours on 049-4331404. an emergency the priest on duty can be contacted weekend masses. For outside office hours on 049-4331404 sale in the shop: cards for St. Patrick’s Day, CONFIRMATION Saturday 21st March at 12 noon in Cathedral Mother’s Day, First FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONS Communion and Saturdays 25th April and 9th, 16th May in Cathedral Confirmation among Sunday 17th May in St. Aidan’s, Butlersbridge and other items. Saturday 23rd May in St. Brigid’s, Killygarry Urney Saturday 1st August at 7pm ADORATION Butlersbridge Sunday 2nd August at 10.30am St. Clare’s Adoration Chapel Daily 11am to 10pm St. Aidan’s, Butlersbridge Tuesdays 7pm– 9pm ROSARY St. Brigid’s, Killygarry Thursdays 8.30pm Day of Silent Prayer for mother’s living and deceased in the Adoration Chapel, St Clare’s on Sun 15th Mar 11am to 10pm. Sanctuary lamps will be available on the day which will burn until 10pm. People are invited to return week beginning Mon 16th and bring their lamps home. Suggested donation €5 SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 3pm – 4pm; 7pm -7.30pm CATHEDRAL BAPTISM PREPARATION Obligatory Baptism Preparation classes are held on 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month in the Conference Room at the rear of the Cathedral. The class begins at 8pm and finishes at 9.30pm. Limited places available on each night so early booking essential at the Presbytery 049-4331404. RECENT BAPTISMS We welcome into the Christian Community Alice Elliott, Arianna McDonagh, Chidozie Anyiam, Isabelle Fay, Reeva Busschots, Shalom Okafor, Shield Okafor, Thelma Okafor who were baptised recently. Baptisms in our Parish Cathedral 1 , 3 & 5th weekend of month Killygarry nd 2 weekend of month Butlersbridge 4th weekend of month st rd Baptism times Saturdays 5pm Sundays 12.30pm Pastoral Centre, Cullies - Events for Lent Baptism Preparation This year’s series of Lenten See Reflections Pastoral noticeinonthethis page Centre, Cullies, continue on Tues 10 March at 7:30pm with Stations of the Cross, a reflection on ‘The Disciples who fell asleep’ given by Paula Gallagher, Rosinver and Benediction. All welcome. JOHN MAIN MEDITATION GROUP Meditation group meet each Wednesday at 7.45pm in the Holy Rosary Chapel. Everyone welcome. Kilmore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2015 Wednesday 27th May to Monday 1st June Flights from Knock & Dublin airports. Pilgrim bookings to Pastoral Centre 049-4375004 ext 100, Mon – Fri 10am – 1pm. Assisted Pilgrims book with Fr. Kevin Fay, Upper Lavey, Ballyjamesduff phone 087 8579968 or email Killygarry Church Committee There will be a short meeting of the church committee in Killygarry Community Centre on Mon March 9th at 9pm. ****************************************** Prayers through Song with Virginia Gospel Choir In Killygarry Church on Fri 13th Mar at 8.15pm. Donations to Cavan Autism Parents Support. LECTIO DIVINA GROUP Everyone welcome to come to the Conference room at the back of Cathedral every Tuesday after 10am Mass to study Sunday’s Gospel. ******************************************************* Bereavement Care If you have lost somebody close to you, you may wish to talk to a bereavement counsellor. You can access counselling in Cavan by phoning 049 4371363 CHY Forms It would be much appreciated if anyone who received a CHY 4 form with their annual receipt would complete and return it to The Presbytery. We can then apply to revenue to get some money back!! MASS TIMES during LENT in our Parish St. Clare’s Chapel Monday to Friday 7.30am & 1.05pm Cathedral Monday to Saturday 10am Butlersbridge Wednesday 7.30pm Killygarry Friday 7.30pm Sunday Masses at normal times in all churches Trocaire Boxes are available at the back of all the churches
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