St Aelred’s Church

Fr Jim Leavy
Deacon David Arblaster
St Aelred’s Church
71 Woodlands Drive HG2 7BE
Bulletin items:
Hall bookings on-line:
Diocese of Leeds – reg Charity No 249404
All Saints
Divine office week 3
for week beginning Sun 2nd November 2014
Nellie Walsh
People of the Parish
Donor’s Intention
Holy Souls
Special Intention
Special Intention
Dead List
Private Intention
St Charles Borromeo
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - Mon-Fri 8am-9pm. Co-ord for November: Edna ! 886933.
Last week’s collection: Gift Aid: £417; Planned: £48. Loose: £243. Total £708. Missions: £353.
Please pray for those who have died recently especially Sheila Newbould; those who are sick, especially Alan
Cartwright, Sean Quinn, Darrell Varley, Sheri Clifford, Alice Hart, Jim Norton, Sam Guilfoyle, Ann Jensen, Chris Platts,
Margaret Coleman, Zoe McGrath, Marie O'Brien, Mabel Bennett, those in the hospital or whose anniversaries occur
about now, especially Nellie Walsh.
Eucharistic Ministers
Edna Gibson Dolores Omand Margaret Buck Julie Boothman
Margaret Boland Tim Bird Angie Smith John Cornforth
Michael McCann Paula Brooks
Philip Rowe Margaret Miller
Judith Slater
Jim White
Charismatic Renewal Prayer Group - In the Adoration Chapel. Wednesdays at 7pm. All welcome.
Shoe Boxes For Romania - It's Shoe Box time once again! Please support this very worthwhile project to help the
poor and needy elderly people of Romania. Boxes and information sheets are available at the back of church. Boxes
MUST be returned by Tuesday 11th November at the very latest. Boxes received after this date will be too late for
delivery this Christmas. For further information please contact Sean Boyle on 01423 885439 or 07961 815392.
Youth Sunday will be on 23rd November, the Feast of Christ the King. Some young people or friends of the Youth
Service have volunteered to speak at Masses on 22nd/23rd November across the Diocese.
St Aelred's World War 1 Centenary Labyrinth During 1-16th November. The Parish will honour all those who
died in wars of the last century with a 'Poppy Labyrinth' on the lawn. (See the leaflet for an explanation). The children
of the Parish will help in making the poppies. We would also like to gather the thoughts, prayers, photos and
memories of Parishioners whose families have been affected by any war in any part of the world since 1914. Would
you be willing to lend some photos or write a few words, or let Bernadette Broderick or Pippa Bonner write these
down with you, by name or anonymously? They would go into a Parish booklet and be displayed in the Hall during the
time of the Labyrinth. The purpose of this Parish project will be to continue to pray for Peace. Please contact
Bernadette Broderick on 875311 or Pippa Bonner 547394 with any queries. Thank you - Pippa Bonner.
Harrogate and Knaresborough Jubilee Debt Campaign are holding a meeting on Thurs 6th November at 7.30pm
at the Friends Meeting House, 12a Queen Parade. The main speaker is Dr David Golding on 'The State of Debt'.
Dates for your Diary – Nov 15th CAFOD Quiz Night; Nov 12th - Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm; Nov 30th –
Christmas Fayre.
November List – This is the month when we remember and pray for our deceased family members and relatives. If
you would like to have your family remembered in Mass during the coming year, please enter their names and place
them in an envelope, clearly marked ‘November List’. Envelopes are available at the back of Church.
Traidcraft Christmas Cards/Palestinian Goods - An opportunity to buy or order! On 2nd November there will be a
chance to look at a selection of Traidcraft Christmas cards, as well as Advent calendars and other Christmas items in
the hall after 10 o'clock Mass. Items can be purchased or ordered at that time. There will also be some items on sale
from the West Bank, Palestine. These almonds, dates and olive oil have been grown sustainably. This is a wonderful
opportunity to show practical support for people who are struggling to support their families. Items can also be
viewed in the church shop after Saturday Mass on 1st November. Thank you for your support with these very
deserving causes.
SVP - Next meeting Tuesday 11th November at 6.30pm in the Parish Room.
