WHAT’S ON AROUND THE MALVERNS 9th January – 23rd January 2015 Location Date/Time Event Details Event & Attractions Tickets for Sale at Malvern TIC - 01684 892289 Attractions’ entry tickets also on www.visitthemalverns.org Hellens Manor Much Marcle 30 January – The Schubert Ensemble 7.45 pm £16 The Malverns 23rd – 31st May Walking Festival 2015 Bookings now being taken at the TIC Elgar Birthplace Open daily 11am – 5pm last admis. 4.15pm Winter closure 24th December – 31st January Morgan Car Factory Open Monday – Thursday & Friday Morning Theatre Tokens Dudley’s Coach Tours Events Around The Area Malvern Theatres Box Office 01684 892277 www.malvern-theatres.co.uk Festival Theatre 19th – 22nd Jan Peter Pan goes Wrong 20th – 24th Jan Room on the Broom th Forum Theatre 17 January Met Opera Live HD The Merry Widow 22nd January NT Live Treasure Island Cinema 23rd January Burns Night with Ian Buxton th nd 9 – 22 Jan Into the Woods 20th January The Imitation Games nd 22 January 2001: A Space Odyssey 23rd – 29th Jan The Theory of Everything Regal Cinema & Arts Theatre 1937 Art Deco Cinema – for free guided tours 28/30 Cross Street phone 0101584 811 442 or Tenbury Wells WR15 8EE email Sarah Fellows www.regaltenbury.co.uk hao@tenburytown.org.uk For Whats on go to - 01584 819998 nd st Market Theatre, Market 22 – 31 Ledbury Amateur Dramatic Society present Street, off Bye Street, Ledbury January Babes in the Wood Box Office 01432 383663 or 07967 517125 www.themarkettheatre.com Worcester Theatres Swan Theatre 16th – 25th Jan Kays Theatre Group present Babes in the Worcester Live Box Office Wood 01905 611427 Tkts from Kays Box Office 01905 435299 or www.worcesterlive.co.uk 08453 883783 Three Counties Showground 01684 584900 www.threecounties.co.uk Markets Lyttelton Rooms, Malvern Abbey Rd., Malvern Ledbury, St Katherines Hall Ledbury next to Market Hall The Talbot, Knightwick The Fold, Bransford WR6 5JB St Peter’s Garden Centre Hanley Swan Village Hall Brockhampton NT WR6 5TB Abbey Lawns CP, Gander Lane Tewkesbury GL20 5PG Parish Hall, Bosbury The Cube, Albert Road North, Malvern 01684 575363 Parish Hall, Bosbury Nr. Ledbury HR8 1PU The Fox Hounds at Lulsley WR6 5QT 01886 821228 The Great Malvern Hotel, Graham Road www.great-malvern-hotel.co.uk Link Nurseries, off Hospital Lane, Powick WR2 4NH Worcester City Art Gallery & Museum, Foregate Street Closed Sundays Nature in Art, Wallsworth Hall, off A38 Twigworth, GL2 9PA The Cube, Albert Road North, Malvern WR14 2YF 01684 575363 Colwall Stone The Cart House, The Fold, Bransford, Worcester WR6 5JB 11th January 18th January Land Rover Autojumble Autojumble Fridays 17th January Fridays 23rd January 11th January 22nd March 24th January 31st January 7th February 14th February Malvern Country Market 8.45am -12.15 Farmers Market 9am – 2pm ( 3rd Saturday) Ledbury Country Market 8.30 – 1pm Ledbury Farmers Market 9am – 2pm Farmers Market 10am – 1.30pm (2nd Sunday) Covered Market 10am-2pm (4th Sunday) Farmers Market 9.30am – 2pm (4th Sat) Farmers Market & Café 10am – 12.30pm Farmers Market 1st Sat of the month 12-3pm Farmers & Craft Market 9am – 1.30pm (2nd Saturday of the Month) Farmers Market 10.30am – noon Mark Morriss (The Bluetone’s), Skewwhiff & Luke Leighfield www.malverncube.com Flicks in the Sticks - Belle 17th January 16th January 16th January 7.30pm Jazz Nights every Tuesday www.foxandhoundslulsley.co.uk Live music most nights to check what’s on visit the hotel website 9th January 10am – 12noon Until 10th Jan Until 14th March 24th Jan – 31st October 13th January – 15th March 16th January 7.30pm 17th January 10am – 2pm 17th January 6pm for 6.30pm start 17th January 8pm 24th January 8.30pm – 11pm Coffee Morning tea, coffee & homemade cakes £1.50 Crafted for You – showcases some of the best craftmakers in the Midlands World War One: In the words of Worcestershire People An Englishman Abroad Wildlife Photography of the Year Exhibition Open Tues – Sunday 10am – 5pm 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk Mark Morris (The