News & Notices News & Notices THE BEATITUDES - next Sunday 19 October will be “SONGS OF YESTERYEAR” - we have been invited an evening service of contemporary worship led by Revd Mark, with teaching on “The Merciful”. to sing at Castle Street Day Centre this Thursday 16 October at 1.30pm. We are always given the warmest welcome there, so if you would like to join in please let Sheila Gardner or Janet Kay know. Words to the songs will be supplied - no previous experience needed! PORTCHESTER REMEMBERS - an informal evening of poetry and reflections from the works of The War Poets will be held on Wednesday 15 October at 7.30pm. CHRIS MATHIAS - is having a busy year this year. He was baptised at St Mary’s on 30 March, married Kirsten on 10 May and is now to be confirmed at Portsmouth Cathedral next Saturday 18 October. Anyone is welcome to attend the service. Please keep Chris in your prayers. EXPLORING CHRISTIAN HEALING DAY - on Saturday 18 October from 9.30am to 3.30pm at Portsmouth Cathedral. This is a day aimed at all who are interested in exploring the principles and practice of Christian healing. It is open to all clergy and lay people. Further details on notice board at the back of church or speak to Sheila Gardner or Barbara Andrews who are already planning to attend. DAY OF PRAYER - on Friday 24 October beginning at 9am with Morning Prayer and with various prayer groups throughout the day, ending with an evening prayer group. Times and venues to be confirmed. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN PORTCHESTER - will be celebrating “One World Week” with a service at the Methodist Church on Friday 24 October at 6.30pm. SCHOOLS MONASTIC PROJECT on Saturday 1 November 10am - 12noon. Any member of the church who is interested is welcome - children are especially welcome. Please sign up on sheet on notice board as we need numbers for catering and work book. A donation of £2 per person will cover costs. STELLA STARR - A service of thanksgiving for Stella will be held on Monday 27 October at 12.30pm at St George’s Church Waterlooville. All welcome. A service of committal for family only will take place beforehand. TRINITY 17 12 October 2014 At St Mary’s we are a people of prayer, learning and growing in faith together. Our vision is to be a caring and welcoming church family who reach out with the love of God into our local community and the world. THE MINISTRY TEAM TRAINING DAY ON MENTORING - on Saturday Revd Dr Ian Meredith (Vicar) 22 November 10am - 4pm at St John's, Fareham. Please sign on sheet on notice board if you intend going. There will be a discounted cost of £10 for this payable on the day. (It would normally be £22) Tel: 02392 375422 / e-mail: (Day off Monday) Revd Mark Williams (Curate) Tel: 07873 406558 / 01329 482688 e-mail: (Day off Monday) Nell Wycherley (Hon. Reader) Tel: 01329 232461 Pat Poil (Hon. Reader) Tel: 01329 667513 Revd Anne Boggust (Hon. Asst Priest) Tel: 01489 573586 PRIORY BEARS - in recognition of St Mary’s past as an Augustinian priory, we now have small ‘Priory teddy bears’ on sale in the New Room at £4 each. They are dressed in a black robe with a cowl, have a knotted cord around their waist and they carry a small scroll with information about 12th century priors. They make great little keepsakes! And don’t forget to buy your St Mary’s calendars / diaries for 2015 – they are selling fast! THE REAL ADVENT CALENDAR - an initial stock of PARISH OFFICE the Real Advent Calendar will be available this week in the New Room priced £3.99 each. To avoid disappointment, please use the sign-up form in the New Room so that, if necessary, further supplies can be ordered. Be sure to do this by the end of October. Portchester Parish Hall, Assheton Court PO16 9PY KEEPING IN TOUCH - the October edition is in Do call in if you’d like information on any aspect of parish life, to buy tickets for an event, or to book a baptism or a wedding. church this morning so don’t forget to take a copy home with you after the service! Tel: 02392 321380 Email: Open Tuesday-Friday 10am-12noon, Saturdays - by appointment only This Sunday Diary for Next Week Welcome to St Mary’s this morning! Please stay for refreshments served in the New Room after the 10 o’clock service. Morning Prayer will be said in church at 9am, Monday to Friday 8am HOLY COMMUNION 10am PARISH EUCHARIST & JUNIOR CHURCH 12.30pm BAPTISM SERVICE We welcome Ava Davidson and her family 6pm SUNG EVENSONG followed by teaching “Hungering and thirsting” Almighty God, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you: pour your love into our hearts and draw us to yourself, and so bring us at last to your heavenly city where we shall see you face to face; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you. 11.30am Schools’ team at Castle Primary 2.30pm Schools’ team at Red Barn School Tuesday 14 October MPR: Psalm 73 / 1 Kings 22. 1-28 11.30am Woodland Court service Wednesday 15 October 10.30am St Mary’s Lambs (New Room) 2.30pm Carleen Care Home service 6.30pm Mid-week Eucharist 7.30pm Talk “The War Poets” (in church) Thursday 16 October MPR: Psalm 78. 1-39 / 2 Kings 1. 2-17 1.30pm “Songs of Yesteryear” (Castle Day Centre) 6.45pm Alpha course (Highslopes Community) 7.30pm Choir practice Friday 17 October MPR: Psalm 55 / 2 Kings 2. 1-18 10am Parish Hall Eucharist Saturday 18 October Luke the Evangelist MPR: Psalm 145 / Isaiah 55 Exodus 32. 1-14 Philippians 4. 1-9 Matthew 22. 1-14 6pm Confirmation of Chris Mathias (Cathedral) Exodus 33. 12-end 1 Thessalonians 1. 1-10 Matthew 22. 15-22 In your prayers for this parish - for Revs Ian, Mark, Anne and Trevor; for Richard and Hazel (churchwardens); the Alpha Course; for David Cain, the choir and musicians. MPR: Psalm 71 / 1 Kings 21 THIS SUNDAY’S READINGS NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Please remember the following in your prayers: Monday 13 October MPR: Psalm 77 / 1 Kings 22. 29-45 Collect for the 17th Sunday of Trinity This Week’s Prayers In your prayers for the Diocese & Deanery - for the parish of St Paul, Sarisbury, the clergy and all who worship there. Give thanks for many blessings received in the parish. Pray for the appointment of a Children & Family’s worker; their building development plans; those attending the Alpha course. In your prayers for Portchester - for those who live in The Kingsway, Windsor Road, Romsey Avenue, Shrubbery Close, Norgett Way In your prayers for the world around us last Friday, 10 October, was Mental Health Day: please pray for all who suffer from mental illness and for those who support and care for them including staff at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, Solent Health Trust and in the private sector. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; ….” (Psalm 23. 4) In your prayers for those who are ill John Hahn-Dearling, Christine Cass, Jill Griffiths, Keith Wilson, Ian Wright In your prayers for those who have died— Sunday 19 October - Trinity 18 8am Holy Communion 10am Parish Eucharist and Junior Church 9.30 for 10am Teens’ group in the Parish Hall 6pm Contemporary evening worship followed by teaching - “The merciful” If you know of anyone in the parish who is ill, please let one of the Ministry Team know.
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