Luncheon Club - Friday 14th November. Menu fish pie and garden peas followed by fruit strudel and custard. Pleas
sign up on list at the back of church. Christmas lunch tickets now on sale. For more information ring Marion 889566.
Episcopal Events - Ordination of Mgr Marcus Stock. Please note below the events leading to the ordination of our
new Bishop: Tues, 11th November at Leeds Cathedral - Ecumenical Vespers at 5.30pm - attended by the Bishops of
England and Wales - open to all. Wed 12th November at Leeds Cathedral at 6.30pm - Vespers in the presence of Mgr
Marcus Stock, Bishop Elect - open to all. Thurs 13th November at Leeds Cathedral at 12noon - admittance by
invitation only
(This event will be streamed on the internet via the Diocese of Leeds website: Fri 14th November - Celebration of Catholic Schools at 10am. Sunday 16th November Mass at the Cathedral at 11am - open to all.
OUR CHRISTMAS FAYRE will take place on Sunday 30th November after Mass. Please make a note in
your diary. A Stallholder's Schedule is on the notice board. Please add your name if you can help on the
day. If you have any new or innovative ideas for the Fayre please add them to the list. Could you please
consider leaving a donation for the Raffle or Stalls in the Resource Area at the back of the Church? More
news next week. Thank you. Mike 886986.
Deanery Day of Renewal - Saturday 8th November from 11.30 to 4pm in our
church hall. Speaker will be Deacon Keith Ballard who is based at Holy Redeemer
Parish in Huddersfield. He has recently retired as headmaster of one of our Catholic
high schools. His talk will be "Playing on God’s team”. There will be a shared table for
lunch so please bring a small contribution. For more information please ring Gill
Allcorn 01423 885321 or visit our web site
CAFOD Quiz Night - Saturday 15 November. Tickets on sale after each Mass £5
adult £2 child. Light refreshments provided and licensed bar. All proceeds to our
Connect 2 Ethiopia project.
This week’s Birthdays
Nikolaj Furman
Charlotte Warren
Noel Jose
Please keep all our children
in your prayers
St John Fisher School Production of Oliver - Tickets are now on sale for St John Fisher’s School Production of
Oliver! The show will take place from 7.30pm on 25, 26, 27, 28 November in the School Hall. Tickets are available
at You can also buy tickets in person at Harrogate International
Festivals box office at 32 Cheltenham Parade or phone 562303.
The Ebola outbreak hits hardest at the poor and the vulnerable in affected countries, where healthcare systems are
fragile, and where people are unable to go to their farms or earn a living in the market-place. A huge concerted effort
is needed to contain the spread of the Ebola virus. The World Health Organisation has reported that the number of
people infected with the Ebola virus in West Africa has reached 10,000, with nearly 5,000 deaths. Mali is the latest
country in the region to record a death. A box will be left at the church entrance for your contributions. Please take a
Gift Aid form to accompany your offering. For every pound you contribute, Gift Aid will increase the value of the
donation by a further 25p.
Made for Giving
A ‘Wellspring’ of creativity by local artists for you to buy & give. A charity art & craft sale in
aid of Wellspring Therapy & Training will be held on Saturday 8th November 10am to 4pm at the Welcome Centre at
St Andrew’s Church, Starbeck. There will be paintings, prints, jewellery, turned wood, stained glass, textiles &
ceramics - ideal as Christmas presents – and hand-made Christmas decorations and cards. There will also be
refreshments and a raffle. Admission free. There is a preview evening on Friday 7th November 6.30 - 9pm when
there will be drinks and nibbles and you can view and buy the arts & crafts. To come to the preview ring Beth
Fennerty (523460) or contact Wellspring on 881881 (or email: to request tickets.
Mothers' Prayers - 7th November - Hilda Tel 886673.
Catholic Care AGM – 6th November 2014 at Little Sisters of the Poor, Leeds at 2 pm. Guest Speaker, Professor
Graham Mulley, eminent speaker on services for older people in Leeds. All Welcome.
Parish Council – next meeting Wednesday November 12th at 7.30pm.
Please join us for tea and coffee after 10am Mass on Sunday.