Parish Newsletter

We, the parishioners of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, welcome all people who wish to share our dream of building a faith community of justice, love and peace. We seek to live
the gospel of Jesus Christ, to gather the community and tell the story, to break the bread and share the cup.
Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Parish Newsletter –Sunday 25th January 2015
Parish Contacts
Fr. George Begley C/O Parish Office 8249651
Parish Pastoral Worker: Clinton Maher 8218910
Parish Office: Huntstown / Hartstown 8249651
9.30am to 12.30pm Monday to Friday
Parish Pastoral Council: Enquiries to Chairperson c/o
Huntstown Church.
St. Vincent de Paul Society 7pm on Mondays.
If you need to contact the SVP the telephone number for the
Dublin Office is 01 855 0022
Sacred Heart of Jesus N.S. Tel 8216400
Mary, Mother of Hope S.N.S. Tel. 8128693
Mary, Mother of Hope. J.N.S. Tel. 6405655
St. Benedict’s N.S. Ongar Tel. 6403011
Sunday: Huntstown Sat. Vigil 7pm, Sunday 12 Noon,
Littlepace 10.30am
Weekdays: Huntstown Monday and Friday 10am.
Littlepace Tuesday & Thursday 10am
Communion Service: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
10am Huntstown
Holy Days: Vigil 7.30pm Huntstown, Holy Day 11am
Littlepace 7.30pm.
First Fridays: 10am Visitation of the Sick and Housebound in
the Parish.
Huntstown Saturdays after 7pm Mass
Littlepace Sundays 10am-10.15am
Marriages: By arrangement. Even when ceremony takes
place elsewhere, 3 months notice is required.
Baptisms: Huntstown: First Saturday of the month at 2.30pm.
Littlepace: Third Saturday of the month at 2.30pm. All inquiries
Re. Baptisms to Pamela @ 8249651. Prayer Group: First
Friday of the Month in Huntstown Church at 8pm
Linking Blakestown, Hartstown,
Huntstown, and Mountview
Thanks to all those who attended the
Assembly yesterday. We hope to let
you know the outcome over the next
few weeks.
Cluster Prayer
As we prepare for the assembly of our
four parishes, guide us by the light of
your Holy Spirit. Conscious of your
love for us help us to pray and work
for the success of the Assembly.
Going forward in a spirit of unity and
fellowship, give us the grace to make
the Kingdom of God more real in our
lives. We make this prayer through
Christ our Lord. Amen.
School Registration
Sacred Heart of Jesus National School
Huntstown will be accepting
applications for enrolment in Junior
Infants September 2015 on Tuesday
3rd, Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th
February 2015 at the school from
10.00am to 12.00 Noon each day and
evening Registration on Thursday 5th
February from 7.30pm to 8.30pm.
All applications must be accompanied
by an original Birth Certificate and
photocopy of same, Baptismal
Certificate and Proof of Address in the
form of two current utility bills.
Irish Catholic
The Irish Catholic Newspaper is
available for sale at the cost of €1.80.
Catholic Schools Week
25th-31st January
All this week, the annual celebration of
Catholic education gives us all the
opportunity to be more aware of the
unique contribution that our Catholic
schools make to Irish life. Our theme
this year us Catholic Schools – Called
to Serve. During the week we invite
you to take time to reflect on the
service that Catholic schools give to
children, parents, families and
communities. We also ask you to
consider how best you can offer
support to the service that your child’s
Catholic school provides in so many
different ways.
If you know somebody who is ill or housebound please let Fr. George know.