Bluetones), Skewwhiff, Luke Leighfield Repair Café www.cubebookings.ticketsource.co.uk Wassail - Colwall Orchard Group invites you to its annual wassail, the old Twelfth Night Torches will be lit at 6.20pm time to set off at 6.30pm with a procession to Colwall Village Garden. £2 (children FREE) bring torches, lanterns & silly hats etc Folk at the Fold Concert Hector Gilchrist, Moira Craig, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer Tkts £8 in advance or £10 on the door Food from 6.30pm BAR Folk at the Fold - £2 Bring your own drink, tea/coffee available 01886 660061 or eric_payne@btinternet.com www.ericpaynefolksongs.co.uk Memorial Hall, Old Street, Upton upon Severn Malvern Priory Church Parish Office 01684 561020 18th January 7.30pm 22nd January St Peter’s Church, Cowleigh Road, Malvern WR14 1QP 24th January 7.30pm Bar from 7pm Apple Store Gallery, Unit 1, Rockfield Road, Hereford HR1 2UA 01432 263937 Until 1st March Film – The Fault in our Stars £4 01684 591044 Lunchtime Talks & Music – Bring your own lunch at 12.30pm, tea/coffee available. Talks or Recitals start at 1pm lasting 30 minutes Concert by pupils from Malvern College www.greatmalvernpriory.org.uk A Brief History of Music £9.50, £7.50 u16 & £8.50 members & £6.50 u6 Tkts from 01684 893858 www.shindig.org.uk Fourteen @ Ten - an exhibition of local artists celebrating 10 years of the Apple Store Gallery Walking in the Malverns & surrounding area Ramblers Association – Worcester Branch www.worcesterramblers.org.uk 11th January 15th January 18th January 20th January Ramblers Association – Leadon Vale Group More Information can be found at www.herefordshireramblers.co.uk 18th January Worcester Rambling Club 11th January www.worcesterramblingclub.co.uk 25th January Malvern Hills District Footpath Society www.mhdfs.org.uk All walks start from Imperial Road, Malvern 10th January 13th January 17th January 21st January Solemates Walking Group Malvern Hills Walking Tours (above also on facebook) Hanley Broadheath – Meet at 10am at The Fox at Hanley Broadheath WR15 8QS or layby opposite if not patronising the pub SO 671652 (Please arrive early to pre-order meal. Sunday lunch available and other meals. Log fire and real ales from £2 a pint) for an 8 mile walk 01905 21167 or 07811879943 Crews Hill – Meet at 10am at the Car park, Fox and Hounds Pub, Lulsley SO739545 WR6 5QT (Please arrive early to pre-order food, CP for patrons only) for a 6 mile walk 01531670641 or 07769588402 Kempsey – Meet at 10am at Kempsey Common CP SO866482 WR5 3QA (From Worcester go through Kempsey turn left down Bestmans Lane at the end of the lane go over the motorway bridge the car park is now in front of you, for a 5/6 mile walk MM snack only 01386 556543 or 07810 398233 Storridge - Meet at The New Inn at 10am SO 760494 WR13 5HB for an 8 mile walk, we will be back at The New Inn at Storridge at 2.30pm approx. Please arrive early to preorder meal. Bring snacks and drinks. 01905 21167 or 07811879943 Meet at the Live and Let Live, Bringsty Common SO 699547 at 10.30am for a 3 mile walk Optional drink afterwards 01886 821544 Worcester North – 7.5 miles Much Marcle - 9 miles All the walks start at 9am from Carden Street, Worcester (City Walls Road end) to arrange transport unless stated Eastnor Circular - Meet at 9am for a 9 mile walk BPL 01684 438359 A Warmer – 9am start for a 5/6 mile walk via Pepper & Clenches Mills BPL 01684 575819 Another Jaunt around the Court - 9am start for a 9mile walk via Pirton, Croome Court & Kerswell Green BPL 01684 575725 Welland to Little Malvern Priory & Shadybank Common – 9.30am start 4/5 miles bring a snack 01684 573068 The Group meets Wed. at 2pm & Fri. at 10am, Either from The Cube or various other start points. Please check with walks leader or Administrator on 01684 562159 Symon Winter – 01684 569373 Information prepared by Malvern Tourist Information Centre (01684 892289) in good faith; the TIC cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies
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