KILLEADAN MASSES: Saturdays /Eve of Holidays: 7.30pm Sundays / Holy Days: 10am, 12 noon All Weekdays: 10am Friday evenings: 7.30pm CONFESSIONS: Saturdays: 2 - 3pm & 7 - 7.20pm First Fridays: 7 - 7.20pm ADORATION: Every Thursday: 10.30 - 8pm Every Friday: 10.30am - 7.30pm PARISH NEWS REV. PADDY KILCOYNE, P.P. 094 9381198 / 087 2300569 Newsletter: www. Web-Cam: Rev. PAT LYNCH Priest in Residence 087 2842405 / 094 93 81492 Saturday 8 Nov 7.30pm Sunday 9 Nov 10am CRAGGAGH 11am Monday 10 Nov 10am Tuesday 11 Nov 10am Wednesday 12 Nov 10am Thursday 13 Nov 10am Friday 14Nov 10am 7.30pm Saturday 15 Nov 10am 11am 7.30pm Sunday 16 Nov 10am ~ MASSES FOR THE WEEK ~ RITA and JAMES CREIGHTON and the deceased members of the family Deceased members of the O’Brien and Reaney families, Derryclaugh LORETTA, TOM and SEAMUS WILSON, Ara Holy Souls Holy Souls Private Intention KATE & PATRICK COSTELLO, Aiden Street Holy Souls ANDY CARNEY, Cultrasna - 4th anniv BRÍD HERRAGHTY, Bohola Road - 2nd Anniv SARAH McNICHOLAS, Greyfield - Months Mind DENNY CHARLTON, James Street, and his son DAVID Private Intention (J.C.) Recent Deaths Pray for KATHLEEN STAUNTON, Thoams Street, who died recently. READERS FOR NOVEMBER Nov 9th Nov 16th 7.30pm 10am 12 noon 7.30pm 10am 12 noon Gerry King Rosaleen McHugh Evelyn Walsh Fiona Dempsey Sarah McLoughlin Marion Dunne Helen Higgins Kieran Moran Michelle Kelly Kevin Dempsey Matthew Armstrong Siobhan Devine 7.30pm 10am 12 noon MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION FOR NOVEMBER Christina Cosgrove Tim Nichols Petua Mooney Bernie Cannon James McHugh Bridie Doherty Deirde Cleary Margaret Carney V. McKeon PLEASE NOTE: READERS PLEASE COLLECT MASS LEAFLET IN THE SACRISTY FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS KILTIMAGH SOCIAL SERVICES ROTA FOR NOVEMBER Patricia Young & Geraldine Costello Noreen Brennan & Jo Kelly Marie and Maria Kelly DRIVER: Fintan Carrol & Gerry King Margaret Freeman & Sadie Burke BUTCHER: P. Byrne Eileen Glynn & Rebecca Roughneen GROCER: Carrolls 2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th NOVEMBER ENVELOPES: Envelopes are available in the Church. Please take one and put inside the names of those you would like to be remembered in the special Masses offered for the Holy Souls during the month of November. KNOW YOUR FAITH: The truths of our faith are astonishing when we pause to think of them: The message of the Church is the greatest story ever told. Cardinal Newman, now Blessed John Henry C. Newman said that if one ever read the history of the first six centuries, one would have to be a Catholic. He himself was an Anglican until he did so. Perhaps you would like to come to the Parish Centre for a few nights between now and Christmas. Starting September 30th on Tuesday nights from 8.30pm - 9.30pm, and we will take a good look at the first six centuries. You will be glad; Your coming will increase the depth of your faith and you will be better able to defend it. Fr. Pat Lynch. Final night Tuesday 11th November at 8pm. DIOCESAN MISSION: Tubbercurry Parish Church at 7.30pm on November 10th - 12th. All welcome. PARISH NEWSLETTER .indd 1 06/11/2014 15:35:29 LITURGICAL MUSICAL WORKSHOP: Fr. Liam Lawton will be holding a workshop on Thursday 13th Nov. in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at Knock Shire. Cost is €10. Each person will receive a music book. CRAGGAGH NATIONAL SCHOOL ANNUAL 25 DRIVE: Craggagh National School will be holding their Annual 25 Drive on Tuesday 18th November at 9pm in Craggagh Community Centre. Tickets are now on sale. Your support for this very important fundraising event would be grately appreciated. CONTACT SOCIAL in The Parish Centre on Monday 10th November at 8pm.. All are welcome. CITIZENS INFORMATION OUTREACH SERVICE will take place in the Parish Centre, Kiltimagh on Wed 12th November from 11.45 - 12.45 so if you need information on your rights and entitlements please come along to see us. SOCIAL DANCING and Social Dancing classes in the Park Hotel, Tuesday night. Classes 8 - 9.30pm, in a relaxed atmosphere, everyone welcome, couples, singles, young people, no partner needed. Now is your chance to learn to dance. Dancing 9.30 -11.30pm Music this week is supplied by Carmel McLoughlin and her band. All are welcome for an enjoyable night. CARD GAME: The ‘25’ Card game will continue in the Community Centre each Thursday evening at 9pm until further notice. WARMER HOMES SCHEME - Get your home insulated for free and reduce heating costs: Clar IRD invites applications for the Warmer Homes Scheme. Applicants must fit the eligibility criteria set down by SEAI covering most of Mayo. 1. Owner occupied, non-Local Authority Homes (proof is required). 2. Constructed before 2006. The owner must be in receipt of one of the following: a. Fuel Allowance as part of the National Fuel Scheme. b. Job Seekers Allowance for over 6 months and with children under 7 years of age. (Letter from the Dept only, receipt not acceptable). c. Family Income Support. Further details and for an application form please contact the Warmer Homes Scheme Team at 094 9371830 or 094 9373455 MEMORIAL CARD SERVICE available at The Copy Shop, Aiden Street. Tel: 094 9382890. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, PLEASE LEAVE ANY NOTICES FOR THE NEWSLETTER INTO THE COPY SHOP, AIDEN STREET or email them to ANOTHER ANGLE Today we celebrate the dedication of the Basillica of St. John Lateran, historically the oldest church in Rome. It was the residence of the Pope for centuries and remains his cathedral. It is considered the mother of all churches! Our Gospel passage for this feast almost seems to be in contradiction as it recalls Jesus cleansing the Temple in Jerusalem. The theology of the Temple was such that to get to God you had to qualify culturally, socially and in terms of ‘purity’. The goods sold in the Temple markets were used in sacrifices so that people could meet the requirements to be ‘closer’ to God. You can understand why Jesus was angry and challenged this model. He tells people early on in John’s Gospel that HE is God’s Temple. God cannot be confined. Jesus’ words are too controversial for his listeners and challenging such powerful structures comes at a price. We can take away many reflections from today’s feast: we celebrate the Church as a place of encounter with God; we are also reminded that God is not confined to one building or the structures placed around it. We gather as community in prayer and worship in our churches united with Christians all over the world, yet we remember that it is the people who gather there in Jesus’ name who are the real church. The Temple of God is the Christian community, the body of Christ with Jesus and its foundation. This is pre-echoed in the second reading today from St. Paul when he says: For the Temple of God is holy and you are that Temple.’ PARISH NEWSLETTER .indd 2 INTERCOM 06/11/2014 15:35:29
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